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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She smiled and scooted a little closer. “Mmm it’s why I chose this mattress.” She reminded him. “You want me to do drop off with you tomorrow or you wanna pick me up on the way to the hospital?” She asked him quietly, tracing his tattoos and yawning a little.

He frowned and swallowed thickly. “Alright…. I uh. I won’t come up today then.” He told her. “Oh max…. I’m so sorry…. You want me to call the guys?” He asked her.
Noah chuckled softly and nodded some "Yeah come with me, it might make things easier for her." He murmured to her while pulling her close.

Max shook her head and took a deep breath to compose herself "No, no I'll call them." She said quietly to him "We'll be heading home tomorrow..."
She smiled a little and nodded "She's desperate to meet him y'know. Maybe on Saturday?" She suggested, yawniing and starting to get sleepy while they watched some TV. "You should get some sleep too." She murmured.

He nodded and sighed a little "Let me know as soon as he's ready for some visitors." He told her "Give him my love." He sighed and finally hung up

He was awake again when she came in and sighed a little, rubbing at his face "I'm ready to sleep in my own bed." He told her quietly, reaching for her to come a little closer and reached up to wipe her eyes when he could "It's gonna be okay." He murmured
Noah gave a small nod and smiled "I think we could arrange that, just no holding him." He said softly before he started to drift off to sleep.

Max held him and shook her head some "Life without you isn't okay..." she whimpered as she placed her head on his shoulder
He frowned and held her as best he could. “I didn’t say it would be great but it’s gonna be okay… you’re gonna be taken care of I promise.” He murmured, kissing her head. “Why don’t you go home and get some rest?” He suggested.

She managed to turn the tv off before falling asleep completely for the night and not waking up til Noah was nudging her in the morning. “No. Give me five more minutes.”
Max shook her head and gave a heavy sigh "No, I'm not leaving you tonight." She told him seriously.

Noah chuckled softly "Dont you want to go to drop off with me?" He murmured softly as he pushed some hair from her face
“Noah I swear if you touch me again before I’m awake I will bite your finger off.” She grumbled, pulling a pillow over her head.

He frowned and shook his head. “Babe… fine but I’m gonna need clothes to go home anyway.” He murmured, kissing her head and started letting sleep take over again
Noah retracted his hand immediately and shook his head some as he got ready to take Eden out. He chuckled softly when Eden asked where Carmen was "Mommy is grumpy right now trying to wake up."

Max frowned some and shook her head softly "I've had a go home bag in the car since everything happened." She said softly before he fell asleep.
Eden frowned and grumbled when she had to let him do her hair instead of Carmen but eventually allowed him. “Daddy do I have to go all day? Can’t you pick me up at lunch?” She asked him before Carmen finally came out of the bedroom looking grumpy but awake now

He woke up early in the morning to someone’s phone ringing and glanced over, managing to reach it and answer it when he saw it was his mom trying to call max. “Hey mom, she’s still asleep right now. Everything okay?” He asked her quietly
Noah gave a small nod as he concentrated on getting her hair just right "Yes princess you have to go all day, I can't get you at lunch." He murmured looking up at Carmen as she came out "Hey you want a smoothie before we go?"

His mom gulped when she heard his voice and gave a small frown "Yes everything is fine. Rory just wanted to talk to you guys." She said softly
He nodded and yawned a bit, "I can talk to him." He told her quietly, "Give me just a minute." He mumbled, managing to scoot over to where he could get up and lean on the table to get himself over to the chair iin the room, getting sat down and sighed "Alright I'm back put him on.... Hey bud, you doing okay?" He asked him.

She shook her head and smiled, taking a photo of the two of them. "Look at how good you've got with her hair." She smiled, "Eden you want toast or cereal baby?" She asked her, turning to make her way downstairs and sort her out breakfast so Noah could go get himself ready for the day.
Rory smiled widely when he heard his Dad's voice "Daddy! I miss you Daddy, are you coming home soon?" He asked pouting some "How come Iris got to go see you but I can't?"

Noah gave a small smile and nodded "I've been watching tutorials on youtube." He murmured before he finished up. As he came down later finally dressed and ready he couldn't help but smile seeing his two girls at the table together again.
Carmen smiled over at him while she grabbed a cloth and wiped the mess off Edens face. “Right come on pumpkin, let’s go.” She smiled. “Maybe if you’re good we can get a treat on the way home after school.” She suggested, winking at Noah.

He smiled tiredly and sighed. “Yeah I’m hoping we can come home today. But it probably won’t be til later on this afternoon okay? Oh bud it was only cause you’d be really really really bored here…. You being good for grandma?” He asked him quietly, wiping at his eyes a little.
Noah rolled his eyes and gave a small chuckle "We shall see." He said before grabbing Eden's backpack "Here you go kiddo, lets go." He said happily as he walked them both out to the car.

Rory gave a small nod "I know, but I still miss you." He murmured before smiling a bit "Uh huh, I make sure to eat when she tell me too and take bathes just like Mommy said." He said happily
Carmen sighed as they pulled up to the school and she started crying, “Baby you’re gonna be okay, hey, hey it’s alright, school is so good.” She told her. “It’s gonna be alright.” She promised, sighing as she just kept sniffling while she watched Noah take her in, feeling awful about it but guessing she was just gonna have a hard time adjusting.

He smiled and nodded. “That’s good bud, hey I gotta go okay? But I will see you later in alright? Me and mom love you and your sister so so much.” He told him, waiting til he said goodbye and hung up, sitting there and crying quietly until he heard max waking up
Noah came back after dropping her off and took a deep breath before letting a few tears fall "I feel like this is my fault....if I had just remembered to brung her at the right time." He said quietly

Max frowned as she woke up hearing Ricky crying "Hey, hey whats wrong?" She asked quietly sitting up and taking his hand in hers
Carmen frowned and reached over to rub his shoulder gently "Oh babe no.... Her first few days were always gonna be hard like this." She told him quietly, "COme on, let's grab a starbucks then I wanna go see our son." She told him quietly.

He frowned and looked over at her "I don't wanna leave our kids." He told her "I'm not gonna get to see any of it. They're both so young still." He mumbled, wiping his eyes again "I just wanna get home... Fuck the waiting, I wanna go now, I've been here long enough." He muttered.
Noah gave a small sigh and nodded "Alright, you want the usual?" He asked softly as he started to drive towards the starbucks near the hospital.

Max got up and held him close to her as she knelt infront of him "Okay, I'll talk to the nurses alright?" She murmured before pulling back and kissing him lovingly "I love you so fucking much Richard Olson, more than anything."
She nodded and smiled. “Sounds good to me.” She murmured, watching him go after hee parked, getting her phone out and videoing him when he was walking back with their drinks. “There he is…. My first husband.” She called to him, smiling when he started laughing, finishing off the video and took the drinks so he could get in the car. “You miss my jokes huh?” She teased him.

He smiled a little and kissed her back. “Love you too beautiful.” He murmured, watching her go and just tried to calm himself a little.
Noah couldn't help but laugh when he heard her say he was her first husband. He got in the car and nodded some "Of course I did." He murmured before handing her the drinks.

Max sighed heavily as she got out of the room and made her way to the nurse's station. Once there she found his main nurse and gave a small smile "Hi, I just wanted to get my husband's discharge papers."
She looked over and nodded. “He’s ready to go huh? Alright give me twenty minutes and I’ll come in and start the process with you both.” She promised

She smiled and set them in the cup holders, reaching over and rubbing his arm gently. “Mmm, you feeling a little better?” She asked him, noticing there was still this underlying tension to him at the minute but she was hoping that it would slowly dissipate as both her and Keaton got better and Eden settled into school
Max nodded and gave a small smile "Thank you." She said softly before going back to the room. She went to sit beside him and sighed quietly "She'll be in soon with your papers. Said to give her about twenty minutes."

Noah gave a small nod and sighed a bit "I just want Keaton and you both to be better is all. Once I know you're all safe I'll be better." He said quietly
He nodded and sighed quietly. “My heads starting to hurt.” He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes. “How you doing?” He asked quietly.

She nodded and smiled, “I know baby I know.” She murmured, rubbing his arm while he drove. “I love you. Best first husband.” She teased him, stealing the cap off his head.
Max gave a small sigh and shrugged a bit "I'm doing okay I guess." She whispered

Noah shook his head and laughed as he started to drive "First and only husband." He corrected her. Once they were at the hospital he helped her as much as she would allow him and smiled seeing Keaton in the incubator moving a bit "Looks like he might be awake."
Carmen smiled and sat down carefully, "Hey baby," She murmured watching him

His nurse stepped over and smiled at them both "Oh he's been awake for definite. Pulled his feeding tube out twice already." She smiled at them, noting how much happier Noah had been since his wife had woken up "We think if all continues to go well we can have you guys hold him tomorrow afternoon." He told her.

He smiled and nodded, fiddling with her hand "Liar." He winked at her tiredly "I love you, very much.... Best ten dollar tip at a strip club I ever spent." He teased her quietly.

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