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Fandom Fairy Tail: Magicless

"I'm surprised you came. To be very honest, you are the least i predict would come here." Luxia said, in a bluntly honest manner. "Now be quiet, the Council will start their meeting soon.

The new Head of the Council, Trant, stood up. He lifted his hand and looked around, greeting the Stars and the other Council members.

"The Great Hunt was a success," Trant said, while sitting down back on his seat. "But magicians still exist, and they gathered in a guild to band together and disturb our peace!"

"We have talked about this for several time, and it had been decided now. Purgatory will start from this moment. We have begun rebuilding Face in a undisclosed location. As most of our manpower are used to speed up the construction, the enemy will take advantage of this. I want all the Stars to be in high alert." The Council members clapped. "Inform this to your fellow Stars, now you are dismissed."

Hintar shook his head.

"Be patient, young ones. Or you will face the same fate as your three comrade." Hintar said. "To kill the knight you have to kill his horse first. We will need you to take down the Stars first, while they are still separated. Starting from Gunther, the Seventh who controlled this region."
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Evangelin, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, spoke up from the corner of the room she was standing in. "We have to fight the Seven Stars?" She asked nervously, "That sounds like a suicide mission..."

The blue fox, curled up on a crate, looked up, a little surprised. "What's this? Evangelin of the Flaming Legion is afraid?"

"No!" the fire mage snapped, a little too hastily, "It's just... It's just that those guys managed to kill the Ten Saint. They're the reason that Jakor's the only Saint alive!" She shuddered a little. "Maybe I am a little scared. I mean, the Four Gods of Ishgar fell to them. What chance do we have?"

Anima just scoffed. "I'm sure you're just overreacting. If you haven't already, you should probably take your medication. It's about that time again isn't it?"

While the young woman nodded and reached for a pouch at her side, the fox turned to Hintar. "Now the thing that concerns me is how alarmed you all are about this news. Sure Face was dangerous, but it wasn't a single weapon. It was three thousand, spread across the entire continent. It would take nearly a decade to rebuild the whole thing.

Now let's say, for the sake of argument, that the Council has figured out a way to make Face far more efficient (which is highly unlikely). Even they must realize that using it would do more harm than good to Fiore. They would destroy many species of plant as well as several already endangered species of animal. Any human with even the potential to use magic would get Magic Deficiency Disease and die, including small children, unassociated with any wizards, unaware that they were able to use magic. I would have a hard time believing that the Councilmen would go through with this, or that the Seven Stars would allow them to, seeing as it would kill them too."
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Solis got very nervous from it being said it was a suicide mission

"But if its suicide......why are we doing it? Oh wait, never mind...thats a bad question"

Solis cowered in a corner whispering to himself

He was radiating a nervous aura that was slightly green

"I dont wanna die"
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"No one is going to die, as long as you make a plan and do not dive in recklessly." Hintar calmed the young boy down. Solis is his name if Hintar's memory served him right. "Gunther is the weakest amongst the Stars. If you managed to defeat him, see it as some kind of accomplishment, that you managed to defeat a man as strong as he is. But remember, he is still a Star. He is the one who crushed most of the smaller guilds, Quatro Cerberus, Mermaid Heel. Do not underestimate Gunther "The Fearless", he can kill you just as quick as the Saint Killer."
Hakual sighed why did he even go could have guessed what the council would say and it would be just the same as before, maybe he just wants the command to go and slaughter the remaining magicians but who knows when they will get that if even ever. Listening to what the council had to say he sighed it sounded strange but be began to wonder how long the council would want even the stars with them being magic users. "You know they are so many other ways the council could get in touch will us rather than making us travel a lacrima is one of them." Hakual moaned before loud enough for most people to hear but that was the point.
Masaki simply stood by the wall with his arms crossed as he listened to Hintar speak. "We have to face the Seven Stars?" Clenching his fists as he spoke that name, he let out a sigh as all the anger inside of his body left. Now listening to Evengelin speak about it being a suicide mission, he let out a sigh. Part of Masaki believed this, but deep down he knew that they could do it. Watching Solis cower upset him, but luckily Hintar comforted him. Masaki stepped forward and lowered his arms as he began to speak. "We can do this. No, we have to do this; failure is not an option." Pausing a little he sighed again and continued, "As long as we stick together everything will be fine. But, we must not give up, we have to stay strong otherwise what's the point?" Taking a breath, his tone got quieter as he said. "My time in Fairy Tail taught me many things... But the main thing I learnt, was to never give up even if the road ahead is perilous." A determined look crept onto his face, alongside a smirk.
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Daiichi was about to respond to Masaki, but allowed Solis to cut in. "Well, there you go. Let me know if you need anything else, though, and I'll see what I can do. I think I have a few experimental compounds in the works..." He turns, listening to much of the rest of the discussions. Eventually, he turns to Anima, apparently completely unperturbed. "Indeed, though we must consider three distinct possibilities. Possibility A: The Seven Stars and the council have developed some sort of protection or countermeasure, which would allow them to survive. Possibility B: The Seven Stars simply don't care, and the council has either gone suicidal or are simply puppet rulers.

"Possibility C: Well... this is the least likely of the three, but it is no less dangerous for most of us. As you all know, my former guild was dedicated to the preservation and improvement of all magic, including lost ones. Along with the Arc of Time, we had many other magic under our protection. However, there is one that presents the most real threat: Anti-Magic. Now, we don't know much about it, only rumors of rumors, but what little we know is worrying enough. If one of their numbers is a user of this art, they could potentially shield themselves from Face's effects.

"Again, though, it is the least likely of the three, and we know little of Anti-Magic either way. For now, we should operate under the assumption that option A is what's going on- It's the most likely of the three." Daiichi finishes his explanation with a sigh. "This war is going to be such a detriment to my research..."
"It is frustrating that we only know so little about the Star Killer, and what she's capable of." Hintar sighed. "No one is alive to tell the tale. My source tell me that most of the council members also didn't know what she capable of. In this world, probably only a handful of people know about her so called Anti Magic. Trant, and one or two member of the Stars. Possibly, the 2nd and the 3rd. When we get to them, maybe you all can try to choke some information from them."
"If you can get me their brain, I can establish uplink to their neural cortex and directly access-" Daiichi stops himself. "In layman terms, get me their brain and I can access any memories that they have prior to a week before their death." He runs a few calculations, then nods to himself. "Yes, about a week or so. The brain needs time to store memories." He says. "Interrogation is unnecessary. Simply provide the body and, if the brain is intact,"

He looks pointedly to Jakor. "I will extract it and present my findings within a few days." To a normal person, it would seem gruesome. Brutal, even. But Daiichi is far from normal, and brutality is the least of one's concerns when the group that murdered most of the people he considered his family is the topic being discussed. "If one of their number does possess Anti-Magic, we will know soon enough. And along with that, there is a rather distinct advantage I have over some others..."

He exhales, taking his cigarette from his mouth. Noticing that it's been burnt to the back edge, he scoffs and spits it out, making some flames that consume the thing mid-flight before smothering them with carbon dioxide. "After their creation, the items created by my magic are not magical... With the exception of items created to have magical properties, of course. Therefore, they cannot be 'negated'; not after they have been created, of course. Thusly, I will have to be cautious and make sure any Anti-Magic users stay unaware of my abilities, so that I might take them out before they can retaliate. I wouldn't want my things negated mid-creation, after all.

I slowly got up from the chair I was sitting on. The relaxed face I had vanished and turned into an angry one, "Now we are talking....I wanna avenge my fallen comrades....the seven stars and the council will pay." I say upon hearing that we needed to take out the seven stars.
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Solis calmed down a bit hearing what Masaki said

"You're right, stay strong..."

he said with a bit of courage in his voice. Small plants began growing around him as if they were trying to confort him just a bit more

"Alright, we can attack them...just we got to think how they think. Work how they do, then we will win!"
Masaki listened to Daiichi speak, turning to face the scientist, he began to speak. "Considering the whole idea of one of the Seven Stars even wielding this Anti-Magic, It's probably best if you were extra careful.." Scratching his head, he spoke with a slight smile on his face. "...I'm not doubting you or anything. You are a very capable man. But, if we lost the brains behind the guild, that would be tragic." Pausing again, he stopped scratching his head as he added. "So, due to this. I think it would be wise if we are always in groups, or small pairs. I mean, theres no way we'd be able to take one of the Seven Stars out if we went out by our selves, and also for the safety of everyone else, not just Daiichi. I think it's a wise idea. Also, we shouldn't rule out the possibility of them finding our base. We need to be prepared for that as well. Simple traps won't work on them after all, we need a backup plan. Perhaps a backup location? If necessary, I can begin searching for places."

This was probably just his kindness and concern for his comrades talking. Concern was slapped across his face.
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I keep looking around the room now with a more angry face than the relaxed one I had before, "So what's the plan? We make groups of two and attack one of them?" I ask wondering what is the plan exactly.
"The support members are preparing a base out of town.This is where we are going to hide when you started the attack against Gunther." Hintar nods. "I leave up the plan to you. Gunther will visit this town for regular inspection tomorrow, you have to prepare whatever you want to do quickly."
Eiskalt was beyond late for this supposed meeting far below her current placement in Lamia Scale’s old guild hall. She was in an attic ..? A top floor room? She asn’t even sure anymore. For having sucha perfect memory she’d been finding herself abscent minded lately. Due to stress or lack of sleep was unclear but she was starting to look a little rough around the edges. As she sat in the window seal of this room her umber orange eyes cast out on the grounds around the old guild hall. Sad state as things were these days she felt lonely but she supposed they all did. At least she hadn’t been all that close with her guild members before their great demise.

Turning her eyes back into the house a hiss of air came from her inhaling sharply as pain speared through her arm. Her adjacent hand came up to clutch the outside of the armor just barely holding her brow still while her teeth gritted the pain away. A different pain lanced its way through her heart but she couldn’t understand this secondary pain, a homesickness? A lonely longing for someone lost? She always missed her father after these painful bouts happened. She shook her head casting her turquoise hair away from her face and stood. Perhaps it was time to get to the meeting she decided.

Pain or not she moved for the stairs under a trap door and made her slowly through the old guild hall. She took her time looking about always curious for more knowledge she wondered if there was a library here… that would definitely be more amusing then some meeting. She sighed and a cold bout of frost whispered from her lips as she paused leaning against a rail. She was procrastinating she knew she was but would they be That angry if she didn’t come? Was it because she was awkward in social settings? Or perhaps it was just because it was underground, and her death fear of the underground unreasonable as it were still held tight to her subconscious. “Maybe it’s a mixture of the two “ she said more to herself, then her eyes turned about noticing a door on the opposite side of the hall open and low and behold there was a library!

A smile split her face and she started to look for the swiftest path there. The meeting long out of her mind now. She made her way on sturdy boot heels into the library and automatically fell on the trove of books. Her fingertips grazing across the entitled spines of so many glorious tombs! She halted her speed reading on one book with a lick of blue fire up its spine and the words for Dragons written there two. Glancing left then back around the room she ensure she was alone she snagged the book from the shelf turned it spine down and let the pages open where they willed and fell on that page like a raptor on prey. She started to read her eyes zipping back and forth as she read line after line, line by line her one good skill coming with her social immaturity was speed reading.

She was so into the book however that she wouldn’t notice if anyone were approaching. Most of the books contents were about assumed life styles of dragons and miscellaneous information rumored about dragons. She huffed her bottom lip to poof away her bangs her umber eyes disappointed in what she’d read she sighed finally stopping on the next chapter she snapped the book closed and tucked it back on the shelf before finally pausing.
"What about taking out the weakest one first? We could do that to get it out of the way. Then we can be in bigger groups to take out the stronger ones." Solis said when he became more collected Solis then turned to the tripped girl at the book cases slightly confused. He shrugged a bit and tried to call them over asking "Are you alright?"
Evett sitting in the back watches the guys in front of her plan and devise strategies against the Seven Stars. 'I wonder... Is this really how the world turned out to be? Or am I really just living a dream, a horrible dream?' She gazes and stares at a vast nothingness. She let's her mind wander thinking about her life, what plans to make it out alive, and if it all will be worth it at the end. She inhales a deep breath and lets out a deep breath.

In a teasing tone Evett yells to the others "Hey! You boys done or are you just gonna stand there looking all cute and what not!" She gets up from her seat and drapes her arms around Solis. She lightly kisses his cheek and strolls away moving to another spot to focus on the task at hand.

"Now anyways what's the big plan on how to fight Seven Stars?" Evett asks the men around her.


Gunther Jacquis arrived in the town hall, and as he kicked open his carriage door he quickly went in looking for some food and ignored the town mayor that stood in the front door to greet him. , as he will be inspecting the entire town for any magician. Gunther secretly hoped that some of those stupid magician would attack him with all their strength, like the magicians he encountered in the previous town.

The Rune Knights found three family of magicians hiding in the wood right outside of the town. The males attacked him, there are six of them both old and young, but they are weak. Very weak, which really disappoint Gunther. The old man couldn't keep up with him, the fathers are too worried about their child, and it only take one punch to break the children's skeleton or neck. Very disappointing indeed.

He got into his the dining room and greeted by a lot of warm delicious food especially prepared for him. Gunther sat down and started eating his lunch. In two hour, he will left the town hall with his army of Rune Knights to scan every citizen in the city for any magical force.


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