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Fandom Fandomstuck

ES pulled out several large apparatuses, seemingly from nowhere, and then began mashing some ingredients that he also pulled out of nowhere and refining them. Holding up the finished product, he offered it to Hunter.
"Poison" he "said". 

"Should I consider this nice or is he just trying to kill her ?"

She looked at the poison who seemed really good  :

"Hunter , ES , if I drink a lot of poison , will I be immune to it too ? I wanna taste it , GIMME"
Hunter took the bottle of poison from ES with a nod of gratitude. She actually liked ES. He was more her speed than the other fandoms. Much calmer. She held the bottle out of reach of Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, but you would have to start with very small amounts. It's easier to start when you are a child." That being said, Hunter opened up the stopper and downed the poison.
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Overwatch, unsure how to comment on the poison, simply pulled out her neon orange laptop and popped it open. She stretched out her back and sighed, flopping over onto the floor and laid there for a few seconds as her computer booted up.

"Guys I'm bored . Could we train some dragons ? Or goblins ? At least doing something else than drinking , I don't want to be in a weird house-bar ! "

She looked at the room

"Besides , this room is now destroyed . Maybe we should ... clean a bit ? With magic and stuff "
"Magic cleaning I just usually use the vacuum cleaner but it's been incased in bronze." Homestuck said as he pulled out the bronzed vacuum cleaner . " It still makes a noise sometimes ."
From her place lying prone on the floor, Overwatch chimed, "Why don't we take the mess and shove it in the closet?"
DanganRonpa walked down the stairs play on her vitaas she did , in her eyes it was clear she didnt sleep at all , She must have been to busy to aleep with all the murders and class trials. "Mornin'" she said rubbing her eyes and going back to her game
"Hello," waved the gremlin gamer, continuing to lie on the soft carpet. "No offense, but you look terrible, Dangan."

She sat up upon hearing the sound of her laptop finally power on and then accessed the log-in screen. As she typed in her credentials, the tiny fandom asked, with a mild tone of concern, "What happened to you?"

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"Murders and class trials for the new game" She said yawning and laying on the sofa and closing her eyes "too many trials and murders for one night"
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" Well Hunter it was a long and stormy ironic night and my dad did this and said this is golden and I said no dad it's bronze and we laughed and then I fell asleep so that's the story of the bronze vacuum." Homestuck chuckled at his favorite story of the bronze vacuum

@Lunaria Silver
ES drops an assortment of burnt books, pottery, eating utensils, and troll skulls all over the floor before running outside.
Overwatch shrieked as a troll skull rolled and bumped into her, startling the fandom. "Nope, nope, nope," she cried, "I have PTSD from skulls."

Unheard to anyone, the echoes of Reaper's "DIE DIE DIE" flooded her mind, prompting the girl to snatch up her laptop and skedaddle from the room. "SCREW YOU, CHEAP KILLS!"
Homestuck walked up to DR and picked up the Vita putting it into his Sylladex as well as the rest of random items ES had dropped. " Man ES you ever think about dropping some Faygo sometime you still have a lot of it from the last time you mistook the real fridge for the sword fridge." Homestuck said with a sigh thinking about all that wicked elixir he lost
Danga rolled of the sofa and groaned when she hit the floor " i have some faygo in my room upstairs , i need the engery sometimes, killing people is hard" she pouted 
Overwatch poked her head out from behind the sofa, apparently having slipped behind it when no one was looking. "I wonder what would happen if you combined Faygo and Mountain Dew...?"
"Its horrible,  trust me " Dangan shuddered at the thought of it , late night gaming sessions and working on games required her to have high energy and thought it was a good idea.
"Oh," the short statured fandom murmured, appearing quite disappointed from hearing this information. She pouted to no one in particular, further enforcing this emotion.
"Well DR it's getting close to our nap time again, you told me to remind you because last time you almost murdered me for not reminding you ,again , so shall we get a glass of faygo and then to the pile of horns again." Homestuck as he pulled out a faygo from his Sylladex  

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Homestuck smiled as he drank the bottle of Faygo and tossed a bottle to DR as they made there way to the pile of horns. " I added more horns and pillow for maximum comfort so it should be better than last time." Homestuck said as he patted the pile of horns them making a slight honking sound "Honk" Homestuck bleeped
"Awesome" Dangan said before laying on the pile and curling up to sleep,  the bottle of faygo in her pocket. She hugged her knees and closed her eyes.

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