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Fandom Fairy Tail: Guilds of Pergrande Lore and Setting

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Alarmed and Strangerous
As the name implies, the RP is set in Pergrande, a sprawling, populous Kingdom located far to the east of Fiore. Although mages and guilds are a common fixture in Pergrande just as they are in Fiore, a combination of the distance between the two countries, Pergrande’s complex internal affairs and influence from the mainland countries further to the East ensure that whatever events happen in Fiore, they have little impact on Pergrande and vice versa. There are many exciting stories and influential people in Pergrande that are unknown to the people of Fiore.

This means that in this RP you'll be exploring an all new setting, with it's own exciting history and locations! In time you'll be able to help flesh out the world of Pergrande by leading your own missions to areas of your own creation, but to get things started we've established a few key details which you can learn about here.
The Kingdom of Pergrande
Despite being the largest nation in the peninsula of Ishgar, not much is known of it in the countries further to the West such as Fiore. Pergrande is large enough that much of its energy is taken up with internal affairs and its foreign policy and diplomatic efforts are directed Eastwards, towards the more powerful nations of the mainland. Those that do make the journey to Pergrande find a fascinating country made up of varying climates, cultures and factions that make exploring it endlessly fascinating.


Pergrande is large enough that it is home to a variety of climates and biomes; The Northernmost reaches are frigid and mountainous, with scarce wildlife adapted to the freezing cold. The Southern parts of the kingdom are nearly the opposite however, with warm, dry summers and mild winters. The southern peninsula of Vassilica, with its winding coastlines is particularly known for its warm temperatures and dazzling beaches. The majority of Pergrande however, is given over to temperate, fertile midlands which are densely forested in the more remote areas and converted into rich, productive farmland wherever humanity has settled. The city of Twinbrook, which has recently risen to prominence, is positioned squarely in the middle of these midlands.


Pergrande is large enough that it is commonly split into five, distinct regions, which all have their own unique geography and culture.

Midlands: Also known as the River lands, the Midlands is a thick band of temperate, forested terrain that stretches nearly from one end of Pergrande's length to the other. When cleared and cultivated, the Midlands earth is generally very fertile, so the majority of its inhabited area is given over to farmland and rural estates, but it is also home to the largest cities in the country, most of them situated along the network of rivers that criss cross the region and form a bustling route for merchant barges to ship goods along. Culturally in Midland there is a great divide between the unhurried countryfolk and the more frenetic inhabitants of its busy cities but stereo typically midlanders are regarded as hardworking, practical minded sorts with little interest in the abstract. Despite being landlocked, the Midlands have a very low height above sea level on average, with only modest hills breaking up the rolling flatlands and valleys. The Midlands are home to Pergrande's capital city, Annoforre.

The White Reaches: The Reaches refers to the frigid, northernmost region of Pergrande. Much of the reaches are covered by open tundra, but the mountain ranges in the eastern parts of the region, the White Teeth, are imposing and very harsh, often considered to be the most dangerous region in the country in terms of natural threats. The fauna of the region tends to be dangerous as well, with "white" sub species of various magical beasts that tend to be larger and more aggressive than their southern counterparts. Culturally and even genetically the people of the Reaches have much in common with the inhabitants of the neighboring country of Iceberg. The similar terrain breeds a similar kind of person and the difficulties in enforcing borders in this remote region mean intermarriage between the two groups is not that uncommon.

Berillo: Berillo is the South Western part of Pergrande, which separate the Midlands from the neighboring country of Bellum. The Berivellum alps mark out Berillo's western borders: this arrow shaped shaped mountain range is much longer than the White Teeth to the north but does not reach it's towering heights and the temperature is much more pleasant. Even between the alps, Berillo's terrain is much more rugged and elevated than is average for Pergrande. This has hindered development and compared to much of Pergrande Berillo is more rural and more sparsely populated and the Berillosi have a somewhat undeserved reputation for being backwards and stubborn. Whereas the Midlands focus on raising crops, Berillo's rougher terrain is more suited to livestock, especially sure footed goats and Berillosi goats cheese is regarded as a delicacy internationally.

Vassilica: The smallest region by landmass, Vassilica consists of Pergrande's two soouthern peninsula's, sharing a border with Sin. Thanks to the mountain range barring most of its connection to the mainland, Vassilica maintained its independence throughout much of history and developed a highly distinctive culture, even giving birth to Vassilican Church, which spread through Pergrande when the two countries were unified. Vassilica's high percentage of coastland makes it ideal for maritime activities and most foreign trade enters Pergrande through Vassilica, while its merchants carry cargo of famous Vassilican wine far and wide, one of the few products valuable enough to set aside the region's rare arable farmland to cultivate. The warm climate, the Vassilicans love of fine art and architecture and pleasant beaches and islands of its winding coasts make the region a persistent favorite with tourists. Vassilican's are regarded as passionate and fiery by the rest of the nation and stereo-typically apt to flare up over perceived stains on their carefully guarded honor.

Esgard One of Pergrande's most artificial regions, Esgard was not shaped by any particular geographic features, stretching as it does from North to South across Pergrande's Eastern border it encompasses all three of its major climate zones. Esgard is instead a product of diplomatic and strategic and political realities, as it was formed by a royal decree. Worried about potential threats from the mainland to the East, King Gildred instituted a policy that granted nobles along the border lower tax obligations and more internal freedoms, in exchange for their pledge to maintain larger retainers of soldiers and to construct a series of forts along the border to secure the nation's defense. The warlike nature of the region was further bolstered by a later policy which rewarded retired soldiers with modest plots of land in the region, which has over time spread military knowledge throughout the populace. In times of invasion, the people of Esgard form the bulk of the Kingdom's levied forces and its most reliable veterans, a status they maintain with pride and responsibility.

Politics and History

Despite being the largest nation in the peninsula of Ishgar, Pergrande is heavily decentralised, with a sprawling, labyrinthine network of Dukes and Princes vying for influence and territory. Although Ishgar has a Monarch who nominally rules over the whole country, in practice their influence and power is greatly constrained by the nobles underneath them. Pergrande’s King is elected, a tradition which dates back to the Kingdom’s formation when a coalition of nobles broke off from an even larger empire to the East and elected one of their members as their leader.

The assembly that elects the King mainly consists of nobles, but some of the votes are held by Bishops, certain cities, even a few mage guilds hold a vote, usually awarded to them in recognition of some great service to the crown. Besides electing the King, the assembly votes on changes to the Kingdom’s major laws and declarations of war, meaning the Monarch needs the favor of at least a majority of voters to get anything of substance done.

Clever nobles have been able to extract various privileges and rights from successive Monarchs by withholding their votes at key junctures and so they have a great deal of freedom and independence, at least within their own lands and can even raise their own soldiers and declare war on each other, although the Monarch may interfere in these wars if their justification for declaring them is ruled to be invalid by the Assembly. Further complicating matters are offices, which are certain responsibilities or privileges awarded to particular nobles, usually with a fancy title to boot. Some of these offices were originally created to solve legitimate crises, others were little more than thinly veiled bribes. But because nearly every noble that demands an office also demands that it be made hereditary, the total number of offices has steadily increased over the generations and many offices are overlapping or contradictory in nature.

Because of this byzantine maze of red tape and conflicting interests, it’s exceedingly difficult for the Crown and its officials, or even the nobles who might be inclined to step in, to actually respond to problems in a timely or efficient manner. Consequently there is a huge market in Pergrande for independent contractors who can ignore the delicate balance of power and quickly respond to issues. This role is usually filled by mage guilds which are extremely popular in Pergrande and dot all corners of its lands.

Mage Guilds

Mage Guilds as an institution were imported to Pergrande from more wesstern countries such as Fiore, but there are a few key differences in how they are run. For starters, while guilds in Fiore typically only formally distinguish between S rank and non S rank mages, Pergrande ranks mages from E rank (hobbyists or absolute beginners, Mage guilds typically do not even hire E rank mages unless they are newly founded or have comprehensive training programs) All the way up to A rank and then S rank, which is similar to the level of Fiore’s S rank.

Mage guilds themselves are also more finely categorized in Pergrande. Although Pergrande recognizes the same distinctions of legal guilds, independent guilds and dark guilds, in Pergrande there is a special category of legal guild, known as defender guilds.

Defender guilds are legal guilds which have been recognized as meeting a high standard in terms of overall combat power and capability and owing to that, have been charged with a special duty. In times of emergency, whether it be a natural disaster, invasion or large scale criminal activity, defender guilds can be temporarily conscripted by local authorities to defend the populace and deal with the threat. Defender Guilds are expected to keep at least a small portion of their members free and ready to deploy at all times and are obligated to suspend any other ongoing business if the guild’s full strength is required. In exchange for this burden, defender guilds are paid a generous stipend and receive bonus payments in the aftermath of any crisis they have dealt with. There is also significant prestige that comes along with being a defender guild: the general public widely considers them to be glamorous heroes who avert disaster and their members are regularly interviewed, profiled or even offered lucrative sponsorships! For these reasons, most legal guilds aspire to one day become defender guilds and a guild is only thought to have really “made it” once it has done so. Defender guilds are distinguished visibly by their guild marks: In Pergrande most legal guilds are required to have a hollow guild mark, whereas defender guilds possess a more striking, solid guild mark.

There exists an even more elite category of guild: known as Royal Defender guilds, or National Defender Guilds. Chosen from the absolute cream of the crop of all legal guilds, Royal defenders are elite guilds who are called to service by the King themselves and tasked with dealing with national level emergencies and threats. Defender guilds have some measure of renown, but Royal Defenders are on a different level, every member is a national celebrity and collectively they stand at the peak of Pergrandes magical community. Although many people will recognize prominent royal defenders on sight, they are officially distinguished by the addition of augmentations, special symbols or patterns added around their guild marks. A small handful of Royal Defender guilds have actually been granted a vote in the assembly, putting them on the same level as nobles, at least as a collective, and permanently solidifying their influence and prestige.

The Wizard Saints

Pergrande has it's own Wizard saints, who serve as the Kingdom's most powerful magical forces and advise the King or act directly in times of crisis. In between emergencies the Saints are free to pursue their own interests, usually putting to good service the immense fame and adoration their position affords them. Though it's possible to be formally appointed to the saints, more commonly one obtains a position among the ten by dueling and defeating a current member.

Wizard Saint #1: Arieta Augustus VI

Informally referred to as Granny by most of the country, Arieta is the oldest, most powerful living wizard known to Pergrande. Master of several incredibly powerful magics she's honed across her over one hundred years of age, rumor has it no one has managed to land a hit on her in fifty years.

Known Magics: Gravity, Portal

Wizard Saint #2: Alfenn Blackwood

The infamous "Black Prince" Alfenn is the highest ranked of the saints in court terms, being the current Duke of Morvanis and a relative of the King. A master of dark, lost magic that summons and controls twisted and terrifying creatures, Blackwell's long absences from the public sphere allow untold grisly rumors to spread about him but the most persistent is that the was somehow responsible for the tragic death of his parents when he was still a child.

Known magic: Summoning Art: Book of the Old Ones, Letter Magic: Old N'kyoth Script

Wizard Saint #3: Adrian Magnus

Known far and wide for being the physically strongest wizard of the modern day, Adrian "The Fist" Magnus is looked up to by most anyone around for his physical form and drive for justice both. Rumor has it he once arm wrestled an entire guild, at the same time, and won.

Known Magics: Strength Enhancement, Durability Enhancement

Wizard Saint #4: Lucius Quentinatus

The Grandmaster of Pergrandes most powerful knightly order, the Order of the Four Kings, Lucius "The shield of Lights" stands as a shining paragon of the church's values and protecting the weak and dispatching the evil with his mastery of the order's signature light and barrier magics. Rumors insist that he publishes amateurish detective novels under a pen name, but none have pinned down an author for sure.

Known Magics: Light Magic, Barrier Magic

Wizard Saint #5: Virginia Takwell

The world's foremost medical wizard, Virginia Takwell is frequently called "The Angel" for her works in saving citizens both rich and poor from myriad diseases and injuries. She is also vaunted for her works in the non magical medical field and holds four separate doctorate degrees. Rumor has it she once survived complete decapitation in a war zone, and then healed her attackers wounds.

Known Magics: Healing Heart, Blood Magic, Bone Magic

Wizard Saint #6: Fujiko Shitakiri

known as "the Shinigami" The guildmaster of Pergrande's most powerful and successful mage's guild, the Grey Sparrows, Shitakiri is a shadowy figure rumored to also head up a secretive spy ring in direct service to the King. Preferring not to fight in public, the elusive guildmaster has few confirmed victories to her name, but a number of unsolved deaths bear subtle hallmarks of her lethal style

Known magics: Shikigami magic, Poison magic

Wizard Saint #7: Emilia Cane

The youngest Saint of the ten, Emilia only recently turned seventeen years old. Yet her power and reserves, as well as her incredibly rare lost magic have netted her the alias "The Queen of Requip". Granny Arietta has taken a liking to her and officially taken her on as a protege. Rumor has it she was offered a guild master position already yet declined.

Known Magic: Omniquip

Wizard Saint #8: Yin Margrave

Known as "The Force of Nature" Margrave is more famous for her furious temper, and the trail of destruction it has caused her to carve across the nation, then her more positive achievements. Constantly in debt despite her tremendous income as a Wizard Saint due to the property damages her rampages incur, Margave is rumored to have rerouted a major river to avoid paying a ferry toll.

known magics: Earth Magic, Air Magic, Water Magic, Fire Magic

Wizard Saint(s) #9: Chaz Orwell and Vance Lauder

Two constantly competing friends, Chaz and Vance consistently vie for the number nine spot and have refused to accept taking ten. They consistently trade the title each time their personal duels ends in something other than a draw. Leading researchers in paleontology and entomology respectively, their takeover magics reflect their respective fields. Rumor has it their rivalry has actually resulted in the resurrection of several previously extinct species.

Known Magic (Chaz): Ancient Takeover
Known Magic(Vance): Insectoid Takeover

Wizard Saint #10: Ronan Clivesly

Ronan "The Ronin" is the Wizard Saint's most persistent source of embarrassment. Just strong enough to hold onto the number 10 position thanks largely to Orwell and Lauder's refusal to backdown from their contest over the ninth position. His outlandish fashion sense, poor personal hygiene and obsession with imported comic books have alienated him from his fellow Saints and most of the general populace as well. Rumors that Clivesley has dated a string of famous women, including fellow Wizard Saints Virginia Takwell and Yin Margrave appear to have been started by Clivesley himself and have gained little traction

Eye magic: Gaze of Helldark Flames, Katana magic

Free Cities

A free city (more formally known as a Free Royal City) is a city within Pergrande that gives answers directly to the King, whereas most cities are part of the territory of either a noble or Bishop. Free cities are essentially political entities in and of themselves, they have a great deal of freedom with which to run their internal affairs and they even have a vote in the Assembly, putting them on the same level as Dukes and Bishops politically.

The circumstances under which a city is designated a free city vary, usually it's awarded to especially prosperous cities, as cities almost invariably flourish under self rule and produce far more tax revenue then they would underneath a disinterested noble. Less frequently, a free city might be created when a noble is stripped of their land and titles and the Crown does not wish to make another noble too powerful by giving them the city and cannot, for political reasons, take the city itself.

Regardless of how a free city is created, they are invariably the subject of controversy and resentment from the nobility. Firstly nobles would greatly prefer that the land and riches of a free city pass through them on their way to the King and secondly most of them consider any sort of self governance by the common people to be a dangerous precedent that undermines the status of the nobility as a whole.

The most recent free city to be created was Twinbrooks, a case which generated even more controversy than is usual due to the unusual circumstances under which it was created.
Twinbrooks is an up and coming young city and it forms the primary setting of the RP. Though it is young, it already has an eventful history and many exciting locations


Twinbrooks is a bustling tradehub that has grown over time to become a central hub of the river based trade network that dominate Pergrande’s Midlands. Originally Twinbrooks was a humble farming village, centred between two rivers but the fertile farming lands allowed for grain surpluses which could be exchanged for funds that allowed for improvements to the settlement, which further fueled growth and settlement. Eventually the city expanded to stretch from the banks of one river to the other, and the turning point for Twinbrooks was when the city came together to construct a canal that joined the two rivers, opening up new trade routes with the city at the center of them.

Although Twinbrooks’ economic activity flourished and diversified during this period, it was still heavily dependent on grain exports, so when three successive winters saw heavy flooding that destroyed nearly all of the city’s fields it briefly sunk into a recession. This economic crisis was greatly exacerbated by the actions of Duke Leenguard, the noble who controlled the city. Leengard had used the increased revenue from the city’s boom to make several ill advised business ventures. When the recession deprived him of this income he raised taxes to crippling levels to make up the shortfall, driving many of the city’s inhabitants into poverty and starvation.

The situation escalated to the point that the King of Pergrande was forced to intervene, deploying a special taskforce of mages with food and plant related abilities to help restore the city’s food supplies. Backlash from other nobles, who saw the King’s intervention as a breach of noble privilege, prevented Duke Leengard being properly prosecuted for his mismanagement, but he was forced to abdicate his title to his son and the city of Twinbrooks was removed from the Leengard estates and designated a free royal city.

WIth minimal oversight, the city has since then recovered and flourished even more, becoming a vibrant hub of wealth and innovation. The city has recently acquired a reputation as something of a gold rush town for mage guilds; mercantile activity provides a steady flow of work for guilds and most of the major, established guilds never bothered to establish a presence there. As a result, a new generation of ambitious, newly formed guilds have taken root there, ready to fight each other for dominance and eventually challenge the old guard.


Twinbrooks is a vibrant city and its uneven growth has given it a lot of character, with different districts having their own unique landmarks and characteristics. It’s said to be a city where you can discover new things every day, but a quick rundown of the more notable locations in the city has been noted to greatly aid newcomers in finding their way around

Canal District

The beating heart of Twinbrooks is the canal district. Centred around it’s namesake, a canal that links Twinbrooks two rivers together, this district is a bustling nest of trade barges, loading docks, warehouses, factories and merchant offices where the majority of the city’s working population is employed in some capacity. The canal itself is always thronged with traffic as barges laden with cargo, fishing boats and the odd pleasure craft patiently awaiting their turn to dock or pass through to the more open rivers. The traffic is so dense that it’s usually possible to cross the entirety of the canal by jumping from barge to barge, a popular shortcut with guildmages. The canal district isn’t necessarily the most attractive part of the city, it’s narrow streets are crowded with workers and noisy machinery wards away any sense of tranquility, but anyone who has business in the city usually has it here.

Landmark: The King Felix Bridge

Erected to celebrate Twinbrook’s recovery from famine and venerate the King who rescued the city from disaster, the King Felix bridge is probably the city’s most famous public work. Constructed mainly of handsome bluestone, the bridge towers over the canal and actually covers three times as much length as would be needed to cross the canal. On top of that, the bridge is notable for actually being wider than it is long, having been designed to carry two stately clock towers and an upscale indoor market with some very fine stalls and cafes, which are popular with merchants who work in the district. Many people consider the bridge to be best enjoyed by sipping something warm and watching the river traffic below, particularly because if one is lucky mages from one guild or another will be dispatched to deal with attempted cargo theft and the resulting pyrotechnics display results in an amusing diversion.


The Oldbrook district encompasses what was once the entirety of Twinbrooks: farmland, attractive cottages and a handful of agricultural businesses. As Twinbrooks expanded, it grew almost disproportionately in one direction so the Oldbrook District inevitably found itself on the outskirts of the city, with most of the population and business now residing further to the West. This has really been to the district’s advantage, allowing its fields to flourish unhindered. The farmers of Twinbrooks have always found a ready market for their products, so the houses and businesses tend to be well made and picturesque. In recent years, this has fueled something of a secondary tourism industry, as harried merchants and nobles looking to get away from the bustling city center stay the weekend in cozy bed and breakfasts. That being said, farming is still far and away Old town’s main concern so the majority of it is given over to fields of wheat or paddocks dotted with animals. Farmers are probably the second largest source of employment for mage guilds after merchants, as they often have trouble with magical creatures encroaching upon their land from the densely forested areas further away from the city.

Landmark: The Oldbrook Farmers market.

Every morning except the end of the week an empty field near the main road of Oldbrooks is taken over by a horde of homemade wooden stalls and colorful tents. Some of the finest, freshest produce in the Kingdom is on display alongside more elaborate homemade goods such as preserves, pastries, hand made toys and rural clothing. The prices are fair, as long as one is willing to haggle with a stubborn farmer or two and even if you happen to be overcharged slightly strolling the field and taking in the sights and smells is a fine way to spend a crips, early morning.


Newtown was constructed upon Twinbrook's graduation from large town to small city, in order to furnish the rapidly swelling class of merchants and professionals with a higher standard of living than the more rustic Oldbrook area could provide. Public funds were set aside for the development and a famous architecture was hired, so Newtown is somewhat more orderly overall than the more naturally expanded districts, featuring wide, neatly paved avenues and amenities such as public parks and streetlights. Newtown's residential districts are home to the city's wealthy elite, ranging from middle class town houses all the way up to a dozen or so palatial city manors. Part of the city is given over to the upmarket sort of businesses willing to pay the exorbitant rents endemic to the district, it's high street is lined with fashionable boutiques and fancy restaurants. Overall if one is interested in the trends and trendsetters of the city or simply a fan of the finer things in life Newtown is the place to be, or at least the place to be seen.

Landmark: The Bank of Twinbrooks

An illustrious, marble building, the bank was constructed somewhat recently to celebrate Twinbrook's elevation to Free City. A cabal of the city's most wealthy and influential merchants combined their funds to pay for the bank's lavish construction and the results are rather stunning, from the classical columns outside, to the crystal chandeliers and mahogany desks inside, every element of the building speaks to the city's prosperity. Many people interpret this lavishness as a subtle thumbing of the nose at Pergrande's nobility; marking it as a demonstration of the kind of wealth common folk can provide for themselves without the interference of their supposed betters. This supposition is supported by the presence of a very large and distinctly unflattering statue of Duke Leengard, the city's former ruler. The entry hall and the statue are open to the public and it has become a popular tradition to rub the statue's exposed belly, which is believed to bring financial success.

The Mudsticks

Standing in stark opposite to Newtown is the Mudsticks, an unplanned district that does not even appear on official maps yet is nonetheless a fact of life for its inhabitants. The North Western side of Twinbrooks is low altitude and notoriously marshy, making it unsuitable for substantial construction. This leaves the area open for the underprivileged, or the those who prefer to keep their presence in the city unofficial, to make their home their by erecting a cramped shanty house or hut. This dense shanty town never extends too far North, as the forests in that direction are home to dangerous beasts, so the inhabitants of the district prefer to expand westwards across the river itself by erecting semi-permanent wharves or rafts and constructing their homes atop those, from which the district's name is derived. Eventually this makeshift river colony grows large enough to impede river traffic, forcing city authorities t clear it away and forcing the residents to start again. Consequently the "goldilocks zone" of the mudsticks, the area that is built on relatively solid ground and also far enough south to avoid encounters with magical beasts, is hot real estate and mostly taken up by criminal enterprises of one sort or another.

landmark: The Pit

Once a natural sinkhole, the Pit has been taken over by one of the more successful gangs in the area and transformed in a a rough sort of arena for underground fights. Combatants descend into the sinkhole via rope ladders and duke it out in vicious exchanges of magic and melee while the audience watches from above and gambles on the outcome. Hollows have actually been carved into the walls of the Pit and decked out in relative finery to let VIP guests observe the brutality closer up. Although these "box seats" are usally occupied by various crime lords rumor abounds that the more upstanding citizen elite secretly attend as well.

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