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Fandom Fairy Tail disscussion

Yeah... IKR! I think it's about that, April 2017 I heard, but not sure if they'll be any form of English ones when it comes out or if we'll have to wait for them

Yeah! Binge watching FTW!

I haven't yet, Was going to check Library today but it was closed, so am checking on Tuesday after school! (Would do it on Monday, but I have a driving lesson :P )
Now I'm gonna cry  :/

Oo fun! I already have my permit but i don't drive like at all because it's hard and i don't like to

not to discourage you of course
I wish that it wasn't that long....

Yeah, I'm sure you will I'm more confident than I was but it's still difficult and intimidating
Aye Sir!... Listening to Fairy Tail OST while checking RPN and doing Homework :P  #NotDesperateIPromise... #OkYesIAm

Thanks, but I completely understand why you don't drive! The only reason I still go to my lessons is because my Parents force me too :P  

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