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Fangs, Fashion, and Lust: A Vampiric Revolution


World-class RPer
Currently open only to MadamMoon

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Fangs, Fashion, & Lust:

A Vampiric Revolution

He dosen't really understand the concept. Why are there buckets on the models' heads? It would make more sense if they were wearing paper bags, but maybe that is too Spring of 2015.

"Your highness, there is word that an American covenant is on its way," one of the emperor's slaves says.

Lord Kang Chao doesn't acknowledge that he heard the slave, but all knows he did; Lord Chao hears everything.
Out of his breast pocket, Kang Chao produces a small mirror. In it he sees dazzling gold and pearl runes where his eyebrows should be, and a black and gold feathered hat over where his head probably is. Kang hates not having a reflection. How sad that everyone else can lust over his beautiful Chinese face, yet he can't. It's probably for the best, as he might have gone full Adonis and spent all his day in front of a mirror if he could actually see himself.

Kang considers leaving the VIP box and venturing to the floor when the American vampires arrive. As much as he loves fashion, he is bored. Again. Conversing with the lowly Americans might cause him to knowingly smirk at how brutish they are. But before seeing her, he feels her presence... her power.

Violet Thorson, the American Overlord, along with two dozen in her entourage, parades to the very center of the hall. What on earth is Thorson doing in Paris at a Fashion Week event? Kang Chao had heard rumors that she was a butch lesbian that still wore fur and loin cloths. Yet here she is, looking amazing. Kang smiles. He simply must go talk to her.



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Violet walked through the front doors of the giant hall that the fashion show was to be held in. Her entourage followed closely behind her, spreading out on both sides of her. Murmurs filled the room as others gave sharp glances in their direction. No one ever making direct eye contact with her. She held her head high in the air. She did not care for the opinions of sheep, she was a damn wolf. Wolves never worry themselves with the insignificant opinions of sheep for it does not change their path.

Her movements were small and deliberate. The dress she wore was black and skin tight, restricting any move she would make. It even made it hard for her to fake her breathing, so she just stopped. The only reason she continued to breath was to better blend when she was among humans, though at this point it didn’t phase her. When she made her way to the center of the giant hall, she froze. Her entourage stopping behind her.

A strong presence was in the room around her, and she wasn't quite sure what it was. The more she focused on it the more she could pick up that it was another powerful vampire. One that must be a leader like herself. It made her hold her confident pose even more so. It always seemed to be a power battle when she was among others that had a high standing. It had grown to irritate her, but she had gotten used to it. She looked around the hall to try and pinpoint where the presence was, and eventually saw it, or more like, him.

It was Kang Chao. The Leader of the Chinese Vampiric Empire. She rolled her eyes slightly before leaning on one hip. His presence was well known, even all the way in America. His cruelty and brutality was not hid from the rest of the vampire community. She had never met him before, and had never truly intended to. When she saw him begin to walk over to her, she waved away her entourage. They dismissed around the hall, keeping a watchful glance on the two leaders. Violet bowed slightly at Kang once he had made his way over to her.

“What a pleasure to meet you, Kang Chao. I do believe you are one of the few Leaders I have yet to meet.”

She did her best to be as positive as she could. It was always best to make a good impression first, and then ruin it later on. It at least made it more interesting.
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The head of the Chinese Vampiric Empire is only five feet and eight inches tall. He isn't the shortest being in the world by a long shot, in fact, depending on what nation he is in, his height is considered average or even above. But Kang Chao is searingly self-conscious about how tall he isn't, so the vampire wears what are called elevator shoes. They are essentially male high heels. With his black and gold elevator boots, the emperor stands at a whopping six feet and one inch tall. Never mind that the boots are sheer torture to wear. One cannot put a price on being tall enough to have an ego.

No, we have not met before. How can that be? Kang Chao asks himself.

He waits for his music to play. It takes a moment longer than it should, and he is disappointed. The DJ is supposed to play his song as soon as Thorson speaks to him, as to cut her off. He will kill the fool later. Fortunately, the emperor is a true showman that knows how to roll with the punches.

Kang saunters as if he was on the run way, one foot dramatically placed in front of the other, hips a shade too effeminate, but his shoulders and arms stay straight and masculine, making his walk socially acceptable. The venue finally plays ultra-bass heavy music, causing the beat to permeate the floor and travel up Violet's long legs, and up her killer dress, mimicking a nervous heart. For a fraction of a second she thinks she is anxious about the almighty Kang Chao approaching her, but she knows better. Kang must have arranged that this certain bass heavy song is played when he exits the VIP house, along with the strobe lights hitting him at just the right angle, to create maximum emotional value as he walks. She is impressed, but not because Kang is undeniably handsome, almost beautiful. And not because his outfit, though super gaudy and relentlessly flamboyant, actually looks good on him. Violet Thorson is impressed that Kang has every moment of his entrance calculated. Had she not been millennia old, around long enough to have experienced almost everything, she would have fallen head over heels for him. Thorson can appreciate the show.

Violet is like a fellow magician; she knows how Kang’s magic works, but because she is also an illusionist, she can appreciate just how well Kang pulls off his sleight-of-hand techniques.

Chao licks his shimmering lips and allows a finger to slide across his bottom lip. Violet can’t help but smile. It’s like when a girl watches a Youtube video of a drag queen and has the impulse to route for the performer, if only because it’s the liberal thing to do. But to her surprise, Kang Chao’s voice is anything but girly and nasally.

“I like what I see,” Kang says with a shockingly rich, masculine tone. His bedazzled, arched eyebrows wiggle charismatically.

“And what do you see?” Violet asks.

“Power,” Chao says and gazes so deeply at her that for a flicker of a moment she feels naked. But she immediately reminds herself that she is Violet Thorson, the most powerful entity in North America. She straightens her back and raises her chin. Her body language exudes tremendous poise and stature.

Yes, but you aren’t in North America right now, a voice in her head states. This is Paris.

Even the powerful Violet Thorson cannot help but lightly gasp. No one has been mighty enough to whisper in her brain for thousands of years. Kang Chao smiles.

She gathers her will and concentrates on ejecting the Chinese emperor from her mind.

“You must be ancient,” Violet says.

“I am eternal.”

Both parties’ entourages back up to give the lords space.

Thorson is impressed, but she has some tricks of her own. Violet has lived long enough to know that anyone that goes through the trouble of being as glammed up as Kang is secretly, way back in the deepest recesses of the brain, insecure as hell. She walks right up to Kang, close enough to kiss him. He towers over her as she is only five feet and four inches tall, but she stares right up at him. Intently. Gazing at... everything.

So many thoughts race through Kang’s head. He wonders if his nostrils are clean, if he smells good, if his foundation has caked, if he looks beautiful from that angle…

Kang Chao takes a step back. Then another, and spins on his heels and walks a few feet away, then stops. Violet smirks because she managed to get the vampiric emperor of China to back down. Very few things that are as dolled up as Kang stand up to such close scrutiny.

Over his shoulder, the emperor calls out, “I’m Kang Chao.” He pauses. “If you have time, come up to my VIP box later.” He looks down, smiles, and saunters away.

Neither one of them can honestly say their very first meeting wasn’t electric. Kang is hopeful, for the first time in over a millennia. Maybe he isn’t destined to live through eternity completely surrounded by idiots. Maybe Thorson will be the one to keep his boredom at bay.
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