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Fantasy Fabric of Najud [CHARACTERS]

NAME: Sergei Haretrigger

RACE: Vernes Human

AGE: 32



PERSONALITY TRAITS: Cocky, flamboyant, prone to puns and wordplay.

IDEALS: Mischief, Piracy and all round Skullduggery

SKILLS & ABILITIES: Engineer inventor of the following contraptions in his arsenal:
The "Merry Pop in": A Vernes Army knife of a contraption, can be used as a personal helicopter pack for low atmosphere flight, or as a spinning saw blade, or as a Steam thrower.
The Exo-wrist: a torso and left arm reinforcement armour and grapple launcher, capable to reaching and a target 30ft (10m) away and lifting a medium mass humanoid.
This Army: A one handed red hot rivet launcher. For riveting metal and faces alike. Can be over clocked to produce a molten stream of metal.
Grav-nades: grenades that create an intense, but short lived, gravity well at the point of explosion, throwing those caught in its blast into chaos. Can also be inverted.

BACKGROUND: Sergei was the Son of a Cogway Engineer, who was killed in an accident, leaving his family destitute.
To make his way in the world, Sergei took his father's tools and all he'd told him and joined a Cogway bandit gang, called the Delays.
He became their gadget maker, but after a heist went wrong, he saw his opportunity to make a break with all loot and leave his accomplises to the Law.

Nice. Minor edit - Clockway, not Cogway, but its looking good.

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