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Fantasy Fairy Tales alive

"Well that was weak fine." Dru closed his eyes and then made a pulling motion the next thing they knew a horse that looked like it was made from the night sky appeared carrying a man a little girl and a red head. The man pulled on the horses reigns stopping the horse quickly.
"It wasn't. I almost tried to feed you hope jesus that was disappointing." Dru shook his head.
"You are just lucky they were close and I didn't have to expend much energy."
Skylar stared at the horse and Zadock. "Why aren't you guys back at the treehouse? What's going on?" He asked suddenly getting panicked.

Blaine opened his eyes and had silently stalked Dru and Skylar when he saw Ariella. "Ariella! Hey!" He yelled running on the path to her.

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Dru summoned his katana in a rush of sand and pointed it at the newcomer "Stop where you are or I put you out and you wake up after hours of hell."

Zadock turned the horse towards the man and the horse began to breathe fire when it snorted. "Who are you and what business do you have with Ariella? Ariella do you want us to let this man close, rather do you want to talk to him?"

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"What do you mean? This person knows a friend who I haven't seen we should be protective of her?" Dru raised an eyebrow at him.
(charming sandman ariel alice the big bad wolf and that little girl ariel picked up are in the woods)
((Sorry, same problem as the Unnamed, no notifs [emoji14]))

Ariella looked at the boy and jumped off the horse. "He's fine! I met him yesterday. But how did you get out of the cave?" She asked him as she hugged him.

Blaine looked at her and smiled. "Faith, trust, and pixie dust.." He quoted.

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Dru let his katana disappear and turned to Skylar whispering in his ear "I wish I could just sit down with you and let you rest."

Zadock bit his finger in worry he snapped his fingers and in Ariella's hand his lamp appeared on a chain. It felt warm but a bit dusty.

(I do it was crazy as hell)

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