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Fandom Fairy Tail-New Gen

Flareshield said:
Zaveid got back to the gathering hall and sat down at one of the tables, done with quests for the week. It was all shenanigans from there. Zaveid was thinking of going to his house, but decided to stay at the hall in hopes if conversation. He got a drink from the bar and went back to the table to drink the beer he got. He then overheard two people talking about going out for food.
@NekoQueen49 @Flame Demon
(They're inside a house apart from the Guild. Like Lucy's apartment.)
Ruby smiles slightly "We should get some small breakfast" she says and Sapphire tries taking the request, but fails badly "Nope" Ruby says and she adds "Now you know how I feel when you get a request"

After several minutes had passed after Lex disappeared in his search for Lix, a loud BANG could be heard throughout the house and the neighboring houses. No one could be sure what had happened as Lex, looking cross, was carrying a slumbering Lix over his shoulder. She snored loudly which only added to Lex's ire. "I don't know why I put up with her," he grumbled once he was in the other girl's vicinity.

@Flame Demon
"Let me help" Ruby says covering both hands in ice, it didn't work on her sister since the two are immume to the cold. Sapphire sweatdrops "Just some advise, put her on the couch" she says, already knowing Lix won't like it.

Lex shrugged, which caused his shoulder to be driven into Lix's stomach. Her only response was a grunt. A response that was echoed when he tossed her not so gently onto the couch. "Do as you like, I've tried everything I could short of my magic."

@Flame Demon
Sapphire pulls Lex along to the kitchen while Ruby walks over to Lix and she puts her, now ice cold, hands on Lix's head, it would most likely wake her up, but who knew, if it didn't work she'd use plan B. Sapphire looks at Lex "We didn't know Ruby was going to do this, it normally pisses of a lot of people"

"Finally you're up" Ruby says letting the ice around her hands disappear "Seriously... we could have left you here while we went on the best request ever" she says crossing her arms.

LJ nodded his head in agreement. He was totally fine going on an unauthorized S rank mission. He didn't see anything wrong coming out of this. He'll earn a cut from the the reward, and he gets to fight. So yeah everythings alright. Sooo we getting food then we're heading out. Then once we get to the place we take out the guy, get the reward money, split it, and go home. Right?? @GingerBreadMew @Starchan @samsan99 @avis
"You were snoring loudly... you were still pretty much asleep" Ruby says looking at Lix with a blank expression "You nearly got hurt while sleepwalking and trying to get downstairs though"

Sapphire puts a hand in front of her mouth to prevent her from laughing too loudly, this was hilarious.

Zaveid decided to go to a cafe near the hall to get some breakfast. He had been getting small meals for months getting the money again that he spent on his house, and now he could afford normal sized meals again. He sat down at the cafe, and ordered a pancake platter, (the thing I thought of at the moment) with eggs and bacon. He also got a mug of water to go with it.
Lily smiles at the question practically popping "Always, theirs an amazing little family owned pub at the edge of the town near the tree line" she pointed to her right " its not vary well known because of their location, but the food is amazing " she said the last part faster as to correct herself, as she was popping the tip of her tong out just thinking of all the sweets that the place had, as doodles pops of of the bag on her waist "But Lily" doodles sigh's, glanced up at her, perking an ear "every time you go there you eat all of their sweets"she looked down at the little cat "But Doddles, there soo good! you know that" she bit the tip of her thumb, as if trying to convince the cat that her sweets habit was normal

@samsan99 @Starchan @Embaga Elder @avis
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"They have sweets? WOO! Count me in! Let's go! ...Uh, you'll have to lead the way." Ara wished she knew where this pub was. It sounded amazing, like someplace she would go in her spare time. They had sweets after all. And probably some cute locals as well. Although Ara was more focused on the former.

@GingerBreadMew @samsan99 @Starchan @Embaga Elder

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