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Fandom Fantastic Beast and How to Save Them

Peter stood waiting , this is the fifth time this week some muggle had taken a picture of him the fifth time . Bloody hell its like you can’t fly anywhere without someone taking your picture he thought , I have better things then to wait here so I can get someone to wipe a memory . There are pirates to fight games to play mermaids to kiss . “Next “ a curt young witch calls Peter steps forward “name “ she asks “Peter Pan” the boy replies . The woman stunned with meeting such a legendary figure says attempts to smoothen out her dress and says stuttering “Peter .. Pan “ Peter nods everyone does this around him especially girls “i’m sorry , but no ones here right now if you like Prime Minster Granger is here and i’m sure she can help . “ I sigh “ No thanks “ Hermione Granger is the last person I want to speak with right now about how a infurnial muggle device got me on camera “ i’ll come back tomorrow “ let them find out let the whole world know that magic exist at this point I don’t care I have been waiting around for four hours and I want to go home, “Tink !” I call out that blasted pixie I told her not to wander off all of a sudden I bump heads with someone we both fall to the ground . “You okay ? “ I ask
Eli was just coming into the Ministry. Seems more and more humans are getting on the band wagon to search for magic. Why, just this morning one of her poor Nifflers had nearly been kidnapped by one of those wretched muggles. She sighed, the looked off a bit as she walked and thought, and thought and walked, and walked and thought, and thought and- Thud! Well, what a pickle. Eli hadn’t been watching where she was going, as instead she had just been lost in thought. And so, inevitably, her 5’3” self ran smack into someone else and they both fell back to the floor. She did lay there for a moment, processing what happened, until she was brought from her thoughts by the word of the guy she had just run into. It’s easy to say, her mind went into panic mode. Her eyes went wide and she scrambled to get up on her own, the situation proving that not only was she by far no where near the most graceful swan in the pond, but that, even though she was a master at talking to animals, communication with other people was near impossible.
As she scrambled to stand, in all her haste, she simply and quietly stuttered,
“I-I-I-I’m So sorry sir! I-I should’ve.. should’ve been paying attention! I’m al..alright..um... H-How about you?”
Peter rubbed his head in pain “it’s quite alright, quite alright i wasn’t paying attention your fine “ he opens his eyes and take a look at the person who just ran into him a girl very short little thing shorter then me even he thinks . Very pretty though in fact Peter has a very strange felling ithat he’s seen her before , but as she opens her eyes he can tell that he is mistaken the girl Peter knew had beautiful green eyes and she definitely didn’t wear glasses . However the eyes do ring a bell they are yellow not a evil looking yellow but a sort of inquisitive wild yellow .”If your looking to file a complaint no ones here they all went out for tea .” Peter takes a deep bow just as the fairies taught him all those years ago back in Keningston Gardens .”Peter , Peter Pan , and who do I have the honor to have bumped into ? .”
Eli looked back at him, still nervous at first, thanks to her clutzyness and social anxiety. But this quickly faded when she heard the news of everyone being gone. Her mind flew to her poor niffler almost getting stolen and her nerves disappeared, replacing her expression with one of worry, as she looked down at the floor in thought. She quickly got lost in her own mind again, and didn’t even hear him introduce himself or ask for her name, she was just too distracted.
Peter looked at the strange girl as she looked down on the ground “You okay ?” He asks he begin to back away when all of a sudden a penchant pixie by the name of Tinker Bell comes flying by leaving behind a trail of golden fairly dust in her wake . “Didn’t I ask you to stay put ?” Peter asks and Tink begins to chime in her language “ No Tink I don’t care about seeing anything right now I just want to go home we’ve been here all day and I don’t want to leave Never Land too long, that old codfish Hook might get to bored and when he gets bored he gets ideas . “ Tink begins to chime again and Peters blue eyes light up “ A new magical armory in Digaon Ally why didn’t you say so before ?” Tink chimes again and calls Peter a “silly ass” Peter laughs a loud “lets go , we’ll have to walk, Muggles and their technology these days .” Peter begins to walk away but before gets to far he glides back and bows to the girl again . “ Good day , Miss “ Peter says and Tink tugs at his ear jealous of any attention Peter Pan gives to the opposite sex besides her . The two companions laugh as they make their way to Digaon Ally to get a glimpse at the shiney new swords both unaware at the tiny Niffer that was trailing them sniffing Tinks fairy dust as they went on their merry way .
As Eli began to leave, a bit after Peter and Tink, she reached into her pocket to get the small niffler out to pet. You see, few people know how soft nifflers really are, but they really are extremely soft. She usually pet it to calm herself down or make her happier. But, this time she only found the small animal to be missing. Then she panicked and her gaze darted around frantically, before setting on the trail of gold specks still on the ground, pixie dust. She immediately apparated to Diagon alley, where she remembered them saying they were going. She looked around until she found the armory, and the pixie dust trail here. There was so much here that the niffler May want though, how would she find him in all this stuff? Whilst worrying over this a certain familiar man caught her eye across the room. Now she was paying attention. She quickly walked up and slapped him across the face, angrily.
Swords , Daggers Napoleons . Peter takes a bite of the pastry named after the little Corsican French dictator that the amory was giving out free for its grand opening . “This place is awesome “ Peter thinks aloud so many weapons all of good quality a rapier that was forged by Zansabar mermaids, Goblin made daggers Ceutar made swords and at the heart of it all a cutlass made by a falling bit of star metal . He has to buy it he thinks , reaching into his money bag he pulls out a hand full of solid gold coins , pirate treasure curtsy of the Jolly Roger . However a hand full of coins is not all that Peter pulls out something soft and furry comes out with the gold . “ Oh look Tink .” He says holding the little thing upside down “ a magical ant eater “ Tink bites his ear “ Ow Tink”. He says “ Peter it’s called a Niffer ! “What ever it is “ Peter retorts “I like it I think I’ll keep him.” Peter starches it’s head lightly Tink Chimes in “if your going to keep him we need to keep him out of trouble , Niffers love shiney things don’t you remember anything from Hogwarts ?” Peter thinks for a moment and then a lightbulb goes off “Oh yeah, Newt Scamander used to carry one around with him all the time as a pet .” Rembering Newt and Niffers gave Peter another memory and that is what Niffers did when they found shinny things . Felling his purse and finding it lighten Peter simpleied carried the little creature over to a House Elf who was carrying a little tray of Napoleons and lightly tickling the Niffers tummy emptied the contents of the Niffers pouch onto the tray, the delicate little cakes were crushed by the weight of sold gold . Peter sighed “Noble house elf please take this trey back to the kitchen and keep my gold and my little pet safe “ Peter then turnes to Tink “ While I finishe haggling for my sword you keep an eye on the Niffler , don’t worry he’ll be busy stuffing his face and loading the gold back into his pouch to cause anyone trouble.” Peter then walks to the front of the store and begins to talk to the owner but just as he’s about to close the deal Peter feels a sharp sting on his check. “ Oww !” He turns to see the girl from the Minstery the one he ran into earlier . “What was that for ?” He asks rubbing his check
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“You blast-ended scank! You.. You.. You led my niffler away! Idiot! Are you daft?!” She began yelling at him, obviously highly pissed off, and she didn’t care who knew it now. After she finished just venting she crossed her arms and sighed. After her golden eyes had thoroughly scanned his face and expression, as well as that of the small pixie, to her satisfaction, she spoke hurriedly. “Anyway... where is it? I need to get going,I have a kelpie to get to.”
Peter rubs his check in pain . “Your Niffer ?” Peter says his face registers pain and then a sort of smug contentment , “ the only Niffer I know is the one that followed me here and that Niffers mine and i’m not going to surrender him to a violent knave such as yourself !” By now the entire amory has gathered around the eternal boy and this apparent crazy creature lady . Tink then pulls the girls hair hard no one hurts Peter no one .”Tink!” Peter says “Bad form !” Somewhere in the crowed there’s a click of a camara “Great.” Peter thinks , this is going to make the Daily Profit . Peter stands there awkwardly for about a minute before Peter says in a calm vocie . “Look Miss I didn’t mean to steel your Niffer it followed me and my fairy here and he got into my purse
“That wasn’t what you were saying a moment ago.” She growled in irritation, “You can’t just change your story and words because the press are here, Peter. You’re first response was bad and the second was fake. Please just get me my niffler.” She said this far more calm and collected than her nervous stutter in the Minestry. Because she was so passionate when dealing with animals, she was very good at speaking about them, and up for them. So her stutter rarely appeared when defending them. And now, all she wanted was her niffler back.
It’s a short two minute journey from the front of the store to the back where the most adorable site is taking place . Eli’s Niffer was sitting amongst the ruins of the Napoleons licking up the frosting and stuffing Peter’s gold into its pouch. Peter picks the little creature up “ cute, little thing .” Peter thinks aloud scoping him up in the palms of his hand . Peter walks with him to where Eli is standing . Tink who had not gone in the back with Peter had spent the two minutes pulling Eli’s hair . “Here “ Peter says extending his hands where the Niffer sat staring around the room at all the shiney objects . “Grab him before he gets loess “ Peter says he looks into the girls eyes where had he seen them where ?

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