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Fantasy Familiars: The Royal Warriors



Legendary Golden Support
[class=background] background:url('https://img1.goodfon.com/original/1948x1204/9/55/art-yuushouku-hatsune-miku.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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Queen Cassie
[div class=basics] 30 ////////////////// female[/div][div class=basics]
human //////////////////// lunar dragon
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Kingdom Ateya was prosperous. It was the only nation to welcome another sentient species where others turned them away. Centuries ago, when Kingdom Ateya had first begun under the rule of King Ateya, the first Familiars began to rise. Familiars were sentient, autonomous, magical animals who were just as intelligent than humans if not more. They introduced many different kinds of magic, and while other nations and kingdoms turned them away for fear of having to share their resources, King Ateya welcomed them, believing that together, humans and Familiars could make a stronger, better nation.

And it had worked, very well. With King Ateya's rule that Familiars were to be treated like any other human, the kingdom prospered, even after his passing. The kingdom was deeply rooted in its beliefs that Familiars were as important as any person to live in the kingdom and were even granted citizenship and rights. Familiars became more comfortable with people and even became partial to some, bonding with people with the right auras and magical energy. With them, Kingdom Ateya continued to forge on and power above the others. It grew with every year, more people coming to live in the kingdom's territory, and more Familiars showed up as well.

Generations later, the seventh King Walter ruled the kingdom, and he kept the values every leader before him had. Familiars never lost their place among the kingdom, but other nations were beginning to get tense as Kingdom Ateya grew and grew, surpassing everyone else. For almost a century the kingdom had been receiving accusations of witchcraft for accepting another sentient species into their society and throwing the balance of nature off. For just as long, the rulers had fended off these accusations. Other nations did not dare make a move, not while King Walter was still in power, for he was one of the most powerful magicians to live.

Then King Walter died from a sickness while he travelled for long, leaving his wife, the widowed Queen Cassie, in charge of the Kingdom. She was just as powerful and fair as anyone else before her, but other nations had begun to take her ascending to the throne as a sign to start to act against Kingdom Ateya. That was why she had begun to recruit more people into the royal army, in case they had to go to war, but it was not enough. What she needed was elite soldiers, people with familiars and a bond so strong that it could not be broken by any means, and people willing to fight for their kingdom.

She sent the letters a week ago, now waited on the fifth day of the week, just before sunrise, on the balcony of her room overlooking the beautiful city below and the water around it. The waters, ah, that had been a concern lately. The falls behind the castle had recently slowed, though no one knew why. Magicians had been working hard to try bring the water back, but to no avail. Ateya was on a time limit before the magical waters of River Atyx would disappear for good and cast the kingdom into despair, which was why she urgently needed these people. Royal Warriors, they would be. And if they accepted her call, they would arrive on the palace as soon as the sun began to rise.

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Other Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies enim ut ultricies ullamcorper. Nam hendrerit nibh sit amet congue elementum. Cras elementum nec neque vitae faucibus. Morbi sit amet nisi a est imperdiet aliquam sed ut erat. Nulla eu blandit eros. Cras viverra rutrum nibh, in imperdiet nisl commodo et. Mauris facilisis nulla risus, et vestibulum sem blandit nec. Nulla tempor volutpat molestie. Nullam venenatis a turpis in aliquet.

Sed et dolor non purus luctus tempus. Praesent quis lacus sit amet justo lobortis volutpat sed ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque vulputate leo quis posuere commodo. Suspendisse lobortis sapien a massa dapibus, ut commodo elit venenatis. Duis sed euismod lacus. Phasellus pharetra purus vel varius fringilla. Ut dapibus scelerisque congue. In sit amet sapien dolor. Proin luctus euismod risus. Donec vestibulum, leo sit amet iaculis egestas, risus metus maximus dui, nec auctor sem velit sit amet ligula. Donec sodales libero at mi fringilla lobortis. Proin blandit sapien eu dolor dictum, sed imperdiet sem venenatis. Donec tincidunt quis lorem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse tincidunt at ipsum vel suscipit. Nulla rutrum mollis nulla.
[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]
Einar Bjarkesson & Talle
"How much longer? I'm sick of this place already," Talle hissed, slinking beside Einar and his horse as they navigated the streets of the crowded city. Merchants of all sorts setting out their wares and spices, food being prepared in the early morn making the man hunger terribly -- alas, not enough to miss the appointment with royalty. "I should be asking how much longer I'll suffer this whining," Einar muttered, causing Talle to nip at his booted shin in warning. "I've been walking, fuckwit! You're using some other four-legged creature to cart you about! How much longer?" At that, the larger man made a small jerk and grumble, rolling his eyes up toward the horizon where the palace rose up to clash with the sky and its dawning sun. "Ten minutes? Maybe? Can you handle that? And it's not as if I wouldn't have walked, but you know I'm damn slower on foot, we would've missed the date by days."

Talle huffed and gave Einar a sharp glare, lips pulled back in a partial snarl until the blacksmithy put his hands up. "Fine, I'm sorry. Just don't give me any of that." Bjarkesson requested beseechingly, rewarded only after a good minute of stubborn silence with something of a short nod. The two carried on in relative, comfortable silence, picking up the pace towards the centre of the hubbub. Up through the districts where the housing was tall and trimmed with riches, to past the barracks and up through the gates. Showing his invitation, Einar gained access and rode swiftly in over the carefully lain stone only to dismount.

Removing his helm, Einar found the weather to be warmer than he remembered, loosening up his furs to help himself to avoid melting in front of the head of a state. Glancing at Talle, he dragged one palm over his beard and jaw, feeling far from dressed to enter a place as the home of a ruler. "How do I look?" Talle sat herself down and tipped her head inquisitively to a side. "About as clean as you can get." She remarked, not as helpful as Einar would've hoped but welcome more or less in some form of reassurance. After all, what did wolves know about being presentable? Depended on the type of wolf. Yet he was asking Talle, and Talle was the same wolf who couldn't care less about what humans looked like.

Bjarkesson entering the grandiose doors was a shock, he'd been there before of course, on business with his father but a child can dismiss exactly how large and gold-trim things can be. Instead, he was the sort of child who cared more about climbing and whether or not he had any scars to show off to his friends so that perhaps one day he could be like all the great warriors. Now his Adam's apple bobbed in uncertainty, holding his helm beneath one arm and finding no mat to wipe his feet off on. Instead, he found himself wandering into the beautiful hall, with all its portraits and intricate architectural design. The one thing he appreciated, nonetheless, was the fact he didn't have to duck to enter a door. All of the high vaulted ceilings and impressive doorways made sure of that.

"Seems like a pretty big cage, for a couple of birds at a time." Einar was broken from his awestruck spell to scowl at his familiar, "This is history, Talle. Not as if you can appreciate it. People would kill to live here, not like it's a cage unless you want to make it like one." Lectured the giant of a man, distractedly letting his hand pet the top of Talle's head before he was able to corner a member of staff -- giving an accidental scare, until he was able to calm her down enough to get some sense out of the poor maid. Just trying to ask for directions and it'd already become a circus show.

His father, he remembered, always tried to tame the boy that Einar had once been before they entered the palace. Few times he'd found the staff's sons and daughters good enough to play with, chasing them about with a wooden sword and doing his best to try bashing them on the head. He wasn't very refined nor elegant, especially when one accompanied that with falling out of trees and trying to suss out why people would keep perfectly good antique armour on display but not use it. Nevertheless, it was once or twice he met some aristocrats daughter, her name something faint but on the tip of his tongue. Yet that was long ago by now and nostalgia wasn't meant for business such as this. For all he knew it was a suicide mission and his dreams of owning the family forge would be thrown down in the event of the greater good.

Mentioned: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
Interaction: N/A
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"A royal warrior. Hahahahah...YOU?! Don't be ridiculous."

Ember was being sarcastic once again. This time she was probably right. Emilia wasn't very cut out to be anything but a troublemaker or an assassin. Oh she was good at killing. But doing good was not something she was well...good at.
What exactly did the queen know that would ask her to recruit a rebellious teenager for anything. Did they have some boy they needed to be put in his place and couldn't think of anything?!

"Shut up. I could be great. I think..."

Yeah no she couldn't. But Emilia thought she heard of some royal trouble that threatened the kingdom from the shadows. Words did spread in the criminal underworld. The idea of getting any reward wasn't what got her hooked. She wanted to be part of something special. This team of warriors did seem like it was interesting...Was it so bad to accept?

"I think we should do it. Look maybe it's a bad idea. but think of all the fun we could have. Maybe there is somebody they need killed. Or seduced." She said to annoy Ember."
"You really wanna accept this whatever challenge it may be huh? Ok, we'll head to the castle. But if it's boring I'm never letting you live it down."

Yes! And it shouldn't be boring. Anything would be better than going day to day pretending to be a heir to a noble family during the day and doing contracts during the night. I'm sick of this same old shit.

The question was what should she wear. She probably couldn't wear her regular assassin gear. She'd have to wear something typical of a noble girl. She would have to hide her weapons and some lighter armor underneath. That was fine. She definitely had done so before. She'd made abit of a name for herself. The Assassin of Ateya, or maybe that was one of family members, she didn't exactly know for sure. Speaking of her family members. They wouldn't mind would they? Well she could atleast write a letter.
"Dear Mother and Father,
I've gone off on the queen's orders to become a royal warrior. I hate you both, I don't know when I'll be back.
Love, Emilia"

Putting on a fancy dress and donning some jewelry, making sure her makeup was adequate and hiding some weapons, she set off with Ember flying behind to head to the castle gates.
This would be her little adventure.
When she made it to the gates, she noticed the guards, guarding the castle...
"Halt where do you think you're going." They said.
"Uh.. Your queen asked for me. Lemme in!" Emilia said.
"That's Emilia Star, definitely her with that hair and childish attitude We'll let you in." One grumbled.
Wow my reputation spreads all the way to the top. Oh yes.
Soon enough the guards escorted her to the balcony where the queen was seemingly just staring out into the city.
"Oh hey um, you called for my help, for whatever I'm worth."

"That's what you're gonna open up with, really.?" Ember whined.
Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
"Thorn, look a herd of deer..." said Cain as he ducked behind some bushes. Luckily the lighting in this particular wood was dark enough that the large dragon behind him could hide from sight. Poking his head out of the foliage, Thorn intently studied the deer. While he could simply crush them with his jaws or shred them with his claws. Thorn preferred to find out everything he could about his prey, to minimize the risk of it escaping.

"Two of them should be enough to keep me fed until we reach the capital" Said the dragon in a low voice. There were about ten of these deer in number. While Thorn could kill them all. He didn't relish in killing more than he needed to eat. Noticing movement, Thorn saw a pair of doe move away from the group. Moving back into the shadows, Thorn silently approached their location. While he may be a large creature, he had learned to mask his presence with precise movement and breathing control. Cain remained where he was, Thorn liked hunting for food on his own.

The two female deer drunk from a stream, the noise of rushing water only further aiding the dragon in sneaking up on them. Cain informed his other half through mental communication that no other deer were heading that way. Seizing this chance, Thorn leapt onto both deer and used his feet to crush both of their windpipes. Confident in his successful ambush, Thorn dragged the two corpses to a dry area and began roasting them with his flames. Thorn preferred cooking his food than eating it raw. Once they were fully cooked, Thorn began tearing into them with fervent hunger. Cain walked out of the shadows, having taken a stag by strangling it with a vine. Cain had intended to restrain it so he could end it quickly. However, he made a slight miscalculation with his magic. This caused the vine to strangle the stag instead of restrain it. After properly skinning and tending to the meat, Cain had Thorn cook it. Making a simple stew for himself, Cain checked the map to the capital city. It was drawn up by his mother who went there all the time... yet Cain couldn't understand any of it....
Owin & Maximus
A crowded city. Hustle and bustle. As with most blind folk, Owin had a remarkable sense of hearing and could make out bits and pieces of conversations that most would miss.

"I've only got thirteen gold to my name and I promised th' wife somthin' nice 'n' shiny for 'er birthday.... 'ell, what am I going to do...?" ... "Methinks food is a higher priority than jewelry," ... "I suppose yer right..." A deep sigh. "N'matter what I do, she'll get mad 'n' piss 'er knickers anyhow."

The faintest of smiles creeped onto his lips as he rode through the crowd atop his familiar Maximus. The meaningless chatter of the citizens still had a glimmer of amusement to offer him from time to time, it seemed. The tied strips of cloth from his blindfold fluttered behind him, carried by a momentary draft. His shield was secured on his back and other equipment, such as a cane and his sword, were sheathed and tied on Maximus's side. He leaned forward a bit and spoke.

"Maximus, I must thank you again for agreeing to carry me all this wa-"

The lion huffed, sending dirt from the street up into the air and causing it to drift into some of the nearby crowd.

"There is no need to thank me. The battles to come will require a team effort, after all." Maximus said, his words betraying his appreciation towards being thanked.

Owin paused. "...Yes, I suppose you're right. Point taken." He straightened his posture once again and the duo rode on through the busy street, Owin feeling the spiritual energy of nearly countless people pass by them.

After a while, they reached a castle gate. Owin could feel the presence of two guards in front of him, so he slipped off of Maximus's back, grabbed his cane, and used it to feel the rise of the stone steps in front of him as he climbed. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, his invitation. One of the guards immediately swiped it and then asked him to please wait for a moment before they both slipped away from him to whisper to themselves. Owin wouldn't possibly be able to hear them... Or so they thought.

"By the Gods, Did he steal his invitation?!"
"No, that's impossible. It clearly says here that he has a lion familiar..." Mumbling.
"Must be one impressive familiar if the queen is letting a blind man become a Royal Warrior! "

A few moments of deliberation later and the guards returned. "Everything seems to be in order."

Owin nodded and held onto a strap on Maximus's back as his familiar led him through the gate, and after a few minutes of walking they were further up, closer to the castle itself.

"I hope that you do not let those guards' words get to you." Maximus said, glancing up at his friend's face.

Owin pursed his lips. "I appreciate the concern, Maximus, but my mind is preoccupied with other things at the moment." Normally the guards' comments might have pissed him off, but his life was about to be changed forever, he felt. This was a fact that easily overshadowed any of the petty comments he'd heard in the past days. Maximus simply grunted in reply.

As they walked, Owin could eventually sense flowering plants ahead, presumably potted. Suddenly he hit something in front of him with his cane.

"A door." Maximus explained. Owin nodded and reached for the handle before opening the door and taking a first step past the threshold, into the castle.

In front of them, he could immediately sense an unknown familiar and two people. He stepped into the room fully, closing the door gently behind him. After a moment he spoke. "Hello- I am here as per request of the Queen, regarding the recruitment of her royal warriors. Would any of you perchance know the way to our supposed meeting place...?"

idalie idalie Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
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[class=background] background:url('https://img1.goodfon.com/original/1948x1204/9/55/art-yuushouku-hatsune-miku.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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Queen Cassie
[div class=basics] 30 ////////////////// female[/div][div class=basics]
human //////////////////// dragon
[div class=mainbox]

Interacting: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Mention: idalie idalie

Queen Cassie watched as the sun began to rise, shimmering over Ateya beautifully. The golden rays reflected off the river's waters, casting the city in a warm light. She heard someone speak behind her, turning her head around enough to see a girl far younger than she was with beautiful reddish hair that almost seemed golden in the first rays of morning's light. The queen turned back to the balcony, lifting a delicately jewelled crown off the marble table next to her and placing it on her head before she turned around fully to face her.

The a servant hurried up, quickly introducing Emilia to the queen. The white-haired queen smiled, dismissing the servant. "Emilia Star, yes. I know of your family's name and your work as an assassin. I apologise that you had to look for me here. Come, we shall gather the others before I brief you all over breakfast. Have you eaten? I should hope not. I had my cooks whip up a hearty spread for you all."

The queen surpassed Emilia, looking back only once to make sure she was following. She headed to the palace's grand doors, where two more of her summoned people were waiting. One, a blindfolded City Guard, and the other, a hulking mountain of a man the towered over everyone in the room. Another the guards at the doors introduced them to Queen Cassie, so she knew them by name, and one name in particular was delightful to hear.

"Owin and Einar. It is a pleasure to meet you all in person. I am Queen Cassie Lockehart, eight ruler of Kingdom Ateya and married to the late KIng Walter, seventh ruler of the Kingdom," She introduced herself, before walking up to Einar in particular. "I've heard much about you, Einar, and your family has served the palace well in its past. I do believe we've met once, a very long time ago." A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she wandered into Einar's mind, hearing him ponder over her for a bit to remind himself of where they had met.

"I do hope none of you have eaten much this morning, for I did have my cooks prepare breakfast for you all."

Interacting: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Ceros Ceros idalie idalie
Mentioned: -

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Other Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies enim ut ultricies ullamcorper. Nam hendrerit nibh sit amet congue elementum. Cras elementum nec neque vitae faucibus. Morbi sit amet nisi a est imperdiet aliquam sed ut erat. Nulla eu blandit eros. Cras viverra rutrum nibh, in imperdiet nisl commodo et. Mauris facilisis nulla risus, et vestibulum sem blandit nec. Nulla tempor volutpat molestie. Nullam venenatis a turpis in aliquet.

Sed et dolor non purus luctus tempus. Praesent quis lacus sit amet justo lobortis volutpat sed ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque vulputate leo quis posuere commodo. Suspendisse lobortis sapien a massa dapibus, ut commodo elit venenatis. Duis sed euismod lacus. Phasellus pharetra purus vel varius fringilla. Ut dapibus scelerisque congue. In sit amet sapien dolor. Proin luctus euismod risus. Donec vestibulum, leo sit amet iaculis egestas, risus metus maximus dui, nec auctor sem velit sit amet ligula. Donec sodales libero at mi fringilla lobortis. Proin blandit sapien eu dolor dictum, sed imperdiet sem venenatis. Donec tincidunt quis lorem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse tincidunt at ipsum vel suscipit. Nulla rutrum mollis nulla.
[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]
Einar Bjarkesson & Talle
Guided to where they were supposed to wait, he was soon joined by a blind man and a lion familiar. Talle was evidently bursting at the sides to make some sort of snarky comment, only holding back to save Einar having to repair relations. She sat beside his feet, tail curled neatly about her rump so it wouldn't get trodden on and glared at everything from the portraits to Einar's boots. The Northerner coughed, clearing his throat and adjusted himself once or twice whilst they waited, not quite comforted by the notion of the palace or people within it. However, they were met by the Queen and a ginger-haired, younger woman who trailed after her with a phoenix. Another of the invited?

The royal introduced herself, reeling off her titles and knowing them by name. But her introduction took a strange, albeit welcome turn when she approached with her praises. Had they met? He couldn't have met a monarch of all people, that would be absurd. Although, perhaps not entirely absurd enough that it hadn't happened. His head worked in thought, making these connections until he suddenly looked at her with the familiarity of long-lost kin. Bright-eyed, Einar gripped the monarch's shoulders with a wild grin. "Cass! A queen and all now! Cleaner than the last time I saw you ... and you do know -- I am still sorry about that bookcase." Drawing his brows together in a sheepish expression.

Nevertheless, releasing her he let out a chuckle, warm enough it could melt the winter ice. "It's good to see you, after all this time. Here I was thinking you've shrunk, but I know that face anywhere. Could get away with murder." The corners of his eyes creased slightly, Talle rolling her eyes back into her skull at an increasing rate whilst watching Einar's reunion with a childhood friend. "But, talking about food, I sure wouldn't mind those cooks of yours making breakfast." Even Talle couldn't refute that, her ears perked up at the mere mention of being fed.

"You'll make me start weeping if you let me get too emotional, Cass. Or your highness, whatever people call you these days. But we're catching up, whether you like it or not. I need to hear the stories I've missed." Northerners, notably, held friendships in high regard. Bonds created were never so easily lost and the intertwining web brought fates together in the end. This shock from his past was most certainly connected to his future. However, more so than that, Einar was practically wrestling his inner beast to avoid crushing the poor Queen in a hug -- something of a Native welcoming. He preferred not alarming the guards.

His irises softened though, in a fleeting thought of what Cassie had been through and what, he had missed. Her husband passing, ruling alone, and now threats of war springing up with political tensions at an all-time high. In this moment, Einar felt a sense of duty to more than a crown. If he could, he'd lift the world on his shoulders and let nobody have worries again, but those dreams and desires would be but fleeting fantasies. He couldn't help himself for indulging a dream to lift his own spirits. "Oh, uh, and it's good to meet some fellow fighters, Owin was it? And --" Talle licked her chops, "Pair of gingers," Reciving a small flick on the head.

Mentioned: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Inetraction: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr Ceros Ceros
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"Emilia Star, yes. I know of your family's name and your work as an assassin. I apologise that you had to look for me here. Come, we shall gather the others before I brief you all over breakfast. Have you eaten? I should hope not. I had my cooks whip up a hearty spread for you all."
whaa… She knows... And she wanted me inside her castle still, and needed my help?
"Well I could use a meal I suppose." She grinned.
She followed Cassie to where they meet up with some of the others. A Owin and Einar.
Seems like Cassie knew Einar.
Emilia tuned out the conversation of the older adults. Generally she wasn't interested in the regales of their past interactions. Personally she'd rather interact with those her age although that didn't seem likely considering the group so far.
Where was the food? She sighed getting bored. Maybe someone would show her where it was, she was quite hungry. She actually ate quite a lot and it could be quite unnerving to see an otherwise noble girl eat like a monkey. But it was an façade. She wasn't very noble at all..

Three years ago
Cassie stood above a victim who she had killed. How long would this go on. She felt bad because she already didn't remember most of the faces of those she killed. They usually were horrified right before they died. Everyone was. Maybe that was normal. How would she know? She didn't feel normal. She felt cursed.
Just as somebody entered the room, she could've swore she saw a flash of wings made out of fire.
"Halt, who goes there." A man yelled.

Another nightmare. Of course. It was normal at this point and it was getting harder to sleep. She stared at the ceiling, was this like a earlier version of a midlife crisis, because she was pretty sure that a midlife crisis wasn't supposed to happen when you were 14. Someday. Someday she'll find her purpose beyond simply killing.

Mentioned: idalie idalie
Interactions Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
"Do you see it yet?" asked Thorn as he gracefully avoided a flock of mallards. Following his mothers map, Cain had been attempting to find the capital city. What should have been a hour of flying turned into three. Instead of showing up early, Cain feared he might end up being late. As the son of Elva Barzahd, the premier knight of the kingdom. Cain couldn't afford to do anything that would tarnish her name. Instinctively, Cain clutched the grip of the sword strapped to his back. It was something his mother had given him before she left not three days ago. Cain had come inside from feeding Thorn when his Aunt Melissa had handed him a sealed envelope bearing the insignia of Queen Cassie. Opening it, Cain found out that he had been hand-picked by Her Majesty as one of her elite Royal Warriors. While Aunt Melissa was pleased that Cain was given such an honor, Elva was a little less enthused.

"My son? This knucklehead? Working under Queen Cassie? Its like she wants this Kingdom to go under" growled Elva as she snatched the letter from Cain's hands. While Elva did earnestly love her son, she also understood how dumb he could be. "Calm yourself Elva... Cain has been given the opportunity to prove himself" chirped Melissa as she stirred a pot containing....something. Taking his letter back, Cain smiled as he thought of the experiences he'll find as a member of the Royal Warriors. Reading it over again, Cain made his decision. "I'll go... I want to use what I've learned to make a difference in the world!" said Cain as he held up the letter. Walking over with a bundle of clothes, Aunt Melissa presented them to him. "These are woven from magic fibres and a few of Thorns shed scales. I think you'll find they'll give you a decent amount of protection" said Melissa as she thrust them into his arms. As he was admiring them, Elva threw something at Cain. Narrowly catching it, Cain discovered a longsword in a dark sheath. "If you're going to fight alongside Thorn for this Kingdom... I should at least give you a decent weapon." said Elva as she turned on her heel and exited the building. Cain could of sworn he heard her say something like "Your father would have wanted you to have that" before she was out the door.

"I think I see it" said Thorn as Cain shook off his reverie. In the distance the Capital of Ateya entered his line of sight. Spurring his dragon to increase his speed, Thorn zoomed over the buildings all the way to the castle. Slowing down, Thorn entered a graceful descent as he aimed for the castle courtyard. Landing with a gentle thud, Thorn let out puffs of smoke from his nose. Dismounting, he saw the guards meekly point their weapons at him. Taking out his letter, he showed them his credentials. Ushered by a guard with a pike to a waiting room. Cain noticed the Queen right away. Walking over and giving a simple bow, he addressed her with the proper respect. "Your Royal Highness Queen Cassie... I am Cain Barzahd, son of Elva Barzahd. I have come in response to your summons with my Familiar Thorn" said Cain as he stood and spoke to the Queen. Thorn let out a skyward flame for effect, which Cain didn't plan on him doing. The mention of his last name spurred the guards to back even further away. "The son of Elva Silverblade?" "Silverblade has a son?" "Who had the balls to marry HER?" whispered the collection of soldiers keeping watch.

"I do apologize for my lateness" said Cain as he smiled at the gathered Warriors.

Interactions: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr idalie idalie SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Ceros Ceros

location: castle
mentions: Queen Cassie Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr

"Miss, please put that down. We are not here for tourism, we are here to fulfill an important mission. Newton!" a hiss was heard through the narrow streets of the city. As common as snakes were as familiars, Basil was awfully big for a snake and liked to attract attention towards itself. Might be because of the fact that Basil was, well, an anaconda. Newton giggled as she could feel something slither around her waist and start dragging her towards itself. Instead of giving the jar of rosewater back to the merchant that was too busy to see anything, she slid it in her brown leather satchel. Newton loved how the city hustled and bustled, they didn't notice anything that happened around them. Silly people calling Newton silly when they were the silliest in here!

The young woman licked her lips and started wiggling to get away from the snake. It didn't work. Instead, the grip just tightened like a corset. She almost couldn't breathe. The young woman gave up and slouched instead, letting herself get dragged around the town. Basil was awfully fast, faster than most humans. If you tried to run away from an anaconda, you were plain stupid. If you tried to swim away from one, you were even more stupid. People did, however, stick close to walls when Basil would slither through the narrow streets.

"Excuse me, excuse us. We are in a hurry!" the snake could be heard saying here and there. It was nice to have a fast familiar that could get you where you needed to be with relative speed. Newton would whistle and bob her head as she looked around the high buildings that looked like they were going to fall just on her any moment now. She pointed at some of the houses occasionally and muttered something under her breath. As the houses started disappearing, Newton turned to look over her shoulder. A big castle...palace...thing... was looming right over them. Basil suddenly stopped and let her go. Newton put her hands on her hips and walked over. What was the problem here? Oh, right, the guards!

"Just a second," the lady murmured as she started rummaging through her satchel."Not this one, certainly not this one either...here!" the woman dug out an invitation that was crumpled and looked rather sad. The guards obviously looked confused and suspicious. As she handed it over, they took a good and long look at them. She mimicked their toy soldier posture and did a little salute for them. Newton reporting for duty!
They finally let her in, obviously still suspicious. Who let this lunatic in Queen Cassie's presence? The woman lifted her robes slightly and did a small curtsy to the guards as a way to acknowledge them. She then continued her journey with Basil right next to her.

She admired the architecture of this place. Newton had never seen ceilings so high and paintings so beautiful! Oh, the tapestry and furniture! She made a mental note to maybe 'borrow' something. After all, she was convinced that they had made a mistake. Why would they want Newton from all the people to be part of the Queen's elite squad? She was rather...unfit for this job. As a way to keep her nervousness in check, she started humming a familiar lullaby under her breath and dusted her hat and robes. She looked like one of those old men mages in stories read for children.

Newton was slender and small but every time she walked in, it sounded like a circus just entered. Something was jingling, clinking. The sound often reminded people of wind chimes. She eyed everyone around her with a playful glimmer in her eyes and licked the corner of her lips just like a snake would.
"Your Majesty," she finally shifted her eyes toward the queen and did a curtsy. She had no idea how these royal etiquette things went.

"Miss, please put that down. We are not here for tourism, we are here to fulfill an important mission. Newton!" a hiss was heard through the narrow streets of the city. As common as snakes were as familiars, Basil was awfully big for a snake and liked to attract attention towards itself. Might be because of the fact that Basil was, well, an anaconda. Newton giggled as she could feel something slither around her waist and start dragging her towards itself. Instead of giving the jar of rosewater back to the merchant that was too busy to see anything, she slid it in her brown leather satchel. Newton loved how the city hustled and bustled, they didn't notice anything that happened around them. Silly people calling Newton silly when they were the silliest in here!

The young woman licked her lips and started wiggling to get away from the snake. It didn't work. Instead, the grip just tightened like a corset. She almost couldn't breathe. The young woman gave up and slouched instead, letting herself get dragged around the town. Basil was awfully fast, faster than most humans. If you tried to run away from an anaconda, you were plain stupid. If you tried to swim away from one, you were even more stupid. People did, however, stick close to walls when Basil would slither through the narrow streets.

"Excuse me, excuse us. We are in a hurry!" the snake could be heard saying here and there. It was nice to have a fast familiar that could get you where you needed to be with relative speed. Newton would whistle and bob her head as she looked around the high buildings that looked like they were going to fall just on her any moment now. She pointed at some of the houses occasionally and muttered something under her breath. As the houses started disappearing, Newton turned to look over her shoulder. A big castle...palace...thing... was looming right over them. Basil suddenly stopped and let her go. Newton put her hands on her hips and walked over. What was the problem here? Oh, right, the guards!

"Just a second," the lady murmured as she started rummaging through her satchel."Not this one, certainly not this one either...here!" the woman dug out an invitation that was crumpled and looked rather sad. The guards obviously looked confused and suspicious. As she handed it over, they took a good and long look at them. She mimicked their toy soldier posture and did a little salute for them. Newton reporting for duty!
They finally let her in, obviously still suspicious. Who let this lunatic in Queen Cassie's presence? The woman lifted her robes slightly and did a small curtsy to the guards as a way to acknowledge them. She then continued her journey with Basil right next to her.

She admired the architecture of this place. Newton had never seen ceilings so high and paintings so beautiful! Oh, the tapestry and furniture! She made a mental note to maybe 'borrow' something. After all, she was convinced that they had made a mistake. Why would they want Newton from all the people to be part of the Queen's elite squad? She was rather...unfit for this job. As a way to keep her nervousness in check, she started humming a familiar lullaby under her breath and dusted her hat and robes. She looked like one of those old men mages in stories read for children.

Newton was slender and small but every time she walked in, it sounded like a circus just entered. Something was jingling, clinking. The sound often reminded people of wind chimes. She eyed everyone around her with a playful glimmer in her eyes and licked the corner of her lips just like a snake would.
"Your Majesty," she finally shifted her eyes toward the queen and did a curtsy. She had no idea how these royal etiquette things went.
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[class=background] background:url('https://img1.goodfon.com/original/1948x1204/9/55/art-yuushouku-hatsune-miku.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
[div class=background]
[div class=basics][/div][div class=basics]
Queen Cassie
[div class=basics] 30 ////////////////// female[/div][div class=basics]
human //////////////////// dragon
[div class=mainbox]

Queen Cassie received Einar's welcome with a sweet smile. "Oh, don't worry about the book case. I had it repaired. We will most certainly catch up over breakfast." Her attention was taken as a young man with a handsomely large black dragon and a girl with a beautiful snake entered. "And it seems like the whole group has arrived. To those who have just arrived, I am Queen Cassie, either ruler of Kingdom Ateya. Do not worry about being late. We haven't started anything too important. Come, allow me to take you to the dining hall."

She turned her back to the group, her white gown flowing elegantly behind her. She gestured with her hand for the group to follow, taking them down a maze of halls glittering with chandeliers and adorned with paintings of all sorts of things. Scenery, her late husband, herself, and a white dragon.

As she approached a set of large, gilded doors, the two guards standing by the doors bowed to the queen and opened the doors, revealing a massive dining room. A twenty people could have easily sat at the grand table with space for more, but for this little gathering, it was just the six of them. The table was set with a spread of food, stretching from one end of the table to the other, piled high to the point where things had to be stacked on top of each other to make enough space. There was an array of roasted meats, hundreds of pastries, and steaming dishes with influence from all over the world displayed for the to-be Warriors.

"Please, make yourself at home," Queen Cassie invited, "I shall brief you all after you've eaten. I can tell some of you are rather hungry. The food is all also familiar-friendly, so please feel free to eat," She addressed the familiars in the room as well. She sat down at the head of the table, overlooking the rest of the seats. Where the others chose to sit was up to them, for she didn't mind them spreading out a little to find the best spot on the table to snag food.

"Speaking of familiars, it seems like mine has chosen to hole up in the library for now," Queen Cassie commented. She paused for a moment, casting a magical spell out to look for him across the palace. Sure enough, her familiar was in the library, and she summoned him. Within minutes, a massively long white dragon soared in. "Ah, Atyx. Good of you to join us, finally." The dragon had a book in his hands.

"Did I miss something?" Atyx asked, "I do hope not. After all, we're welcoming Ateya's biggest hope for the future."

Interacting: idalie idalie Ceros Ceros SomebodyElse SomebodyElse hwayi hwayi Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

[div class=box2]
[div class=box2]

Other Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies enim ut ultricies ullamcorper. Nam hendrerit nibh sit amet congue elementum. Cras elementum nec neque vitae faucibus. Morbi sit amet nisi a est imperdiet aliquam sed ut erat. Nulla eu blandit eros. Cras viverra rutrum nibh, in imperdiet nisl commodo et. Mauris facilisis nulla risus, et vestibulum sem blandit nec. Nulla tempor volutpat molestie. Nullam venenatis a turpis in aliquet.

Sed et dolor non purus luctus tempus. Praesent quis lacus sit amet justo lobortis volutpat sed ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque vulputate leo quis posuere commodo. Suspendisse lobortis sapien a massa dapibus, ut commodo elit venenatis. Duis sed euismod lacus. Phasellus pharetra purus vel varius fringilla. Ut dapibus scelerisque congue. In sit amet sapien dolor. Proin luctus euismod risus. Donec vestibulum, leo sit amet iaculis egestas, risus metus maximus dui, nec auctor sem velit sit amet ligula. Donec sodales libero at mi fringilla lobortis. Proin blandit sapien eu dolor dictum, sed imperdiet sem venenatis. Donec tincidunt quis lorem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse tincidunt at ipsum vel suscipit. Nulla rutrum mollis nulla.
[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]
After a bit more time being exposed to their auras, he could tell that the familiar standing beside Einar was a wolf.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, your highness. Maximus and I would humbly thank you for your invitation." He said, bowing politely, stopping when the queen began to speak again. He simply stood there in awkward silence as the Queen and Einar talked and made promises of catching up.

When Einar addressed him, he simply responded "Certainly, it's good to meet you as well Einar." He offered a polite nod to those entering the room after him.

He followed the group through the twists and turns, their spirit energy more than enough to lead him in the right direction without need of his cane. The more time he spent with the group, the more he could recognize the form which each familiar took; a wolf, and a snake, a dragon, and a phoenix. He was sure that those were the creatures he was sensing. When they got to the dining hall, at the queen's orders, Owin sat himself down at the table, picking up on the scent of many different kinds of foods. He traced a finger along the table's surface until he found an empty plate, and used the heat coming off of the food to pick himself out a humble meal, one of steamed vegetables, rice, and a pork chop with a smattering of gravy on top. "The food smells most excellent, your highness. You have my thanks."

Maximus retrieved the biggest steak he could find from off the table, then went to sit on the floor next to Owin, beginning to happily chew his meal.
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Einar Bjarkesson & Talle
Another two appeared, being a notable couple of youngsters. By knowledge and partial appearance, it seemed himself, Owain and Cassie were the eldest. Einar a junior by some years, not helped by a swarthy tan and taxing life he'd led until that point. It was his prime, however, and looks were for the vain. Einar bowed his head in acknowledgement of the Queen's suggestion and almost repeated the action again to the blind fellow. He wasn't sure quite how to respond, instead deciding that no answer was adequate for now. After all, it was introductions and there would be time for conversation over breakfast or travel.

As the group shadowed the sovereign to the dining room, Einar stood and surveyed the spread. His eyes matching that of the large, fine china plates. Ducking down he made a pile on two plates, one primarily meat and carrot (the only vegetable Talle permitted, per request of Einar) and the other a far more mixed selection. Weighing something over two hundred pounds of muscle, to see him eat a small tribe's worth of food wasn't a rarity. Some might call it impressive, others a pest, and even gluttonous if they were not acquainted with the idea of his size.

He ate politely, contrary to the general idea that barbarians were mannerless. His cutlery skill wasn't the same as a king, but it was something to be proud of -- a hammered home trait of his mothers, who had some obsessive hatred of people eating with their hands and mouths open. A trait he supposed he'd inherited. Talle drooled and tore her plate apart, snarfing down chunks of cooked flesh and biting into soft stuffing as she licked the bones in wary avoidance and drank the goose fats with eager laps. Nothing put her in a better mood than a good meal and whilst this wasn't quite the same as snapping a neck and accomplishing something by herself, it was good. Better than good. Sitting back she felt rounded, even. It didn't occur to her there were three reptiles in one room, two dragons and a damned snake! She despised things with scales. They bore bad news and bad news only. Deceitful, disgusting creatures, greedy and poisonous; she'd been taught from cub to adulthood of this and it was her place to make sure Einar was never taken in by this fickle, petty things.

With Owain's comment of the food, Einar paused a second and took a sip of his drink. Water. He'd prefer ale but it wouldn't be the best impression. In the North it might've been acceptable, yet he couldn't remember for the life of him what these parts desired of a good guest. And make no mistake, Northerners of all walks of life ensured they were good guests and equally, as good hosts. This being a tradition in relation to religion which went back more than centuries, of course, there would always be the few who diverged from morality and punished for it in the end. "Ah, yes, it's wonderful. Me and Talle both thank you, it wasn't necessary." He roughly put his appreciation across.

Cass' familiar was certainly intimidating, it's appearance long and pale, luminous in a way with tendrils upon its muzzle in some form of whiskers. The horns of a deer and deep, incomprehensible eyes. She named him Atyx and Einar cast his gaze toward Talle, whose ears had perked. Swivelling where she heard conversation, nostrils flaring for the scents to be memorised and names committed to memory. "Big hope for the future?" Bjarkesson, the bear's son questioned. For whilst they ate he was reminded of their true reasoning behind attending this meeting. It certainly wasn't for breaking bread. "I don't suppose you could tell us?" Einar intertwined his scarred fingertips, resting them in the dips between his knuckles whilst twiddling his thumbs. "We're all here, after all."

Mentioned: Ceros Ceros hwayi hwayi Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Interaction: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
It seemed that Cain had arrived just in the nick of time. Led by the Queen to a dining room, Cain sat in what he perceived to be the most interesting looking seat. Of course he made sure it wasn't the most IMPORTANT seat, that was for Her Majesty. Thorn somehow managed to join them all in the room despite his large size. Settling down for breakfast, Cain picked up some items from a few different plates. Then he made sure to ask the staff for a deer or sow for his Dragon. Taking off his sword from his back, a member of the guard asked if he wanted it put somewhere. However Cain looked them dead in the eye and told them "The sword stays with me". The guard scurried off in a hurry.

For now, Cain focused only on eating. He had yet to find a tactful way to ask the Queen as to the purpose of this meeting. His lessons with Aunt Melissa had taught him that conversations with nobility could be likened to a swordfight. Eventually, someone would have to unsheathe their blade and make the first move. Just as he went to sip his drink, one of the other members broached the topic of why they were here. Cain recalled someone calling him "Einar". Sipping from his drink, Cain then proceeded to put down his cup and ask the question. "Yes, I'd very much like to know why I was summoned here... why us of all people?" Cain knew that Queen Cassie understood what he meant. While he respected Her Majesty, she had managed to recruit the son of her most loyal knight without her knowing a thing. Plus Cain wasn't sure if he could trust her or any of these people. While he did want to work as a Royal Warrior, giving his all to a group of strangers was simply impossible.

Thorn silently stared at the Direwolf known as Talle. He could immediately sense hostility from the moment they locked eyes. While he could easily overpower her, he did not want to ruin this chance for Cain. Communicating his unease to Cain, the youth gripped the pommel of his sword tightly. Cain had similar trouble with the mysterious Newton. Had hadn't intended to intrude upon her thoughts, however her mental presence was simply too noticeable. Though her Anaconda seemed a little less threatening. Keeping up a cheerful front, Cain addressed those around him. "It must be a great task indeed if Her Majesty has called us all here with our respective skills and Familiars" Cain said in a careful voice. While he had no idea who these people were, they most likely had very useful skills. Some of them probably agreed with him. Splaying his hands outward in mock puzzlement, he turned the conversation over to Queen Cassie.

Mentions: idalie idalie hwayi hwayi
Interactions: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
Emilia grabbed a plate of food and started eating as much as she could. Another few had arrived. A cain and some other girl who looked older than her.
"yes, I'd very much like to know why I was summoned here... why us of all people?
"To be quite honest I too wonder why you want my help." she said glancing up at him from her plate.
Cain had mentioned something about people's skills. He would be right. Emilia was good at killing, stealing, stealth, combat, and spying.
That was what she was good at but why in anyone's right mind would they want help from an assassin.
Surely if Cassie wanted somebody killed, she could just order their death or have them framed.
Hiring an assassin would cost money and while she was sure Cassie could afford it, there was way easier and cheaper ways for someone in her position to kill somebody.

Interactions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
[class=background] background:url('https://img1.goodfon.com/original/1948x1204/9/55/art-yuushouku-hatsune-miku.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
[div class=background]
[div class=basics][/div][div class=basics]
Queen Cassie
[div class=basics] 30 ////////////////// female[/div][div class=basics]
human //////////////////// dragon
[div class=mainbox]

Queen Cassie could just feel the curiousity, many unanswered questions floating about in the minds of her guests. Their curiousity regarding the request of their presence at the palace didn't come to the mind-reader as actual questions made with words and strung into sentences, but rather a feeling. Like one was standing in a heavy fog, unsure of where to go or what to do, but knowing that it would not harm them. There was no fear. "I was intending on briefing after breakfast, but if you all insist, I suppose I shan't keep you waiting any longer." She turned to her familiar, nodding. "Atyx, if you will."

The lunar dragon bowed his head to the Queen, closing his book and placing it aside on an empty table. He hovered around the Queen's chair, eyeing everyone and their familiars. "As you all are aware, Kingdom Ateya is the only nation in the world to have accepted familiars into their society. Other nations have turned us away on accounts of witchcraft of being unnatural." The dragon seemed completely calm, even while recounting the things people of other nations had spat at them in their history. "Even to this day, the Kingdom still receives threats and requests to banish us. However, not one nation has ever dared to make a move, not since King Ateya brought this beautiful nation to rise. They have hidden behind letters and messages all this while, but since King Walter's death, we have strong reason to believe that they are beginning to act against us."

The queen stood up, nodding to Atyx, who backed up at her cue for wanting to speak. "I'm sure you all have noticed River Atyx has begun to slow and drain. We still have plenty of water now, but it gets lesser and lesser every day. The river that surrounds our city is the one thing that brings magic to the kingdom, and without it, Kingdom Ateya has not been predicted to survive more than the next year. I've chosen you all not only for your remarkable skills in combat, but for your incredible bond with your familiars. Over the last few weeks, I requested that the Archmage and his crystal dragon search for the strongest auras in the city, and you all came up on the list. I had invited more, but it seems like not everyone is willing enough. Still, the Kingdom and myself are both very grateful for you all turning up at all.

"I need strong, elite warriors willing to travel up the falls to find the source of the river, and what's stopping the flow of water. I have a feeling that the other nations are involved as an act against us and our familiars. I've sent scout teams up the falls to gather whatever information they can, and only when they return will you all leave. For now, until the scout teams return, you will stay in the palace, and my servants will attend to your needs. The palace is yours to roam about and use its facilities while you stay here." Queen Cassie sat back down, taking a sip of sweet wine from a crystal goblet.

Interacting: idalie idalie Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Ceros Ceros hwayi hwayi SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
21[div class=box2]
[div class=box2]

Other Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies enim ut ultricies ullamcorper. Nam hendrerit nibh sit amet congue elementum. Cras elementum nec neque vitae faucibus. Morbi sit amet nisi a est imperdiet aliquam sed ut erat. Nulla eu blandit eros. Cras viverra rutrum nibh, in imperdiet nisl commodo et. Mauris facilisis nulla risus, et vestibulum sem blandit nec. Nulla tempor volutpat molestie. Nullam venenatis a turpis in aliquet.

Sed et dolor non purus luctus tempus. Praesent quis lacus sit amet justo lobortis volutpat sed ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque vulputate leo quis posuere commodo. Suspendisse lobortis sapien a massa dapibus, ut commodo elit venenatis. Duis sed euismod lacus. Phasellus pharetra purus vel varius fringilla. Ut dapibus scelerisque congue. In sit amet sapien dolor. Proin luctus euismod risus. Donec vestibulum, leo sit amet iaculis egestas, risus metus maximus dui, nec auctor sem velit sit amet ligula. Donec sodales libero at mi fringilla lobortis. Proin blandit sapien eu dolor dictum, sed imperdiet sem venenatis. Donec tincidunt quis lorem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse tincidunt at ipsum vel suscipit. Nulla rutrum mollis nulla.
[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]


Newton was greeted by a warm welcome as if she was a regular in here. She wasn't sure what to think. The queen seemed amiable and relaxed but yet so refined and precise. It wasn't anything she expected. She had heard about public executions because of treason. Newton, a firm believer of how everything and everyone deserved life, felt rather conflicted. They were invited to dine with this same queen. Newton accepted the possibility that she'd be poisoned now for whatever crimes she had done in the past. Praying to the gods and goddesses for forgiveness about stolen rosewater or something, she simply smiled blankly and stared at the rest of the men and women in the room. One of them seemed to be blind. Intriguing.

She couldn't help but notice a few things. The rather young age of each warrior in this room and the marvelous familiars. All kinds of things from lions to large dragons roaming around. However, as the queen's familiar arrived, Newton was in ecstasy. Gasping and clasping her hands over her chest, she was enamored. Newton was very fond of Basil, but a big huge dragon! Especially a big one like that? Of course, only a queen could achieve such things. Newton was impressed and gave a teasing look toward Basil. As big as he was, these were way out of his league. Snakes were quite common, although the ones as big as Basil were much rarer than your usual corn snake.

Newton followed the rest of the people, still wondering what they were doing in here. She doubted that her expertise was needed over breakfast. The letter she was given was quite unclear too about her mission. She just came because it had the queen's seal over it. As they continued to the dining hall, Newton tiptoed behind two large men. She was a very tall, especially for a lady but one of the men still towered greatly over her. It was fun to feel rather feminine sometimes. Usually, she felt like people relied on her to protect the group because of her height. If only they knew how weak her slender body truly was!

Newton let Basil slither right behind her and sat down on one of the seats after the rest. She was being polite, right? Upon hearing that the food was familiar friendly, the young woman puckered her lips and narrowed her eyes in thought. Basil preferred to treat himself with small spiders and rats, but this would do too. Newton, on the other hand, took nothing more than plants and something resembling grass on her plate. She'd drink milk, eat honey and eggs if they were produced without cruelty! Some people regarded her as insane, but when had she begun to care?

Unlike some people in here, Newton lacked the manners. She was smart enough to use a fork and a knife, chew with her mouth closed and sit straight. The itty bitty details to dining with the royalty flew out of the window. If these people would get to know her better, they'd soon meet the Newton that liked to lick plates clean to avoid washing the dishes. The Newton that held one of her legs up while she was eating just to place her chin on her knee.
She would occasionally slip some meat to Basil. She had her ways and customs of how and what she ate, Basil had his own.
"Sorry Basil, I don't think they have jaguars or capybaras in here. You're going to have to deal with pork," the young woman giggled. She listened closely as the queen's familiar, Atyx started speaking. Strong auras? Incredible bonds with familiars? Newton raised one of her brows slowly at every word. The river thing did not come as a surprise. It was something that she had vaguely already known by now. The plants and crops that were prospering due to the river were losing their power and she could see it in her broths and potions.

Placing some blueberries on her mouth, she played around with the idea of a blue tongue before speaking up.
"I'm awfully sorry, but there seems to be some mistake. I mean..." Newton looked around all these men and women. Some of them had faces that looked like they were barely adults. She slid her index finger under her hat only to scratch her temple and bring it back with an obviously confused face. She wasn't throwing shade but this just did not look like the bunch you'd trust a kingdom's future in. Yes, this included Newton herself. She was aware of her limits and this surpassed them. She wasn't much of a fighter or a reason-why-river-is-working-the-way-it-is-er. She was a lover who liked to make potions and wish that she wouldn't die drinking one of her sweet babies!

"My name is Newton and I am a traveler. I am no warrior, but I am quite familiar with the river and very keen on it. However, if the other nations are involved in this, things could escalate quite fast. Newton wants to know how the queen is going to handle such situations," she announced the question as she closed her eyes and took a sip of her apple juice, just like a little kid would. Basil could be heard hissing in the distance as she kept questioning the queen herself. She was putting herself in a disadvantage. Who knows, perhaps now she'd be executed for eating queen's stuff just like that. Locked up in this palace to take care of her garden forever.

"Newton wishes that the queen does not mistake this for disloyalty. She's just awfully curious about what has led you to choose this bunch of rather inexperienced looking commoners to aid in a mission with such importance,"
she said as her hat kept slipping on her eyes. The woman lifted it up to stare at the queen with glimmering eyes, full of curiosity. She then shifted her gaze lazily towards every other person sitting around her. Some of them did look indeed like life had tested them but some still had a youthful glow to themselves.

Newton was greeted by a warm welcome as if she was a regular in here. She wasn't sure what to think. The queen seemed amiable and relaxed but yet so refined and precise. It wasn't anything she expected. She had heard about public executions because of treason. Newton, a firm believer of how everything and everyone deserved life, felt rather conflicted. They were invited to dine with this same queen. Newton accepted the possibility that she'd be poisoned now for whatever crimes she had done in the past. Praying to the gods and goddesses for forgiveness about stolen rosewater or something, she simply smiled blankly and stared at the rest of the men and women in the room. One of them seemed to be blind. Intriguing.

She couldn't help but notice a few things. The rather young age of each warrior in this room and the marvelous familiars. All kinds of things from lions to large dragons roaming around. However, as the queen's familiar arrived, Newton was in ecstasy. Gasping and clasping her hands over her chest, she was enamored. Newton was very fond of Basil, but a big huge dragon! Especially a big one like that? Of course, only a queen could achieve such things. Newton was impressed and gave a teasing look toward Basil. As big as he was, these were way out of his league. Snakes were quite common, although the ones as big as Basil were much rarer than your usual corn snake.

Newton followed the rest of the people, still wondering what they were doing in here. She doubted that her expertise was needed over breakfast. The letter she was given was quite unclear too about her mission. She just came because it had the queen's seal over it. As they continued to the dining hall, Newton tiptoed behind two large men. She was a very tall, especially for a lady but one of the men still towered greatly over her. It was fun to feel rather feminine sometimes. Usually, she felt like people relied on her to protect the group because of her height. If only they knew how weak her slender body truly was!

Newton let Basil slither right behind her and sat down on one of the seats after the rest. She was being polite, right? Upon hearing that the food was familiar friendly, the young woman puckered her lips and narrowed her eyes in thought. Basil preferred to treat himself with small spiders and rats, but this would do too. Newton, on the other hand, took nothing more than plants and something resembling grass on her plate. She'd drink milk, eat honey and eggs if they were produced without cruelty! Some people regarded her as insane, but when had she begun to care?

Unlike some people in here, Newton lacked the manners. She was smart enough to use a fork and a knife, chew with her mouth closed and sit straight. The itty bitty details to dining with the royalty flew out of the window. If these people would get to know her better, they'd soon meet the Newton that liked to lick plates clean to avoid washing the dishes. The Newton that held one of her legs up while she was eating just to place her chin on her knee.
She would occasionally slip some meat to Basil. She had her ways and customs of how and what she ate, Basil had his own.
"Sorry Basil, I don't think they have jaguars or capybaras in here. You're going to have to deal with pork," the young woman giggled. She listened closely as the queen's familiar, Atyx started speaking. Strong auras? Incredible bonds with familiars? Newton raised one of her brows slowly at every word. The river thing did not come as a surprise. It was something that she had vaguely already known by now. The plants and crops that were prospering due to the river were losing their power and she could see it in her broths and potions.

Placing some blueberries on her mouth, she played around with the idea of a blue tongue before speaking up.
"I'm awfully sorry, but there seems to be some mistake. I mean..." Newton looked around all these men and women. Some of them had faces that looked like they were barely adults. She slid her index finger under her hat only to scratch her temple and bring it back with an obviously confused face. She wasn't throwing shade but this just did not look like the bunch you'd trust a kingdom's future in. Yes, this included Newton herself. She was aware of her limits and this surpassed them. She wasn't much of a fighter or a reason-why-river-is-working-the-way-it-is-er. She was a lover who liked to make potions and wish that she wouldn't die drinking one of her sweet babies!

"My name is Newton and I am a traveler. I am no warrior, but I am quite familiar with the river and very keen on it. However, if the other nations are involved in this, things could escalate quite fast. Newton wants to know how the queen is going to handle such situations," she announced the question as she closed her eyes and took a sip of her apple juice, just like a little kid would. Basil could be heard hissing in the distance as she kept questioning the queen herself. She was putting herself in a disadvantage. Who knows, perhaps now she'd be executed for eating queen's stuff just like that. Locked up in this palace to take care of her garden forever.

"Newton wishes that the queen does not mistake this for disloyalty. She's just awfully curious about what has led you to choose this bunch of rather inexperienced looking commoners to aid in a mission with such importance,"
she said as her hat kept slipping on her eyes. The woman lifted it up to stare at the queen with glimmering eyes, full of curiosity. She then shifted her gaze lazily towards every other person sitting around her. Some of them did look indeed like life had tested them but some still had a youthful glow to themselves.
[class=background] background:url('https://img1.goodfon.com/original/1948x1204/9/55/art-yuushouku-hatsune-miku.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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Queen Cassie
[div class=basics] 30 ////////////////// female[/div][div class=basics]
human //////////////////// dragon
[div class=mainbox]

Queen Cassie listened to Newton's question carefully. Yes, it did seem strange to summon common folk instead of experienced guards, paladins, and mages. Ateya was full of them anyway, so why a bunch of common people, and very young ones at that? She nodded.

"Yes, it is a strange thing, is it not? Ateya is full of talents - we have mages, guardsmen, and the like. Do not worry, Newton, I do not take what you say to be disloyalty. It's a good question, if anything. When I asked the Archmage to look for suitable people, I told him not only to seek out those with powerful auras and familiars. It was one of the prerequisites I did seek. After all, look at your all. Ateya's people have greater familiars than we've ever seen in history." Her gaze swept around the room. Among them was a dragon, a massive snake, a lion, a dire wolf, and a phoenix. "We even have someone with the rarest of familiars to present itself." She laid eyes upon Ember, and Emilia.

"You will find that your auras come into good use as you interact with the river and get closer to its magical source. But that is not the only reason why I summoned you all. For some of you, your combative ability shines brighter than some of my best guards. For others, your magical prowess is incredible and unlike anything people have ever seen. You are all exceptionally talented in what you do, even if it seems very normal and nothing special to you all. Your bond with your familiars will also see you through this journey as you interact with people from other nations, because they will try to separate you, and you need to trust in each other that you will come out together and fine. The kingdom's future does rely on you all and your ability to bring the river's waters back before the damage done to our land is too late."

She finished her goblet of wine, smiling. "And besides, none of you need worry that you won't be able to handle any diplomatic matters on your journey, because I will come with you."

Interacting: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia idalie idalie SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Ceros Ceros hwayi hwayi


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Other Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies enim ut ultricies ullamcorper. Nam hendrerit nibh sit amet congue elementum. Cras elementum nec neque vitae faucibus. Morbi sit amet nisi a est imperdiet aliquam sed ut erat. Nulla eu blandit eros. Cras viverra rutrum nibh, in imperdiet nisl commodo et. Mauris facilisis nulla risus, et vestibulum sem blandit nec. Nulla tempor volutpat molestie. Nullam venenatis a turpis in aliquet.

Sed et dolor non purus luctus tempus. Praesent quis lacus sit amet justo lobortis volutpat sed ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque vulputate leo quis posuere commodo. Suspendisse lobortis sapien a massa dapibus, ut commodo elit venenatis. Duis sed euismod lacus. Phasellus pharetra purus vel varius fringilla. Ut dapibus scelerisque congue. In sit amet sapien dolor. Proin luctus euismod risus. Donec vestibulum, leo sit amet iaculis egestas, risus metus maximus dui, nec auctor sem velit sit amet ligula. Donec sodales libero at mi fringilla lobortis. Proin blandit sapien eu dolor dictum, sed imperdiet sem venenatis. Donec tincidunt quis lorem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse tincidunt at ipsum vel suscipit. Nulla rutrum mollis nulla.
[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]
"Phoenixes are rare, I honestly haven't met another one. Although seeing two dragons is quite unique itself." Ember said
It was true. Ember was a very rare familiar. But Emilia typically didn't think about it much. It was natural between them. It wasn't like it was a big deal. Emilia didn't think of the two of them as special or anything. They barely both had any special qualities. Sure Emilia could summon and control fire. But that had to be from Ember's and her's bond. As she definitely was unable to do that before they met. Emilia looked around to the others. Cassie said they all had combat abilities. She wondered what the others were capable of. What they were like. Perhaps she could've been the most normal person here.
They might as well get to know eachother while they were eating.
'Alright. I think we should atleast introduce ourselves properly. If we're going to be working together. I'm Emilia. I'm the only heir of House Star. I am good at fighting so you won't need to worry about that. I don't want any of you to slow me down. And I don't need anyone to be my friend."
Owin quietly chewed a bite of pork as the Queen spoke, listening to the conversation floating around him. After she finished, he spoke in turn. "They could certainly try, but pardon my language, there's no way in any of the nine hells I'd let that happen."

Giving a short introduction would be a good idea, and he was glad that somebody had brought it up. He smiled at Newton and Emilia as they spoke of themselves, waiting for a lull in the conversation to introduce himself as well. "Ser Owin of House Pyurhart, former Paladin and city guard, at your service. This here's Maximus-" He waved a hand in his lion familiar's general direction. Maximus looked up from the steak he was chewing, releasing it from his mouth to offer a short greeting, before returning to his eating of the fantastic meal. "And don't worry, Emilia. We aren't here to slow anyone down." He found the girl's attitude detestable, especially for a first impression. If they were going to work together, they needed to get along, dammit. He decided not to antagonize her however, simply going back to eating his food while listening to any further introductions.

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
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Cain was caught off guard by the last statement uttered by Queen Cassie. "The Ateyan Queen shall accompany us? Is that really a safe option?" said Cain as he leaned into the table. "Yes it is" said a voice from the shadows. Walking into full view of the gathered group was Cain's mother, Elva Barzahd. Her armor had a plain look to it, yet it covered her body well. Elva never shined her armor, it would give her away on the field of battle. Passing the timid guards, Elva took her place next to Her Majesty.

"I have discussed it with Queen Cassie and it has been decided that she will accompany your group" Elva told them this information in a straightforward manner. Gazing over all the Royal Warriors, she gave them a simple nod. "For those of you who do not know me. I am General Barzahd, I serve as Her Majesty's adviser and bodyguard. As my title suggests, I also hold the rank of General... though in our current times I only lead in times of conflict" Putting her hands behind her back, Elva continued to fill them in on the little details. "As you all know, we share this country with many nations. Though the Kamekura Empire and the Caledonian Republic are our biggest antagonists. The issue with the River Atyx is slowly weakening this Kingdom. That water not only nourishes our people, it waters our crops, sustains our livestock and most importantly... helps us maintain our position as a Kingdom of Magic. If any of our rival nations have sabotaged it, we can't send just ANYONE in to restore the rivers flow. We required individuals with not only strong martial or magical prowess, but also strong Familiars. The greatest advantage that Ateya has is our Familiars, which is why a strike team comprised of Humans and Familiars was chosen for this mission" Elva gestured to each of the pairs in the room as proof of her statement.

"Yet you haven't explained why the QUEEN of a nation that could be under threat by neighboring nations should be accompanying us on a mission that may bring us into conflict with said threatening nations" Cain replied indignantly. A sudden bark caused Cain to jump in his seat. Strolling into the room was a wolf with silver fur and blue eyes. It was his mothers Familiar, Silva. With Silva sitting next to her, Elva addressed her son. "I was getting to that, Barzahd... learn to listen and you'll live long enough to start talking" she said as she frowned at him. "Queen Cassie shall accompany you to aid in restoring faith in the Monarchy. There are those who believe her to be a simple figurehead, incapable of leading. If we show the people that the Queen herself aided in such a mission, they will regain faith in the system. Believe me when I say we looked at all avenues before deciding on this course of action. If we want to demonstrate the power of Ateya and its Queen, we need her at the forefront of this." With that Elva finished her briefing and remained in her spot near Queen Cassie.

Interactions: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
[class=background] background:url('https://img1.goodfon.com/original/1948x1204/9/55/art-yuushouku-hatsune-miku.jpg'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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Queen Cassie
[div class=basics] 30 ////////////////// female[/div][div class=basics]
human //////////////////// dragon
[div class=mainbox]

Queen Cassie turned her head as Elva Barzahd, her trusted advisor and personal guard, walked in to speak to Cain. The Queen smiled as Elva explained things with ease and simplicity. "Well spoken, General Barzahd. You public speaking ability outshines even the greatest of scholars in this Kingdom," She praised, nodding to Elva, before her attention returned to that of the Royal Warriors.

"As General Barzahd explained, this is a display that I am not a passive ruler, both to our people, and to other nations. I expect some diplomatic issues to arise as well as we travel into the territories of others, and where possible, I rather not solve those issues with bloodshed and conflict. If anything, Atyx will protect me." She extended her arm out, the great dragon resting his massive chin on the crook of her elbow. The dragon seemed to purr as Queen Cassie twisted her hand around and scratched the dragon's jaw.

"Are there any more questions? If not, I can have my servants show you your rooms, and you're free to wander the castle," Queen Cassie asked the rest of the table, her eyes sweeping over each and every one of the potential Warriors, and committing their names to memory. Einar was definitely recognisable by his hulking size, Cain by his youthful looks, Emilia by her striking hair and sharp attitude, Owin by his blindfold and armour, and Newton by her pale skin. Perhaps, in the future she'd remember them by their abilities when she got a chance to see them. "Oh, and don't feel like you're pressured to stay. If you don't think you're up for it, you're welcome to return home as well. I don't want to be thought of as forcing you all to stay."

Interacting: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Mentioned: idalie idalie SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Ceros Ceros hwayi hwayi

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Other Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ultricies enim ut ultricies ullamcorper. Nam hendrerit nibh sit amet congue elementum. Cras elementum nec neque vitae faucibus. Morbi sit amet nisi a est imperdiet aliquam sed ut erat. Nulla eu blandit eros. Cras viverra rutrum nibh, in imperdiet nisl commodo et. Mauris facilisis nulla risus, et vestibulum sem blandit nec. Nulla tempor volutpat molestie. Nullam venenatis a turpis in aliquet.

Sed et dolor non purus luctus tempus. Praesent quis lacus sit amet justo lobortis volutpat sed ullamcorper erat. Pellentesque vulputate leo quis posuere commodo. Suspendisse lobortis sapien a massa dapibus, ut commodo elit venenatis. Duis sed euismod lacus. Phasellus pharetra purus vel varius fringilla. Ut dapibus scelerisque congue. In sit amet sapien dolor. Proin luctus euismod risus. Donec vestibulum, leo sit amet iaculis egestas, risus metus maximus dui, nec auctor sem velit sit amet ligula. Donec sodales libero at mi fringilla lobortis. Proin blandit sapien eu dolor dictum, sed imperdiet sem venenatis. Donec tincidunt quis lorem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse tincidunt at ipsum vel suscipit. Nulla rutrum mollis nulla.
[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]
Einar Bjarkesson & Talle
There was much to be said and the conversation had picked up around him, more questions asked and furthermore answered whilst he rested his palm on Talle's head, distractedly folding over her ears. The Queen explained herself as promised with the aid of her familiar, evidently one who was well-educated at that. But with the Queen remarking she would be coming with them, Einar frowned in concern; meanwhile Talle was picking on the use of words between rare familiars. She was an arrogant pup, full of self-pride and knowing that she couldn't tear a dragon's throat out as easily as she could a rabbit made her nervous. A little jittery, but no less willing to confront each and every one of these poor people and creatures when they'd spent more than a few nights under the same stars. Einar would've scolded Talle, but it seemed a tad unfair to scold what she hadn't said yet. And he surely knew what was running through her canine head.

The girl with the Phoneix, Emilia, introduced herself followed by Owin. He had a respect for the Paladin, but the younger woman was something of a difficult character from what he could work out from her little speech alone. Before Cain interrupted with his astonishment at Cassie joining them, the towering frame of Bjarkesson lifted his palm and gave a small nod to those around the table. "Einar Bjarkesson, worked with the Red Pavillion for a decade, studied under a swordsmith for a father. This," He gestured with a slight motion of his head to where his hand rested on the wolf, "Is Talle. She'll sooner bite you with her words than any of those teeth." Einar gave a gentle sort of laugh, in the way that summer thunder rolls across the mountainside.

Cain's remark over her Majesties safety was warranted, Einar believed. However, it would appear that the boy's own mother would enter and reprimand him for such a question. Einar would've laughed if it wasn't for the sincerity of the topic, although it managed to get a smile out of him. Now, if only he could remember how to pronounce such an array of names. The fact was Einar had quite the strange lilt to his accent, making everything choppier than it should've been, or giving an unneeded musical note to odd words and especially names if they contained strange sounds.

Standing up, he tilted his head in a measure of respect. "I, for one, will be glad to have you join us. But if you could, I would be delighted to see your training yard and perhaps, you have a smithy within castle grounds? I have a few things I've always wanted to see, one being where legendary weapons have been made in the past. Perhaps make something of my own in the embers." He clapped his hands together, causing Talle to stand. "We have little to take to our rooms and I've never been one for sitting idle. You have my thanks again, Queen. The hospitality was unexpected but welcome and again, was it to see a familiar face so far from home."

Mentioned: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Ceros Ceros hwayi hwayi
Interactions: Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr
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So that was the boy's mother. A high ranking soldier/commander. Whatever. He didn't have her respect for what his family had accomplished. Emilia cared less about that and was more annoyed that he didn't even bother introducing himself.
Who does he think he is? Son of some famous person and he thinks he is above everyone.
At the very least one person was kind enough to introduce themselves. She wondered how long they'd have before they went off on their little adventure.
"How long do we have before we have to leave, Cassie?"
"I too would like to know. I get quite bored easily without something to do and well. Considering our circumstances, we don't really have any tasks to do."
It was true. Being a familiar ember could go wherever she wanted and people usually didn't question it. It made her a great spy or information gatherer, making sure that Emilia's targets were alone or safe to kill. Now that they were at the castle, and away from her family, Emilia doubted they would be assassinating anyone. She'd have to do some of her own research on everyone.
Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr

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