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Fandom Fairy Tail: A New Dawn


Nightcore obssesed
A new generation has risen along with new enemies and of course new guilds like Black Falcon Dead Snake and Shadow Tiger and of course there's still Fairy Tail!!! Well your Journey Begins NOW!!!!!
Here's the Form


(Optional) Age:

(Optional) Last name:




(Optional) Weapons:





My Sweet and beautiful character:

Name: Ayato

Age: ???

LastName: ???

Guild: Fairy Tail

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer Magic

Personality: Annoying Sometimes, Loyal, Funny, not very bright, kind, Stupid, Daredevil, strong, caring 

Weapons: None

Likes: Food

Dislikes: Fire

Backstory: ??????

Appearance: BlueTobu.jpg

Name: Shuai-Jan 

Age:  26

Guild: Rune Knights 

Magic: Water Dragon Slayer (Second Gen)

Personality:  Shuai-Jan loves a good fight, maybe a little too much, and if he sees a problem he'll dive into it head first. He's also pretty stubborn and will rarely, if ever, admit that he's wrong about something. He rarely talks about himself and his past, and he'll either change the subject or just walk away if someone tries to bring it up. He's also very loyal to the magic council and those who he consider to be his friends. 

Weapons: None 

Likes: Rain and desserts.  

Dislikes: Animals (especially cats) and deserts.

Backstory: ?????



Kaedan (K) Tamil


Fairy Tail

Lightning Devil Slayer (however, unless there is a storm, he is quite weak for a lightning mage)



K in a word would be ambitious. His one single goal in life is to surpass his elder brother, Haru, who is the "Prodigy of Fairy Tail", as Makarov has called him. K will let nothing stand in his way, determined to do whatever it takes to become stronger. This ambition though has turned him against his brother, making him wonder how his brother was so skilled at a young age while he (k) couldn't hold a candle in comparison. K has become easily angered whenever matters dealing with Haru arise, or even seeing Haru. Not only that, but his ambition to become stronger has made him brash and reckless, taking some of the hardest jobs available to him just so he could come home victorious with another mission under his belt. However, he loves fairy tail, seeing the guild as his true home, and among his fellow mages, no matter how outraged or annoyed he may act at their antics, he's always fighting-and more often than not failing to hide-a smile.


Training, The Guild Hall, Fighting those who are stronger than himself, Storms, His fellow mages. drinking at the bar, reading the poem "Loveless", Fish dishes, and Cold temperatures.

Clear skies, His brother, Weakness (in himself and others), People standing in his way, Anyone who would go against Fairy Tail, Gray's Stripping habit, cats, Happy, Teams, heat, and sweet things.


Pale skin with medium length raven colored hair hanging in cobalt blue eyes, K has high cheekbones and an angular face. He stands at 5'10, weighs 145 pounds and has a lean, somewhat defined build. He wears a black trench coat with red details written in red kanji on the back is "Lightning" and "Thunder." Under that, K wears a gray T-shirt, black jeans, and boots. On his belt is a silver skull.
Name: Melanie

(Optional) Age: 17

(Optional) Last name: Green

Guild: Fairy Tail

Magic: Lightning Magic

Personality: Quiet, timid, clumsy, rash and short-tempered

(Optional) Weapons: None

Likes: Food, soft ballads, cats and dancing

Dislikes: Loud people, rock music, insects and getting dirty

Backstory: Has been with the guild since she was small and is well-loved by most of the members.


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Name: Botis

(Optional) Age: 18

(Optional) Last name: ???

Guild: Fairy Tail

Magic: Darkness Magic

(He also wants to learn magic from the Black Arts)

Personality: A calm and collected man. He's often described as cold and calculating, but he's also quite loyal. He's not very sociable, so he doesn't talk much, and he usually works alone. However, he can be a bit more friendly to those he warms up to. While he's not one to run from a fight, he prefers avoiding fights he can't win. He's definitely not one of the physically strongest members of Fairy Tail, but he makes up for it with his dexterity and wit.

(Optional) Weapons: None

Likes: Zeref, Powerful or Rare Magic, Animals, Cooking, Intelligent People, His Guild, Books

Dislikes: Stupid/ rash people, Rowdiness, Large Crowds, Contests of Strength, People Who'd Harm Fairy Tail

Backstory: Botis has been a member of Fairy Tail from a fairly young age. Not one to drink or party, he's basically the black sheep of the family. He had previously been a member of a Dark Guild that was brought down by Fairy Tail. Due to his young age, instead of turning him over to authorities, he was taken in. Ever since, he has remained extremely loyal to Fairy Tail even though he usually works alone. Unfortunately, before his membership, he had already been taught Dark Magic, and he's now quite fascinated with it and all other forms of rare and powerful magic. Due to his choice of magic, his anti social behavior, and his tendency towards negativity, the Guild Master has become concerned about him. He fears Botis is at risk of being consumed by his own magic, so the Guild Master wants him to make friends. Not much else is known about his past, but at some point he did manage to acquire a book of Zeref. However, he has not yet managed to decipher it, and he refuses to show it to anyone.


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Name: Lucia

(Optional) Age: 19

(Optional) Last name: Ravenswood

Guild: fairytail

Magic: requip magic-archer

Personality: Lucia initially comes off as antisocial and emotionless. But the longer you talk to her the more she starts to open up and become more talkative and even polite. She's just a bit withdrawn and in most cases awkward. She's also a closet nerd and pretty shy about it

(Optional) Weapons: magic bows and arrows as well as a dagger she keeps strapped to her thigh.

Likes: reading, training, the outdoors, comics, plays, card games, tea, oldies music

Dislikes: useless fighting, selfish people, pettiness, hot weather, sour things, being bored

Backstory: Lucia was born into a dark guild located deep in the woods that's specialized in hunting rare and illegal animals and species and selling them to the black market. She didn't know better growing up there but it didn't last long. The guild was eventually taken down as most members were taken into custody and the master killed. Her father wasn't around so it was just her mother and her. At the time her mother was also a requip using witch and the one who taught her to use her own bow and hunt for herself. When they moved to magnolia her mother tried to keep a low profile while Lucia studied more magic. When she was 12 and her mother was out doing what she could to make money Lucia was looking into the types of guilds around. When her mother got back she was suddenly being taken in for theft and possession of illegal items. Lucia being a minor was kept out of the charges and was to be taken into a guild specified in caring for orphans. But she ran instead going to the one place she had been reading about since she was young. Fairytail. When she was accepted in despite her background she made a promise to herself to become the number one archer in fiore and make S-class wizard.



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