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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

@KodomoYamiya @MoltenLightning Generic Brooding Antihero Generic Brooding Antihero I'm afraid I must give you an inactivity warning.

Please let me know if you intend to continue with the thread. If you don't reply within 3 days I will assume that you have left.

Hey man! Sorry, had a bit of an emergency. Am a bit concussed after slipping on ice, so mentally not there 100% . I just caught up with everything that's happened though since I last posted. Hope it's all right, I figured I'll wait just a little bit before posting again as everyone's already interacting with someone else. If not, let me know, and I'll get something up tomorrow morning.
Hey man! Sorry, had a bit of an emergency. Am a bit concussed after slipping on ice, so mentally not there 100% . I just caught up with everything that's happened though since I last posted. Hope it's all right, I figured I'll wait just a little bit before posting again as everyone's already interacting with someone else. If not, let me know, and I'll get something up tomorrow morning.
Oh jeez yeah, get better. Sorry man, ice is a killer. Let me know when you feel you can come back again, but take your time eh?
Dreamtique Dreamtique Very imaginative character, can you elaborate a bit more on the backstory? Where did your character come from? What drives them? How do they feel about the encroaching darkness? etc. Could you also please use the height restrict coding to make those images a bit smaller?

Simply put the mage between these pieces of code:

[heightrestrict=300]image here[/heightrestrict]
A character like mine would best be introduced in an event. E.g that they were lost in the woods, and for a price she would guide them out of the section they were lost in. regardless, if people aren't able to handle having this I won't go through the effort of rewriting. Being blunt here, if people can't be bothered to see past a character's inherent values to their personality then why bother trying. Imo I'd reckon she could go in her current state, but it's your roleplay. However if you wanted me to edit her you'd have to provide some actual critique beside "oh they won't trust her because agressive" or at the very least elaborate on that.
A character like mine would best be introduced in an event. E.g that they were lost in the woods, and for a price she would guide them out of the section they were lost in. regardless, if people aren't able to handle having this I won't go through the effort of rewriting. Being blunt here, if people can't be bothered to see past a character's inherent values to their personality then why bother trying. Imo I'd reckon she could go in her current state, but it's your roleplay. However if you wanted me to edit her you'd have to provide some actual critique beside "oh they won't trust her because agressive" or at the very least elaborate on that.
Right, I think it's clear you're not going to fit in here. Thank you for your interest, but I think you should find another rp.
I’ve heard about it, never seen it though. I watched some documentary over bio-luminescent a long time ago.
I've heard of bioluminesent plankton. it like washes up on the beaches right? Is it in a new post?
Yup, my latest. Just put it up. I've seen it a couple of times. Was out in Madagascar a few years back. It was really bright there. Absolutely beautiful.
I'm not really sure honestly. I do not speak either, just wanted to make sure I ussed the correct language to her ^^
Oh fantastic! She will be very happy to converse with someone in Russian! I will keep it in English for my longer sentences, but italicize it.
Dreamtique Dreamtique Very imaginative character, can you elaborate a bit more on the backstory? Where did your character come from? What drives them? How do they feel about the encroaching darkness? etc. Could you also please use the height restrict coding to make those images a bit smaller?

Simply put the mage between these pieces of code:

[heightrestrict=300]image here[/heightrestrict]
Okay! Thank you.

I have to admit that the character sheet was started and rushed to its completion when I was just ready to hit the sack. :snail:
I enjoy reading through the characters so far.

Interesting enough, Yo-lai means 'Origin' , it must be intended right? I really like the character!
So is ze based on anything like a deity or someone like Xuanzang or the Jade Emperor from Journey To the West?

As for Wukong, I think he actually used to be a stable boy in heaven while he serves for the Jade Emperor in the story! x'D
And pss, you may already know that, but spoiler alert, his rod is originally a pillar supporting the ocean itself from the eastern sea, owned by the dragon lord living deep down the ocean.

Aww, now I realized that I could have made a character from that story as well, since there are so many interesting and iconic characters from that story, it could be really fun!

I was going to make Orpheus, then I saw The Pied Piper of Hamelin, I was like damn, my poor Orpheus could never be as cool, their powers are kinda same too, aboard, aboard!

And then I came across The Mistress of the Copper Mountain during my lil' research, I knew straight away that it'll be an interesting character if someone decided to make her into one in the rp, heh, and I was right!

As for 'Genie', One thousand and one nights completely escaped my mind when I was digging for ideas. Now I realized it has much potential as well!
I enjoy reading through the characters so far.

Interesting enough, Yo-lai means 'Origin' , it must be intended right? I really like the character!
So is ze based on anything like a deity or someone like Xuanzang or the Jade Emperor from Journey To the West?

As for Wukong, I think he actually used to be a stable boy in heaven while he serves for the Jade Emperor in the story! x'D
And pss, you may already know that, but spoiler alert, his rod is originally a pillar supporting the ocean itself from the eastern sea, owned by the dragon lord living deep down the ocean.

Aww, now I realized that I could have made a character from that story as well, since there are so many interesting and iconic characters from that story, it could be really fun!

I was going to make Orpheus, then I saw The Pied Piper of Hamelin, I was like damn, my poor Orpheus could never be as cool, their powers are kinda same too, aboard, aboard!

And then I came across The Mistress of the Copper Mountain during my lil' research, I knew straight away that it'll be an interesting character if someone decided to make her into one in the rp, heh, and I was right!

As for 'Genie', One thousand and one nights completely escaped my mind when I was digging for ideas. Now I realized it has much potential as well!
I'm really glad you like the characters, and that you know so much about fairy tales and myths!
Let me know when I can look your character over again.
I'm really glad you like the characters, and that you know so much about fairy tales and myths!
Let me know when I can look your character over again.
I am actually only familiar with Journey to the West, since I did watched a few adaptations when I was younger, even recently.

Hm, I added some extension at the bio section, tell me if it's enough or not, or ask me directly if you need to know more!
I am actually only familiar with Journey to the West, since I did watched a few adaptations when I was younger, even recently.

Hm, I added some extension at the bio section, tell me if it's enough or not, or ask me directly if you need to know more!
In that case you could probably teach us a few things. I've only been able to access Western adaptations and translations.

Your character is officially accepted. ^-^ welcome to FableWood.

So, where we are right now: my last post actually gave us a geographical location within FableWood, but as for the description of the place, we've arrived in a Grecian-style village set onto a verdant hill at the edge of the ocean. It's night time and our characters are attending a banquet in the humans' honour on the beach. Jace, Kiara and Dantalion are playing in the water, while the others are collected near the table. There are multicoloured fireflies all about the beach and the water is filled with bioluminescent plankton that light up when the water is disturbed.
Feel free to have your character come up to anyone.
SilverFlight SilverFlight Sorry if it's a little sudden, but after some thoughts I decided to use another character for the RP instead. It's not that I am not happy with Magiafuoco, I really do like him! It's just that I think this character might be more fitting!

Btw, after a few days from now there may be a sudden inactivity, I will inform you by then, so I think I will not introduce my character into the story just yet.
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