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Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

Belle relaxed slightly as he left although until then it was probably unnoticeable that she had been tense. She nodded "i'll keep that in mind" she said softly, sadly. "What do you think we need to change about our world then?" she asked leading her into the living room and walking over to the sofa and sat down
Ariel shook her head. "I don't know...but something needs to be done...The ones who have control over us need to be brought down." She whispered softly. She sat down on the sofa. "Rebellion...that's what we need."

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Belle sighed "what ever happened to 'happily ever after' " she said wishfully. She nodded "yes maybe you're right". Adam walked in carrying some tea "I thought you might like some tea" he said looking hopeful. Belle sighed sitting upright in her chair, she smiled slightly at him "Thank you Adam, that's lovely.". His eyes practically lit up and he smiled brightly nodding "good" he sad placing the tray on the small table
Ariel looked at her sadly. "That's just it...for some...'Happily Ever After' exists." She said softly.. "But for others it doesn't exist...you have to find your own happiness.." She looked at Adam and smiled. "He is such a sweetheart." She said gently and watched as his eyes lit up. "You two are so lucky to have one another, please do me a favor, never let go of each other...it reminds everyone that there is still hope in the world."

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Belle nodded "I'm happy with my life, I would feel greedy for asking for more. I don't wish anything more for myself just for others" she said smiling at Ariel, talking about both Ariel and Adam. She nodded "I'm very lucky." She chuckled softly "You've started spending to much time with Adam, of course I wouldn't let go of him".

Adam looked like he had died and gone to heaven. He smiled and kissed Belles temple softly, sweetly. With a massive grin plastered on his face. She kissed his jaw "now go on before your head gets to big and let me have some girl time" she said sweetly, in a slightly teasing tone. Adam nodded "alright, ill see you two at dinner" he smiled walking away. "You probably think im harsh on him" Belle said quietly once he had left the room.
Ariel laughed gently and watched as Adam left. She looked at belle. "Not to harsh my dear, not at all. Just I feel...like you should spend more time with him...you never know when that'll all be taken away." She whispered softly.

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Alice giggled as he quietly stalked around the house. He had been right! The craziest people are the most entertaining. Getting closer as things heated up he peaked into the shattered window only to duck as a bullet flew past. He pouted upset. That wasn't very nice at all.

His attention was soon brought back to the matter at hand as a new voice was added to the fight. Perking up at the thought of more blood being shed he peeked back in and eagerly watched the fight. He quickly realized that the new boy was peter pan who he had actually met once. As a child he often got lost so it was bound to happen that Peter would come for him. He had rejected his offer though because daddy would be mad and nobody was spared when he was mad.

Alice shook his head trying to get rid of the memories that were trying to claw their way into his mind. Daddy was dead now so What did it matter. Scowling he went back to watching the fight trying to divert his attention from the memories.

Daddy was dead and the dead can't hurt you.
The Big Bad Wolf

The large, slate grey wolf slunk through the trees looking for its next meal. A yearling buck wandered past, soft velvet still on his small horns; right in front of its killer, even! The beast stopped its pursuit, perplexed that the cervid didn't even flinch in the face of death. It wasn't until the wolf heard the song that it realized the creature was bewitched. The wolf followed it until it reached a small clearing where a blonde haired girl was singing something about a hatter. In no time, who the wolf assumed to be the hatter swept the girl away. Another man followed behind them soon after. The animals began to disperse calmly until with a snarl, the unnaturally large wolf leapt upon the buck and bit into the soft flesh of its neck. The warm lifeblood of the creature oozed into its attacker's jaw on on its fur. Although the cervid kicked and squirmed, the wolf held steadfast until at last it lay still. The wolf made quick work of its meal.

Hunger satiated, the wolf rose to its heavy paws and shook its fur wildly until a woman stood in its place. She heard a gunshot and decided to follow the sound. Surely the madcap group that passed close by wasn't too far ahead. Maybe she could get another easy meal, although that tended to be boring. Leaves crunched under her callused feet as she stalked through the forest. Finally, the trio she saw earlier was in sight. She heard a noise behind her, then a monstrous presence could be felt beside her. Without looking, she lifted a small hand the the creature, knowing it was one of her children, one of her direwolf descendants. "Patience, child. I want to see what becomes of this," she commanded. To the human ear, all that came out of her mouth were guttural noises and growls. The direwolf sat on its haunches beside its creator and awaited her decision.
Belle nodded "I do...I dot like spending time away from him but when he acts all possessive of me and desperate I found it makes it worse when I act happy to see him and make a big deal out of it, once he relaxs I can just be myself with him but if I make out that its a big deal that I came back it just makes him more paranoid when I leave" she sighed.
Raps was on a mission. A big mission. Well maybe. Anyways she was walking in this odd part of the forest that she had never been in before. Well at least she doesn't think so. Why does this place mess with her senses? She scratches her head in utter confusion and looks at a small parchment that appeared to be a hastily written map. "Hmm, this certainly looks like the place but I don't see a..." She glances about and sees some very interesting figures chatting in the near distance and what appears to be a house. Feeling a little uneasy about this whole situation Rapunzel reaches in her knapsack and pulls out her trusty whips and approaches the interesting house. Finding a tree nearby she sits up against it and places her whips beside her and reaches in her knapsack to down some whiskey. Wiping her shirt she sighs and shakes her head, "I have a feeling this will be a very long night."
Ariel nods understanding and smiled gently. "I get it...that makes sense my dear." She said sweetly. "How have you been since I last saw you two...children on the brain yet?" She asked eagerly. She loved children...and her own she loved with everything she had.

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Belle smile, she felt relived someone understood. she hated acting how she did and sometimes wondered if it was cruel but if Ariel understood it made her feel better. She smiled softly "in the world we live in at the moment I don't think children are th best bet. I don't know how adam would feel about it either...since of his curse"
Ariel smiled gently and picked up the tea cup. She bit her lip and nods. "Sometimes children are the cure." She said wistfully. Ariel played with her red hair and sighed. "I'm sorry...It's just that my life has went down hill...I just want to make sure my friends get the most out of theirs."

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Belle smiled and nodded "Maybe it would be good for Adam...but I worry, it could go either way" she sighed sofly. she picked up hers as well and took a sip "I understand, and im grateful. I miss eric, he was a good man. And yoyr baby girl was so sweet and beautiful" she said with a soft smile "you know it wasn't your fault ariel so I hope you don't think that"
Ariel nods gently and just lets the tears come out. She couldn't help it. "I miss them too...and I can't help but think it was my fault!" She said and wiped at her tears. "I thought I could be stronger...I thought I was stronger...but I wasn't and it's my fault he killed her."

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As the day goes on Raps' bottle turns empty, sadly she had no more. Though the sight of the forest was rather humorous to her. She watches two lovely ladies chatting about children laughing, crying, laughing, crying, and she thinks to herself maybe its not so bad Flynn left her. "I wonder if Flynn and I would have gotten married if we would have had children? But nooooo he had to..." hiccup "join the clergy. Sheesh."

Then she spots some boy in green tights kinda just standing there all to himself and some dude in a hat being chased down by some sorta cute guy asking for his gun back. Boys always look cute to Raps when she's drunk. She gets up, stumbles and falls. Still hiccuping a little bit she approaches the two moms (Belle and Ariel), "Scuse me, wanna go play *hiccup* tag with those boys over there?"

Before she even heard a reply out of them she runs off, in what appeared to be Hansel's direction, though well, between the frequent falling down and stumbling, its rather unclear.
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Alice succeeded in his goal of getting distracted but pouted when his entertainment began to leave. Intent on being entertained he followed on sure swift feet. He ignored the women and peter pan as he passed not giving them a thought. Why should he care about random people when his entertainment was getting away!

All he left behind was the sound of his mad giggles ringing through the air.

As the chase drove on Hansel didn't seem to be getting any closer to the mad man and the woman he was dragging along. Just as he began to gain some actual speed something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. A woman was running towards his him. Hansel just needed to see a glimpse of her face to tell she was drunk. Similarly to insane people Hansel had also come across many drunken men and women, but they were usually lying on the floor.

“Is she with trying to catch up with me?...I better speed u-“ Hansel wasn't even able to finish this thought when the noise of footsteps behind him caught his attention. @Hinatarocks

He glanced back to watch the source of the sound and what he saw shocked him a bit. There, two young looking kids (Alice and Peter) wearing a dress were just a few meters away, one of them running and the other one flying. The giggling of the running one made Hansel want to run as away as possible from him and his friend, but he had to catch the gun-snatching man. Instead he simply began to run faster, like if trying to make as much distance from himself, the drunken woman and the two kids. Sweat began to form on his forehead as the first signs of exhaustion began to set in. @wonderboy1234 @kira blackthorn

What the actual hell is going on right now?...Hey Hatter! Are these your reinforcement!? Two kids wearing dresses and a drunk woman!?” Hansel yelled, his voice dripping with both anger and confusion. @king5ter
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Peter watched Hansel and the Hatter, his flintlock pointed at both of them. He wasn't sure who to shoot at but so far he hadn't been shot at my either of them. He then heard Hansel call his tunic a dress. This made him angry. No one made Peter Pan angry. If you made Peter pissed he tended to run them through with his dagger.

"It's not a dress!" Peter shouted firing the single round at Hansel. Peter threw the pistols down and drew his cutlass.

"It's a tunic!" Peter whined angrily like a brat. He levitated up into the air for a moment and flew full speed towards Hansel holding the sword out in front of him doing corkscrews in the air. He planned to run his sword into Hansel with like a human screw driver.
The Big Bad Wolf

The Wolf-Woman made a small noise as a drunk woman stumbled past her just meters away and a flying boy zipped overhead. She heard a click as the flying boy cocked his gun then began firing. The Wolf-Woman yelped as a discarded bullet seared her bare shoulder and she dropped to the forest floor, crouching down in case she needed to change back into beast. The direwolf beside her made no hesitation in leaping through the air as the flying boy came down towards another man. It knocked the boy to the ground and growled maliciously in his face, awaiting its mother's command. Here, child, the woman said in the voice of a wolf. It backed off the boy quickly and retreated to the woman's side, standing near her protectively and fiercely, teeth constantly bared. The Wolf-Woman looked at the flying boy, the hunter-like man, the madman, and the drunken woman. "What are you doing in my part of the forest? Direwolves roam here freely. You shouldn't have wandered from the path," the feral woman growled, her voice scratchy from disuse and not anger.
Raps slowed down to a near zombie-like state and all she could do was point and laugh hysterically. Oh the madness ensuing. And being drunk just amplified it into utter chaos. Raps hears the wolf-woman call her out asking why she's here. Even intoxicated she won't back down to anyone. She pulls out her whips and places one in each hand along with a map. Unsure if the whips will need to be used she keeps them tightly wound as she proceeds to the wolf, "Milady, I *hiccup* bid you no harm." She pulls out the map that shows the wolf how it displays this house with a red x stamped upon it, "I was hired to uh, for what I am a little unsure, I was told it was a matter of urgency and I'd know when I got here. *Hiccup* But I have no idea." She scratches her head then puts her whips down beside her and holds out her hand, extremely unsteady, but does regardless, "The name is Rapunzel."
The Hatter stopped to see Peter diving towards the witch hunter, childishly angry. He ran towards them and tackled Peter to the floor.

"No!" The Hatter yelled. "Don't ruin the fun!" He turned to see Alice a short distance away, watching the fight and laughing gleefully. The Hatter got up from the floor and ran towards him, forgetting about everything else.
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The Big Bad Wolf

The direwolf growled and stepped in front of its master as the drunken woman walked over with her whips. The beasts teeth were dripping saliva and its large canines were stained with old blood. The Wolf-Woman put her hand on the hostile beast and he retreated to her side and sat down. His mouth never closed all the way, but he wasn't growling anymore--at least not very loud. The woman explained why she was there then held out a hand, introducing herself as Rapunzel. A little unsure of herself since she didn't come into contact with humans often, she held out a hand and shook the woman's across from her. "I am Lucia, although most know me as Wolf-Woman, Child-Devourer, or Terror of the Forest," she said without pride. She looked over to her child, whose head came up to her shoulder, even sitting on its haunches. "This terrible beast is one of my offspring, or a descendant of one," she went on to explain while running a hand through the beast's fur. "It's a good thing I wandered over when I did, otherwise he would have killed at least one of you." She looked around at the others who had still not noticed her presence. Her eyes stopped on the hatter. "He's a tad--how would I put this politely--mentally stunted," Lucia stated. Then she looked around a bit more, her eyes resting comfortably on the man who looked like a hunter. "Who are these people?" she asked, her eyes never straying from the man. She may have just found her next meal.

OOC: Can I just point out that Peter was already knocked to the ground by one of Lucia's direwolves q:
Peter hit the ground with a thud. His sword skidded to the side out of his reach. A wolf was on top was on top of him but it soon retrenched.

Peter stood up and drew his dagger and charged again at the witch hunter. He was pounced on yet again, this time by the Hatter: Peter brought up a fist and clocked the Hatter in the face with a right hook. The force of the blow rolled the hatter off him and Peter stood up. He went over to his sword and sheathed the blade. Glaring at the witch hunter, then at the hatter, and finally at the girl with the wolves. He spit on the ground and retrieved his Teddy which he had dropped earlier in the minor scuffle. He hugged the bear tightly to his chest with one arm holding the dagger up in the air. Ready to strike if anyone came at him.
Raps looked at the Lucia's offspring and smiled as her handshake slowly retreated, breathing a sigh of relief. "Cool dog! As far as what I'm doing here, Lucia, I have no idea. After I er... moved out I had to make ends meet you see, and lets just say I do odd jobs." She looks around and chuckles softly her senses slowly returning to her. "Though to be honest I've never done a job quite this odd." She bends down and places the whips back into her bag and smiles. "The child-devourer eh?" Looking over at Belle and Ariel she chuckles and whispers into Lucia's ear, "I would steer clear of those two then, all they've talked about as far as I can tell is children an' such. By the way you said this is your forest, do you know who lives here?"

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