• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy FAkE LoVERs


New Member
Feel free to use whatever bbcoding you wish! I have no obligations towards beauty! Make it simple too, I don't want anything super-duper! There should be surprises for further on. And add anything to this character sheet that you want, this is just some basics to follow!

IMPORTANT: Items in with {} is information posted on the website. Items with [] is information personal to your character. Items with both means that if your character is holding a secret identity you must put their fake information and real information in the order the brackets are set up






{}Date of Birth{}

{}Sexual Orientation{}


(Human or a monster, no god modding!)


(Who on the website might you have an interest in)

{}Searching For...{}

(Are you Looking For Friends, Life-Long Companions, Sex Buddy, Short Relationship, ect...)

{}Relationship Status{}




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