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Fantasy-Modern style roleplay partners?

Midnight Peace

I need a roleplay partner or two. It's been way too long since I've roleplayed and groups don't really mix all that well with me.

  • What Im looking for in a partner:

    • Someone who's willing to play multiple characters, and is ok with me playing multiple characters
    • Someone who's good with grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
    • Someone who's alright with chatting over PM. I like being friends with my rp partners. We don't have to like, share our deepest darkest secrets, but I'd prefer to have a good relationship with you.
    • Someone who's detailed and will put at least 2-3 paragraphs into each post.
    • Someone who's able to reply multiple times a day on average.
    • Please, for the love of god, someone who doesn't mind not shipping! Im very selective with shipping and chances are I dont want any romantic relationships, especially not as the fixation of the plot/main characters. If there's real chemistry between two characters that both of us can feel and have talked about, I might be open to having a ship. I've honestly been in roleplays where I've been bombarded with ships constantly by my partners so Im kind of tired of romances in roleplays.

Well, I'm actually horrible with descriptions, but I'm looking to improve in that area. So if you don't mind that, then I'd be happy to RP with you.
Hi there.

  • I can play up to three characters without having problems. Most of the time, I use BBCode to separate the paragraphs so that other people don't have to look for the response they need and not because I am a confusing writer. I'm not a confusing writer.
  • I am a senior in college and have studied both English as a Second Language and Chinese Language on top of being a native English speaker. I've been roleplaying paragraph style for almost 12 years. The grammar needed to pull that off is well within my grasp.
  • I am looking for friends right now and would love to have PM conversations with you. Even if you don't decide I'd make a good partner in a RP does not mean we wouldn't make cool friends. Some of the best friends I've had were through internet RP sites. (Yes, I live a lonely life.)
  • I almost always reply using at least 3 paragraphs. It is hard for me to do less because, well, I can't say it in that few of works. I'm not good at describing silly things like "The strands of his hair were like hay flowing in a silken breeze," because if I don't think it is important to your character, then I won't describe things to make it aesthetically pleasing.
  • I can reply as many times a day as I can. I am on Central Time and I reply while I am at work. (I feel you judging.) I usually get back from work about 5:00 my time and then can pop out replies really quickly.
  • ROMANCE IS THE WORST THING EVER. I really do hate it and would never pressure your characters into a romance. Now, the occasional silly flirt that is apart of my character personality is something entirely different. However, like I said, I won't be trying to fall in love with you or get in your characters pants. Like. EVER. I'm much more interested in character development and plot movement than if two dudes are gonna start kissing.

TLDR; I'm meeting all your standards. Plus, I'm hilarious.
Hello there! ^^

I'm up for a roleplay if you're still looking!
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