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Fandom Fandomstuck

So here at Fandomstuck we rp as well our Fandom tumblr_static_boxcars.png

This picture does not represent all the Fandom

You are your fandom, all it's quirks the good and bad one's , you decide which Fandom you become friends with , fall in love with or hate , you become the fandom and assume the roll of the Fandom but it can also be very fun.


  • Do not harass or bully someone especially if they have the fandom you wanted to be
  • There can only be one Fandom of each well Fandom , meaning their can not be 2 Hetalia's or 2 Pokémon Fandom's existing at the same time
  • Fandom choosing if first come first serve I keep track of chosen fandoms
  • Do not post gore or pornography ( I shouldn't have to say this )
  • Have fun
  • Also if you can supply a picture of the fandom as a character , I have a lot of the Fandoms so please if you can't find one message me and I will gladly send you one

I will keep track of the fandom's selected by using a folder system on my computer please message me before you join so we can make sure you don't chose a already chosen fandom

Go here to submit your Fandom
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The whole story so to say is all the fandoms are living under one roof , Homestuck's roof as his father is in need of constant creativity he finds it necessary to have them all live with Homestuck to help him get his creative edge but the house is huge in the inside providing multiple areas for group actives such as a computer room , a fake kitchen filled with swords , a real kitchen, a door that leads to the outside of a meteorite, a basement with the occasional honk , a planet filled with lava anything you could think of.
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Homestuck emerged from his pile of horns and squeezed one to give him the motivation to get up and get some wicked elixir. " It's such a boring day , where is everyone." Homestuck said as we wandered the computer room into the kitchen.
Hunter x Hunter threw a dagger at Homestuck from where she sat on the counter. It whizzed right past his ear and stuck into the wall.

"Good morning." She stated simply, taking a sip of the coffee she had been drinking. It wouldn't affect her, but she did like the taste. "You really shouldn't sleep so late."

The fact that it was hardly late did not seem to phase her. She hadn't slept at all, but that was normal for her.

Harry Potter was behing an enormous a pile of old books :
" Guys, could you make less noise? I try to learn a spell there ! "
Neverthless , she was happy to live under the same roof as cool fandom as her .

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Homestucks ears flicked up as the knife whizzed past it. " Good morning Hunter did you sleep at all." Homestuck said as he grabbed a bottle of faygo and turned to Harry Potter. " Sorry about that Harry I forgot you were learning spells today." Homestuck pulled the knife out of the wall and put it back in the fridge full of knives and turned to Harry. " What spell are you learning this time?"


@Lunaria Silver
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She took her wand and started the spell :

"I called it , The MichealBayosa ... You know why ? BECAUSE I CAN MAKE EXPLOSIONS !"

She finished shouting the spell with a possessed look on her face and the mountain of book exploded just like in the movies . Burned pages were falling everywhere and Harry was just smiling like a 3 years old girl :

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Homestuck laughed." It was pretty awesome Harry , can you blow other stuff up , if I throw something can you make it blow up , that would be awesome." Homestuck smiled a little and then remembered there was burning paper raining from the sky now . " Oh crap it's raining fire ." Homestuck opened his faygo and doused the flames and then turned to Harry Potter. " Let's get some more stuff to explode."



She took her wand and made exploded a glass , a burrito , a bottle of faygo and finally , Homestuck's bed

"Oopsie , sorry Homestuck , didn't mean it ! But i think i can make anything explode ~"

She loved those weird moments with Homestuck , he was like her best friend . Hunter wasn't bad but a little creepy sometimes .

"I'm ready . Captain , start the mission ."
Hunter turned her attention to Harry with an unamused expression. "Blow things up? How...childish." She commented. "And no, I did not sleep. I can go days without it."

Hunter opened her palm up and a large golden orb appeared in it. She tossed it at a table, and the table blew up upon contact. Nen was an interesting thing, and since she had mastered it she could do a multitude of things.

Hunter chuckled as she stared at the explosion.
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Harry looked at the the table , totally shocked :

"Hey ! That's not fair , you're cheating ! You need a spell to do magic ! "

She runned toward Homestuck while faking crying :

"Tell her ! She's being mean to me , i'm way more talented than her ! Besides , i'm a more popular fandom than her so i'm more powerful . You're Nen should be illegal in Hogwarts and everywhere else !"
Hunter pursed her lips at the crying fandom. "Nen is not magic. I am manipulating my lifeforce to affect the world around me."

She narrowed her eyes at her saying that Harry was more popular and, therefore, more powerful than her. "Popular does not mean powerful. And Nen cannot be made illegal. That would mean outlawing life."

"Well it's illegal to be THAT cute and awesome at the same time !"

She winked at Hunter
Hunter stared at her blankly for a moment before chuckling. "It is also illegal to blow things up." She was trying to be nice, in her own way. She never really understood the concept of teasing.
Homestuck put up his hands. " Alright my Auspisticists let's all calm down no need to blow each other up ." Homestuck looked at the bits and pieces of things left after the toll of explosions . " Now let's settle down and drink some faygo."
Overwatch scuttled in, her short stature making her hard to see among the chaotic mess of items scattered about Homestuck's room. She adjusted her headset and plopped down in the middle of the room with a bag of Doritos, excited that something action-packed, like explosions, was finally going on in this house. It had been so lame ever since she had arrived, and not even her spontaneous attempts at humor had succeeded in making it fun. To put it simply, the house was probably the one place heroes wouldn't be able to never die. Mainly because they'd wither away from the boredom immediately, Mercy included.

"I don't like your Faygo thing Homestuck ! Polyjuice is way more fun to drink ~ "

She sat on the only chair who hadn't exploded and saw the bag of Doritos :

"Oh hey Overwatch , you don't go outside of your room usually ! What is this thing ? A bomb ? A monster trapped in a weird bag ?"
ES stood up from the corner of the room where he had been crouched, completely unnoticed by everybody. He walked over to the table everyone else was at and stood there in silence. ES rarely spoke. In fact, most people simply knew what he was trying to say without him actually saying any words. Unless he was shouting of course.
"I wish it was," Overwatch said, slyly grinning, "but nah, it's just chips."

She sat there, blankly smiling, before suddenly yelling, "That are possessed by the Dragons of the South! AHAHAHA!"

With that, Overwatch shouted a loud "RYU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAE!" and proceeded to jump on HP as she moved her arms in a spiral pattern, making cheesy sound effects as she went. After her temporary bout of chaos, she harmlessly rolled off of the other fandom, but went right into her pile of spell books. As one might expect, they collapsed right on top of the little gremlin of a fandom, who believably screamed in shock. "Aah! Healer!"
Hunter watched the commotion with an amused smile before shaking her head. "I have to disagree with you there. The best drink is poison. Any kind, really. It tastes excellent, and it helps to thwart your enemies."

"What . Is . Your . Problem Hunter ? Seriously , are you depressed ? Because i don't want seeing any of my friends kill themselves !"

She turned to Overwatch :

"And you ? What's your favorite drink ? "

Then she looked at ES :

"You too creepy but kind guy , even if you still scaring me when I see you ..."
Hunter blinked at Harry before she began to laugh hysterically. She couldn't help herself. She just kept on laughing before she finally stopped. 

"Harry, my body is immune to poisons. I drink them to keep up that immunity." She really did find this situation hilarious. This was likely the first time that they had heard the serious fandom really full out laugh.
"Best drink? Hmm..."

Overwatch tapped her chin thoughtfully before crying out "Nano-boosted Mountain Dew! Makes the smol swole!"

She smiled cheerfully before adding, "What else would a gaming extrordinare drink with her Doritos?"

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