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Fantasy Fae Moth (closed)




This is the story of a fairy who looks like a Moth. He hatches from an egg, wanders around as baby and with he looks like a five years old shabby boy with a pair of cute antennas, he meets you. Who are you? Are you a fairy or something else? Are you a friend or foe? Can you two get along?


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@Ami the breadling

It was the first day of the summer. Cicadas sang restlessly among bushes and the sun shined brightly up in the sky. So many insects, fairy and animals were wiggling among leaves and grass. Between the fresh leaves of apple tree, a caterpillar boy was having his everyday meal. He ate greens nonstop from morning till night. He was a lucky one for not facing death in his three months of life but that day wasn’t going to be his best day. A bird chirped and sat on the same branch as him. Fearing for sweet life, the young fae hid under leaves but it was late; the bird aimed for him and attacked with her beak. Screaming out loudly, the boy with antenna jumped off the branch with a leaf. Wind blew into the green parachute and pushed him up. Still screaming, he heard a chirp again and found death chasing him as a bird. The bird tackled and the leaf was torn up. Luckily the boy was safe but fell down from the sky right into a spider’s web. The bird lost his trace but he was scared. “If the spider comes out my life end here… My God, I’m too young, please help me…” He thought and held his breath nervously trying to not make any vibrations on the sticky web.

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