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Fandom Fallout: Project Hermes

Well it all works out the brotherhood NCR war had already been going by that point
Great. So, at the starting point, Elijah is still the Elder of the Mojave chapter.
ok good to know ( and itr works great as that was a year after real fighting started in the Mojave)

i feel i need to ask where are we planning to start out
When some of the other people who said they'd join sign up. Currently we have two slaves and a mercenary.
no i mean in rp where do you think we will start off i mean my character operates out of California or the Mojave
i missed that kinda ok well that makes enough sense hopefully that invitation came with a large satchel of caps as well lol
ok i was going with the invitation told her to go there and it had like some caps to get her motivated to go if not she could have just finished a job that involved going up there and picks it up
Not sure if anybody is still interested in this but I threw a character sheet up for the sake of it because the RP premise got me thinking.

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