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Fandom Fairy Tail disscussion

Oooh, I like most of them, but my favourite is probably between Dragon Slayer and Celestial magic... with Maker magic and Requip a close second
maker magic is pretty cool

What about ur fave guild? besides fairy tail of course^^

I'm probably leaning towards Sabertooth myself
Fave dark Guild... 

That's a really hard one... I like Oration seis cause they're all good people deep down

I like Grimoir Heart Cause Ultear and although He's a moron, Hades was kinda helpful in Tartaros

And I sort of Like tartaros because they don't really know any better...

But I think Oraceon Seir are probably my fave

What about you?
And, ask as many questions as you like!
No, not really

Though I tend to look at NaLu and GaLe the most ^_^

right now it's just all ships in general pretty much^^
Been up all night crying,

Why? Because I finished OVA, Phoenix Priestess and Fairy Tail X Rave last night.

I then watched the Abridged Parody on Youtube...

But I was sad because I've finished all official Fairy Tail stuff until the next series!

I don't think I can wait 8 Months for more :(  
:(  ikr? I didn't know it was 8 months till the next series

that's like super depressing

i just binge watch the old ones

plus, I have the mangas to occupy me(but those won't last forever)

have you found any mangas yet?

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