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Fandom Fandom Academy


The Dark Poetry Mistress
You stare at the letter in your hands, which was hand delivered only moments ago. Your name was neatly printed on the front and the letter was sealed with a fancy wax seal. Who even used those anymore? But nonetheless its captured your curiosity and you decide to open and read it.

Dear (insert name here),

Rosewood Academy is happy to extend an invitation for you to join our fine school. Your talents and achievements have caught the attention of our scouts. We feel you will bring culture and new talents to our establishment.

Rosewood Academy has many activities and programs for students and faculty to enjoy including swimming, horseback riding, art and choir. There are also a number of clubs for you to join. We look forward to seeing you soon.


The Director of Rosewood Admissions

You shake your head at the confusing letter. You are a little excited but...you don't know what achievements and talents they could be talking about.. It sounds like a nice change of pace from the rut you've found yourself in lately. You wonder how on (insert planet/dimension/place/ect.) you are even going to get there. Before you can think any further, you find yourself growing very sleepy before you eventually fall to the floor.

When you wake up and open your eyes, you find yourself looking up at clear blue sky. You slowly get up, ignoring the aching in your head. You see many others around you and a building in front of you. In your hand is a note that reads:

Welcome to Rosewood Academy. These are your classmates, possible roommates, and teachers. Enjoy your stay, Miss/Mister (insert name here) .

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The Batter was shocked to see where he was, how did he get here or what brought him here? He looks around to see the others around him just as shocked as he his...guess he wasn't the only one who found himself in this situation.
Akito looked around the area taking place for his surroundings, a little hyper as he leaps from place to place. The grogginess wearing off on him from him waking up how and like he did. This seems like a fun place to mess around, he thought, smiling at nothing in particular.

Akito looked back up at the building, jumping wildly around the area as another person woke up. The guy seemed to come out of a baseball stadium when he arrived at this school.
"Hello there" he said waving his hand as he stands on the ground beside him, introducing himself to most of the students.
Xia walked around the school, ignoring the students talking to there friends. Yet, She looked around the school looking who looked cool and who was interesting and who was who. She sighed as she sat on a bench nearby taking ou her phone.
The Batter got up and rubbing the back of his head, pointing his hat downwards to leave a shadow under his eyes. He began to speak to the man:


"Hello. This may sound crazy, but did you wake up here also facing the sky? I have no clue how I got here...one minute I'm in Zone 2, then the next I'm at this academy". He said, very confused and somewhat irritated.
"Yeah. Quite a welcome they gave us. At least we don't have to worry about going here." He said joking a little his hand outwards for him to shake, forgetting it was bandaged. Pulling it back and stuffing it in his pocket. Akito looked at the building and back at the man. "Well I'm Akito nice to meet you." Seemingly laid back on the topic of coming to this area.

"You can just call me Batter, Akito". He said, curious about his hand. Batter was a very curious man, might as well get some information out of this guy. "So, where you from?" He asked.
Akito tilted his head slightly towards the left at the name. "Batter it is, I am from Japan." he answered with utmost honesty. "What about you Batter?" He asked the same question to him. Only seeming fair although he did not mind if Batter did not.His black hair covering his left eye slightly as he tilts his head. His head back to normal, remembering to put Batter off his torture by bad pun list.

"I simply came from Zone 1 from the nothingness. Not sure if you...Japanese people have those." He said, chuckling to himself a little. "What do you do for a living?" He asked. Batter seemed to be getting off to a good conversation, surprisingly enough. With him, it's usually death first, questions later. But, Akito seemed of no threat to Batter.
"No we don't" Batter's laughter infectious to him , as he calms down he answers his questions "Oh I attack demons and send them to the Underworld, Gehenna whatever you prefer" Akito said calmly not sugar- coating it at all. Batter did not seem that he needed it anyways. "I feel like I'm playing 20 questions" he said smiling not truthfully caring.

"Guess we have something in common. In the nothingness, I was sent Zone to Zone in order to purify the land of specters and guardians. I've been doing it all with just my trusty bat and a smart noggin." Batter said, interested in Akito and his job of banishing those to Gehenna. "Now I'm here, wanting to have at least a little action" Batter said.
"Seems you already got it." Akito said smiling, obviously talking about the people ending up waking up here. He runs off to more students to talk to put on his list. Trying to meet as many students as possible in one day. A challenge for himself, a weird one anyways he thought the last part to himself. He hanged, quite litterally, under a tree. Talking to a student who was reading. Almost like the weasel from whack the weasel one place after another.
Batter walked around the school, getting to know the campus better. He wasn't one to talk, but he felt close to Akito after already talking to him, even if it was for only five minutes. As Batter was walking, he stumbled upon a girl talking on her phone.

He thought to himself:


"It's been awhile since I've seen a girl like her before...or girls in general. I thought I killed the last one in Zone 3, guess not. Wonder if she's any threat...I'm dying to swing my bat into someone or something. She looks to innocent to be normal..." Batter thought to himself,
slowly walking towards her.

As Xia put her phone away, She saw a male approach her , in a sorta nervous yet neutral way. "Y-Yes?" Xia answered as he came to her slowly. Hoping, He would just hit on her, Xia crossed her fingers and hope she would have to ignore someone who would annoy her.

"This may sound like a crazy question...but did you, by chance, wake up here alongside everyone else?" The Batter asked, hoping for an answer from the girl.
"Yes, then No" Xia replied as she was waiting for some type of cheesy reply but she did but she was half asleep as Xia was transferred here like magic or something and she was dressed as well. "Why?" She asked.
Sage felt a weight on her chest like something was sitting on her. She let out a groan and opened her eyes. Sure enough, it was her little fox.

"Kita, where are we?" she asked her fox. Kita looked at her and held the envelope in her mouth. Sage took the envelope and read it. She looked around halfway through and burnt the letter in her hands. She gathered what was left of her strength and stood up, her hair looking like a mess.

"I don't get it." she grumbled and felt a slight pain in her side. Sage could have sworn that she was in an intense battle with her best friend again and now she was here. Wherever here was.
"Wakey Wakey Miss." Akito said grinning his legs were hanging over a branch as he talked to a girl who just woke up. "Hi Fox," Waving to the pet that she must have had. He looked at the girl who had burned the letter in her hands. "Talk about a hothead," He joked not meaning any offense to her. Testing his limits, he started to joke about her hair. "Must be a good hair day," Akito added to his previous joke about her, smiling at her, not at his own joke. Probably not going to be as testy with his jokes right now. Now the grogginess completely wearing off on him, completely active now.
Sage looked around for the voice, so many questions piled up in her head. She happened to look up and see the boy in the tree. Kita mewed when he greeted her, doing what seemed to be a try at a curtsy.

"Nice jokes." she scoffed and wobbled over to the tree, holding her side as she went.

"Who are you?" she looked up at him and leaned against the tree. She ran her fingers through her hair and tamed what she could of it.
Akito smiled with delight, mostly because he is not ash at the moment. "Thank you, I try my hardest." he joked again. Jumping down from the tree. Bowing slightly as his feet reach the ground. "Akito Shuno, what about you two, or should I call you hot head and Fox for now on?" He teased her a little again meaning no offense again. "I must say the fox seems the better of the two at the moment." Seriously pushing his luck again even though he said before he would not do anymore, trying to force his mind ahead of his mouth.
Sage smirked and sat down on the ground, looking out at the place.

"My name's Sage Dragneel. The fox's name is Kita. She's a celestial spirit." she looked up at the boy, examining him. She felt her anger rising with his last remark.

"Listen, Akito, watch it. I'm in pain right now and I am not in the mood for jokes." She said and pulled a golden key from her pocket. She held it in front of her.

"Open! Gate of the maiden, Virgo!" she commanded and out popped Virgo, dressed in a maid outfit and chains.

"Yes, princess?" Virgo asked with a bow.

"Can you patch me up, Virgo? My side is killing me." Sage asked and lifted her shirt up to reveal a deep gash. Virgo only nodded and wasted no time to patch Sage up.

"To simply put it: I got a rude awakening. First I'm in Zone 2, then I'm at this academy. I dunno how I even got here...but oh well, I guess. What's your story?" Batter asked, letting out a sigh.
"Sorry Sage" Akito squeaked as pulls his hands up, like he was about to get hit, getting beat up by Sage probably won't be the worse way to die. However it was still one of the those on the top. "Celestial Spirit?" he thought that could be the more holy side of the Tamer, stepping backwards as the Maiden Virgo came out of the gate. "Well that seems bad." stating the obvious, wincing a little. He winced at the pain that would be, the same way someone would know how a punch would feel like. Turning away not because of the wound he saw, not wanting to her to see his face as he quietly laughs at the Maiden's nickname for Sage, making a serious expression hiding his previous face. "So how did you get the wound" facing back to her.
Sage looked at him and watched as Virgo healed her. Her ears twitched at the sound of his laughter.

"Don't laugh at me." she spat out, letting her temper get the better of her. She looked at Kita and smiled a bit.

"It's all right. I'm ok." she reassured her.

"I was fighting with my friend. He hit me with his stupid ice spear." she clenched her fist.

"Princess, please don't move." Virgo said and tightened the bandage, causing Sage to double over in pain and let out a loud yelp.

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