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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

"Yes, we have plenty of ingredients. I got them out after making this.", He bites into a piece of cooked sausage
Razor blushed for less than a second, but composed himself.

He turned into a cupboard and opened it to find a large bowl tipped sideways filling the entire cupboard.

"Will this work?"
Razor falls over backwards, "FUCK"

He lands on his back, "damn it jack, you won't like what you see in there"
"Im not here to see that but it too late and you've been through some shit man I feel sorry, but I came in here to tell you to go for ask her"
"you want me to what?"
He sat up blushing and put his pointer finger together as he looked at them.
"just don't look too hard. You may see worse things than just my arm getting ripped off."
"... I can try... But I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't work out. Will we even be able to talk anymore? I already feel like I said something stupid when I was drunk... I just don't remember..."

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