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Fairy Tail Roleplay


One Thousand Club
Me plus secek doing a roleplay


A redheaded boy sighed as he continued to trudge upwards.

"So what are we doing today Ryu?" a dark blue cat questioned the universe dragon slayer.

"We're going to see if we can't find out if that fairy tail wizard salamander is in town or if it really is just a rumor, Uni" Ryu replied.
Two alluring females walked through narrow street that lead into the most opened area in town. Brass flicked her straight, long, sunned auburn hair. She was pretty much the leader of this fine group. That thick curved figure of hers- man, you couldn't lie. By her side, a smaller (but just as curved) girly girl with her raven hair blowed by the breeze. They has not a reason to visit the town other than to adventure around. Slow day.
Ryu sighed as he kept moving forward with Uni on his shoulder ushering him onward. That's when he ran into Brass.

"Oh man I'm so sorry" Ryu apologized, offering a hand to help her up.
Letting out a yelp from landing quite hard onto her boottail, her eyes glared at this hand near her glorious face. She had swatted it away, wanting to help her own self. The other girl stared blankly at him, too dumbfounded to move or say anything
"Uh... Alright, well what shi wa masion to you, too." Brass dusted her butt off, stepping back from this weird dude's presences.
"It means I'm very sorry. I guess that's what I get for assuming everyone speaks japanese" Ryu laughed nervously.

"You do know how rare it is for someone to speak japanese right?" Uni asked.

"Well that's what Uniel taught me first how to speak" Ryu pointed out.

"Yeah and Zexion had to teach you english I know" Uni sighed.
Brass grabbed onto Shona, jerking her away. She wasn't interested in who or what he was.

"Please, I'll stab you." threating Ryu.
"I'm sorry" Ryu stated looking down at the ground, suddenly feeling very ashamed. Uni growled angrily at Brass.

"Now look here you! Just because Ryu accidentally bumps into you doesn't give you the right to bully him! He's had to put up with enough bullies in his lifetime! He doesn't need one more!" Uni growled up, he was very protective over Ryu.
A fast sharp vibration erupted from Brass' body. She really didn't feel like being lectured by a talking cat. To avoid injury, Shona put up a protective pink hued bubble around herself.
"I'm sorry, please don't be angry" Ryu said staring at the ground, seeming to want to make his self disappear. Tears seemed to touch the brim of his eyes, he was afraid of getting yelled at or hit. Just like his parents did when they got onto him, well until he ran away just recently. This was probably the reason he was so meek and shy. He seemed to be afraid of people in general.
"Brass, let them be." Shona had finally found her words and carried on, "His pass isn't good, your future will be worse."

Brass furrowed her eyebrows, today has not been her day. All she wished to do was spend the day with Shona alone, clearly too much to ask for.
"Your not going to hit me for saying something wrong?" Ryu asked looking up after blinking his tears away. Confusion was written on his face. The only ones who didn't hit him if he said or did something wrong was the celestial spirits that he considered family. Everyone else tended to do that, well his parents anyway.
Brass rose an eyebrow, confused at this question. Why would he even ask that?

"What? No, I'm not going to hit you." Stating in an almost questioning tone.

Shona popped out of her protective sphere gripping onto Brass' hand. She scooted behind her for the rest of that time period.
"Why? I don't get it don't people hit others when they've done or said something wrong?" Ryu asked tilting his head. He honestly didn't understand, he knew the celestial spirits didn't but he thought everyone else did.
"No one told me that I just figured that since my parents did it to me all the time everyone must do it" Ryu admitted, looking at his feet shyly. With this said it was likely that Brass would figure out that he has very low self esteem and even lower confidence issues.
Brass stumbled back dumbfounded. He's being abused. She had to weight out her options, and fast.

Sighing, she held her hand out for him to take, "Will you come with us?"
"You want me to come with you?" Ryu asked, slightly taken aback. Why would someone want him to come with them.

"I say go for it Ryu, they seem pretty nice" Uni stated with a smile.

"You think so?" Ryu asked and he nodded.

"Alright I'll go with you" Ryu nodded.
"Alright ladies and gentlemans!" She gripped both of their baby hands, off to have the best adventure in the town.

She began to blab on and on about what they all were gonna do today, like go eat, beach, riot the town into hell. All great stuff.
Ryu smiled as he heard her talk, it made him happy to know he would have friends. His first friend that wasn't a celestial spirit or a talking cat.

~1 year later~

Ryu smiled as he hurried off to the guild. He sure was excited and he had a reason to be. The S class wizard exam was going on now. He was seriously hoping one of his friends would be chosen. Maybe if they were he would be as well. He soon made into the guild just in time to hear the names be announced.

"Cana, Ryu, and Erza" Makarov stated listing off the names of those taking the test. Ryu just nodded his appreciation to the guild master. He would become a S class wizard even if it meant beating Erza.
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Loud whistles, clapping, and shouts could be heard from Brass' mouth. She was so so proud of Ryu. Not only had he gotten in the S class list so fast, but he showed such great power, and used it well. Since that first meeting she'd grown close to him, so he'd became her child. Well, in her eyes anyways.

Shona stayed quiet, flinching at the eruption of celebration. She wanted to go home, but had a feeling it wouldn't happen.
"Now you should each choose your partners we set off in tomorrow" Markov stated.

"Hey Shona, do you want to be my partner" Ryu asked, shyly.
Brass let out a forced laugh, blocking Shona out of Ryu's view. She had closed her eyes, shaking her head, "My baby is not going. It's way to rough for her."
Ryu looked down, he had really wanted Shona to go. He sighed, well there goes that. He walked up to his exceeds, though everyone thought them just talking cats, and said "Eli, Uni I honestly can't decide between the two of you which to take" Ryu sighed.

"You take both of them" Malarov sighed, knowing very well for Ryu it was either both or none.

(You will roleplay Eli)

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