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Fantasy Familiar Spirit Academia OOC and Rules

Yeah I saw it. ^^ 

It is good. Now how our lovelies would bump with each other? Blizzard is really nervous.

Well I guess the fondue place is going to be passed the food courts and @Ilry the Dark Sage and I shall see you guys on that date of yours and I'll convince him that we should make our way over to you guys for like a double date and stuff.
Hey guys sorry I wasn't on for so long, I've been really depressed and haven't had much will to do anything. I'm feeling better know and would love to continue the rp!!
Can we just wing it? 

Dude, I'm this kind of person, that when they lose track of something, they also erase all the info that they had. So I would need to make a 'back up' to my brain to be able to remember. That means searching for my RP notebook that has been missing.  :(
Dude, I'm this kind of person, that when they lose track of something, they also erase all the info that they had. So I would need to make a 'back up' to my brain to be able to remember. That means searching for my RP notebook that has been missing.  :(

In mean time respond to one on one then? Cuase yet again it is impossible to remind  you cuase you have a setting on your profile or something that won't let people comment on it ;-;

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