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Fantasy Fairy Tales alive

Skylar nodded, allowing the branches to drop from Anne. "Funny, cause all of those 'stories' are apparently true in this world." Skylar walked down the stairs and towards Jonathon. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you here and now?" Skylar had his other hand at the ready to use his powers if need be.

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DragonOverlord said:
Skylar nodded, allowing the branches to drop from Anne. "Funny, cause all of those 'stories' are apparently true in this world." Skylar walked down the stairs and towards Jonathon. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you here and now?" Skylar had his other hand at the ready to use his powers if need be.
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"He.. he helped me escape the horseman... he is good...." Anne says
Sara waves her hand, and they appeared in front of the giant tree house. "Most of them are in here, good luck." And she turned into a Raven flying up into the tree to watch Joan.

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"Yah, I still have to pay for the pig's houses I destroyed," He joked but it was true. He was around halfway done. "And... The reason why is simple. You can't," He finished but the branches started to get tighter and tighter.
Skylar laughed and set fire to the bottom branches. "I can't? One good reason, and I can let you go before you become dinner." ((As you can see Skylar's emotions have gotten the better of him. I'm sorry for his current actions! xD ))

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Joan walks to the door and kicks it in. She felt a new sensation, and it was a thrill.

Marie heard the door kicked in and hid Aren and herself in a secret room in the hall.

Joan checked through the entire tree but could not find anyone. ((Is Ariel still around back?))
((Skylar wouldn't kill you, just answer his question with the same thing Anne did and you'd be fine :) ))

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"You cant kill him because you are a good man." Dru said as he seemed to appear behind Skylar. "Let the lupine go he is a good person."
Skylar glared at Dru. "Even good men have their limits," he turned to Johnathon. "Last time before you're dead. Why should I not kill you?"

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As fire started slowly racing up he knew no one was going to save him. So he reluctantly started transforming. First, his eyes started turning yellow and he emitted some very low growls and then a little bit of fur started growing. Which is finished by his claws appearing. He quickly broke free of the branches and grabbed Skyla. "Look, I don't wanna hurt you."

(Um... Didn't see those messages... >.>)
Zadock saw the newcomer and smiled "Why hello there. My name is Zadock who are you and how did you find this place?"

Dru stood next to Skylar and watched the transformation and sighed, damn testosterone and causing fights he only hope the wolf could keep his calm.
Skylar smirked and created a tree hut around them, that prevented Anne and Dru from getting involved. "Oh, but I want to hurt somebody." he glared into the wolfs eyes.

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He took a few deep breaths and his transformation went away. "Then why did you randomly capture us and threaten us?" He asked and he let go of her.
Dru sighs "Skylar you have 5 minutes in there before I come in there and mr wolf please don't kill him." Dru then looked at Annie "how long have you known the wolf?"

Zadock stepped in front of Arielle and the little girl. "Leave now or else." The threat was a bit hollow but all rules could be skirted.
((Skylars a dude))

Skylar growled at the wolf, he didn't know what was happening to him, but he wanted to fight or kill something. The wolf was just an easy target. He lifted his hands and started to form a mini tornado that had all the effects of one, just not the destruction.

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"Well it could be worse.Is that rabbit foot your relic?" Dru was excited that he would be able to go to the tree house and read more about the new relics.
Ariella turned around and scooped Kira up. "I know you're too young for this, but it has to happen!" she said as she ran around the island and across the bridge. She turned around and lifted the water like Skylar had done, except for she made it all hit Joan.

Skylar nodded and stopped the tornado. The darkness that had swelled inside of him was gone. Could that have been because of Sara? "S-sorry.." Skylar muttered as he fell to the ground. He could have killed this person!

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As Johnathon slammed onto the ground pain raced through him. He could've just gotten up and walked away but he just stayed on the ground. He didn't feel like standing up.

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