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Fantasy Fairy Tales alive

Aren grinned "Lead the way" he said.

(*Snicker snicker* 69 pages.... I am so immature)


The Jackal]Aren grinned "Lead the way" he said. [/QUOTE] ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15822-the-unamed-character/ said:
@The Unamed Character[/URL])
"Well did any of them say where they were going ?" he looked around again as he slung the figurine satchel back over his shoulder.
Aren smiled and held the door open for her respectfully before walking out with her.


The Jackal]Aren smiled and held the door open for her respectfully before walking out with her. [/QUOTE] ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15822-the-unamed-character/ said:
@The Unamed Character[/URL])
Skylar was still groggy from the blackout, so he kept a hand on Dru's shoulder, to keep balance. He listened to the conversation, and nodded at The Wolf.

Ariella put Kira between her and Zadock on the horse. She kept a hand on Kira. "Zadock, in case things go south with this girl chasing us, may I ask for your lamp?" It was then she was knocked off the horse by a glowing ball, that had Dru's voice muttering something about Skylar's crown, over and over again. She watched as the horse kept running and kicked the golden orb.

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"It's not money, it is a heartfelt wish. I want to feed off of one of your most sincere heartfelt wishes." Dru smiled at him, hoping he would say yes.

The horse made it out of sight before Ariella heard a noise from behind her when she looked back the horse was behind her galloping right at her then in a poof she was back on the back of the horse.
"Do I say it now?" Jonathan asked him. He had no idea why he had to do it since he had no relevence to this short quest.
"You can whisper it in my ear. If you are honest and it is strong enough I will have the power to get them to us otherwise it'll be some walking."
Jonathan yawned and thanked about it. What is my heartfelt desire? He stood there a moment and thought about it. He had no desires other then, "I want to get out of this stupid place. Done? Good enough?"
Tink eventually sat on the ground and watched everything yawning every now and then. A heart's desire? She sat her head in her hands and thought long and hard about it. "That's a toughy. But even I know that isn't your heart's true desire."
"Is this just gang up on Jonathan time now?" He turned over to Tink. It wasn't his ultimate desire but it was one of his desires. He doesn't know what his ultimate desire was.
"Well, if we were ganging up on you, you wouldn't get to talk. Plus, you can not think logically about your heart. It isn't like your brain, it isn't rational. So, go on and don't think." She smirked and rolled her eyes.

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