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Fantasy Fairy Tales alive

Skylar lowered the tree hut and toppled over, darkness fogging his mind as he blacked out.

"Zadock! Run!" Ariella screamed and ran into the forest.

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((Skylar will come to when I wake up but its almost 7 AM and I haven't slept yet, thus that was my final post tonight!))

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Zadock was next to Arielle in a poof and ran after her "Who was that? Wait a second." Zadock snapped and they were all on a horse sitting comfortably as it ran.

"Skylar open up the dome now we have to go, oh crap." Dru ran over to him and scooped his head into his lap.
"He... Blacked out my himself," Johnathon slowly got up and stretched. He turned the opposite way and ripped off Anne's branches.
(Those branches were gone) "Yeah I bet he did he doesn't seem injured thank you for that."
"It's fine, to be honest with you we don't know what exactly happened to them either that is why we are here. Why are you guys here?" Dru looked at the two of them waiting for a response.
"Why were you searching for those? That is a very precise reason to go wandering the woods."
Anne looks at them. "I have been searching for a way to help my settlement..."

Anne looks around "My settlement has been in despair as a poor one.... i was trying to help out for more money..."

"I was hoping there was gold left here..." Anne said
"I see... What do they need? I have a few friends who could possibly help you out. Next time though you should say people who hold relics not relics." Dru watched the two of them.
"Should... We be off so we can find more relics then?" Johnathon asked her. He never has an official home so he wouldn't know.
"I have a genie friend, maybe if you plead your case with him he can fix your dilemma with a wish." Dru watched the two of them and felt a little bad for Anne.
"He is a nice guy and he likes to help people I am sure that he would help you if you plead your case the right way." Dru shrugged.
"Should we go then?" Johnathon asked them. He wanted to get out of this castle before there were more unwanted surprises.
"Sure may as well." Dru picked up Skylar and kissed his forehead then headed out the castle towards the tree not bothering to check if they were following. They could see that Dru was glowing faintly with a golden light.
"You know, it's good to be back here. I used to live with the, you know normal people in America and-" Johnathon was cut mid sentence when he saw Dru glowing. "Hey, is lighting up like a firefly one of your powers?"
"It's an over abundance of hope and I prefer here to there. Also it's rude to insult someone by pointing out when they aren't normal." Dru called out over his shoulder, even with his enhanced hearing the werewolf could faintly hear Dru's steps and heartbeat. "Even with your wolf senses I can sneak up on you just remember that."
"It wasn't supposed to be an insult. When I mean 'normal' I mean people without powers," Johnathon clarified as they kept walking.

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