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Fantasy Fairytales are real

"Robin's off being Robin," she said smiling. "And I think Scarlet left a little while after," she said as she began to make up an order for a couple of giggling girls.
"Sure thing. You know the spare room in my apartment is always available for you, Jefferson," she said smiling as she fished out a key from her pocket and slid it across the bar to him.
Robin tossed the still unconcious Jersey on the bench of a cell. The devil's done enough damage for one day, and he needed to cool down for a day in this marvelous cell. ''I suggest you head home, Grendel. It's getting late.'' Robin spoke as he turned to the white behemoth. ''On your way, tell everyone to clear and stay away for Devil's Horn, at least for tomorrow. If you still want a drink ,you can stop by at The Rabbit Hole''

Grendel spitted hearing the name of Alice's bar. ''
Grendel doesn't go there. Too many ''good'' fairytales. Grendel doesn't fit'' he said as he trailed off leaving Robin alone with his thoughts..
Alice laughed and winked at him. "Be sure not to lose you're head, Hatter," she said grinning at him as she began to serve drinks to other customers.
Alice leant over the bar and kissed his cheek. "You are my favourite customer," she whispered in her ear before moving down the bar.
He smiled and closed his eyes. "I better be. I singlehandedly keep you in business from all the time spent here."
Alice laughed. "I wouldn't have it any other way Jefferson," she said sweetly, straightening out the skirt of her blue dress as she walked around the bar with her drink in hand.
Jefferson finished his drink, put what money he had on the counter and stood up. "For the room," he said to Alice as he walked out. "Thanks. I'll be back, I just have to go visit the station for a bit."
Slowing her steps, Scarlet came to a gradual stop in front of The Devil's Horn. Its customers still looked to be in a bit of a grumbling over the brawl that had just occurred. Stepping up to the window, she cupped a hand against the glass and leaned forward to take a peek inside, her eyes skimming over some of the rougher inhabitants of Fabletown. It was only when her gaze fell over the form of the self proclaimed 'Big Bad Wolf' that she froze, her eyes narrowing. "God, what hole did he crawl out of this time...?" She muttered.
''Red Riding Hood'' Wolf spoke as he raised his eyes from his glass. He was in human form, yet he didn't look much different. His hair was shaggy and unkept, his beard dirty, and his hand nails sharp as the claws of a wolf. ''Have you come to join me at a drink? Or you're just here to accuse me of eating your grandma?'' he said smirking. ''Come closer, I won't bite''

Pacing back from the station, Robin entered the Rabbit Hole once again. He briefly thought about buying his usual coffee, yet he changed his mind. ''Alice'' he called. ''Give me some strong drink. ''
Alice turned to him and frowned. "Are you sure?" she asked, hesistating for just a moment. She knew she didn't like to drink, yet he still came to her bar. She found it curious, but didn't try to riddle it out. It had gotten her in trouble before, not that she minded trouble, but she was trying to start a new life. She began to make one of Hatter's bright green and orange vodka concoctions that she hadn't come up with a name for yet. It was strong, strong than most of her regulars would drink and she seriously considered putting a warning next to it when she put it on the menu.
''Yeah, I'm sure'' Robin said as he grabbed the drink and flashed it in a single sip.He then procedeed to pin his head against the table. Memories of his past life we're flickering through his head. Again. His wife Marian, his gang of merry men, his peaceful home in the Shrewood forest. They were all gone. He had to live his life in this horrible town now, a town full of low-life scums, yet populated by nice people also. Waving his memories through his head, Robin soon fell asleep on the table.

Jersey inhaled sharply as he woke up in his cell. Gazing around, he noticed the bars and his bed in a blurry vision. Trying to recall what happened, Richard remembered the whole incident. Mothman probably flew off by the time Robin was there, so Jersey didn't have any evidence. Sighing, he let his head on the pillow and muttered to himself..
Scarlet let a moment of hesitation pass before she stepped out of the open doorway to make her way over to the man who'd practically terrorized her childhood. Shooting him a glare, she slowly slid into the seat next to him. "You look like hell, Wolf. I can see nothing has changed."
Alice sighed as Robin passed out at the table. It wasn't the first time someone had done it, nor would it be the last but she couldn't just leave him there. Placing his arm around the back of her neck, she hoisted him as best she could and began to half carry him to the elevator behind the bar. It took them directly up towards her apartment, and she placed him as best she could onto her bed. She'd given the Hatter her spare room for the night so it looked like she'd be sleeping on the sofa. She cursed her kind nature and she poured a glass of cold water and placed it with some asprin on her night stand with two notes that read:

Drink Me



Take Me


''Thank you for your compliment. Yeah, I'm not in my best shape right now'' he said as he took a sip out of his drink then spitted it out. ''You on the other hand seem to live pretty well in this hellish town. Tell me, how's bussiness going?'' Wolf said as he grinned through his dirty teeths.
"I manage." She answered, looking away from him to let her eyes wander the room. "Why? Interested in getting a dog?" Scarlet's voice was practically dripping with sarcasm.
''Nah. They don't taste so good. Takes a while to clean out their bones between my teeth'' he said as he bursted laughing in a mad laughter. Stopping, he then asked ''What are you doing here anyway? Devil's Horn doesn't seem like the place you'd frequend. You stay with Prince Charming and Snow White'' he said spitting ''I doubt you come here to see the ''beautiful'' Grendel, he said as he bursted out in another mad laughter.
"I'm in here more often than you'd think." She mumbled, flinching as he went into another round of ridiculous laughter. "I saw the end result of the mess with Jersey outside and was curious as to how the scum were behaving without their fearless bartender."
''Agh'' Wolf mumbled. ''We don't need the Devil for that. We already are at our best behaviour'' he said as he grabbed his ciggarete. The brand was Huff'n Puff, and it was Wolf's favourite brand of cigars. ((Three little pigs reference)). ''He's probably on his way back right now, itching to get a drink after the fight with the freaking bug-man'' he said as he took another smoke. ''I fear one day a human would walk into town, in this hellish bar, and see all the freaking hellish creatures drinking scotch, and playing chess'' he said smirking. ''What would you do then?''
"What would I do?" Scarlet raised an eyebrow and looked over to him. "Probably try to keep you and your buddies from eating them alive while Robin and Alice and whoever think of some explanation to give them for the monstrosity they just witnessed."
''There would be a freaking good explanation for it'' Wolf said as he thought. ''It's Haloween!'' he said as he bursted out into another mad laughter, which soon turned into a cough. Rising up from the table, he slowly morphed into his true form, a big hairy, shaggy wolf. The Big Bad Wolf. ''See you around, Red'' he said as he exited the bar and ran into the night. The remaining residents of the bar glanced at Scarlet...
She watched him leave, casting a disgusted look towards his drink as she stood and slid her hands back into her pockets. Feeling several sets of eyes on her, Scarlet ducked her head and carefully started to weave her way through the customers and tables.

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