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Fandom Fandomstuck

ES conjured a Dremora Caitiff and bound it to the golden vacuum.
"This is Zythbavarak. You can call him Kevin. He will be here to clean up messes whenever he happens to feel like it in the future and to insult you all."
ES said as he went outside to shoot birds out of the sky, rip their beaks and wings off, and leave their corpses lying around.

Kevin turned to Harry and yelled in a shriekingly layered voice, "Useless flesh sack! You will be devoured by black worms and choke on molten hate in the torture gardens of Methzalbar!"
"ES! Be nice to her or I will go head to head with you as Genocider DangaRonpa!" Dangan yelled downstairs and stomped back down unhappy and slightly angry " I promise you , I won't lose !Even if I do I can place you in a game of murder!"
"ES! Be nice to her or I will go head to head with you as Genocider DangaRonpa!" Dangan yelled downstairs and stomped back down unhappy and slightly angry " I promise you , I won't lose !Even if I do I can place you in a game of murder!"

ES did nothing mean.

"Overwatch ... I might reconsider the taste of Doritos ... I see the white light ... Tell my patronus that I love him ..."

Then Harry collapsed


Overwatch simply stood there, dumbfounded, staring blankly at the unconscious Harry. She wasn't quite sure what had just happened, but it was... interesting? The fandom hoisted the other above her head and marched upstairs, plopping the passed out individual onto a small pile of Homestuck's horns.

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