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Futuristic Fall of the Immortals


Not a Hero

1) Don't be OP! It's no fun if you are.

2) You must fill out everything, if you have a reason not to say so in your post and I will decide if you can leave it.

3) If I like it, I will like it. Once I have liked your post, feel free to post in the OOC tab until we reach a point for you to join the story.

Character Sheet:


Appearance: (picture or description)




Equipment: (up to 2 weapons and 2 various other items)

Augmentations: (Cybernetic implants that will make you stronger, faster, etc. up to 3)

Weaknesses: (at least 2)


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Character Sheet:

Name: Jason Kalentis A.K.A. The Decider


Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Personality: Kalentis is cold, calculating, and impatient. He has no time for failure and will do whatever he must to succeed. He cares nothing for safety and often sacrifices himself and others for his cause. He has an air of power around him which tends to make others want to follow him. He will disregard you if you are weak and will hunt you if he sees you as a threat.

Equipment: (up to 2 weapons and 2 various other items)\

1) Plasma lance: A long beam of plasma that can be extended from his wrist gauntlet. It is lethal and burns at nearly 500 degrees Celsius.

2) Pulse Repeater: A small rifle that fires energy pulses. It can be concealed completely and has a range of 50 yards, lethal up to 30.

3) Wrist Gauntlet: A device on his wrist that he can use to order his troops, receive information, and analyze an area. It also warns him about dangerous situations.

4) Gateway Key: A key he keeps around his neck that keeps the Sky Gateway locked. The Sky Gateway is the only entrance and exit from Numareth, built during the Wind Plague to keep it from spreading.

Augmentations: (Cybernetic implants that will make you stronger, faster, etc. up to 3)

1) Bio-Pistons: Small implanted pistons in his arms and legs to allow faster movement and increased strength

2) G.Core: An implanted orb of power that he can use to power up and link nearby technology.

3) Cyber Eye: His left eye has been replaced with a Cyber Eye, allowing him to see heat signatures and see further away.

Weaknesses: (at least 2)'

1) He relied upon Lumanatis spores for a year and now uses his G.Core as a substitute. Without it he will die.

2) Much of his strength relies on his follower. On his own, he is not a great fighter and has to rely on dirty tactics to win most fights.

Bio: Jason Kalentis is the son of the richest man in Kuran. His father was the one who hired Vespis to make the serum in the first place. After it was completed, Jason stole the first batch and used it himself. He then killed his father and ran the industry. Vespis betrayed him however and kept him away from the serum. Kalentis left and took a years worth of serum with him. He then plotted how to get more of it. He implanted modifications and began the Purists. He called himself the decider. He made his move and attacked the lab where he attempted to steal the rest of the spores. He failed however and was forced to burn down the lab when vespis attacked him. He killed Vespis and took over the city. Thousands died around him and he cared not, as it only increased his power. Now he is the ruler of Numareth, now a toxic wasteland, and he will kill all who will not bow to him.

Other: He has many secrets that must be discovered through the story including a secret family
Name: Klement Vennable

Appearance: Long dark brown hair with green streaks by the bangs, green eyes, big nerdy glasses (no, not hipster glasses), scruff on his chin, lean yet strong.

In case the redtext is unreadable, it says "They've faced it many times before."

Yes, quite bad taste.


It's stained with blood and chemicals. But "Whatever."

Slightly stressed blue jeans and red sneakers will do it. But he also has a green gemstone looped on braided leather that means a lot to him [To be revealed]

He wears dark robes and bulletproof materials, gas mask, ETC at all times when outside.


Gender: Male

Height: 5'6

Personality: Typically a cheery, laid-back guy. He devotes his time to his studies (Even depriving himself of sleep to do so.) The less sleep he has, the crankier, jumpier (knee jerk reactions), more untrusting and frusterated he gets. He's a bit of a joker, and enjoys making others' laugh.

Equipment: A tazer gun that can shoot fatal volts and turn into a whip, and a pulse handgun that disrupts vitals and bloodflow, and is even capable of breaking bones. He also has a 30" electric baton. Two vials of fatal neurotoxins,



A lightweight carbon fibre thst can take a beating, the Gunslinger was engineered by Klement when he lost his right arm in an industry accident. On his shoulder is a red metal dock with two buttons to release the arm, be it for cleaning or repairs. The fist can be thrown off and reattached using kinetic energy. It is three times stronger than a normal arm.

The black paint is actually a sensitive, grippy rubber-like material

-The other augmentation he has enhances his senses, and closes off his blind spot

Weaknesses: Without his glasses, he is completely blind. He is very claustrophobic. If thrown into a small space, he shuts down. He often comes across as distance. "I dislike small children and generic white girls" kind of attitude leaves him in hot water.

Bio: Klement is a scientist trying to develop a way to make energy using nuclear waste. He found it needleesly frusterating, and began making weapons with toxicins. He developed a neurotoxin that eats away at certain parts of the brain, like the frontal lobe, to prevent things like fear. He was researching the spores, and had a bad feeling about them. (It made him uncomfortable knowning that little cells would be eating away at him, plus, he wanted to use his resources and wealth to assist in his research). So he never consumed any. Then the collapse happened. At first, he was terrified that the Decider would come after him too, simply because he was a scientist. When nothing happened, he began building a devious weapon to stop the cult that ran rampant. They were everywhere though. How could he get in unnoticed?

Become one of them.

Other: has 2 PH.D's. One in Chemistry, and another in weapons science. He was studying for a degree in Physics, but then the uprising started.
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Jessica Miller


Height: 169 cm

Personality: Jessica is a cold killer, she doesn't hesitate to kill anyone that stands in her way and will do it for the most unimportant reasons. Jessica prefers the silent way for this. She has no respect for life at all and sees herself as the one who ends it as she sees it fit. She is constantly trying to hide her emotions, so she hopes that nobody can ever see what she i thinking. She prefers to work on her own, although she doesn't mind a team, if they do whatever she says. She is not very good at rhetorics, so a conversation with her will usually be bland. Gaining her as a friend is difficult, as she has trust issues.


  • Pulse Sniper Rifle:
    A sniper rifle with a suppressor and a bi-pod that fires energy pulses and is sure to hit targets up to three kilometers away

[*]A survival knife with a ten cm long sharp blade, effective for melee combat

[*]A PDA to review a map of the area, job details and her medical details, from simple stuff like the pulse to even more complicated stuff. It is also usable as digital binoculars, although she prefers to use the scope of her rifle for this

[*]A simple medkit. She had no big medical education, and she doesn't know how to mend major illnesses or wounds, but she is very capable of first-aid and thus she always has a kit for this with her, in case she gets injured.


  • Brain Enhancement MK. I:
    An enhancement of her brain that increases her perception, so that she is able to notice details much better than people without this augmentation

[*]Comm Kit MK. II:

  • A kit in her ear and linked to her brain that allows her to communicate with frequencies she can change at every major communication or radar station.

[*]MetalMuscles MK. I:

  • A pretty common augmentation for a lot of people that have to do manual labour. She uses it so that her arms are stronger, which makes her capable of carrying her heavy rifle without a problem.


  • Charming men: When men are nice to her and flatter her a lot and give her a good time; she is ready to do just about anything for them. While she is not that easily manipulated by women, they are still able to achieve that if they know what to say.
  • She is of hardly any use in a proper fight. She knows how to hide and fight from the distance or use the sneaky way of doing things, but she has no idea how to defend herself in a fight without any deception, hiding or distance.
  • As stated before, her complete social incapability. She has no idea how to behave around others or what people might like or dislike.

Bio: Born to a family of hardcore Purists, she was raised as a heartless killer from the early infancy on. Her parents wantedher to be like them, assassins working for the Decider. So she never knew what friendship, love or any of these teenie things meant, simply because she never felt them. Her training was mostly isolated from others, which helped her become efficient in what she was growing to - a killing machine - but she could do hardly anything else. Her social development is years back and she still does not know who she can trust and who might be an enemy.

At the age of 16, both of her parents were killed in a mission for the Purists and she was an orphan. She didn't know what to do, so she did what she could do best: She sided with the Purists and did jobs for them. Until today, she has never done anything else or had a proper friend or relationship; but she doesn't miss it; she never knew it even existed something called love.

Other: She hates being called Jessy. She feels like people are making fun of her when they use this name. Also she stil has to grow accustomed to the fact that society is divided and not everybody is like herself - a social wreck without any anchors in society.

|Alan Jumí|


"We give power to those who would wish to destroy us when we respond with violence, peace is an ally we have yet to call upon"

  • |Height|



    •Alan is a firm believer in peaceful practices, possessing a certain philosophical view on life and its contents and rarely ever losing her patience with others. She is trusting and reliable however if she considers something detrimental to her cause, she will do everything in her power to remove it diplomatically. Despite Alan's tranquil aura, she has a way of manipulating others into doing things for her own gain and can be rather selfish at times however she makes up for it with her nurturing persona. Alan is independent and has a preference for working alone•

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So far so good everyone!

@Annabella Would you like to lead the resistance forces? There needs to be organized survivors to fight back and attempt to escape and someone has to be in charge right?

I think you're talking about the Purists vs the Rebels (AKA Not Purists)

I'd like to consider Klem on the Rebel side truthfully, although he masks himself as one of the Decider's best men. He wants to kill The Decider, and he plans on getting close to do so.
Diminium said:
I think you're talking about the Purists vs the Rebels (AKA Not Purists)

I'd like to consider Klem on the Rebel side truthfully, although he masks himself as one of the Decider's best men. He wants to kill The Decider, and he plans on getting close to do so.
Name: Gianna Christine Delviano

Appearance: (picture or description)

- She has purple eyes with little blue specks in them randomly...

-She has cinnamon blonde, barely red tinted, hair.




She's cold, doesn't show her feelings very often, and is easy to make laugh. She also doesn't admit to following orders, if she is in a group, and makes excuses to why she is doing them... She is also very stubborn.

(up to 2 weapons and 2 various other items)

1-Long Hidden Obsidian Daggers~ Daggers that can extend to be as long as swords, to at most of 3 feet on each arm.. They are super sharp as well..

2-Energy bow~ Can shoot through walls, and find its own target, which it senses is my enemy, or friend...

3- blue ring with a purple flower, that matches her purple and blue speckled eyes...

4-invisibility cloak..that is attached ty her outfit...

Augmentations: (Cybernetic implants that will make you stronger, faster, etc. up to 3)

1- Enhanced Ligaments-Her ligaments, were replaced with enhanced ones, which increase her speed, and slightly her strength..

2-Elios coating- eye drops you put into your eyes once and you are set with better eyesite, and night vision..

3-Enhanced olfactory system..- When enhanced she was able to pick out people certain scents... And her sense of smell is better than a dogs..

Weaknesses: (at least 2)

1-Strong scents, that she doesn't like give her a super bad headache, to where she sees black splotches..

2-She has a wekness to things she thinks, are cute or an injured cute 'thing'..

3-Her energy bow, obsorbs her energy, which makes it to where she can't use it for longer than 4-5 hours..

Bio: She doesn't have any memory of when she as younger than 3, but she does remember being adopted by a very wealthy family... But they were murdered a couple years before the purists attack on the lab... She became cold just before her parents were killed, but she doesn't tell anybody why.. She also always wanted to be apart of the purists since ther were actually created and talked about..


(Are the people whom are going to be purists, going to already be in the group? Or are they going to join during the rp?)
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