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Active [Fae See-East Empire Border] Operation: Fort Bury Part 2


Roleplay Artist
This RP is a continuation of Finished - [Isekai Hell] Operation: Fort Bury

Feel free to link your character sheet in your opening post!

RP Goals:
Carry out operation fort bury and bury Fort Kanna.

Yukan: Evolve, Protect and meet allies

Gyld: Evolve

Griffin: Make allies. Protect allies and the ritual casters.

Kota: Allies, and help the Fae
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune gmimperfecti gmimperfecti SixSense SixSense

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

While the dramatic events had been occurring on the fight near the frontlines of the fort, despite Ninelle’s effort to speed up the process there was something wrong with why it had been taking so long.

With so many of the Fae-Beast (And a construct) resources dedicated on fighting up front, there were less left behind to protect the ritual casters who were near the forest line. Griffin and Kota had both stayed behind along side Fae and a few other beasts who were acting as mercenaries to help protect the casters.

There were four Takai badger beast men with spears and traditional Kuridan armor facing the forest line, as well as a haregon martial artist who wore clothing like he was from the West Empire, and perhaps was upper cast, his robes a blue greenish hue, however it was apparent he probably had experience with how he carried himself.

Beyond that there were some Magisword elves who had stayed as well around five. The ten or so Earth Gensai casters too preoccupied with the ritual, the large Treant Petrien also focused. Guarding this area was a bit of a taller order because they could be attacked on three sides fairly easily, the one facing the forest line and away.

The main advantage the group had was that unless the group ahead started to quite literally fail there shouldn’t be that many East Empire units who would be making there way all the way over there or so they would have assumed.


Petrien eventually announced in his booming voice, “...There’s something wrong, the ritual is being interrupted by someone not all so far away..” He was very focused, even from a visual perspective from someone who could see the magic lieu lines of the ritual the green lines looked like they were being broken up in sections now by red magical ‘blockags’ in the form of red looking squares.

“We’ll have to take care of them, the frontline can’t fight forever..not after the East Empire unleashed whatever those monsters are…” He’d speak very seriously. It was apparent to anyone that the situation was getting really perilous.

“Well then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go kill the interloper!” The Haregon spoke looking to the others.

One of the magisword elves spoke up as well, “We can’t all leave, they could be hiding themselves in the forest line as we speak..they may even be trying to draw us out for an ambush, if these casters are taken care of the whole operation will fail and all of our losses will have been for nothing!”

“Typical of Fae, worrying about such things..When you’re a [Beast] you don’t worry you do what needs to be done!” The Haregon responded.

One of the Takai clan badger Ashigaru spoke up, “I do not think the Fae is misguided, I have learned in the academy if you spread out too thinly in hopes of mastering offense and defense, you become a master of none..”

While those defending the ritual seemed to be debating amongst themselves what they should do, it wouldn’t be all too long before Kota would feel something..that was almost disturbing with his Sixth Sense F (Spirits) like there was something malevolent not all that far away stemming from the woods…

Forest Line
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 7.43.16 PM.png


Yukan Koyake

While this interruption was ongoing Yukan was still facing off against the monster which Petrien had mentioned, it began to rain, and rain hard it did, thunder and lightning picking up the sky like there was an ongoing atmospheric shift.

The rain overtime would make the ashened earth battlefield muddy as Fae, Beast and East Empire soldiers continued to skirmish with one another exchanging blows on either side, undeterred by the immense danger, perhaps though military conditioning and patriotism on either side, the Fae for the Spirit King, the East Empire Soldiers for their Emperor, humans, and their nation, both sides believing they were correct.

Many of Yukan’s allies were struggling, Gyld against the book’s corruption in that pocket dimension, so many he wasn’t even sure if they were alive who were now on the ground after getting sliced by Tenebrae’s assault.

But he felt the power of his ancestors behind him, one which would not allow him to stop here, even if he was injured too in such a way, he was driven forward by them, a battle spirit immense radiating from him.

“Arescet…I’ll make you pay for the suffering you caused here today, innocent men whose lives you threw away in the pursuit of power! Even those who so loyally served the Empire you claim to protect! Preying on the weak and desperate…I will not allow you to pass…Even if I take my last breath here..I’ll make sure you cross the Sanzu river with me!” He spat out snarling in beastial after as Yukan gradually approached the occultist with an intense killing intent radiating from him.


Despite this happening Arescet stood his ground. “Hah! You thought wrong Tanuki…Your theatrics don't scare me! All these bells and whistles won't make up for your mediocrity! You’re nothing but an animal ready for slaughter Just like the rest of your filthy race! I’ll put you down where you stand!" He began to charge up another shot from the life force reserve which he had stolen. Red energy crackled as the rain kept pelting down, and lightning struck across the sky, the wind picking up as well.
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🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“I have to agree with the fae, or at least in my experience, charging all at once at a time never did any good.”

He told the Western Empire beast, although aware the beastkin wouldn’t take too kindly to his words too kindly as a likely result. He doubted convincing the haregon would be an easy task though. Given how the Western Empire viewed constructs typically.

“If we split the group up maybe, but right now we need to keep the casters safe.”

As of the moment, the safety of the casters was his main concern, the job they were doing currently was making them vulnerable. As he said. Knocking his bow, he got ready to attack anyone who could possibly try targeting the group.

“However, splitting up the group would be a huge risk and would cause higher vulnerability. I think it’s best we stay on the defensive."


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Kota would heed the words that the Treant had spoken, their task was to see that the ritual is completed by any means possible. If there was something preventing that then it would have to be dealt with in an efficient manner.

The conflict of interest within the group was pretty clear as both sides made valid points. Griffin seemed to stand with the side of defending, ideally it would make sense however time didn’t seem to be in their favor.

“If this ritual doesn’t succeed then our comrades' sacrifices will be for nought. Stopping the interference is a gamble we might have to take. The fact of the matter is the longer the ritual takes, the more casualties.”

At that moment he would feel a chill go down his slime as he looked towards the forest. This ominous presence had put the kitsune on guard. “I fear there is something lurking within the forest. An entity of Ill intent.”

Kota would use his [Supernatural Sense] to try and gain further knowledge on what was lurking within the forest.

Supernatural Sense - (Heightened Senses E)(Sixth Sense F)(Perception F)(Appraisal E) Kota attempts to uses his Sensory skills to perceive supernatural and/or non-supernatural entities within his range of ability. Rank E - 1 post cooldown
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mention: SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

The Martial Haregon looked back at griffin thumping his foot letting out an exasperated sound of annoyance.

“We need to unjam this spell mumbo jumbo immediately! We don’t have time to wait! I want to feel the skull of the interloper beneath my foot before reinforcements from the Empire can arrive!” The martial artist would exclaim impatiently again.

“See this guy right here knows what I’m talking about! We must strike quickly and with great efficiency! Devastate our foes and win a decisive battle before they can even think of taking any of our own lives they’ll already be all dead!”

He exclaimed agreeing with Kota.

“Those who are not cowardly should follow us to victory!”

One of the magisword elves gritted their teeth and held the sword at the hilt upon hearing the west empire beast man speak so casually, but it looked like they managed to bite their tongue just grumbling instead.

The same elf who spoke up before let out a sigh before continuing, “Very well but some of us should absolutely stay here..as a percaution”

The tone among the group shifted when Kota picked up on the malevolent force.
Kota would suddenly see a shutter stock like image of the silhouette of something hulking and most definitely a spirit which had been disturbed in some form a good distance within the forest, two red glowing eyes apparent to him. It was apparent to him it was possible this spirit was powerful enough to be interrupting the ritual, however it was not a guarantee. He would gather that it was using some sort of ability to hide itself away from the mundane living being, which thankfully he would be able to see. The combination of his appraisal and sense would mostly confirm it was definitely a spirit and that it's grade was high enough it was more difficult for him to discern more helpful information about it from where he was.

“Even more of a reason to get moving then and stamp out the evil at it’s roots!”

Cloaked Combatants
Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 8.46.37 PM.png

However as the group was discussing it wasn’t all too long before about twelve or so figures seemed to appear at the forest line, all wearing cloaks and masks, wielding what appeared to be sizable daggers. They were split into groups of six in triangular formations and it appeared some sort of powerful concealment magic, similar to what had been used to conceal what Kota had been seeing had been used as no one had detected them.

"Surrender your cause now and the Empire may just show you mercy for your cooperation." One spoke in the center of the right most formation of six toward the tip of the triangle , in what sounded like an echoy wraspy voice, making it difficult to tell if they were more feminine or masculine sounding.

They all took a battle ready stance and looked like they were ready to engage the defenders.

(Narrator Note: Combat time, action economy and ability cooldown is in effect here.)

Yukan Koyake

Yukan continued to stride forward now having picked up his spear, even as a bit of blood continued to trickle down his mouth he continued to move forward while Arescet charged up his large attack at his staff.

As Yukan got closer Arescet’s body language became more alarmed as the energy still wasn’t ready to go yet, it was almost as if Arescet had detected the power which was building within Yukan as he advanced from some greater force beyond the realm.

While this was on going clashing was still ongoing between the East Empire and Fae See frontline remnants of those who were not taken out of the fight.

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“I personally refuse to surrender.”

Griffin stated holding up his bow, he grabbed one of his arrows and pulled it back against the bow string, as at the moment the Eastern Empire was full of human supremacist scumbags. He didn’t agree with racial tree supremacy, albeit to his knowledge the Fae See weren’t much different, even so, at least they didn’t go around enslaving those of other races for their bidding. There was a lot that required change once he did his equality for all mission or begins working on it…

For now, he was picking the lesser of evils. He aimed his arrow at the cloaked figure. Using [Zephyr Shots [E] he shot an arrow that had a burst of wind following behind.

Action 1:use ability [Zephyr shots [E]

Zephyr shots [E] 0/1

Abilities Used
Zephyrs Shot- Magic [E],Steady Hands [E], Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer- E - Selective F + range F- allows Griffin to shot regular arrows at selected targets with precision that are within 10ft, Affinity [F] [Wind]- When shooting an arrow a burst of wind follows to hit 1 target can reach 10ft away.-E grade- 1 post cool down

Effectiveness Calculations
Zephyrs Shot [E] +2 effectiveness Mithril bow/Catalyst [E] +2 effectiveness precision [C] + 4 effectiveness

Overall Effectiveness + 8

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Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Kota looked onwards towards the malevolent spirit, he stood there stunned for a moment. The others were incapable of sensing its prescience meaning that it would be all on him to take care of it. Its appearance within the forest seemed to be unnatural, it would need to be exercised promptly.

The sudden appearance of eastern empire soldiers would make that task difficult. The spirit seemed unfazed by the reinforcements, almost as though it had expected the humans to be there.

“Looks like the spirit and the eastern empire are in cahoots with one another. We need to neutralize their unit as soon as possible.” Kota would look towards Griffin whose eyes seemed full of battle spirit. The kitsune was relieved to share this moment with a familiar face.

“I’ll handle the spirit, I'm counting on you all to handle the others!” Kota shouted as he raised his guard up, swelling up with spiritual energy. This was his purpose and a moment he had truly been born for. If he could not deal with such a threat then he would not be fit to call himself a warrior of the Valheria tribe.

Kota would lock his eyes upon the entity and square his feet firmly within the ground. The kitsune held his fox fist fighting form as tight as possible as he the energy swelled up within his right fist. Within a moments notice he execute the [Spirit Wave] technique target at the spiritual entity

1. Get within range
2. Aim at the spiritual entity
3. Use ability [Spirit Wave E]

[Spirit Wave E] 0/1 post cooldown

Abilities Used
Spirit wave (Fighting style E)(Natural weapons E)(Vorpal F)(Range F) Kota punches the air in a direction of his choosing, sending a wave of compressed spiritual energy towards a direction. Rank E - 1 post cooldown

E grade ability (2) + E grade weapon (2) + D grade Strength (3)

Overall BE + 7
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Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Cloaked Combatants
Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 8.46.37 PM-1.png

“Then you’ve chosen death, fool!” The cloaked figure who had been speaking exclaimed after Griffin refused to accept the offer. The one who was shot at rushed forward in a black blur until suddenly stopping midway, letting out a pained sound as it looked like Griffin’s arrow had struck true on their chest, their armor breaking, the light cloak armor looking more like it was just meant to minimize hits if in the worst case scenario they were hit rather than take on serious blows well.

It was at that point they threw what looked like a small dark throwing knife Griffin’s way, as it came careening toward him.

Then it wasn’t long after that exchange the multiple other dark blurs started moving forward quickly to which the defensive line responded.

The five Magisword elve’s blades lit up with different elemental blights from fire, frost, and wind as they started clashing with the cloaked people, back and forth.

The haregon martial artist cried out a martial battle cry and jumped up and high jump kicked one of the cloaked figures knocking them over, as the figure cried out the sounds of possibly broken bone filling the area, and the Takai beastmen formed a mini spear unit and advanced, however one of the four quickly found a knife in their neck from a cloaked figure who had warped through uncontested.
Meanwhile this provided Kota the opportunity to race into the forest, the moonlight piercing through the heavy storm every now and again as the sound of rain and occasional thunder continued to ring through the area, with another flash in the sky once he could better see the large spirit. It turned to face him and with a booming voice stated

Malevolent Spirit
“Mortal you dare disturb me in my conquest? I have already received my sacrifice. I must fulfill my contract.” From that context alone there was a suggestion that the spirit was in fact working with someone on the Empire’s side whoever that was was unknown but it was certainly problematic. The sizable Spirit let out a immense shrieking which pierced Kota’s ears [Flare, Hearing] after he sent his spiritual wave, only the spirit and himself being the ones attuned enough to see it at the moment as it came careening through and struck it dead on.

It looked like his attack had pierced through the spirit’s natural armor revealing a deep dark miasma within its shell which was heavy with resentment, anger, and hatred, which Kota could practically feel weighing on him. In a defensive response after shrieking the sinister being created a large protective wall of the miasma as some sort of barrier while it continued to stall out the ritual presumably.

“You.. strike me…you are dealing with a world you do not understand..” It’s voice sounded deep and like there were many of it, permeating in his mind telepathically.
Yukan Koyake
As the fighting raged around Yukan there was a moment of clarity, as his eyes lit up a white bluish hue which coincided with the large flash of light in the sky when he finally rushed forwarded, just as Arescet was about to unleash his energy in an incredibly powerful attack, Yukan’s spear was thrust forward about 7 feet away.


Several red magical barriers manifested in front of Arescet as he snickered, “As I said..all theatrics from the amphitheater..they won’t save you I’m well beyond this..now die Tanu-” suddenly Arescet was left shocked as he didn't finish his sentence, Yukan’s spear was illuminated a bluish intense hue, it was as if an etheral avatar of the ancestor which Yukan had spoken too only moments ago was mirroring Yukan’s actions, his see through spear on Yukan’s own as they both collectively broke straight through Arescet's powerful barrier magic and impaled him in the chest.

“T-This is IMPOSSIBLE! What…how..NO..I’m..IMMORTAL…I’m…I..CANNOT…” He spat out as blood began to come from his mouth and he began to look increasingly weak, the energy dying down on his staff.

“I..cannot be killed by..an animal like you!” He cried out in rage.

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

The cloaked figure didn’t take too kindly to Griffin’s refusal, it seemed, and certainly did not take kindly to his attack. Only so much can happen in so little time, and Griffin should have expected the retaliation. He was not a expert at magic, far from it really. He had now by the purple and brown base. And attempted to respond with [Wind Blown Breeze[F]. It was a minor AoE, but he had to hope it was enough to counter what the cloaked combatant from The Eastern Empire was going to toss at him.He also silently prayed to Elisiul the Goddess of peace,believing her to be a more fitting god to pray to at the moment compared to Urliberia. After all after every battle is a temporary bit of respite and peace. He would just have to hope to make it after the battle.

Action 1:use ability [Wind Blown Breeze [F]

Zephyr shots [E] 1/1

Abilities Used
Wind Blown Breeze- Magic [F],Steady Hands [F], Affinity [F] [Wind], Focus [F]- Griffin channels his magic that is downgraded by a grade, To create a gust of wind forward within the immediate area around him-F grade- 0 post cool down

Effectiveness Calculations
Wind Blown Breeze [F] +1 effectiveness Mithril bow/Catalyst [E] +2 effectiveness Intelligence [D] + 3 effectiveness

Overall Effectiveness + 6


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Kota wasn’t surprised by the lengths the eastern empire would go, sacrifices to an evil spirit only seemed to further his disdain for the enemy country even more. The ear-shattering shriek from the monster did quite the work to his heightened hearing, with one of his heightened senses down he could feel his other senses be further highlighted. Particularly his sixth sense, coupled with the break in the spirit's natural armor, he could feel the dark emotions seeping out of the supernatural entity's core.

The dark emotions began to weigh heavily on the beast's shoulders, a feeling akin to moving through mud, the spirit seemed to have possessed the telepathic ability and had infiltrated the Kitsune mind as it spoke. Kota stood strong as he looked onward toward his foe, "My tribe has a dated history of fighting malicious entities such as yourself, we've exorcised many beings such as yourself and this will be no different." Kota moved within range as he balled his fists, preparing to use [Soul Breaker F] on the evil spirit.

Soul breaker (fighting style F)(Natural weapons E)(Vorpal F)(Penetrating F) Rank E ability 1-post cooldown. Kota charges up ethereal energy within his fist before delivering a punch capable of passing through his opponent's defense. Rank E - 1 post cooldown

1. Move within range of the spirit
2. Use [Soul Breaker F] Soul breaker (fighting style F)(Natural weapons E)(Vorpal F)(Penetrating F) Kota charges up ethereal energy within his fist before delivering a punch capable of passing through his opponent's defense. Rank F -0 post cooldown

[Spirit Wave E] 1/1 post cooldown
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

While the clashing at the ritual site continued all around Griffin, thankfully his Wind Blown Breeze ability, a gust of wind coming from Griffin managed to throw Cloaked Combatant #1’s dagger off of its course so that it missed him narrowly.

Cloaked Combatant #1
Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 8.46.37 PM-1.png

“Damn it…I’ll gut you!” they called out in frustration after the dagger missed, Griffin had been very fortunate so far that other enemies had not been able to gang up on him due to the solid line defense which the ritual protectors were holding up.

Magisword elves clashing with their one handed swords lighting up with elemental energy slashing some of the cloaked figures down while some of the Magisword elves had been struck and were bleeding, but they did not break their battle stance.

The beastman martial artist from the West Empire, looked like he was bloodied now but it was not with his own blood but with the blood of masked enemies, the sounds of bones cracking when he gave a powerful kick with his haregon legs to Cloaked Combatant #3, as they slumped over.

The three other Takai badger clansmen rallied around their injured comrade who had slumped over and was bleeding profusely. They then all proceeded to stab cloaked Combatant #5 skewering them like a pin cushion. The darkness from the rain muddying the violent scenes with a stormy darkness.

Cloaked Combatant #1 then began to move quickly and close in on Griffin, holding their other dagger like they were going to go in for a melee attack, as a flash of lightning briefly illuminated the somewhat dark forestry space. There would be time for Griffin to attempt to counter attack or try to get out of the way but he would need to react quickly.
Malevolent Spirit

At the same time while the lightning struck the sky Kota had his speech against the Malevolent Spirit. The spirit almost sounded like it was cackling as he told it about his tribe and how they had a history of getting rid of beings like itself.

“Well then It’s a shame that your tale will end here!” Suddenly a large ball of the miasma with ill intention would be sent flying Kota’s way in response when he charged up for his ethereal strike. Due to it’s Vorpal nature, Kota’s fist energy cut through the Miasma ball attack, and went flying through the barrier which the Spirit had set up, While this happened The spirit cried out in pain again as whether through power of will and ability punched right through.

Suddenly the Spirit let loose a large flash of energy whilst it screamed [Flare Sight] probably if albeit temporarily blinding Kota, there was now a visible hole in it’s chest as it had been vulnerable for a strike after Kota had pierced it with the E Grade attack earlier.

While Kota had gone through the barrier he would have felt the darkness try to latch onto him and sap his energy wherever it could reach, however it looked like the tide of the battle was turning in his favor, even having his vision overwhelmed and feeling like some of his constitution had been drained. It was after that point that everything felt ever so still, the intensity of the spirit’s presence becoming much lessened.
However as rageful as Arescet sounded, The evil spellcaster finally collapsed bleeding out all over the ground, his lifeforce was quickly leaving him as he began to wither on the spot, holding his arm out to his catalyst as if to try to summon enough strength to cast another spell but it never came as eventually he stopped moving completely.

Upon seeing Arescet slain some of the remaining East Empire forces began to get routed, with their ranks in such disarray and one of their key pieces for the engagement completely downed, meanwhile the other one hadn’t returned from that strange pocket dimension. Some of the remaining active Fae See forces began to chase down the routed and finish them off, shots being fired.

Yukan Koyake

Yukan looked around the environment seeing that this front of the battle was finally going successfully..and it wasn’t long until he too picked up on the strange darkness in the distance near the ritual wondering why it hadn’t gone off yet, only meaning that something was wrong, to him, otherwise he was certain it should have gone one off by that point…

He looked around at all of his incapacitated comrades, who some of which would definitely need help if they wanted to live and he’d communicate to those close enough to him who was still standing, “I’m.going to go back and see what’s going on with the ritual..it’s taken far too long and I sense something is wrong..if we have a healer please tend to these people..”

Yukan then began to make the longish trek back to the ritual site with his weapon drawn, feeling rejuvenated with his ancestor’s energy running through him.

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Griffin had been lucky to narrowly avoid the dagger. He grabbed his arrow and pulled it back against the strings of his bow.

%good thing I don’t have guts… I don’t think%

Perhaps it was pettiness that made him speak in analog. Pettiness aimed at the irony that, for a nation, so convinced of human superiority, one of its combatants was struggling against something that wasn’t human, granted Griffin used to be human…that was in another life though. And the cloaked adversary knew nothing about it. Griffin quickly aimed and fired at the cloak combatant. Using his [Zephyr Shot [E] ability. He had briefly considered just using a regular shot. However, he decided against it. Opting for what first came to mind, since there was not enough time to dwell on it in the heat of the moment.

Action 1:use ability [Zephyr shots [E]

Zephyr shots [E] 0/1

Abilities Used
Zephyrs Shot- Magic [E],Steady Hands [E], Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer- E - Selective F + range F- allows Griffin to shot regular arrows at selected targets with precision that are within 10ft, Affinity [F] [Wind]- When shooting an arrow a burst of wind follows to hit 1 target can reach 10ft away.-E grade- 1 post cool down

Effectiveness Calculations
Zephyrs Shot [E] +2 effectiveness Mithril bow/Catalyst [E] +2 effectiveness precision [C] + 4 effectiveness

Overall Effectiveness + 8

Language keys:
“Human” %Analog%


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Kota would feel everything go dark, both his sight and hearing taken from him. He could feel the darkness envelope around him yet there was a calmness within the air. The kitsune could still feel his vitality being sapped which angered him that this filthy spirit had been attempting to sap energy from him.

“Keep negative energy away from me you disgusting spirit.” He snarled into the forest. “You’ve overstayed your welcome, allow me guide you into the afterlife.” the Kitsune would bear his fangs aimlessly as he compiled ethereal energy into his fists. Despite not being able to visually detect the spirit he could still utilize his [Sixth Sense] to aim in its direction. Once he had gathered the appropriate amount of energy, Kota would chant his move shortly.

“Fox Fist: Spirit Wave Technique!” The kitsune shouted into the forest as would turn his hips and strike the air with all his might. The energy that he had stockpiled would be released at the apex of his punch in the direction of his choosing.

1. Use [Sixth Sense F] to detect the spirits location.
2. Take aim
3. Use Ability [Fox Fist spirit wave E]

Abilities used

Spirit wave (Fighting style E)(Natural weapons E)(Vorpal F)(Range F) Kota punches the air in a direction of his choosing, sending a wave of compressed spiritual energy towards a direction. Rank E - 1 post cooldown

E grade ability (2) + F grade weapon (2) + D grade Strength (3)

Overall BE + 7​


Spirit wave E 0/1

Soul breaker E 1/1
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mentions: SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Cloaked Combatant #1
Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 8.46.37 PM-1-1.png

“Why do you speak that mechanized language?!” The figured called out, just as they were rushing forward however by the time they were calling that out and readying their blade to try to stab him, Griffin had already brought his bow back and fired another arrow at them, it had been a gamble for the masked figure to reach Griffin before he could do that very move and this time it had not paid off, the arrow enhanced with the Zephyr’s shot ability struck true, enhanced by the force of the wind, sticking right in the chest of the cloaked figure as they stopped in place, about five feet away from Griffin when it struck them and they grasped at it, letting out a groan before they slumped over, blood leaving where the arrow had pierced their chest.

With the other cloaked figures still fighting like #4, #3 and #6, of the first group, #1, #2 and #5 had fallen. This would allow Griffin to take his focus to others who were engaged in melee, able to get a more opportune angle to take another shot at a masked figure who was already fighting.

Yukan Koyake
Masked Combatant #2 about 10 ft or so away from Griffin was attempting to stab another one of the Takai badger soldiers but it was at that point, that after some time had passed, Yukan made his way past the barrier, looking worse for wear but still alive.

Yukan looked over the scene and called out to the Republic beastmen “<Your commander has fallen, you must regain your formation!>” Looking out at the chaotic scene before he took up his own spear to make his way over before impaling Masked Combatant #2 with his Yari with little hesitation, as they were quickly dispatched. (Reach, Penetrating D)

The other group of six masked combatants(7-12) had made some progress a #7 falling one of the magisword elves with a knife to the neck, #8 had managed to stab another Magisword elf in the gut who was slumped over, the two masked figures heading in the direction of Griffin and Yukan as well as the other beast men.

“<Make a wall!>” Yukan barked in beastial with Leadership C , before turning to Griffin, “You, please help cover us!” Yukan said assuming a central position in the triangular Takai spear wall, Masked Combatant #7 and #8 rapidly approaching in attack range, both getting close enough that Griffin could strike one with an arrow before they reached the spear wall formation. The ongoing fighting, thankfully it looked like the defenders were slowly gaining advantage as the attacker’s numbers thinned, having less casualties, as the fighting continued around.
Malevolent Spirit

Thankfully for Kota what happened next would bring his primary part of the mission to a decisive conclusion. The weakened spirit despite having temporarily blinded and deafened him with what it had released, with it’s compromised protective barrier and weakening strength was unable to properly counter attack or mount a defense, as it shrieked out once again in defiance.

“NO..I WILL NOT GO..I AM NOT FINISHED!” It called out in anguish as Kota’s spirit wave energy attack traveled through his fist and ended up going straight through the faltering barrier of miasma right into the spirit’s chest once again as suddenly the dark being began to erupt dark energy out of it rapidly, the stuff seeming to spew into the sky like a rapidly moving stream of smog, multiple screams of anguish ringing out throughout the area, until in a bright light suddenly the spirit dissipated as a..calm fell over that part of the forest for Kota, his senses gradually returning by that point as it became apparent the spirit had finally become exorcized from the realm, the blocks on the ritual finally removed as the symbol looked as it should, and it became apparent it was essentially at completion.

The sounds remaining of the battle somewhat in the distance, the sounds of nature, and the storm which was continuing to rage on above.

1. Impale Masked Combatant #2 wth Penetrating D + Reach.
2. Use Leadership C to communicate with Takai clan soldiers to reform formation, and ask Griffin for assist.
D (2)
C (3)

Malevolent Spirit: Dead

Cloaked Combatant #1: Dead

Cloaked Combatant #2: Dead

Cloaked Combatant #5: Dead
Others: alive, engaging or trying to engage in combat.

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