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Fandom Fairy Tail disscussion

Yeah, maybe... Maybe she never died, she was just mortally wounded or something? Or maybe it's similar to the tower of heaven? But why would they go through all that trouble when Mavis is known for her mind, and they can all see her spirit...?

Yeah... the plumber's starting to know me very well :P  

i don't know....that's a good point.....

xD  same
i don't know....that's a good point.....

xD  same

Ahh, Fairy Tail...

If you're happy and you know it stay away,

If you're happy and you know it stay away.

Lucy makes you cry

Erza makes you want to die

If you're happy and you know it stay away!

Or just watch it anyway! :P  It's worth it! :D  

I really want to read them, but not online, so I'm waiting until I have enough money (And school stops demanding I buy things) so that I can start buying them!
idk the site for the libraries in my district lets you select all the libries in the area when i search for books

if u can't figure it out you could always ask a librarian
Oooh, that's a hard one!

As far as openings go, it's probably either Believe in myself, Masayume Chasing, Mysterious magic or Ashita o Narase

What's yours?

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