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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah smiled widely as he kept his eyes on Keaton "Thats my boy, getting stronger every day." He said happily as he watched Carmen a bit.

Max rolled her eyes a bit and smiled some at him "I'm so glad you keot coming by." She murmured before kissing him gently
He smiled tiredly and nodded a little, not saying much after that until they were getting him signed out and going through the medications with them and they were finally in the car on the way home, Ricky sleeping most of the way, not awake until they were only about ten. minutes away from the house "I don't want there to be a statement put out until I'm gone." He told her quietly.

Carmen smiled a little and watched their son quietly, thanking his nurse and squeezing Noah's hand tightly "He looks like you too.... Gonna be a trouble maker I can tell..... I'm so scared about taknig him home eventually." She frowned, looking over to Noah.
Max gave a small nod and kissed his hand as she drove "I'll make sure thats done. Chris made a small statement about parting ways with you, but didn't mention your health. He just said you wanted to spend more time with us." She explained quietly

Noah frowned some and squeezed her shoulder gently "What are you scared about?" He asked her genuinely
He nodded "I saw that one." He mumbled. "God my head is pounding." He grumbled, pulling his sunglasses down onto his face and sighed quietly "I hear Carmen's doing better, you get a chance to talk to her yet?" He asked her quietly.

She shrugged and sighed a little. "I don't even know I'm just scared." She told him quietly, rubbing at her face "Cause what if something happens again?" She mumbled.
Max shook her head and sighed "No I haven't, I was going to try and call her today once I know you're settled." She explained before kissing his knuckles "I love you baby."

Noah gave a heavy sigh and squeezed her shoulder gently again "I won't let that happen to you again okay? You're going to be safe and so will our children."
She just nodded and sighed quietly, rubbing at her face, staying as long as her pain levels would allow before finally looking to Noah just before midday and sighing "We need to go." She told him quietly "We should probably start getting his room ready here soon." She sighed a little, "You wanna take Eden to the park for a bit on your way home?" She suggesred

He hummed quietly in response, feeling a little off from the car ride and got out with a little help once they got home, heading up to the front door and rang the bell, hearing Rory getting excited on the other side and smiled when he saw him whip the door open, grunting as he immediately leapt at Ricky who stumbled back a little to try and steady "Hey bud, you miss us?" He asked him quietly, swaying on the spot and feeling like his legs were about to give way
Noah gave a small nod as he helped her to the car "Yeah I think she'd like that and you can get a nice nap too." He murmured softly to her smiling a bit "I'll get his room set up don't you worry about it okay?"

Max smiled some at Rory and went to hold Ricky to help him keep balance "Hey baby, come on lets get inside so Daddy can sit down." She said gently thankful that he didn't put up a fight and tried to help get Ricky inside
She smiled and nodded "Sounds good, get some Daddy daughter time in." She murmured, holding his hand while they walked and smiled up at him "I ever tell you that I love you?" She asked him quietly, "You wanna go get some gym time in on Saturday morning?" She asked him "Don't look at me like that, I can handle our daughter for a few hours on my own. I'm in pain and kinda slow right now not useless." She told him.

He made her wait for a second before he could move at all and leaned on her a little through to the lounge, getting comfy on the couch and watched as Max disappeared with Rory for a bit cause he wanted to show her something. He sighed a little in the peace and quiet but looked over when his Mom came in and smiled sadly at her "Hey Mom."
His Mom gave him a sad smile as she entered the lounge "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" She asked quietly as she sat beside him.

Noah grew concerned when she mentioned watching Eden but gave a small nod "Alright, you promise to call me though if you need me?" He asked as he opened the car door for her.
she gave him a salute and nodded. “Scouts honour.” She murmured, getting in the car. “You need alone time too though or you’re gonna go crazy. … er.” She teased him.

He shrugged a little and leaned back into the cushions. “Like hell.” He mumbled. “They uh, they gave us information to set up a hospice nurse…. I uh… I have a huge huge favor to ask and I don’t know if you’re gonna like it or not…. But I don’t want Rory to be here when it starts getting bad bad. It’s not fair on him to deal with that especially now he’s at that age he’s gonna have memories…. Can he go with you back home for the summer?” He asked her quietly
Noah chuckled softly and shook his head some "I'm not that crazy, I've mellowed out in my old age." He said a bit dramatically as he got into the car himself.

His mother frowned deeply but gave a small nod "Alright, but you don't go radio silent. He still needs to hear from you." She said softly to him.
He nodded and frowned, “I know…. Did you tell dad yet?” He asked her, looking up when max came back down and smiled at her some seeing iris in her arms having clearly been napping with that bed head.

“Oh you certainly have. Hopefully your 50s are even smoother than your 40s.” She laughed watching him just stare at her. “Love you.” She giggled.
His mom gave a small nod and smiled seeing Iris in Max's arms "Yes and your sister too. They want to come out and see you, maybe when we get Rory ready they could come out?" She murmured

Max sat next to Ricky as she smiled as Iris perked up and squealed seeing Ricky there "Looks like she missed you too."

Noah looked at her a bit bewildered before giving a small chuckle "I love you too." He murmured before he started to drive them home.
She was quiet as they walked into the house again and headed upstairs slowly, going to lay down and get some sleep after taking her meds, managing to drift off while she watched Noah putting laundry away.

He smiled and reached over to tickle her tummy not having the strength to hold her right now. “Yeah, that would be good to see them.” He mumbled, starting to feel a little nauseous and excused himself to slowly make his way up to bed.

His mom sighed quietly but soon smiled at Iris and reached over to smooth her hair back. “This one is your carbon copy.” She smiked at max. “Listen I don’t want you to be worrying or stressing about this right now so I’m just asking but does your mother know what’s going on? Is she likely to turn up at some point and cause chaos?” She asked her, going to get her and max a drink.
Max sighed heavily and shook her head a bit "She knows, doesn't know its terminal but knows about the cancer. I don't think I'll have much to worry about with her. She'll think he's contagious or something probably." She said truthfully as she held Iris close to her.

Noah got some chores done around the house as she slept and even got a quick work out in. He gently shook her awake when he was getting ready to get Eden "Hey beautiful, just wanted to tell you I was headed out to get Eden."
She nodddd and sighed a little. “You know … after.., after everything, you and the kids will always be welcome at our home.” She told her quietly. “Especially at holidays.” She promised and set her glass down in the side for her.

Carmen gave him a thumbs up and went straight back to sleep, waking up half an hour later while he was waiting in the pickup line and called him. “Noah? Where are you?” She mumbled, rubbing at her face. “You didn’t wake me up.” She grumbled.
Max nodded some as she gave a heavy sigh "I know, and I will make sure that we make visits to see you." She said quietly before looking over at Rory when he came out "Hey baby, whats up?"

Noah chuckled quietly as he sat in the pickup line "I did, you gave me a thumbs up and fell straight back to sleep." He explained chuckling when she denied it "I'm not making it up babe, I promise I told you I was headed out."
She grumbled a little and frowned. “That doesn’t count. You know I respond while I’m still asleep.” She muttered, rubbing at her face. “Hey you mind picking up some smoothies on your way home. You know that innocent brand that I like?” She asked him. “Only if you got time.” She murmured, the whole time she was on the phone a few of the parents were stood in a group to the side and kept glancing back at Noah’s car with judgmental looks.

He yawned a little and went to sit with her. “Mommy can daddy come to the playground tomorrow?” He asked her
Noah chuckled a bit and nodded "Yeah I can do that." He murmured frowning some when he noticed the group of parents staring "Welp, looks like I've been made. The Karens have found me!" He joked as he got out of the car and stood by the car.

Max cuddled him close while she let Iris down to do some tummy time "No baby I don't think so. Daddy is still very sick and he can't get around much."
She smiked a little and shook her head. “Long as it doesn’t affect Eden then oh well.” She sighed a little, scrolling through her phone and frowned. “Hey babe… I gotta go.” She told him. “I’ll see you guys when you get home. Oh don’t forget to let her pick out a treat at the store too.” She reminded him then hung up.

Eden came out with the other kids chatting to her friend until she spotted her dad, grabbing her teachers attention and pointed at him then ran over “daddy!” She giggled jumping at him.

He frowned and sighed some. “Well can he come when he’s better?” He asked her pouting some. “I wanna show him new slide.” He told her, cuddling in close. “Are you and daddy gonna go away again?” He asked a little worried.
Noah frowned a bit at how she hung up but fixed his face when he heard Eden's voice "Hey princess! You have a good day today?" He asked as he hugged her tightly.

Max bit her lip hard for a moment before she shook her head some "No baby we're staying home I promise." She said softly to him.
He nodded and frowned. “Does that mean I can go back to school?” He asked not understanding that they had pulled him because they were worried about him bringing home germs to ricky.

She shrugged a little and let him help her into her car seat. “It was okay. Gracie is nice though.” She told him. “She asked me to go to her house tomorrow.” She told him. “But I don’t know if I wanna go… what if they make food I don’t like.” She frowned.
Max gave a small sigh and pushed his hair back "Maybe honey, I'm not sure just yet." She murmured before kissing the top of his head "Why do you go pick something for dinner okay? I'll make it for us."

Noah gave a small nod and kissed her cheek "Well I would have to meet her Mommy and Daddy before you go anywhere missy." He said smiling some "But its okay, if you're nervous to go over you don't have to."
She nodded and waited while he got in the car. “Wheres mommy?” She asked him, yawning a little “is Keaton coming home yet?”

Ricky stayed in bed most of the evening, only getting up to brush his teeth and use the bathroom right before max came to bed. “Hey, I’m uh, I’m gonna call and book the hospice tomorrow. Get that organised.” He told her quietly, wrapping his arm around her tightly when she came over, kissing her head. “I love you.”
Max held him close to her that evening and pressed her forehead to his "I love you too, more than anything." She whispered. The next three months had been the hardest on them. Ricky was steadily declining and it was time for Rory to head out with his mother. He'd finally gotten to the point where he didn't want him to see anymore of it. She stood in their room videoing the entire thing as Ricky held Rory tightly and said his goodbyes, she too was a crying mess but trying her best to keep quiet.

Noah drove the family down to the hospital that day excited to finally be bringing Keaton home. He'd gone through his surgery fine, but had gotten a small infection that caused his release to be delayed. Thankfully, he made a recovery when they were scared he wouldn't. He was also excited to finally show Carmen a surprise he'd been working on since about a month after she had gotten home.

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