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Realistic or Modern Family Portrait (Idea, reunited family, detailed)


Elder Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The idea:

My main character (Marilyn) is a transgender prostitute who was kicked out by her family at eighteen and used prostitution to support herself. Most of her clients were men with the occasional woman here or there. Your character would be a girl of around 12 who was the result of one of Marilyn's one night stands with a woman. My character is–biologically–her father. Your character stayed with her mother and mother's husband, with the deal being that Marilyn could send letters, but not see the girl, as they were both afraid of what would happen if she grew too attached to Marilyn and something happened to Marilyn. Your character's stepfather knew he wasn't her father, even though he was never told. He was abusive to his wife as well as your character. As a result, your character's mother left the family, and left your character with her stepfather, never contacting her again. He confiscated every letter Marilyn sent, and has been doing so since your character's birth. Before she left, your character's mother told your character about Marilyn, and where to find her. One night, after a particularly brutal assault by her stepfather, she runs away and appears at the door to Marilyn's motel room.

My requirements:
-Please don't join the RP, and then drop it right in the middle. It bugs me when people only post once, or post a few times and then just leave.
-Please be advanced. At least four paragraphs per post with good spelling, grammar, and detail. I can make exceptions at times. This is a big thing for me. I get annoyed when people can't do this. I don't mind a few screw ups, but if you 'typ LIek diss' and don't use decent capitalization and punctuation, or use long run on sentences I'll most likely drop the thread or ignore the request to RP with me. Everyone makes mistakes, and I understand that, but if you can't manage basic grammar then please don't ask to RP with me. If you can't think of what to reply with, PM me and I can add a bit more. I would prefer you to match my length.
-Be active PLEASE. I'm online most every day. I haven't Rped on a while due to real life issues, and I understand you might need to drop. Put your favorite color in your reply if you've read all this. If you do please PM me first.

Marilyn Havanna: Age 29. A transgender woman and biologically your character's father. She is a talented cook and has a gentle nature, especially around children. She is underweight and often tired from both her work and lack of proper food. Though abandoned by her parents, she maintains a close relationship with her twin brother.

Tammie Martin: Age 28. Another trans woman as well as Marilyn's girlfriend. She is often found with her nose buried in a book, and is soft spoken and timid. She is, like Marilyn, underweight and frequently exhausted. She never met your character, as she came into Marilyn's life after your character went to live with her mother, but she has heard a great deal about her. You can ignore certain parts of her bio as she obviously isn't dead.
I am very interested in this rp, and would love to rp as her daughter as I am trying to expand my roleplaying. I am new to this site, so I cannot pm yet. If you are still looking for the daughter I'll happily fill that role ^J^

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