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Faith, Love, and Hope


RP Fever
Closed RP


Alpha Experiment 274. Labs show subject 274 has began to reject CNL2100 when injected by syringe directly into the vein. Subject 274 also seems to be immune to other lethal injections such as the following:

Sodium Thiopental - 10 grams

Pancuronium - 1 mlligram

Potassium Chloride - 360 milliequivalents

"Subject 274 has also began to reject,"

Midazolam - 220 milligrams

Hydromorphone - 700 milligrams

"These drugs have all be administered throughout a 24 hour time frame. No side effects occur besides occasional vein bursting. Veins then mend and
heal quickly on their own in a matter of seconds."

The man paused his talking as he walked around and looked down at the woman strapped to the cold metal lab table. He put the recording device down on the small metal table to the side as he peered at the woman then leaned down over her face, using his fingers to open her eyelids and look into her eyes with a small flashlight. Black pupils dilated drastically to the light from within golden red irises.

There were monitors all over the room making different noises, each one monitoring the woman's vital signs. She was completely naked underneath the bright surgical light over head. Her hands and feet were strapped down to the table with both leather straps and metal fasteners, not that they really did any good in some cases.

This had been going on for as long as she could remember. Since she was a little girl in fact. She had gotten used to being his experiment. Who's experiment?

His name is

A little while ago there was a plague that took hold of a place called
Sirens Cove. People were dying left a right. It started with a fever and a cough then it grew into boils and coughing up blood. The plague spread like a wild fire and before she knew it her whole family was dead along with the rest of Sirens Cove. Everyone but her. That's when he came. Tidus. That's when he found her and brought her home with him. Shortly after, though, the experiments began. At first she struggled with all her might because she knew what was going to happen to her. She was going to die. Every time she went into that room she died multiple times a day.

The first part was the worst. Tidus would wound her brutally, bleed her out, cut her up. But then she started healing to quickly so he moved on to poisons, then injections, maxing them out as much as he could,
killing her over and over and over again. He wanted to make the ultimate weapon, and he was using her to do it.

Tidus sighed out and stood up straight before walking around and unlatching the woman's hands then going to her feet and doing the same. "You may go."

The woman sat up, slipped off the metal table and walked out without a single word or glance his way, leaving him alone to bask in his "glory".

She wasn't the only one, however, that went through these
experiments. There were plenty others as well. They all lived together in an abandoned hospital, with other unmentionables. Tidus's play things, his minions. They carried out Tidus's orders which involved killing or capturing other people.

They were all part of an organization called

They weren't confined to the hospital by no means, but if they didn't obey or carry out their orders, they would "Regret the day they took their first breath on this earth". Or so that's what Tidus had said to scare them, but knowing him, they all believed it.
As days go, this one was pretty boring for Lucy. She showered and dressed, quickly checking herself in the mirror. She wore her auburn hair in a side pony tail, leaving the wavy strands resting along her shoulder and chest. Her outfit consisted of a salmon color chiffon strapless dress with nude colored heals and clutch. Lucy was always one for fashion. She loved to look good no matter what she was doing. With a satisfied smile she walked over and picked up her keys from the chest of drawers then headed out to her car. Outside of her apartment in the parking lot awaited her black 2014 Mitsubishi Eclipse. It bleeped in welcome as she unlocked it then got inside.

It didn't take her long to get into the city. She always went to the cafe when she was bored. If it wasn't the cafe it was to a bar or something of that sort. Once she got there she got out and locked the car and headed inside the cafe to order her usual. They recognized her due to the fact that she was always coming here. Her heels clicked on the floor as they carried her out to the outside sitting area and shortly after she was served her hot vanilla late. The cars whooshed by and some honked here and there. People filled the sidewalks, walking and talking, cell phones ringing, etc. The city held a lot of noise.

A light breeze ruffled her red auburn locks and felt good against the bar skin of her upper back and shoulder area. The sun was only barely covered by clouds, making it a bit cooler than a hot day. Lucy crossed her tan legs and sipped from her cup and took a look around. Her cell phone rested face up on the table and it began to buzz against the metal. With an annoyed sigh she looked down and read the caller ID. She decided to just ignore it. The phone finally stopped buzzing and made a bubbly ring noise letting her know she had a missed call.
An off day. Rare. He flew through the city on the black motorcycle, the sun glaring off the black helmet on his head. The black yamaha yzf r1 purred beautifully as a kitten as he pushed his heels down to change gears. The bike only stopping its purr for a short second, as it sped up gaining a good amount of velocity. The black leather jacket on his back, and the holy jeans on his pants gave way to his thought for his attire for the day. Those black boots to keep his grip on the bike, as he leaned his body over and hit a corner and accelerated out.

He came to a stop inside of a cafe parking lot, one he came to when he was home in the city. It was a rarity, and it was sort of a low key place for him where he wouldn't stand out. Lifting the helmet off of his head, he revealed his chocolate skin and black stocking cap on his head to protect his hair from helmet hair. He shook his head a bit stepping off and walking inside.

A simple order, light roast colombian, it didn't take long. He added two packs of raw sugar, and some french vanilla creamer stirring it a bit until became a caramel brown. He took in a deep breath walking outside, searching for somewhere to sit and not finding one,"great..." came his deep voice rumbling the coffee a bit,"I wonder if anyone would share a table?"

With a deep breath he spun around and saw a woman with auburn hair and rose a brow,"Mind if I...?" he said pointing at the chair.
Lucy was lost in her thoughts when a deep voice pulled her attention back into the here and now. When she turned her head and looked at who was speaking to her she nearly had to pick her jaw up off of the ground, but gladly she composed herself in time. This man could pick her up with his pinky! She looked around wondering why he wanted to sit with her. Her lips pursed. Should she let him sit with her? She cleared her throat and motioned with her hand to the chair opposite her and instinctively pulled her dress down her legs more even though it wasn't showing much in the first place.

Her small hands wrapped around the cup and intertwined. She couldn't help her eyes from following him as he sat down in the chair. Deciding not to seem rude she went back to looking at the cup as she brought it to her lips and took a drink then left it there in nervous habit, and looked away, not at anything in particular....just away.
He manged to nod to her, a sort of acknowledgment that she did give him permission to sit, along with in a way of saying thank you. He took a sip of his coffee after he sat, it being a little bit too for his own pleasure at the time. A wince followed, as he moved to put the cup down spitting the coffee up just a little bit. Embarrassing. He took the napkin he had brought with him to wipe up what spilled just a little bit before sighing.

He readjusted himself in front of her looking off into the distance, only because she had done so. Awkward. He should introduce himself,"I appreciate you allowing me to sit here. It's unusually packed. I guess unusually would be appropriate, can't exactly say so I haven't been home much lately to really know. I guess it's because of my job..." He stopped himself, he was rambling. Perhaps it was a tad bit of nervousness,"I guess i'm rambling, ha. I'm Orion by the way."
Lucy's eyes slid over to the man sitting with her. He was talking a lot. Something about not being home for a while. She turned her head and looked at him as he continued rambling on about it. When he was done she caught the last bit where he had announced his name. Orion. Lucy was still holding her late up against her lips but she lowered it down to the table so that she could answer him.

"Lucy." She said, stating her name with her feminine womanly voice. She thought that his name fit him well. "This place has gathered quite a bit of attention lately." She looked around at more people filling in. "It must be the new hot spot." She looked back at him. She didn't want to ask any personal question, that would mean that she was trying to get to know him, and why would she want that? She did not the irony though that they were already having coffee together. She lifted her drink back up and took a long drink, emptying the contents. "Refill." She said and stood up to go and get a fresh drink hoping that when she got back she would still have somewhere to sit.
His phone began to ring. Well his other phone, that is. It was his work phone and as he pulled it out he read the message that was sent in the form of an SMS. The phone's screen would appear to be a regular text app with silly texts to anyone else who would see, but the contacts in his eyes showed him a different picture.

"Dropping in for a trip to Jesus' homeland." Well. He knew what he was doing tomorrow. He wondered the nature of his next mission, what he would be doing. He sighed, before replying "Always good to get back to the mecca."

He put his phone back in his pocket before he looked over to her empty seat and watched when someone asked if it was taken. He nodded, then he remembered. He was having unintentional coffee with a beautiful woman.
As Lucy walked away her chiffon dress floated softly around her long tanned legs. She went into the cafe and waited in the line to get a fresh late. When it was her turn she walked over to the receive window and waited, tapping her fingers on the edge of the counter. Her golden eyes found their way to the window and through the tint she could see the man she was just sitting with. Why did she have to let him sit with her? Her phone range a quick chirping ring and she pulled it out of her clutch and pressed it to her ear. "I'm busy." She said without waiting for an explanation from the person on the other line of the phone.

"Well now you're going to be even more busy." The cool voice came back at her through the ear piece. She rolled her eyes and took her coffee when it was held out to her. "What?" Her tone snarky. There was a pause on the other line and she could tell that the man was trying to keep his composure. "I need you to come in, you have a new mission." The man said in a clipped tone then hung up immediately. Lucy rolled her eyes and looked at her phone, the caller ID stating "TIDUS" flashed off with a disconnect bleep. She put the phone back into her clutch and walked back out the front door and headed to the parking lot to get in her car, which was in perfect view of the man she was just incidentally having coffee with.
Orion tapped his cup a bit, anxiously waiting for her to come back. He wasn't sure why he was anxious, but she was coming back and- wait, was that her getting in the car. This caused him to sigh, finishing his beverage and tossing it in the trash ca, checking his phone to see the time,"Israel again huh..." he muttered to himself heading to the parking lot himself.

He hooked his leg over his motorcycle and place his helmet on the hand, debating on what to do next about the woman. Would it be too creepy to chase her down? Or would ....he sighed a bit dropping the visor on his helmet after he turend the bike on, and revved the engine a little bit.
[Okay so Lucy is a closed off person and all so its up to your guy to make the move ;)

We can have them run into each other again at the same place, or a place you choose.

Or he can slip her his digits and ask for a real coffee date.

or whatever you want to do. :)
Lucy's eyes sparkled in the sun as she looked over towards the sound. It was the man from before. Orion. Tendrils of her wavy red hair caught in the breeze and played around her face. Her eyes dropped and she sunk down into her car and started it, the engine purring quietly to life. She looked at the dashboard and turned the radio on and turned it up just enough to hear it. And now off she went to go and deal with the issue. She put her car into gear, backed out, and drove off with a glance back in her rear view mirror.

It took quite a while to get there. "She drove through the city and into the next then found the secluded area that lead to Sirens Cove, passed though and headed out into the back roads where they would take her home. It was a nice drive. Quiet. Calm. Loose leaves of fall swirled around the Eclipse as it sped down the road.

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