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Fandom Fairy Tail

Dam Jackson said as she gave him magic he saw the guy and then the guild hall expole Emily hid behind him she used her light sheid and they survied.

Skipping merrily down the street, without a care in the world, Kano was enjoy a sweet treat on her way to the guild hall. Today, she woke up as a female even though she fell asleep as a male. But Kano didn't care to change it, honestly, he liked the long hair of his sister over the short hair of his brother anyway. As she finished off the last of her ice cream, Kano found himself before his mission target. The Blue Pegasus guild hall. She licked the remaining ice cream off her fingers and got to work. Outstretching both arms, Kano stood as still as stone for a second. A magic circle appeared above the guild hall, it was followed by a bright light.

"Ash step. Dance five. Explosive entry."

A sudden and sizable explosion then happened right above the guild hall. It broke the roof completely, some walls came down as well. Screams could be easily heard from within. Some mages began exiting the hall, they were greeted by Kano standing across the way. Kano smiled and waved at the panicking mages. "Should I turn into my brother, he was always a better fighter. Do I even have a brother, I forget."

Obito should be coming soon.

"I'M HERE BITCHES!!!" Obito shouted as he skillfully hopped out of a portal doing a sweet as f*ck break dance move before standing up a broad grin on his face. "Huh? Where is my appulase!? Don't you guys know how to compliment a painter!! Did you not......" He cut himself off when he looked around thoroughly confused. "...... Um... Is this the Blue Pegasus guild hall I have to destroy???" He asked a near by man who was taking a bath. ".................. This.... Is a public...bath house.................................." At this Obito face palmed hard leaving his own hand print on his face. "DAMN IT!!! FREAKEN BATH HOUSES!! I WON'T TAKE A BATH NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I WIND UP HERE!!!" He shouted before marching out only to step on a bar of soap and slid on it to the other end of the room. "AHHHHHHH!!!!! SOAP!!! MY TRUE ENEMY!!!" He screamed as he approached the wall. Holding out his hand he took a small breath and concentrated. "Warp Zone... Blue Pegasus. Guild hall." He whispered still skidding straight for the wall.

Moments before he crashed the portal opened up and he fell through it along with the soap bar. "YIPPIE!!!! .......................Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all about~ Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all about~" He hummed as he fell head first to another portal exiting right above a mage. "SOAP ATTACK!!! HAHAHA" With that he landed head first on the mage knocking the guy out while the soap bar landed in a guys eyes making them burn like a hell. "Attack successful! Hahaha" He said in a cheery tone as he did a small twirl his hands extended. As he spun he saw Kano completely ignoring the angry guild members. Stopping mid spin he had one leg in the air and his hands to his side as he looked at Kano for a good while. Soon a grin went on his face and gave her thumbs up. "Nice~"

At this time Ash got a call on the card and he was told what had happened, by a fellow guild member. "Wh-What!?!" He exclaimed in shock before letting out a low menacing growl. "Those bastards." He growled darkly jumping in the air using his magic to give him wings he shot off in the direction of the guild. Forgetting about Fairy Tail for the moment.

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"So Gekiou is already there... huh?" Yukohana said as he stood up. He has no bruises. "Well...Ray...you're to weak without your Dragonslayer Magic..." Yukohana said to Rayichiro and stood up."if you don't wanna use it than die-" Suddenly Rayichiro stood up. "Shut... up..." He said and tries to don't fall on the ground. "It seems... that I have no choice..."

"Hmm? A Demon slayer?" Gekiou looks surprised. "Well, it would be funny to fight a Demon Slayer..." Gekiou said and his skin turns into a Snake skin. His hands are covered in a green, Water like substance. It seems to be poison.

@The Unamed Character

Right on time and with quite the entrance, Kano saw Obito fall from the sky and use his legendary soap attack. An attack that Kano had only even seen one other time, given how much Obito hates soap. When Obito gave Kano the thumbs up, Kano returned it with a thumbs up of her own. Now, she was left with two options. Fight with Obito, or stay put. If Kano really tried, none of these mages would be a challenge for her. But at the same time, there is some fun in watching your openet squirm under your foot.

"Hey Obito! You think I can sit this one out for a bit? Let you handle the rest." Kano had already got a good amount of them with the explosion, she had no doubts that Obito could handle the rest.

Obito blinked before laughing a lot. "Sures Hahaha~ I gots it~" He said in a happy tone just as two mages attacked him, one shooting multiple waves of air slices while the other sent a blizzard of snow at him. Obito hearing the attacks bent backwards doing a hand stand before pushing off of the ground. "Warp zone. Three feet." He said in a happy tone. With the distance being only a yard away the portal opened almost immediately underneath him. Swan diving right into it he avoided both attacks and a portal opened behind the air user. "Illusion make." He whispered in such a quiet tone no one could hear him. "Hells gate~" With this the entire area changed, lava was to the sides, the ground was on fire the sky seemed to be falling, and not to far off was an enormous gate at least forty feet tall. "Welcome to hell! Hehehe If you would just go through the gate the rest of your friends will join you shortly~" Obito hummed as two demons came toward the air user to attack him. The air user panicking stepped back and started to fight back. At this Obito laughed loudly as he held his gut seeing as only the air user (and Obito) could see the illusion it just looked hilarious how he was failing about attacking nothing.

As the air user did this Obito looked at the snow guy that was heavily confused as to why his partner was acting like this. Obito simply starred at him not blinking before creating another portal. With this he was right in front of him and he smiled. "I wanna hug!" He said in a childish tone. Not giving the guy time to really register what he said he simply glomped him and hugged him tightly making it hard to get away. "Kehehehe~ Have you met madness? It's a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery amazing companion to have~ Not utterly and intolerably boring like sanity~" He whispered still hugging the mage who kept struggling but soon stopped as he two started to giggle, his body going relaxed. "There ya go!" Obito exclaimed as he looked around him. A lot of the mages were also starting to laugh as Obito's passive divine power began to get a hold of them.

Letting go of the snow mage Obito grinned before he cracked his neck. "Now then... Heheheh I have enough insany cupcakes! Time to!.... Huh? What are these?" He asked as he looked down seeing his body had seven cards embedded in them. "Card magic... Explosion Could be heard from behind Obito. "Ex-AHHHH!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Obito exclaimed as the cards blew up sending Obito flying backwards making him crash multiple times on the ground and destroying a few trees before he finally stopped some distance away. "I CALL HACK!!!" Obito shouted as he got up and pulled out a few branches that had impaled him. "Heheheh I'm naming you twigy!"

Ash had a dark aura around him as he looked at the chaos around him. Most of the guildmates unconscious, while others were laughing there ass off, and another that was fighting franticly even though there was nothing there. Ash clenched his fist and glared in the direction Obito had flown off to, not paying any mind to the girl who was simply watching. Pulling out four more cards he held them tightly. "Card magic, summon tornado!' With that he tossed the cards straight at Obito who was in the middle of trying to get out of a spider web.

(Those moments you forget this is a simple RP) @Rantos
As Anya was helping another member of Fairy Tail emerge from the ashes, one of her shadow creatures came up to her. She looked down at it and handed the member to them, informing them that the creature would help them. When she went to listen for more injured, she picked up voices that weren't buried. She looked around and spotted a few figures standing and it seemed that they were about to engage in a fight. Anya's crystal blue eyes formed into a glare as she made her way to the closest one to her.

She looked at the people who looked angry. She wasn't sure whether to fight or not. She mumbled something and had a faint glowing red magical circle glowing under the two who were emotionless and standing perfectly fine. She had disturbed ready to fire, just waiting for the time to use the attack.

"I hope these are the bad guys." she said to herself, trying not to lose her composure. She knew that if this was her own guild, she would be showing no mercy whatsoever to its attackers. Then she heard a voice in her head.

"Hey Anya, hope this isn't a bad time." she heard the voice of Hibiki, one of her guild members, say. Anya smiled only a bit as she kept her eyes on the four who were about to battle.

"Just a bit, Hibiki. What is it?"

"We've been hit. Master Bob tried to protect us, we tried to fight. I guess they're just too strong. Ash is here fighting them though. He may need your help." he said, his voice getting weaker and weaker as he spoke. Anya's eyes widened when he told her and all at once, she felt nothing but anger boil inside of her. Anya looked towards the sky and let out a loud yell, one that could undoubtedly be heard cities away. She had amplified her voice to a great frequency that glass could be shattered. She looked at the two who she had casted disturbed under. Now, she felt nothing for them as she snapped her fingers and a bubble-like shield engulfed them and the loud screeching noises filled the bubble. She looked at the steel girl and the boy who was staggering. She knew it was their fight and she didn't need to interfere but she had no choice. The ones who attacked her guild hall were probably affiliated with these two bastards.

"I apologize for interfering but I have leads to suspect that those two have something to do with my guild hall being destroyed. If they are still conscious, do whatever you want with them. I'm going to aid in Blue Pegasus' attack. Give Master Makarov my best. If needed, send one of my shadow creatures." she told the two she left standing as her attack raged on. Usually disturbed only lasted but for a brief minute. That was not the case with Anya's attack. She had hones her ability to last as long as she could keep it going. After she finished talking two the two, she left for her guild hall. (Not calling your characters bastards xD also sorry I interfered)

@Rayischo @The Unamed Character
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Rayichiro's eyes turned Red again and his Dragon Aura comes back. Red Light covers Rayichiro's hands now. "I don't used it a long time... so don't expect something awesome..." Rayichiro said. "Red Light Dragon's Light Step..." He said and appeared towards Yukohana. "Red Light Dragon's Iron Fist!" Rayichiro than shouted and smashed Yukohana a few feet away. "Dragonslayer's secret Art: fused Blast of Destruction!" Rayichiro than shouted, blasting a big Red Light Beam at Yukohana. "And he even knows that I'm stronger..."

"Argh!" Yukohana flew several miles away. The Secret Art of Rayichiro hit him hard. Suddenly, a shadow snake catched him and took him to the ground. "Huh? You're one Gekiou's-" "command of the master: go to Blue Pegasus. One of the Saints is there..." Yukohana nodded. "Sorry brother... next time..." He said and than vanished. He reappeared in the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall, where a big fight already has started.

@Rantos @lonecoyote @Peaceswore
Rayischo said:
"So Gekiou is already there... huh?" Yukohana said as he stood up. He has no bruises. "Well...Ray...you're to weak without your Dragonslayer Magic..." Yukohana said to Rayichiro and stood up."if you don't wanna use it than die-" Suddenly Rayichiro stood up. "Shut... up..." He said and tries to don't fall on the ground. "It seems... that I have no choice..."

"Hmm? A Demon slayer?" Gekiou looks surprised. "Well, it would be funny to fight a Demon Slayer..." Gekiou said and his skin turns into a Snake skin. His hands are covered in a green, Water like substance. It seems to be poison.

@The Unamed Character
Michi's skin turned pure steel. "And it will be fun to beat your ass" she said as she put her hands to her mouth. She awaited an attack.

Kano watched as her faithful partner, Obito, took care of most of the Blue Pegasus small frys. She had to admit, there was a artful way he went about killing off his enemies. He was so chaotic, crazy, erratic... yet graceful in his mad ways. It really did both impress, and terrify Kano. Honestly it was hard to not cheer for his black clad psychopathy companion. "Make them eat dirt Obito! I want at least a gallon of tears from all of them on my desk tonight!"

Kano kept cheerfully yelling at Obito, jumping up and down and waving her arms like a mad woman. But she soon stopped at soon as she saw Obito take an explosion to the face, the whole body for that matter. The next attack came soon after the first, and Obito was just as distracted as he was before. So, Kano teleported Obito to her side. Kano gave the boy a pat on the back and said. "You got this. I will get you if things look bad. But win and I will give you a cookie when we get back home ok?" Kano gave Obito a light tap on the noise before playfully pushing him in the direction of their new enemy.

@Peaceswore (Hope you don't mind. The tag says simple so I am keeping it simple)
(It's fine I get carried away at times~)

Obito stumble toward Ash and looked a bit confused. He didn't know what happened but he did know he just lost his new best friend Twiggy! He had dropped it and the tornado made it fly to some forsaken part of the land. "T-Twiggy.... He was so young!! YOU MONSTER!!!" He shouted as he leaned down like a quarter back would at the start of the game. "I'm going to make you pay for Twiggy!! AND I WANT THAT COOKIE HEHE." He said as an insane smile went on his face. With that he pushed forward leaving a dust cloud behind him at his speed.

Ash got in a fighting stance his glare and rage increasing at how lighting his opponent was taking it. Just as he was about to throw his card Obito moved first. He suddenly stopped and jumped into the air as he pulled out a key. "Open! Gate of the horsey man!" He shouted while in the air. With that a golden magic circle appeared and the ding dong sound reached everyones ears. And moments later the spirit came forth. "HE KILLED TWIGGY!!! SKEWER HIM!!!" He shouted before he started to giggle as he landed on the ground. At these orders the spirit knocked the bow and sent a barrage of arrows at Ash who was looking down his fist clenched and shaking in fury. "Take this seriously you little sh*t." He growled as he pulled out two cards and holding them up. "Card magic. Heavens shield." With this a dome of bright light surrounded Ash and he was protected from the arrows. "HEY!!! STOP CHEATING YOU CHEATER!!" He exclaimed before pouting...though he began to giggle a few moment later.

He opened his mouth to say something but before he could the back of his head was grabbed. "Hehe....huh?" Pulling him towards him Ash kneed him in the gut with one leg before kicking him hard in the face with the other. Still holding on he brought down Obito into the dirt so deep only his legs could be seen. "HEY!! Owowowoowowow I think that was suppose to hurt so I'll play along!" Obito shouted as his legs failed about. Ash held out his hand and was about to finish him but Obito suddenly sunk deeper into the hole. Before Ash could do a thing Obito came out above Ash and embraced him. Giving him a big bear hug he rubbed his head into Ash's chest while his arms held down Ash and his legs were wrapped around his waist. "Sanity is for the weak~ Don't you agree~" He giggled as Ash tried to get out of Obito's surprisingly strong grip. "What in the hell are you doing!? Get off!" "STOP REJECTING MY LOVE!!"

@Rantos @lonecoyote @Rayischo
"Obito!!!" Yukohana shouted. "What do you think, are you doing? Don't fool around!" He yelled and looks Angry. "If you'll not take this fight serious, you won't get cookies ever again in your whole life..." Yukohana said. He knows that this would be the only way. As a few Blue Pegasus Members attacking him, he used his Light Dragon's Shout.

@Peaceswore @Rantos

"Shit... Urgh..." with his past powers, Rayichiro tried to go to the Guild Hall. As he finally arrived and saw the destruction, an angry look formed in his face, but than he was shocked. "Scillia...Tenshi..." He immediately started to look for them. "Where are they?" Rayichiro asked himself.

@NekoChanBo @nevolyn

"Divine Skill: Nosferatu!" Gekiou shouted and created a Snake out of Darkness and Poison Magic. "Go and explode!" Gekiou shouted and the Snake rushed to the Michi.

@The Unamed Character
Rayischo said:
"Obito!!!" Yukohana shouted. "What do you think, are you doing? Don't fool around!" He yelled and looks Angry. "If you'll not take this fight serious, you won't get cookies ever again in your whole life..." Yukohana said. He knows that this would be the only way. As a few Blue Pegasus Members attacking him, he used his Light Dragon's Shout.
@Peaceswore @Rantos

"Shit... Urgh..." with his past powers, Rayichiro tried to go to the Guild Hall. As he finally arrived and saw the destruction, an angry look formed in his face, but than he was shocked. "Scillia...Tenshi..." He immediately started to look for them. "Where are they?" Rayichiro asked himself.

@NekoChanBo @nevolyn

"Divine Skill: Nosferatu!" Gekiou shouted and created a Snake out of Darkness and Poison Magic. "Go and explode!" Gekiou shouted and the Snake rushed to the Michi.

@The Unamed Character
Michi blew into her hands and steel shrapnel flew from it. She had whispered her skill so he wouldnt know when she did it. Her shrapnel flew through it and she had gotten her blades out and finished off the snake.
Anya made her way back to Blue Pegasus, her mind racing as anger burned through her veins. Her once crystal blue eyes were now clouded and turned a dark color. By the damage done at Fairy Tail, she could only imagine what Blue Pegasus looked like. Once she arrived at the scene, she saw just how bad it was. There was nothing left of the guild hall she used to know. Just rubble and broken glass. Members were laying on the ground while others were struggling to fight. Upon seeing all of this, something inside of her snapped.

"Crash." she said and aimed the attack at the ground causing a forcefield like structure to envelop the remains of her guild and everyone who was in it. She looked around as the ground was raised only leaving a small hole open at the top.

"Shadow magic, dark deflect." she threw in, closing the hole at the top and not allowing anything to escape or be brought in. Anya then saw two people fighting, one of them with her guild's mark. Anya walked over to the two, venom almost literally seething from her mouth.

"You. Are you at fault for this?" she asked, her voice as cold as ice as she looked at the one who seemed crazy. She then looked behind her, noting the girl standing idly to the side.

@Peaceswore @Rantos @Rayischo
Obito completely ignored Yuko has he kept hugging Ash who was struggling to struggle, as Obito's divine power once more started to come into effect. "Rejecting my love isn't going to get you anywhere~" He hummed in a happy tone as he nuzzled Ash's cheek. At this moment Anya came and Obito looked behind him at the girl. A huge grin went on his face as he looked around. "Hehehe Maybe~ Maybe not~ Depends...... Do you have a cookie?" "Memory make... Shadow web." With this a magic circle appeared on the ground and shadows wrapped around Obito which then started to pull him off. "NOOOOOO ASHY WHY YOU REJECT ME!?!?!??! I MAY NOT HAVE FEELING BUT YOU ARE HURTING MY FEELINGS!!!" He shouted right in Ash's ear giving him a head ache. With one huge tug from the shadows Obito let go and was sent sialing a bit crashing into the ground twice before doing a back flip and landing on his hands. "I say that was worth.... Six points ~ Keheheh I have to work on my landing... Give it more flare~" He said in a happy tone as he landed on his feet.

Ash took a step back and shook his head trying to clear it of the madness that Obito had given him. "Careful Ayan... That guy... I think he made the rest of the guild members insane." He said glancing behind him as a lot of the members weren't fighting but doing random stuff and acting like they were on acid. Obito giggled once more and rocked back and forth on his feels. "Shhhh I made them super duper strong!!~ Keheheh after all~ Sanity is for the weak if you ask me~" He said in a merry tone before pulling out a golden key, a sadistic grin on his face. "NOW BEAT!! I WANNA HUG ASHY!! NOT YOU KEHEHE I THINK THIS GUY WILL LOVE YOU~~ Open! Gate of the pervert! Tarsus!!" With that the gate open and out came the bull with the giant axe. "Go after bluers~ She's crashing the party~" He giggled as he brought both hands to his face and laughed in them. At this the spirit nodded and lunged forward it's axe raised above it's head as it brought it down at Anya. While this happened Obito was in the middle of making another portal that would lead to not even god knows where.

@Rantos @Rayischo @lonecoyote
"..." Rayichiro looks down at a dead body. Tears start to form into his eyes, but hus gaze is as cold as ice. Next to him, he sees a little fire. He turned to the fire and starts to eat it. As he finished, His hands star to glow in a Blood Red. "Modo...Kurokuenryu..." He said. Suddenly, Blood Red Light and Black Flames Surrounding Rayichiro's Hands. "I swore to not kill anyone with thus magic ever again... but not to destroy..." Suddenly he vanished.

"You must be the Saint... well, nice to meet you. I'm Yukohana Kurogane Agokume." Yukohana said and bowed down. "And now, I would please you to kill you. Light Dragon's Iron Fist!" Yukohana shouted and charged at Anya, but his attack was blocked. "Black Red Light Dragon's raging triple punch" Rayichiro said and gave Yukohana one punch in his face, another he drilled into his chest and another he buried into hus arm. "Wha..." Yukohana spits blood. "Black Red Light Dragon's saw kick" Rayichiro said and cut off Yukohana's arms. "And now... be gone... Advanced Dragonslayer's secret Art: fused double Blast of Despair and Destruction..." two great, Blood Red Light Beams surrounded by Black Flames literally burned down Yukohana. Yukohana's burned body felt down to the ground. "Who's next...?" Rayichiro asked before he felt to the ground. His wounds are still bleeding. He list much blood.

@Peaceswore @Rantos @lonecoyote

The situation was quickly turning into a three verses two, but if Kano stood out, which she planed to, then it would be a two on two. But, the two seemed strong. The one with purple hair broke free of Obito's steel grip and Kano heard Yukohana, who had just dropped in out of nowhere, call the other one a saint. Even if Kano's teammates were strong, they had a challenge before them. But right as Kano was going to sit down, a new foe entered the fight, and quite fashionably too. The new boy cut off both of Yukohana's arms right before burning the boy.

With that little show, Kano could no longer sit still. So many powerful new opponents, so many new powers to call her own. So Kano walked over to Yukohana, standing between him and the two other mages. Kano bent over and touched Yukohana's forehead, closing her eyes and speaking softly. "Rest for a second, I will take care of this."

Kano rose. But as he rose, his body began to shimmer, and morph. Kano had turned into Yukohana. "Oi! You two. I should be more then enough. Your new opponent it me. If you have any last words speak them now."

@Rayischo @lonecoyote
"Divine Skill: God's Freeze: Break" as this words where spoken, the body of Yukohana vanished and the real appeared. "Forcing me to use my Divine Skill... I forgot how strong my brother is-" "just... *coughs* just... die!" Rayichiro shouted as he tried to stand up. "God damn... my... body is... hurting..." Rayichiro said, but as he finally stands, he shouted out of pain. "I'll smash your head... I'm going to use the Holy Light Step to have the fun to smash your head several times... YUKOHANA!!!" As Rayichiro shouted, he started to eat every single flame and light that he could find in an area of 50 miles. As he finished, he smiled and his skin on his hands slowly turns into scales. The skin under his eyes as well and he gets two little Dragon horns that are black. His nails turned to Black Claws and the scales are Blood Red. "If I don't get you with this, I'll let you pay for this in Hell!" Rayichiro said and suddenly stands towards Yukohana. "Black Red Light Dragon's raging spear Fist!" "Modo Hijiritetsuryu... Holy Iron Dragons drilling Spear Punch" as the two Attacks collide, they caused an explosion.

"Black Red Light Dragon's Holy Light Step!" Rayichiro shouted and another Rayichiro appeared behind Yukohana, another next to him and another over him. But there's only one Rayichiro. He's only so fast that you think- "He cloned himself?" "No! I'm just too fast! Black Red Light Dragon's Iron Fist!" Rayichiro shouted and the four gave him a punch. That smashed Yukohana into the ground. "A AAAHHH!!!"

@Rantos @lonecoyote @Peaceswore
Anya looked at the insane person then at Ash. She listened to his words but when he summoned Taurus, she saw him coming at her with his giant axe. Anya glared at the overgrown hamburger and held her hand up.

"Crash." she spoke and before he could move an inch closer to her, Taurus's giant axe broke off into block-like pieces. She then grinned at the spirit and opened her mouth, letting out an ear piercing scream.

"Sound amplification: sonic boom"
all at once a large blast of what seemed like air came rushing from her mouth and sent the bull flying. Anya wasted no time and aimed her hands at him.

"Darkness magic: dark cage."
she finished and a giant cage surrounded Taurus. The cage solidified and she looked over at the girl who spoke this time.

"Darkness magic: shadow play." she said and looked to the ground as the person's shadow was literally brought to life. She watched where its eyes were supposed to see and saw them filled with a blue colour.

"Get past yourself, then I will fight you. Until then, you are not worthy of my time."
she spat out, looking over at Ash and making an attempt to go help him. When she did though, she stumbled. Anya felt her right arm become much weaker which was a result of her magical energy being weakened. She tried to keep it together but it was no use. Before her very eyes, her right arm began to disappear.

"Ash, I can't keep this up much longer. I've used too much magical energy. I'll do what I can to assist you." she said, hoping her telepathy reaching him.

@Peaceswore @Rantos @Rayischo
Obito looked as Taurus went back to the spirit world. There was a small tear drop leaving his eye and he waved a white handkerchief as he pretended to sob. "Good bye my old friend~! It was nice knowing you! You loveable pervert!" He wailed out before tossing the handkerchief behind him and doing a small stretch. "Welp! He gone for a while! Now them~ To use another key? Or to show you true hell~" He said with a giggle before looking over at Kano. "Hey~ Big sis slash bro! Do you want to try and do this solo like a boss? Kehehehe Or should I help ou- Ooooooo butterfly!" He exclaimed as he turned on his heel and started to run after a monarch that had flew across his face.

Ash listened to Ayan and nodded at this. From what he could tell Obito wouldn't be that hard as long as they stay away from him, Kano he had no clue about, and the other guy was being already in combat. Taking a small breath he held his hand above his head and a magic circle appeared. "Memory make! Meteor strike!" With this the circle turned red and balls of rock and fire flew out into the air before doing a sudden turn heading straight for Kano and Obito. He decided to go on the offense since staying defensive would gain him nothing.

@Rantos @lonecoyote @Rayischo
"Holy Iron Dragon's..." "Black Red Light Dragon's..."



As the two Attacks collided, they caused a big explosion which blasted several buildings away. The people of Magnolia should be all out of the village. "Black Red Light Dragon's raging spear Fist!" Rayichiro shouted. His attack was successful and he smashed Yukohana away, leaving a wound on hus chest. "Shit..." "Black Red Light Dragon's Pyro Bomb!" Rayichiro charged a Black/Red Ball and than threw it at Yukohana, as it touched Yukohana, it exploded, leaving a Bkack flame. "Advanced Dragonslayer's secret Art: 7th Light Holy Spirit Iron Drill Canon!" Yukohana shouted and blasted a Drill like beam at Rayichiro. "DIE!!!" Suddenly, Rayichiro began to eat every single fire or Light in whole Magnolia. "Advanced Dragonslayer's secret Art: fused double Blast of Despair and Destruction!" Rayichiro shouted and blasted a beam, each one twice as big as Yukohana's, at Yukohana and erased Yukohana's Drill. The beam if Rayichiro drilled through Yukohana. Yukohana felt to the ground with a hole in the middle of his chest. "... Shit... Divine Skill: God's Freeze..." Yukohana said and slowly vanishes. "We'll see another time... Rayichiro..." He said before he completely vanished.

Gekiou blocked Micha's Attack.
"Hmm... seems that Yukohana already left... I think I should leave too..." Gekiou created Two snakes and they vanished. They reappeared at Blue Pegasus by Obito and Kano. It was a message snake. The message was. "Two of us leaving"

@Peaceswore @Rantos @lonecoyote @The Unamed Character
Michi looked around. "Coward...." she sighed and turned normal. She looked at the destroyed guild hall and sighed again. "Welp...... time to rebuild...." she said
Anya watched as the enemies basically ran off. She sighed and leaned against what used to be a wall. She sighed and looked at her limp sleeve. She looked up at the sky and raised a hand.

"Crash." she said softly and her barrier fell to the ground. She closed her eyes and replayed everything that happened.

"I should've stayed here. Now everyone is hurt and the guild hall is destroyed. It's my fault this happened. I can't believe I left. I should have stayed." she said to herself, raising her head and hitting it on the wall. She winced at the pain and stood up. She looked around at her guildmates and bit the inside of her lip.

"Ash, can you put up a barrier to make everything in here invisible to those on the outside? I don't want there to be another attack since we're so disabled. Then you can take a rest. You've been through a lot today." she ordered and began to crush the rubble into smaller pieces and helping the injured.

"Are you, okay? Sit up for me and I'll bandage you up. Ok?" she asked and stood up, looking at her shadow. Her eyes began to glow a dark purple as her shadow came to life. Her crystal eyes turned back to normal as she looked at her shadow self.

"Assist the injured." she simply said as she walked around and helped everyone.


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