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Fantasy Fallen to the Center- CS


Dragon Queen
World overview, PLEASE READ

Main RP

A character sheet is recommended, but the below layout is not required. Feel free to post your information as you see fit. 

If you need a guide, here is one:













Theme Song:


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(With his Helmet on. He usually keeps his identity a secret to strangers.)


(Without his Helmet)


His name is Ainz


He doesn't even know how old he is anymore.


He's a Elder Litch, which is someone who masters the art of magic. After he mastered his abilities in magic, he moved on and began to learn martial arts and sword techniques. He still hasn't mastered those abilities, but he rarely uses magic so that his opponent has some sort of chance.

A look into some of his abilities:

Heart Breaker:

Depending on how weak an opponents will is, he is able to grab their heart and crush it with his bare hands.


Slow Down!:

He is able to slow down time around him, but it doesn't effect the other person. It'll look like he has a super speed spell.

Rise Again!:

He can create powerful soldiers from the bodies of dead creatures.

You're Grounded!:

He has the ability to control gravity, meaning he can force an opponent back, or keep them in place by creating a force so strong it'll stop them dead in their tracks.

These are just a few of his abilities, but like I mentioned, he rarely uses them, only in dire situations. He rely's on his sword skills in simple battles.

Other #1:

He has made himself known in the center, by building a guild in the forest somewhere. Only the giant salamanders cause him a bit of trouble, but not that much.

Other #2:


Yea, I don't know. It's just a cool Gif.

Other #3:

All Hail The Core.

(If I need to change anything, let me know.)
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(With his Helmet on. He usually keeps his identity a secret to strangers.)


(Without his Helmet)


His name is Ainz


He doesn't even know how old he is anymore.


He's a Elder Litch, which is someone who masters the art of magic. After he mastered his abilities in magic, he moved on and began to learn martial arts and sword techniques. He still hasn't mastered those abilities, but he rarely uses magic so that his opponent has some sort of chance.

A look into some of his abilities:

Heart Breaker:

Depending on how weak an opponents will is, he is able to grab their heart and crush it with his bare hands.


Slow Down!:

He is able to slow down time around him, but it doesn't effect the other person. It'll look like he has a super speed spell.

Rise Again!:

He can create powerful soldiers from the bodies of dead creatures.

You're Grounded!:

He has the ability to control gravity, meaning he can force an opponent back, or keep them in place by creating a force so strong it'll stop them dead in their tracks.

These are just a few of his abilities, but like I mentioned, he rarely uses them, only in dire situations. He rely's on his sword skills in simple battles.

Other #1:

He has made himself known in the center, by building a guild in the forest somewhere. Only the giant salamanders cause him a bit of trouble, but not that much.

Other #2:


Yea, I don't know. It's just a cool Gif.

Other #3:

All Hail The Core.

(If I need to change anything, let me know.)

beautiful!! Accepted! I will post my CS in a second. We will try to get ONE more if possible and we will start <3
Name: Lilly 

Age: She is 23 human years, but she has lived much longer.



Species: Dragon hybrid

Interests/Goals: Lilly is fascinated with the Above world. She wishes one day to see the world that lives above her, but she knows the risks of never being able to return. She Has attempted to join the expeditions to the surface, but her hybrid status is looked down upon in the Center. Despite this, she watches after the Guardian of the Center. She provides him with conversations and grants his wishes when he needs something. She can usually be seen in the village around the Arena. 

Background: Lilly was born from a father who was dragon and a mother who was an elf. She was lucky that most of her traits came from her mother and not her father. Despite mixed species being common in the Center, most looked down on anyone mating with a dragon. Dragons were seen as protectors, so having a hybrid dragon/elf left her between protector and life bringer. She was constantly in limbo and didn't interact with anyone but the Guardian. She is completely blind, but her ability Soul Search allows her to see shapes an auras. She lives with the dragons outside of the Center, but is not always welcome. 


Soul Search: Soul Search allows Lilly to read aura's of individuals. This provides her with an idea of their intentions, their emotions, and sometimes even if they have secrets to tell. She can see outlines of people all the time, but when she uses her ability, she is able to see all the way to their hearts. 

WhipIt: Lilly has a rather long tail that can act as a very successful whip. She can hit anything from up to 8 feet away and her scales/thorns provide enough to cut the person.

Elven Song: Lilly can sing and put almost anyone into a hypnotic state. 

The Guardian call: Since Lilly is the caretaker of the Guardian, she can telepathically communicate with him. He usually provides her with insight. 


The Guardian:


All hail the core
Fyi for anyone interested, the point of the RP is going to be more of an open world exploration that will develop as the plot progresses. I intend to have an invasion from the "Above World". We will see :P  I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve. 

(With his Helmet on. He usually keeps his identity a secret to strangers.)

(Without his Helmet)


His name is Ainz


He doesn't even know how old he is anymore.


He's a Elder Litch, which is someone who masters the art of magic. After he mastered his abilities in magic, he moved on and began to learn martial arts and sword techniques. He still hasn't mastered those abilities, but he rarely uses magic so that his opponent has some sort of chance.

A look into some of his abilities:

Heart Breaker:

Depending on how weak an opponents will is, he is able to grab their heart and crush it with his bare hands.

Slow Down!:

He is able to slow down time around him, but it doesn't effect the other person. It'll look like he has a super speed spell.

Rise Again!:

He can create powerful soldiers from the bodies of dead creatures.

You're Grounded!:

He has the ability to control gravity, meaning he can force an opponent back, or keep them in place by creating a force so strong it'll stop them dead in their tracks.

These are just a few of his abilities, but like I mentioned, he rarely uses them, only in dire situations. He rely's on his sword skills in simple battles.

Other #1:

He has made himself known in the center, by building a guild in the forest somewhere. Only the giant salamanders cause him a bit of trouble, but not that much.

Other #2:

Yea, I don't know. It's just a cool Gif.

Other #3:

All Hail The Core.

(If I need to change anything, let me know.)

Overlord much ;3 wow. 

Name: Harold Hurlehiver


Age: 31 cycles (~74 years), he is middle aged for his race. 


Apparence: A short (1m50) humanoid, his skin is purple. He has short black hair combed on the back of his head. He is usually wearing a relativly old blue work uniform, wide welding googles and dirty gloves.

(i'll post a pic as soon as i finish drawing him.) 


Species: Fallen gnome


Interest / goals: Find something new, try new inventions, meet rare creatures and teach a lesson to his cousin Yvan. (Goddamit Yvan, that girl was mine !)


Background: The profesor Harold Hurlehiver was born as a regular tunnel gnome, he always liked to discover and try out new things. At his 12 cycle, he started studing dark magic without the proper safety equipement (Those things arent cheap !), when one of his experiment went nuts (as usual) he became a fallen gnome, loosing his pale skin for a more blueich one. Being astonishingly ugly for the gnome standards, he fleed home for the Dark Town. There, he opened a succesful weapon business. When he turned 30, he decided to close down that business, he had enough money to live peacefuly for the rest of his life. But who likes peace am i right ? He bought an old mansion and setup a laboratory. He was ready to start exploring the world. 



Appraise: Harold can appraise a material or an object, revelling any propriety (even magical) and giving him a clear idea of it's worth. 

Curse me once...: Harold cant be corrupted and isnt affected by black magic anymore. 

Eurêka ! : Harold have an open mind, giving him the ability to master any art with enough training, this allow him to make great inventions. 


All Hail The Core. 

Name: Harold Hurlehiver


Age: 31 cycles (~74 years), he is middle aged for his race. 


Apparence: A short (1m50) humanoid, his skin is purple. He has short black hair combed on the back of his head. He is usually wearing a relativly old blue work uniform, wide welding googles and dirty gloves.

(i'll post a pic as soon as i finish drawing him.) 


Species: Fallen gnome


Interest / goals: Find something new, try new inventions, meet rare creatures and teach a lesson to his cousin Yvan. (Goddamit Yvan, that girl was mine !)


Background: The profesor Harold Hurlehiver was born as a regular tunnel gnome, he always liked to discover and try out new things. At his 12 cycle, he started studing dark magic without the proper safety equipement (Those things arent cheap !), when one of his experiment went nuts (as usual) he became a fallen gnome, loosing his pale skin for a more blueich one. Being astonishingly ugly for the gnome standards, he fleed home for the Dark Town. There, he opened a succesful weapon business. When he turned 30, he decided to close down that business, he had enough money to live peacefuly for the rest of his life. But who likes peace am i right ? He bought an old mansion and setup a laboratory. He was ready to start exploring the world. 



Appraise: Harold can appraise a material or an object, revelling any propriety (even magical) and giving him a clear idea of it's worth. 

Curse me once...: Harold cant be corrupted and isnt affected by black magic anymore. 

Eurêka ! : Harold have an open mind, giving him the ability to master any art with enough training, this allow him to make great inventions. 


All Hail The Core. 

Oh this will be amusing lol!! Accepted! Feel free to post when ready! 
Name: Ezrael (usually called "Ezey" or "Ez"; Definitely-Not-Ezreal; Trueshooter; Magical Marksman) 

Age: 17 

- Species: Human/Witch

Appearance: An average-looking guy, Ezrael has silver hair, to go along with his pair of teal-colored eyes. He wears a set of traveler clothing, including a short, segmented cape that resembled an eagle's wings; a gray hoodie; a brown dusty jacket, with matching pants and boots. He has a bracelet on his left hand - also his weapon of choice and a black glove on his right hand.

Interests/Goals: Ezrael aims to recover the lost magics and keep them safe from dangerous individuals; Destroy the last of the witch hunters.

- Powers and Abilities

+ [Trueshot]: Ezrael is capable of using the magic known as [Trueshot], which was deemed to be a lost skill by both human and witches. By using this, he could conjure any weapons, artifacts, or items pictured within his mind, projecting them into reality from mere thoughts and fire them at will. Each weapon could possess a different skill of their own according to records of the original skill, however, Ezrael hasn't come to control his own power well enough to produce such powers. Therefore, he could only materialize arrows of light as of now; fire bolts of light energy and learned to produce a number of specific arrows. He needs to "reload" his arrows when his mana pool is dry.

Still, the arrows are not to be taken lightly. They could result in powerful magical explosions, with their destructive capability ranging from a small missile to a gigantic nuclear warhead at Ezrael's best.

These aspects depend on how much mana he uses for each shot, as they stack their consumption amount and could dry him rather quickly when used continuously even when he possesses a vast amount of mana. 

+ [Mana Manipulation]: By utilizing the flow of magic thanks to his heritage gained from his mother, Ezrael is exceptionally skilled with the usage of his own mana. He could fill his mana pool up a lot faster and at a rapidly rate even while in combat, while performing several spells all at a time. He could even transfer mana to a specific point or his entire body to increase his overall physical performance, and perform a short-range teleporation along with generating mana shields.

+ [Marksman]: Ezrael is quite skilled in long-range combat, as trained by his father who was a skilled witch hunter. He kept practicing this skill even after his father's death, honing them to be more perfect as time passes. Works well with his [Trueshot] ability. 

+ [Magic]: Ezrael could use magic very well, and is considered a genius at that field. However, he prefers his [Trueshot] ability better.

+ [Enhanced Magic Resistance]: As the son of a powerful witch and a skilled witch hunter, Ezrael possesses a higher resistance against magic compared to even his own people.

Other skills: Arcane Mastery, Expert in Archaeology & Supernatural Fields, Mystical Fighter.  

- Background:

Ezrael was born to a witch and a witch hunter. Originally, his father was tasked with hunting an infamous witch - a resident who lurked in the [Dark Town]. Unfortunately, they both fell in love with each other at first sight, but their duties to their people kept them from being together. However, after several encounters, they confessed their feelings, and Ezrael's father abandoned his position to pursue a dream of building a family with the witch. Her kind gladly accepted this, and allowed them to be together. His father's side did not think the same, though, and used a dark curse to murder the child the first moment after he left his mother's womb. 

His mother was driven to madness when trying to save him. She asked for helps from other witches and used many forbidden arts to bring her child back, each came with a toll of them. She succeeded in planting a fragment of her soul within him, and he cried. The cost was her being unable to see her child again. Her heart was filled with happiness to know her little angel would lead a happy life and see the world's beauty for her through his own eyes. That night, everyone was utterly happy.

Following the years, Ezrael grew up in the love of his blind mother and his father who taught him how to use a bow, and the guidance of the witches whom he considered his family. They expected great things from him and he had to do more works than usual kids of his age. Despite being a child, such pressure was put on his shoulders and he was unable to take it...

One day, he ran away from home, right on his sixth birthday. The witches and his father tried to search for him, but to no avail. The hunters got him and brought him back to the base where they would torture him and gain information about the witches' defenses. The poor kid did not manage to withstand the pain they brought on him.

After that, they then opened their assault on their enemies, and slaughtered a lot of witches, including Ezrael's father. His mother, despite being blinded, rushed to the hunters' base to rescue him and was captured. She was tortured and raped until death right in front of Ezrael's eyes, while he begged for them to stop. When she died, he was the one to grieve for her. The witches nearly went extinct after that war. Some escaped, some were captured for experimenting purposes and to be used as toys. 

Ezrael then murdered every single witch hunters at the site before leaving with his mother's lifeless corpse. He made a vow to kill every last one of those wretched witch hunter and bring true peace to his kind, and with that vow acting as his life purpose, he began his journey.     

"Mom... Dad... Everyone... I'm sorry...... I'm so sorry..... I would never run away again..."



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Name: Ezrael (usually called "Ezey" or "Ez"; Definitely-Not-Ezreal; Trueshooter; Magical Marksman) 

Age: 17 

- Species: Human/Witch

Appearance: An average-looking guy, Ezrael has silver hair, to go along with his pair of teal-colored eyes. He wears a set of traveler clothing, including a short, segmented cape that resembled an eagle's wings; a gray hoodie; a brown dusty jacket, with matching pants and boots. He has a bracelet on his left hand - also his weapon of choice and a black glove on his right hand.

Interests/Goals: Ezrael aims to recover the lost magics and keep them safe from dangerous individuals; Destroy the last of the witch hunters.

- Powers and Abilities

+ [Trueshot]: Ezrael is capable of use the magic known as [Trueshot], which was deemed to be a lost skill by both human and witches. By using this, he could conjure weapons pictured within his mind, projecting them into reality from mere thoughts and fire them at will. Each weapons could possess a different skill according to records of the original skill, however, Ezrael hasn't come to control his own power well enough to produce such powers. Therefore, he could only materialize arrows of light as of now; fire bolts of light energy and learned to produce a number of specific arrows. He needs to "reload" his arrows when his mana pool is dry.

Still, the arrows are not to be taken lightly. They could result in magical explosion, with powers ranging from a small missile to a gigantic nuclear warhead at Ezrael's best. 

These aspects depend on how much mana he uses for each shot, as they stack their consumption amount and could dry him rather quickly when used continuously even when he possesses a vast amount of mana. 

+ [Mana Manipulation]: By utilizing the flow of magic thanks to his heritage gained from his mother, Ezrael is exceptionally skilled with the usage of his own mana. He could fill his mana pool up a lot faster and at a rapidly rate even while in combat, while performing several spells all at a time. He could even transfer mana to a specific point or his entire body to increase his overall physical performance, and perform a short-range teleporation.

+ [Marksman]: Ezrael is quite skilled in long-range combat, as trained by his father who was a skilled witch hunter. He kept practicing this skill even after his father's death. Works well with his [Trueshot] ability. 

+ [Magic]: Ezrael could use magic very well, and is considered a genius at that field. However, he prefers his [Trueshot] ability better.

- Background:

Ezrael was born to a witch and a witch hunter

Accepted! Welcome to the Center!

Calcifer "Cal" Huxley








inventing things, reading, experimenting, he wants to become a famous inventor and explorer, travelling, seeing new things


Cal can perform a few basic magic tricks, making things disappear, he is also immortal due to his elven background,

he's good at making potions of almost everything. He's still working on it, as well as making new ones.


Calcifer Alphorous Hornbuckle Huxley is an elf from a very highborn elven family. They were all very military focused people and Calcifer was the odd one out. While his brothers - Lysander, Gregory and Herbifer - and sisters - Rosery,  went out to spar and hunt, Cal was much more interested in studying plants, anything around him and breaking things and then figuring out how to put them back together and inventing things. Unlike his siblings and his parents, he's a bit of a clutz, a nervous chap whose often too polite for his own good. He lived with his family for 50 years until Cal had to go away for ten years to the military, something his father ordered specifically with the hopes that it would straighten him out and make him a real Huxley. Alas, in the army, people complained about him constantly. He would keep them up all night, staying up till late to work on projects and his experiments would wake people up. One time, one of his projects exploded and his officer thought it was a surprise attack. It wasn't and Cal was quickly kicked out of the military after only a year into his time there, as he risked the lives of many soldiers on several occasions. His father disapproved and told him that he should either cease with what he's doing, stop doing these experiments and stay in line or leave and be stripped of his inheritance, as he had already brought shame upon the family with his antics. Calcifer decided to leave for the Center, a place he had dreamt about, where he would be able to learn from the best. He managed to find a little place to stay at the Center and is currently enrolled in classes while also trying to make a name for himself. 
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Calcifer "Cal" Huxley








inventing things, reading, experimenting, he wants to become a famous inventor and explorer, travelling, seeing new things


Cal can perform a few basic magic tricks, making things disappear, he is also immortal due to his elven background,

he's good at making potions of almost everything. He's still working on it, as well as making new ones.


Calcifer Alphorous Hornbuckle Huxley is an elf from a very highborn elven family. They were all very military focused people and Calcifer was the odd one out. While his brothers - Lysander, Gregory and Herbifer - and sisters - Rosery,  went out to spar and hunt, Cal was much more interested in studying plants, anything around him and breaking things and then figuring out how to put them back together and inventing things. Unlike his siblings and his parents, he's a bit of a clutz, a nervous chap whose often too polite for his own good. He lived with his family for 50 years until Cal had to go away for ten years to the military, something his father ordered specifically with the hopes that it would straighten him out and make him a real Huxley. Alas, in the army, people complained about him constantly. He would keep them up all night, staying up till late to work on projects and his experiments would wake people up. One time, one of his projects exploded and his officer thought it was a surprise attack. It wasn't and Cal was quickly kicked out of the military after only a year into his time there, as he risked the lives of many soldiers on several occasions. His father disapproved and told him that he should either cease with what he's doing, stop doing these experiments and stay in line or leave and be stripped of his inheritance, as he had already brought shame upon the family with his antics. Calcifer decided to leave for the Center, a place he had dreamt about, where he would be able to learn from the best. He managed to find a little place to stay at the Center and is currently enrolled in classes while also trying to make a name for himself. 

Nerding out now...ACCEPTED! Welcome aboard!
Name: Genesis

Age: Unknown



She looks around mid-late teens to young twenties, although is much much older. She wears traditional thick Tribal clothes, with modest, loose clothing, tribal marks on the sleeves. Genesis keeps her hair down and  with a few braids like her mother did it when she was first introduced into the world. 

Species: Guardian

Interests/Goals: To find someone to become her Guarded.

Backstory: Genesis is born among a rare race, and their only goal is to find a being that is willing to accept them as their Guardian until either one's life is ended. 

When she was first born, there we many of her kind. But when greedy entities learned of her kinds purpose, she and her tribe were sought out, and most forcefully bonded to war thirsty beings. Including her parents and brother. She and a select few found solitude in the Forest, and hid for many years. Eventually some felt it was safe and made their way into the world. Many bonded with the late and new generation. And the Tribe started to rebuild. After a large raid by thieves Genesis was separated from the Tribe, and has wandered ever since. Genesis only wishes to bond with a worthy being, and find her tribe. But for years she has searched and has been unable to meet a person able to bond with and become their Guardian.

Physical Skills: She is skilled with a bow staff, and pressure points. 

Magical Skills:

Omnilingual~ The ability to decipher and memorize any foreign language. 

Power Bestowal~ The Ability to bestow powers upon another person. (Mostly her Bond. But others as well) Depending on her strength, she can make temporary powers or permanent. She has never used this one before, yet has seen it used by her people. And so for the first while when she uses it, she will not be able to make powers permanent. 

Power Sensing: The ability to sense or recognize the powers of another person. 

Animation~ The only power she can really use for her own defense is this. Genesis has the ability to bring inanimate objects to life, or free a person from petrification. 

Theme Song: Intro ~ Just A Gent

Other: None yet

All Hail the Core











sea god



~make friends

~protect bayu

~try not to make too many enemies



juno has no idea how she came to be in this world. her memories of the beginning of her life had left her long ago. some say that she's as old as the ocean, and others say she created the seven seas themselves. in the vast expanse that is her life, with no clear ending in sight, juno has never met or even heard rumors of any other sea god. by choosing to go to the center, she has high hopes that she will meet another of her kind, though the chances are slim. bayu, juno's sea serpent and her only current friend, met juno in what she guesses would be her early years. and for as long as she can remember, she has never aged and has always looked as she does now. a while ago, when juno had travelled to a small fishing village on an island surrounded by water, she had made friends with the people of the village. they all had very much fun together. or at least juno thought so. but it turned out that the villagers were planning to murder bayu, who mostly protected juno, and then murder juno if she didn't call all of the fish to their small island's shores. juno was so grief-striken and betrayed that she whispered to the waves her dispair and they swallowed that small island whole, leaving no survivers. after that, she kept away from cunning humans so as to never get hurt again. though recently, bayu told juno tales of a magical place named "the center". this place peaked juno's interest and juno decided to give people another shot. so she ventured down into the center, though not through the quickest or most gracful of means. it took the pair over a year to find their way into the center. 


theme song



~melodic mantra: the victim is entranced by a melody that plays only in their head as long as they are touching water. they are not able to break this trance (potentially lethal)

~delusion: the victim begins to hallucnate for a set period of time, set by juno, and will not remember the hallucination when they awaken from it (potentially lethal)

~a friend to all: the ability to befriend any sea creature and understand one another

~wave wall: the ability to create an impenetrable wall of water 

~recall: the ability to call forth water spirits 



~juno is typically very friendly, unless you hurt any of her friends in any way. then she goes full-blown sea-goddess on ya

~as far as she knows, juno is immortal

~juno can leave the water, but she has to maintain her body's levels of water, which are significantly greater than those of humans, so she drinks a lot of water when she is on land

~juno usually travels via bayu, who can fly for certain lengths at a time

~bayu has no gender

~juno loves the pizza the humans make, and would do anything for it (except kill. i mean c'mon, gotta have some decency)

~juno's clothing while she lived in the sea was nonexistent, so she knows no better (that's gonna be a rude awakening )

~many peoples worship juno because of her status as sea god

~juno is a very curious little thing


all hail the core
Name: Genesis

Age: Unknown



She looks around mid-late teens to young twenties, although is much much older. She wears traditional thick Tribal clothes, with modest, loose clothing, tribal marks on the sleeves. Genesis keeps her hair down and  with a few braids like her mother did it when she was first introduced into the world. 

Species: Guardian

Interests/Goals: To find someone to become her Guarded.

Backstory: Genesis is born among a rare race, and their only goal is to find a being that is willing to accept them as their Guardian until either one's life is ended. 

When she was first born, there we many of her kind. But when greedy entities learned of her kinds purpose, she and her tribe were sought out, and most forcefully bonded to war thirsty beings. Including her parents and brother. She and a select few found solitude in the Forest, and hid for many years. Eventually some felt it was safe and made their way into the world. Many bonded with the late and new generation. And the Tribe started to rebuild. After a large raid by thieves Genesis was separated from the Tribe, and has wandered ever since. Genesis only wishes to bond with a worthy being, and find her tribe. But for years she has searched and has been unable to meet a person able to bond with and become their Guardian.

Physical Skills: She is skilled with a bow staff, and pressure points. 

Magical Skills:

Omnilingual~ The ability to decipher and memorize any foreign language. 

Power Bestowal~ The Ability to bestow powers upon another person. (Mostly her Bond. But others as well) Depending on her strength, she can make temporary powers or permanent. She has never used this one before, yet has seen it used by her people. And so for the first while when she uses it, she will not be able to make powers permanent. 

Power Sensing: The ability to sense or recognize the powers of another person. 

Animation~ The only power she can really use for her own defense is this. Genesis has the ability to bring inanimate objects to life, or free a person from petrification. 

Theme Song: Intro ~ Just A Gent

Other: None yet

All Hail the Core

Accepted!! Sorry I have been MIA a few days xD











sea god



~make friends

~protect bayu

~try not to make too many enemies



juno has no idea how she came to be in this world. her memories of the beginning of her life had left her long ago. some say that she's as old as the ocean, and others say she created the seven seas themselves. in the vast expanse that is her life, with no clear ending in sight, juno has never met or even heard rumors of any other sea god. by choosing to go to the center, she has high hopes that she will meet another of her kind, though the chances are slim. bayu, juno's sea serpent and her only current friend, met juno in what she guesses would be her early years. and for as long as she can remember, she has never aged and has always looked as she does now. a while ago, when juno had travelled to a small fishing village on an island surrounded by water, she had made friends with the people of the village. they all had very much fun together. or at least juno thought so. but it turned out that the villagers were planning to murder bayu, who mostly protected juno, and then murder juno if she didn't call all of the fish to their small island's shores. juno was so grief-striken and betrayed that she whispered to the waves her dispair and they swallowed that small island whole, leaving no survivers. after that, she kept away from cunning humans so as to never get hurt again. though recently, bayu told juno tales of a magical place named "the center". this place peaked juno's interest and juno decided to give people another shot. so she ventured down into the center, though not through the quickest or most gracful of means. it took the pair over a year to find their way into the center. 


theme song



~melodic mantra: the victim is entranced by a melody that plays only in their head as long as they are touching water. they are not able to break this trance (potentially lethal)

~delusion: the victim begins to hallucnate for a set period of time, set by juno, and will not remember the hallucination when they awaken from it (potentially lethal)

~a friend to all: the ability to befriend any sea creature and understand one another

~wave wall: the ability to create an impenetrable wall of water 

~recall: the ability to call forth water spirits 



~juno is typically very friendly, unless you hurt any of her friends in any way. then she goes full-blown sea-goddess on ya

~as far as she knows, juno is immortal

~juno can leave the water, but she has to maintain her body's levels of water, which are significantly greater than those of humans, so she drinks a lot of water when she is on land

~juno usually travels via bayu, who can fly for certain lengths at a time

~bayu has no gender

~juno loves the pizza the humans make, and would do anything for it (except kill. i mean c'mon, gotta have some decency)

~juno's clothing while she lived in the sea was nonexistent, so she knows no better (that's gonna be a rude awakening )

~many peoples worship juno because of her status as sea god

~juno is a very curious little thing


all hail the core


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