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Fandom Fandomstuck

Homestuck slowly made his way into the pile to make sure he didn't bother DR and fell asleep in the middle of the pile of horns before making a honk sound and partaking of his favorite past time, sleeping
Dangan snored softly and lays on the bottom of the pile kind of creating a little cave and a cover out of tge horns to be comfortable and warm. She turned onto her back and covering her eyes with her forearm and mumbling to herself.
ES is sitting on the floor of the kitchen reading a book next to the fridge. The fridge being half-melted and stuffed with furs, iron ingots, and a few battleaxes.
Dangan gets hit with a few horns and goaned sitting up and pushing off the cover of horns and moving to a different spot. She curled up into pile covering making a small cave like spot to sleep again.

"Homestuck , i'm hungry ! Is there anything to eat in the fridge ?"

Harry stood up , took her book and went in the kitchen :

"So , what are we eating tod- WHAT IS THAT ?!"
Homestuck slams the door wide open and sees the fridge and Harry Potter pointing at it . " OMG ES WE TALKED ABOUT THIS WELL I DID ALL THE TALKING DO NOT MELT THE FRIDGE , I'M RUNNING OUT OF FRIDGES." Homestuck said dropping a fridge from his Sylladex and storing the melted fridge. " All That Faygo Gone To Waste , It Will Be Ok Harry Potter I'm Sure Overwatch Has Hot Pockets." Homestuck said looking at ES reading his book and Harry Potter still in awe


"Did someone say Hot Pockets?"

As if on cue, Overwatch strolled into the room, a package sitting her mouth. Her words were muffled through the cold food and plastic wrapping. "I was about to put this in the microwave," she explained, pulling a box of the food out from behind her. "You want one?"

@RunicFollower @Cadenach @Mircure
Homestuck reached out for the packaged goodness. " I would 100ve one Overwatch sleeping makes me hungry mostly because I sleep a 100t of the time, thank you Overwatch." He grabbed one from the box and passed the box to Harry Potter


Hunter chuckled at the antics of the other fandoms before grinning at them. "Hot pockets? They aren't even sweet." Hunter actually had a bit of a sweet tooth.
Dangan gave up on sleeping due to the shouting downstairs and stumbled down the stairs mumbling to herself and crossing her arms.
Hunter looked over at Dangan and nodded her head. "Nice to see you up, finally. Are you going to do anything productive today?" The tone in which she said this was not rude, but instead calm and composed.
"Dunno, probably not " she yawned and rubbed her eyes " im waiting for the shouting to stop , so i can go back to the pile of horns to sleep again."

Harry was still shocked about the fridge , she loved magic , but food too !


She took the book ES was reading and asked him :

"You did that to Mr. Fridgey ! Now apologize ! Too him and all of us !"

Then she rembered that ES was big , strong , scary and had anger issues :

"Uhmmm ... Please ?"
ES stood up and stared at Harry. ES shouted.
And flung Harry and half the kitchen through the wall.
Walking outside, ES picked up the book lying next to Harry. Then ES began going through the garden and pulling out all the plants.
"Don't worry about it HS" Danganronpa smiled and walked into the kitchen to get an apple from the bowl and began to eat it sitting on the counter swinging her legs.
Homestuck rolled under DR and covered his ears before ES shouted and then stuck his hand up . " Hey DR can you hand me an apple ." Homestuck said 
"Yup" Dangan said and grabbed a apple handing it to HS. She swong her legs again and resumed eating her apple happily.  After a while she got up " im going to the pile of horns , ya coming?"
He looked up at DR asking him to rejoin her in the pile of horns . "Probably not I have to take care of this , at times like this it calls for heavy duty cleaning , oh and next murder school thing you do can I tag along they sound like fun when I'm not apart of them ." Homestuck asked 

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Dangan smiled " i dont see why not , im usually busy watching the camera and it gets pretty boring after i get to kill one person to start it off " she said before walk upstairs to go back to sleep.

Harry crashed into the wall and couldn't get up anymore :


She tried to walk but fell after 2 steps :

"Homestuck , help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Harry crashed into the wall and couldn't get up anymore :


She tried to walk but fell after 2 steps :

"Homestuck , help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Overwatch popped out from behind Harry, wrapping her arms around the other fandom's waist and pulling her up. "I may not be Homestuck, but I'm still happy to help."
Overwatch popped out from behind Harry, wrapping her arms around the other fandom's waist and pulling her up. "I may not be Homestuck, but I'm still happy to help."

"Overwatch ... I might reconsider the taste of Doritos ... I see the white light ... Tell my patronus that I love him ..."

Then Harry collapsed

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