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Fantasy Fairy Tales alive

"It didn't sound like that and to the untrained eye friends are scarce so be careful how you word things."
Tink looked around. She went to bed last night after finding out that everyone was getting sick. She went to bed realy early and had some peculiar dreams about finding the golden pearl last week. She woke up suddenly in a forrest. She was ooing to scream when she heard voices. "Hello?" She said in a weak voice. She was obviously scared and excited. Scared that she was in trouble, excited for maybe an adventure. Getting her feet under her, she said louder "hello!"
"Oh come on who now? I think this is all because of you." Dru said that last part to the man he was carrying in his arms. "Hello out there? If you want a fight my business hours are from 8-9:30 tuesdays thursdays and on Saturdays form 7:30-9:00." Dru really wasn't in the mood for fights and he wasn't sure how he felt about new additions to the group.
Jonathan yawned. The trek to the Genie was boring but it would apparently save a village. He kept thinking about how this could be a trap until his thoughts were cut short by yelling. "You guys probably don't hear it, but I hear someone saying 'hello' very loudly."
"I can hear it too wolf boy, do you think you can lead us to her?" Dru was biting his lip resisting the urge to make a snarky remark not wanting to push this guy away at the moment.
"Shouldn't you be... Leading Anne to the genie and save her village or whatever it is?" Jonathan asked him. He didn't really care if he said either 'yes' or 'no'.
"He is a genie not a dog I can just call out for him or is girlfriend and they could be there in seconds but that could be a lost and helpless person lost in the woods."
"Then what the hell what the point in walking all the way out here!?" Jonathan asked him quite annoyed. If he had said that earlier we didn't have to walk an inch to find him.
Sarah walked up to the voices. "I don't want to fight thank you. I do want to know why I am here though. That would be great." She rolled her eyes and blew some hair out of her face. "So, do tell."
Jonathan turned around to face her. "I don't really feel like fighting aways. And this... Is the Homelands. Or the place where the fairytales happen," He explained. "No idea your reason for being here though."
"Peachy. Well, what are you doing here? Did you just pop up also?" She looked closely at the guy. "Where are your wings?"
"Duh. Weirdo." She sighed and crossed her arms. "Unless you are from the Mainland. Then you don't. Is that where you're from? The Mainland?"
"I think she is tinker bell I mean she has to be." Dru commented quickly.
"I heard the mundy version of your story. I'm guess it's different in real life like the rest of us?" Jonathan asked her. Most versions are either slightly are very different.
"I read a lot that is how I know as for who I am call me sandy or charmings lover."
Skylar decided now was a good time to tell Dru he was awake, considering he'd been listening to the conversation since they met Tink. "Nice view." He muttered.
(I honestly do xD )

"Of what?" Jonathan asked the now awake Skylar. He probably sounded like an idiot to him for asking that.
(...He's over Dru's shoulder, his face around back...Skylar was flirting xD )

Skylar just laughed at Jonothan's statement. He was obviously clueless.

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