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Fantasy Eye of the Beholder (Dragon Rider RP)

the only dragon ever that was crossed with literally everything because i'm so speshul



Hey Extinct.




Guess who isn't done pestering you with questions.

SO you said America's New England for the academy?

You're talking about like colonial New England, right?

Is the technology here pretty modern?

Aaaaaaaand presumably not everyone in the world is into dragons (idk why they wouldn't be, tho), so I'm assuming there's some sort of standard education available for everyone else as well.

Since I believe the academy starts permitting people at the age of ten, would there be any sort of school that they would be required to go to beforehand?

I promise you I'll stop with these questions eventually. xD
Ah, it's totally fine, I need to do some more world-building anyway!

So yeah, as far as time period and technology goes, I've been flip-flopping between wanting a like Industrial Revolution era, or a more 40s and WWII era. So I guess I'll put it up to you guys: Which you y'all prefer?

And yeah, there's "normal" school for everybody else, and they all have to attend "normal" school until age 10 in order to be admitted into the academy. So it's basically like your normal historical setting, except there are dragons and dragon schools, lol. Does that make sense?
Yeah, that makes sense!

I kind of figured that would be the case with the school system.

It's just like college but you choose your career path at an earlier age, I suppose?

Off the top of my head, I'm thinking industrial revolution would be good.

Dragons seem to be a big part of the world, and between combat, racing and labor, labor seems like it's rather pivotal.

If the world is only just now becoming industrialized, then I think farming should be rather prevalent.

Then again, that's just what comes to MY mind when it comes to labor, and labor probably entails more than just farm work... xD

I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of an attitude like "Why the fuck would we need factories? We have dragons."
Lol, I can totally see that! Mostly "labor" consists of couriering, transport of goods or people, or farm work, but I feel like I could definitely see dragons working in factories as well? I'll have to think on that. But I definitely agree about the whole "dragons exist so this isn't the same Industrial Revolution we probably would have had" lol.
I like the WWI idea. And I believe, don't quote me on this, that the industrial revolution was around the time of WWI. And the dragons could be used to heat the metal. Or transport goods.
Now, all I can think of is Columbus sailing the seas on a DRAGON instead of a boat xD . Anyway, Dragons would definitely change some things in the course of history, like how wars played out, or how people made and transported things. So, whatever you think should be done with dragons, can be done. Maybe you could even reveal some stuff in a History class or something, lol.
A time between WWI and WWII would probably be good. Still lots of industrialization and building of nation-states. You have Great War veterans and pre-existing international sides, as well as a potential Great War in the future. I'm not sure about 18th century industrialization, since you have a lot of dreary issues like slavery, colonialism, and child labor to deal with. Sounds like everybody wants to focus on a potential Great War.

There is the issue of the Great Depression. Do we want it? If so or not, what are the ramifications?
Mmm, I feel like what we were talking about with dragons changing the course of history would be plausible, but at the same time...

The Great Depression could be a good plot device... but even more than that: the roaring twenties.

Can you imagine it?

Extravagant parties, booze, jazz music, AND dragons.

* U *

think about it
I'll have to rework my character a bit to fit the time, but I don't have a problem with that. I like the Twenties as much as any other Lovecraft fan (I've even done some swing dancing).

@MoltenLightning I think Extinct is currently developing the world. We'll have to be patient until it is ready. Plus, we might need to iron out characters once a firm setting is in place.
whoa there friends, i think you need to slow down

After all, last we spoke to Extinct, she was still thinking of it being industrial revolution-esque.
AHHHH alright alright!!! I'm bAAAAAAAck!! Finally. Sorry about that, everybody, but as I explained to Pine earlier, I am wont to disappear for a couple days here and there. I just started school this week, and these past few days have been utter chaos and very exhausting.

But I'm BACK from my mini emergency hiatus and I'm ready to roll! As far as time period goes, I'm liking WWII more and more as I think about this. I'll be working on another new tab today to kinda set up the time period and tech and everything for everybody, so that should be up my tonight. Unless anybody has any serious objections to that era?

If not, all characters have been approved and we should be ready to start soon. Are there any further questions?
Absolutely! Have fun! I'm working on the history tab right now, so you'll have plenty of time.

Okay, so, here's the deal: I'm completelay at a loss for this history tab. Honestly. I know what I want it to stay, but I just can't seem to get it down.


In the meantime, why don't we begin? If everybody is alright with having a vague understanding of the time period and history for a little while, that is.
That should be fine. WWII-esque, correct? I won't be able to get an intro up any time soon, but I'll be thinking about it.
Yes, I was thinking 1940s kinda thing, with less actual war and more building threat of incoming war. No worries about speed, this is meant to be casual. :)

If everybody feels prepared, I can begin working on a starter. @Beowulf , @RatFlail ?

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