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Fantasy Fallen Fairytales

The Hatter stared at the stupid boy asking stupid questions. He threw the revolver onto the floor. "You can call me The Hatter. I'm here because...well, you're here!" He cackled. "Now let me get one thing straight." He walked right up to the boy, pressing his forehead into the barrel of the boy's gun.

"Never point a gun at me again."

He laughed and, grabbing his gun, ran off into the woods.
Belle frowned hearing mad laughter "I think that's our queue to leave" she mumbled. "Lets go Philippe" she said, the horse on command began galloping back over the hill and down to the forest that would lead them home "Are you still friendly with flounder and Sebastian?" she asked glancing over her shoulder at Ariel
Ariel nods as she heard the laughter...it sounded a lot like Eric's after he went off the deep end. She winced. Belle had asked if she was still friendly with Flounder and Sebastian and Ariel smiled widely. "Of course...they keep me informed on what's going on under the sea...Apparently I'm not the only one with this curse...my sisters have all driven themselves to insanity...." She informed Belle.

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Belle smiled hearing that she was still in contact with them although she frowned hearing that the curse was taking over others "I see..." she said thinking to herself, she pulled gently on the reigns as she began to recognise where she was, easing Philippe into a slower pace allowing her a little rest. "Is there no cure for it?" she asked softly, she knew Ariel had of course more than likely tried to control it but surely there must be a cure...It was her fault Adam was still cursed. There was no cure that they knew of because it was the result of her not saying what would break the first curse quick enough.
Ariel shook her head. "It's the sea witches curse...you would think after she was dead the curse would die with her...." She said deep in thought. "I think it's evil that needs to be brought down..." She said throwing it out there... "As far as I know there is no curse...and my sisters have little to no control of who they kill."

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For a couple of seconds Hansel stood there, speechless and motionless. He was baffled to say the least. He looked down at his gun-less hand with an expression that clearly said 'Did that really just happened?...'

As soon as Hansel understood the gravity of the situation and beast-like rage exploded inside of him. "Hey YOU! Get your ass back here!" He yelled at the top of his lungs before chasing the man.
Belle nodded "Times are a lot darker than they used to be" she sighed softly. She smiled seeing the tips of the towers peeking over the treeline, the were getting closer to home. "We're nearly there" she smiled. Belle knew Philippe was eager to get home since the horse suddenly sped up.
Ariel nods. "A lot darker than most people would think...something must be done." She said the last part to herself mostly as she saw the tips of the castle as well. The horse sped up Ariel held on tighter.

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Ella was wandering in the forest picking red and black flowers if she didn't come back with exactly twelve of each Sophia would bring her father to the castle Ella shivered at the thought. Her skirt tickled the luscious grass and she laughed but she heard a weird cackling echo of her own voice "The hatter," she exclaimed she wasn't scared of the hatter since she had been through far worse so she started to sing a song for him

#Oh oh oh Mister hatter

Wonderland no longer matters

No one should be scared of you

Since you have a heart pure and true

Come to me mister hatter

Come to me my friend

Be here to the end

Don't kill us like they killed you

Come to the hill you'll have a good view

Oh oh oh mister hatter

Wonderland no longer matters#

Birds gathered in the branches above the tree and deer wandered shyly up to her she smiled and slunk down the tree spreading her skirt around her on the floor waiting for her mad companion @king5ter
Belle nodded "yes" she sighed softly "Adam struggles with his curse, the village know nothing of it. We keep it a secret from them, that's why he tends to give me most of the job of ruling the kingdom" she said sadly. She always felt guilty for doing this to him, she remembered how she watched the light leave his eyes that day he woke up and realised he had turned back into a beast.

They slowed back down to a walk as they went through the castle gates
Ariel nods understanding. But she smiled at him. "He's still here..alive and healthy...he still loves you Belle..don't forget that." She says to him. "He hasn't forgotten himself yet." Ariel looked up at the castle and smiled. "It's been so long.."

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Belle nodded and smiled, Although she could get irritated with Adam she loved him with all her heart. Ariel had suffered much more than they had and she was always grateful that the curse had saved her beast prince the day Gaston had tried to kill him. Belle climbed off once Philippe had stopped, she counted in her head '3...2...1' sure enough just a moment later Adam practically flew out the castle doors and was by her side within a matter of moments.
The Hatter gave out a gleeful laugh as he ran between the tress, not looking back. He heard Ella singing the song, and headed towards the sound of her voice. The witch hunter was following him, he could hear it. He laughed, firing his revolver back randomly without looking. Birds scattered, suddenly scared of the loud noise. The Hatter kept on running, laughing away like the madman he was. The boy was still chasing him. He found Ella and grabbed her, dragging her along.

"Come on. We've got a new friend to play with."
Ella screamed as she was dragged on this hatter was scary and very different than her childhood friend she shook her head "No killing hatter," she said forcefully trying to get out of his strong Grip.
Ariel looked at the two and smiled sweetly at the sight. They were perfect for each other. Something tugged at her heart and she winced only slightly before jumping off the horse. "Hello Adam." She smiled at him. "As handsome as ever I see." She said sweetly and curtsied. She couldn't help but let the thoughts of her and Eric wiggled their way into her mind.

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Belle didn't look at Adam as he looked at her longingly, as if she had been away for years without any contact. Adam smiled slightly looking at Ariel "its been far to long Ariel, I swear you grow more beautiful every time I se you" he said leaning down and taking her hand kissing it gently in a greeting manner. Belle smiled, at Ariel. She hadn't even Glanced once at Adam "Come. I'll show you around, we redecorated since you were last here" she said walking towards the castle.

Adam seemed oblivious to the way belle acted to him, he looked like he was looking at a goddess. To him that was she was, all he cared about was her coming home.
Peter smiled when Ariel said that she'd told his stories to her daughter. Sure they weren't the real stories about his adventures in Neverland but they were close enough. He then saw her get sad and he immediately knew that she had lost her child. He'd seen that expression on Mrs. Darling's face before he had returned her children to her.

Peter then watched Belle and Ariel get on their horse and ride off.

"Goodbye I guess!" He called at them as they left. Peter was now bored with no one to talk to. He heard common goon in the house. Tink urged him not to listen but his need for fun and adventure ignored the Fairy's warning. She flied annoyed by Peter's shoulder. Peter dug into his satchel and pulled out a flintlock pistol. He'd stolen it from hook and rarely got a chance to use it. He pulled back the hammer and entered the house. He saw the two men having a conversation with guns and he was glad he'd brought along his. Tink flew down into Peter's leaf made tunic to hide.
Ariel smiled gently and gave a slight blush. "Thank you Adam." She said and looked at Belle smiling but there was a hint of confusion in her eyes. Belle didn't even glance at Adam. And Ariel didn't understand. He was so loyal to her. And she seemed to want to distance herself. Finally she answered. "Yes I'd love to see it, dear." She followed her quickly worried now about what was really going on.

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Hansel found it hard to keep up with the mad man's speed. The fact that he had to dodge the bullets that were fired towards him didn't make things any easier. One of the bullets zoomed by, almost landing on his forehead.

A female voice caught his attention. He didn't think it was important at first, but after seeing how the man ran towards the source of the voice made Hansel think that the man may have reenforcements.

"I can't let my guard down right now...Nor can I be too careful" He thought as he drew out his curved knife. @king5ter
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Belle smiled happily at her, she practically acted as if Adam wasn't even there. "Oh good" she said as Lumiere walked over to them "Ah, Princess Ariel its been far to long, my dear" he said smiling and bowed. Belle smiled and took off her cloak handing and hung it up. "Ariel, will you be staying with us for dinner?" she asked smiling "Also your welcome to stay here as long as you like" she said turning to her as Adam closed the door.
Ariel smiled gently and looked at Lumiere. "It's nice to see you again darling." She said and then looked Belle. "If you don't mind...but as for staying....In the morning I am meeting with a few men...suitors...are kingdom is falling apart." She said in a rough voice.

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Lumiere smiled and nodded "What would you like for dinner, princesses?". Belle smiled at him "whatever Ariel wants is fine." she turned to Ariel "oh, I see" she nodded understanding. It must be tough to have to go through that. She smiled reassuringly at her "I'm sure everything will work out"
Ariel looked at Lumiere. "Well whatever you recommend, I trust you will pick something rather delicious." She smiled at him and looked back at Belle. "I hope so, the kingdom is rather restless...and as you saw at the candy house today...violence has become a regular thing..." She said to Belle and looked at Adam as well. "My advisors have insisted that I get married so the kingdom can be at ease...so there is stability.. But I know it's not just my kingdom...Evil is spreading and at a rapid pace. They started with my kingdom because water covers most of the earth....take control of the seas you can easily take over the land."

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Lumiere nodded before walking off to the kitchen to talk to the chef, and probably have a 5 hour argument about what dish should be served. They always made belle laugh and smile. She frowned hearing what Ariel was saying and sighed "I don't understand why people cannot just be good. Its a worry to us all but you know we are you allies" she smiled taking Ariel's hand and leading her away "Adam go read or something" she said her tone going from light to more of a low commanding tone. Adam stopped following there and stood there for a moment looking worried then sad and nodded "Okay belle" he said softly walking away
Ariel watched Adam with a tinge of sadness. She felt bad for him. Knowing that every moment needed to be spent with the one who would be in your life forever. "Sorry" she mouthed to him before he turned and left. "Yes...I know you are my allies....but something bad is going to happen...something needs to change.." She said squeezing Belle's hand lightly. "It's too late for me and my people...don't let it be to late for you and yours."

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