Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Lana Valentine]owo I'm about to reply now though I'm curious about your character now my salty friend... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18115-salt-lord/ said:
@Salt Lord[/URL]
my char also has some secrets but you won't find out till later
Isune said:
(slowly pushes @Salt Lord into creep corner) creepy guy on roof top staring down at everyone!

Ehem, I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone knows Alfie's a creep...

[QUOTE="Lana Valentine]owo I'm about to reply now though I'm curious about your character now my salty friend...

And he's a very curious character indeed.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]my char also has some secrets but you won't find out till later

But I can assure you that Alfie's secrets are better. > :D
Ehem, I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone knows Alfie's a creep...

And he's a very curious character indeed.

But I can assure you that Alfie's secrets are better. > :D

maybe but you won't know till later drum roll
Isune said:
oh god, was he watching Chris and Kelica walking at night?

I mean, no! He was waiting for the timeskip to the festival to steal everyone's hopes and dreams!
Why? Is he some kind of dream demon? Why would he do that to his own guildmates! I feel betrayed!
[QUOTE="Lana Valentine]Did I O.o

>A seconds afterward Laba's stomachbegan to rumble due to her lack of energy and the work out she hadgotten from the duel she really needed to eat something.
Isune said:
Why? Is he some kind of dream demon? Why would he do that to his own guildmates! I feel betrayed!
No. He's doing it to save them.

You'll understand when the next arc comes around. Telling you wouldn't be any fun now.
Lana Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25795-kyuubey/ said:
Thanks O.o also that's still not as terrible as when Autocorrect turned Lana into Man >_>
It's okay, I find everything amusing when I am tired; even myself.
after your next post we should wait for other also not trying be and rp nazi but if you use bold and italics with ' for thoughts it looks better there's still skills i need to remember sometimes as well so you know i'm not picking on you
Isune said:
0_o...(goes to corner and waits anxiously) So the festival is ruined?
Alfie's not that bad. I said he was trying to save them, not ruin their fun. Stealing hope wouldn't do anything except maybe make people think there's no point in life... and he isn't taking that much. Just a little bit from everyone every festival. He's been doing it ever since he's joined Fairy Tail in anticipation of an even bigger day. One that happens to be after the festival.

He planned an arc.
Okay, now I feel a lot better xD Well now I go back to waiting (rolls around in waiting corner out of boredom)
Salt Lord] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22515-genon/ said:
Does that like mean you're almost finished with the post? :D
I'm eating dinner. I haven't started yet.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]after your next post we should wait for other also not trying be and rp nazi but if you use bold and italics with ' for thoughts it looks better there's still skills i need to remember sometimes as well so you know i'm not picking on you

It's difficult for me to do that while using my phone though >_>
[QUOTE="Lana Valentine]It's difficult for me to do that while using my phone though >_>

i see typing posts on a phone can be tricky
(starts playing smash in the corner with Mysterious Destiny playing in the background) I am so happy Bayonetta's here...so addicting xD
Isune said:
(starts playing smash in the corner with Mysterious Destiny playing in the background) I am so happy Bayonetta's here...so addicting xD
All I'm doing is replaying Symposium Magarum and waiting for GENON'S SLOW ASS to post.

I have no idea why, but the second I heard she was in I ran over to my wii u and practically shoved my credit card into it xD
Out of my two hours and thirty minutes of PC time, I have eight minutes left. It's been wasted sitting here.

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