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Fandom Fandom Academy

"Not at you, well at the nickname." Akito said explaining himself, calmly cursing at himself for being so loud with his laughter,he quickly added "Sorry," about to say something that could or could not pass her boundaries, in specific talking about the fight at hand, when Sage doubled back with pain. Recalling a quote even though he did not want to remember, as he forgot it in time before he said it aloud.
"Just don't do it again." Sage told him and saw Virgo stand up and bow.

"All finished." she said and disappeared. Sage tried to stand, grabbing onto the tree for help.

"If there's something you don't want me to hear, don't say it or think it." she warned and leaned against the tree.
Akito tilted his head at the request, wouldn't I have to think of it first to not think it, a paradox if she did not know it already, "Un-der-stood" he said lying a bit and pronouncing it so that is seemed like he was talking to his commander-in- chief ,standing in a basic military stance, giving her a militaristic salute. "10 - 4!" Marching off to more people to talk to, and perhaps finally going into the school building.
Sage watched him go and sighed, tapping her shoulder for Kita to jump on. Kita jumped on and the two went in the opposite direction of Akito. She still didn't get where she was, but it seemed like she wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon. She saw the school and tilted her head a bit. Her parents never sent her to school since she was taught daily by her Nakama around her. She took a few deep breaths before letting all of her nerves, confusion, and anger melt away. She put on a smile and looked for anyone else to talk to.

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