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Fantasy Exploring Dragon Island | IC Thread



Berry bad fruit puns
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[/div][/div][div class=charaname]Allison Barbs[/div][div class=text] [div class=tags] Jon Jon anderswo anderswo Thropian Thropian Ace Cream Ace Cream Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian explosiveKitten explosiveKitten [/div]

Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, 09:00, 1 May 2466

Information in bold is points relevant to your post. Hover over the text to scroll the text box down. The team of dragon riders will be referred to as a "flight".

[/div][/div][div class=005][div class=006][div class=007][div class=text]Eyes locked on the sleeping, horned head of Dragon 01, Allie found herself experiencing some new emotion. Was Gorgio... cute? The woman closed her eyes briefly to envision the cuteness of a puppy before opening her eyes again to consider her dragon partner. Yeah, he was. All 21000lbs of deadly, scaly, reptilian creature was, indeed, cute. Contemplating her newfound discovery, Allie continued to stare at the dragon until he opened one yellow eye to glare at her. What? Gorgio snarled, obviously displeased with the attention from his rider. His tone pissed Allie off, and she promptly withdrew her previous conclusion.

Nothing. We're going back to your goddamn island, isn't that what you wanted? Cheer up. She snapped back at him, to which he had no response. Of course Gorgio had wanted to return to his island, but definitely not like this - not with this pesky human woman controlling his every move. Letting out a frustrated sigh, the dragon started to adjust his sleeping position before a beeping sound indicated that their journey was over. The pair had been riding in an armored vehicle towards the Pahakuloa Training Area - a US military training base on the main island of Hawaii - to where they were soon going to meet the other representatives of the DDEC. The rest of the representatives would be flying in through the Bradshaw Army Airfield; whether they found some air transport big enough to move their dragon, or if the dragon was rode there from their respective country, it remained to be seen. Either way, each country would no doubt also have an aircraft with government personnel accompanying their riders to this pre-mission brief.

Allie's government personnel were in the vehicle driving alongside the large, trailer-like monstrosity built to house Gorgio and pulled up to a loading bay near the main building where they would all attend the briefing. Allie's trailer did the same, and as the doors opened they continued their annoying, high-pitched beeping. Stepping out of the vehicle, Allie gestured for Gorgio to follow behind her. The dragon usually made a show of reluctance when following the woman around, but today was a little different; at long last he was going to see some other dragons again, and he didn't want to give them the impression he had been broken by the humans. Instead, he carried his head up at full height and tucked his wings in neatly, pretending like he actually wanted to be there and Allie was merely escorting him.

Seeing as the dragons would clearly not fit inside the building, the briefing was going to be held outdoors, and an array of chairs - a section devoted to each country - had been set up around a podium for people to sit. The dragons had been given a space at the back of each country's section. The United States delegation moved into their seats and a stern-faced man moved up to the podium. There was a little idle chatter as the rest of the countries filled in, some of them no doubt tired from their overnight journeys to arrive in Hawaii this morning.

Once everyone had settled, the stern-faced man began to speak. "Good morning all. Today marks the start of Operation First Flight. For this operation, our area of interest is Covensano Island. If you would pull up the map of Covensano forwarded to you last month, you will see that our target area of operations is the North Shore. Our southern boundary will be the Pellar River, and the eastern and western boundaries will be the shores of the island on each side.

We don't know much about the terrain of the island, but we know that there are mountains that appear to be over 30000 feet in elevation, and the majority of the island is covered in dense vegetation which may impede movement. Temperatures, according to last week's surveillance intelligence, ranges from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Key terrain includes the North Shore entrance located at grid UT472466, and DDEC surveillance posts at grid UT456227 and UT499210.

Potential enemy forces are hostile dragons, and potentially other unknown creatures. According to our surveillance teams, dragons will evade contact unless their territory or young are threatened. Dragons are considered to be semi-intelligent, and are capable of working together in order to eliminate threats, which means that they are extremely dangerous if provoked. Their main methods of attack are their claws, teeth, and sometimes fire - their scales provide heavy defense. It is advised to avoid fighting with dragons unless directly attacked.

Friendly forces include the DDEC surveillance posts, commanded by Colonel David Carter. He will meet the flight at the North Shore for a more detailed brief. Long distance communications on the island have proven to be highly ineffective, and therefore the only contact points the riders will have are at the surveillance sites. They will also be given radio transmitters to communicate with each other in case they are separated, but it is unclear how effective they will be at distance.

The mission of this operation is to collect intelligence about Covensano Island from the North Shore to the Pellar River. The flight should bring back any novel specimens of plants or animals that they can safely extract. The flight should return no later than 15 May 2466. If the flight does not return at that time, we will send limited surveillance teams to investigate, but if there is no sign of the flight by May 18, they will be declared lost, and the island will be declared an international threat," the man continued to talk but Allie had heard this all before so she began to zone him out. The flight was going to reach the island by flying, and by the slowest dragon's pace - the slowest being Gorgio - they should reach the North Shore within an hour.

After the briefing concluded, there was a lot of handshaking and political maneuvering, but Allie was hardly interested in that. An assistant had been dispatched to give the flight their radios, and was now ushering all the dragon riders together to get them wired up. The US delegation had been placed in between their two allies, Japan and Germany, and as Allie moved towards the radios she raised a hand to greet the two men. "Yamada and Kruger, right?" She queried, of course knowing she was correct - they had all been briefed on each other before they had arrived.[/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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Ashfall hated airplanes. Flying was the ultimate freedom, and the humans had found a way to strip that from her. Bound in straps, entombed in a metal tube, and blinded to the sky, the only way she knew she was flying was the sensation of movement. Her only comfort was that the humans were similarly bound and held down through the flight. She watched them during the flight, saw how they as well fidgeted against their belts and sought to move. All except for Riku.

Riku sat still through the flight. Though his eyes were open, his mind had withdrawn inward to contemplate. He planned, reviewed the maps he had been shown, reviewed the names and faces he would meet, and thought on the charming footnotes they would be in his story.

The plane's rough landing jarred all the passengers, and the sound of buckles being released brought a sense of comfort to Ashfall. That comfort was quashed as Riku slid over to release her. He stood proudly, and she knew the parade form they had rehearsed. He had forced her to watch show dogs, and made sure she knew her place. The needling under her scales was the only reprimanding she needed, and she was in place before the door lowered for them.

The parade march across the grounds was clean, and by the looks from the staff, well received. A quick and tight turn in place the cap to their little show. Seats were taken, and Ashfall sat at attention, as though ready in case of threat.

As the speech was given, Riku took notes. Pencil scratches across his paper map marked the locations as they were stated. You have not spoken much of your homeland. Riku thought to the dragon. Anything you feel we should know?

Ashfall glared daggers at the human. If not for the risk to her own health, she would melt him with no remorse. Nothing of note. She replied, though she kept the tone even despite her anger.

With no further speech to hear, no any further comment from Ashfall, Riku stood and went to receive his radio. He observed the woman who greeted him. "Ah, Madam Barbs," he replied with a slight bow, "and Herr Kruger, a pleasure to finally meet you." Riku then turned to his next companion. "Muhterem Atalar, a pleasure as well." he greeted with an equal bow.
Garret Krüger
Location: Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, 09:00, 1 May 2466
With: Allison Barbs, Riku Yamada etc etc.
Tags: Berries Berries @ Anyone else present.

The German plane, Wartburg, flew proudly towards Pohakuloa. The crew was mostly composed of various support teams for different fields. From engineers to doctors, one would think that this plane is meant for disaster relief but they would be wrong. In truth, this plane's purpose is to provide aid to the two, most important assets on board. Garret Krüger the special forces sniper-turned-rider and Oskar the Dragon. Both were present in the cargo hold, Oskar forced to lay down on his belly while Krüger checked through his PDA, reviewing the information that had been sent to him.

Oskar couldn't do much but get cramped in that awful position except twitch his ears in protest. Krüger looked up from his digital assistant."I know, I know... you're cramped, aren't you? We'll be there in a few so tough it out." Krüger spoke. He sympathized with the dragon, if he was that size in a place that small... Well, he'd be agitated too. He slipped the device into a side pocket then walked up to Oskar. He ran his gloved hand through Oskar's white mane. Guilt stabbed Krüger because he remembered the chip, they had implanted in his dragon. This isn't the first time for him, won't be the last either yet it still hurts the same. You would think that with time, it would become easier to deal with it but it doesn't. A sigh escapes Krüger. The sigh didn't escape Oskar's finely tuned ears. The slender dragon grunted to get his rider's attention. Krüger turned his head at the dragon's eye that stared at him. It's okay... No words were spoken between the two, a silent understanding."You're right, let's tighten it up." Garret smiled.

Over the plane's intercom, the pilot of the plane spoke."Prepare for landing" With the announcement, Krüger leaned against Oskar while gripping his mane tightly. The plane landed smoothly for the most part, some bumps sprinkled here and there. The cargo door dropped open. Garret and Oskar were the first to be seen leaving the plane. Both individuals marched proudly, their heads held high. Following them were the crew of the Wartburg. This little march wasn't as rehearsed as the Japanese's, it was quickly thrown together by the crew on the flight over here. Garret didn't particularly care for the marches, not for their own or any other. He thought them meaningless and should be saved for the celebrations after the expedition.

Everybody got into their seats and the meeting began. Oskar sat down, wings folded, spiked tail wrapped around his feet. The dragon emanated genuine pride at being here. He also liked the other dragons being there, ignorant of their treatment at the hands of their captors. During the briefing, Garret paid the utmost attention to the presenter's words. Memorizing key details while writing others down.

After the briefing ended, Garret went to retrieve his radio. He was greeted by Major Allison Barbs, America's designated dragon rider."Ja, First Lieutenant Garret Krüger, pleasure to meet you, Major Barbs." Then Garret spoke to Riku Yamada, Japan's dragon rider."Ah Yamada-san, it's good to finally meet you as well."

"Agent Yun, how do you feel right now?" A tall woman on her thirties asked Yun during their trip towards Pahakuloa Training Area, the site where the assembly would take place. The woman was Dr. Ming, the one in charge of the health of Yun and the country's dragon Yin.

"Dr. Ming, I appreciate your concern but for the third time for today, I am READY." Yun was sitting across the room. She wore a standard military clothes and was busy cleaning her rifle. While her words sound certain and confident, Dr. Ming already observed the homunculus' behavior for the last four days and she displayed considerable increase on her stress level, hence why the psychologist was rather worried about her state of mind, but no matter what methods Dr. Ming used to poke Yun, she won't budge and insisted that she can handle herself and doesn't need any help.

A weak growl could be heard from the room next door as the dragon expressed her discomfort and Yun ran over to the side of her dragon. Apparently Yin got motion sickness IF she was placed inside a plane and as such, Yun decided to put the dragon to sleep to reduce her discomfort. The dragon woke up just a few minutes before the landing was not a coincidence, Yun already knew the suitable dose needed to put most dragons to sleep over a certain amount of time.

The plane landed. Yun leads Yin out of the cargo room by holding the leash attached to the dragon's neck. At first the silver dragon seems overjoyed when she saw the open beautiful sky, but then she caught a glimpse of various strangers and several other dragons and her fear kicked in. Her instinct urged her to hide behind the plane's body, to shield herself from the possibility of pain inflicted by one of the stranger, but the rider Yun held her leash tight and even warned her by letting a weak electric current passed through the collar. No messing up, or more zap. That was what the dragon understand each time Yun uses the shock collar. Yin obeyed but decided to keep her head behind Yun's figure to gave her a fake sense of being hidden.

The speech was brief compared to the various experimental sessions Yun already subjected to and she remembers the instruction clearly. After that the event proceed to the distribution of some vital equipments. Yun retrieved her radio and spoke through it.

"Everyone, please make sure that your radio is working and is in the same frequency as the others." Yun's voice echoed through the radios. Despite registered as chinese, Yun lacks any noticable accent that was common among chinese people that tries to speaks english. As if she learned english first and chinese second.

Beren Atalar & Cano
Location: Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii
Time: 09:00, 1 May 2466,
With: everyone,
Tags: -

Beren's eyes were glued to the clouds that were moving around the air plane. She was sitting at the window side, her legs crossed and her face turned towards the light of the window to her right. The shine of the morning sun was being reflected by the gleaming metal of her right arm - her robot arm as she would secretly call it. She spread her metallic fingers and balled them up again. Last week, she was having some complications with the neuronal stimuli that were sent into her augmented prosthesis which caused her reflexes to be slower than usually. But after a meeting with her doctor and a couple of adjustments by her technician, the problems had been erased. It had given her a lot of confidence for the mission that was awaiting her and Cano. Last thing she needed was a half functioning robot arm while riding on the back of a dragon towards a nearly unknown island. Her eyes went back to the ebook that was laying on her lap. The open paper was titled with the name The Learning Repertoire of Reptiles written by J. Newman and S. Kingsley. She had decided to bring some interesting literature onto her flight to occupy her mind with something else than the upcoming mission. Yet, her thoughts went back to Covensano Island constantly, and she hadn't even finished the first five pages of the paper. Beren took a look at her wrist watch that showed 6 o'clock in the morning. Still two and a half hours of flight left, she thought, and decided to finish the rest of the paper within the next hours. Cano was still sleeping in the back of the airplane. She could hear the faint snoring of the huge reptile. During the next hours, the turkish woman was completely absorbed by the diagrams and analyses of the scientific literature.

Beren would have probably missed the landing of the airplane if not a high pitched voice had pulled her out of her thoughts. "Miss Atalar? We will arrive in about 15 minutes. Are you ready?" Her assistant for the mission, Elik Avni, was peeking through the door of the cabin. Beren pulled a strand of hair out of her face and looked up from her ebook. She blinked, needing a moment to find herself in reality again. "Yes, Elik. Sorry, I was reading. Maybe I need a moment to get our stuff together." The young woman smiled, and nodded. "As I said, we have a couple of minutes left. Take your time, and get Cano ready. We will probably be welcomed by the other participants and want to show ourself from our very best side."

For the next minutes, Beren was busy sorting out any kind of electronics she wouldn't need for the mission, freeing her suit from dust particles, and putting her hair back into a tight braid. Cano had a light sleep during the flight, and was very uncommunicative after waking up. Beren would quickly make some checks on his pulse, give him a some pills munched into a snack against the dizziness of the flight, and put on the riding equipment. Both of them were ready on the minute when Elik checked in again. "Perfect," she said with a smile. While Cano and Beren left the airplane and went towards their escort, Elik was giving her final instructions she had received by the turkish government. As soon as they had reached the two guards that were going to escort them to the first meeting, the secretary said her goodbyes and Beren thanked her for her work.

The walk towards the meeting felt like an eternity. How are you feeling?, she checked into the dragon who didn't say a word since arriving. Fine, he replied, briefly as always. The flight was long, but the medicine has worked. Thank you for that. Beren smiled lightly at the answer. Cano's friendly words were rare to find. You are very welcome. Now, We are soon going to meet the participants. For the sake of this mission, we should show ourselves from our best side. Beren instructed. And with a more soft tone she added: You remember about our agreement, right? The dragon remembered. I will help you and your country accomplish this mission, and you will find a way to bring me home as soon as possible.

Soon, they arrived at the meeting point. The guard stopped and Beren eyed the other participants. Some of the looked more taller and more bulky as she would assume. They were briefed shortly, but Beren made an effort to remember the words that were told, and eventually note down essentials on her map. After that, Beren was very keen to finally meet the other participants. The japanese participant bowed in front of her, and Beren mirrored his gesture in respect to his culture. "The pleasure is all mine, Mister Yamada" she said with a sincere smile while reaching for one of the radios that was given to her. She briefly checked the the radio in her hand when the voice of the chinese participant echoed through the device. "Very mindful, Miss Li," she stated, and greeted the woman with a polite smile.
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Immediately following Ashfall and her dog-show display, a slender, sandy dragon came tumbling out of another plane, churning up the dirt on the precisely manicured lawn with her long foreclaws. Pangolin swung her long neck around with her tongue lolling out of her mouth like a dog as she did so.

When she swung around to look back into the plane, the Indian representative, Priyanka, slowly stepped down the ramp onto the pavement just in time to watch Pangolin dive onto the grass and start to roll around, kicking up more grass.

Dirt! DIRT, OH HOW I MISSED YOU, SWEET DIRT! GRASS! Pangolin squealed inside Priyanka’s head, while she continued to roll around and make a mess.
Priyanka watched with a blank stare for a few moments, letting the dragon have her fun before she calmly thought, Pangolin.

The dragon promptly stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Priyanka, before sweeping the upturned dirt into a pile, almost shamefully. Yes?
Come here, please. Shake the dirt off first, if you will.
Okay, okay, okay, okay!
The dragon stood and shook her entire body, dislodging loose clumps of dirt off her scales as she did so before bounding over to Priyanka.

“Would you control that thing?” Priyanka’s escort hisses in Hindi, gesturing at Pangolin whom was now sitting at Priyanka’s left, her tail tapping the ground impatiently at the end.
“... no.” Priyanka said plainly, in Hindi as well.
“I do not control her. Our relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. If I can’t trust her to rein herself in, then we have more training and bonding to do.”
“We are on a United States Air Force Base-“
“Do you know how to deal with animals? Do you know how to train large, wild animals?”
“This is not a dog. This is a completely new and potentially dangerous creature that we have yet to fully understand. Do YOU think you can teach her to sit and stay like a Golden Retriever?”
“..... no. I do not.”
“Then do not try to tell me how to do my job.”
She said venomously, before turning to Pangolin and sending a thought to her.

Follow me, please. And do try not to tear up the lawn anymore, yes?
Oh no, dear. It is their fault for cooping you up in that flying tin-can. I told them you should fly beside the plane, but noooo, couldn’t risk you “flying away”.
I wouldn’t do that! I like you, Priyanka.
I know, dear. And thank you. Now come along.

While the briefing happened, Priyanka listened intently, scribbling down the important stuff like dates, movements, where they would taking off from, where they would be landing, etc. Pangolin meanwhile was idly running her claws through the dirt she was laid upon. Trying desperately to keep her tail from twitching in boredom the whole time.

When the briefing was over, Priyanka took a moment to gather all the information she had learned and organized it in her mind before standing up. She turned to look at Pangolin, whom was eagerly swinging her head around at the other dragons. She looked excited to be surrounded by them, but was unsure what to do with them.
Why don’t you go get to know them? We’ll be with them for a while.
Really?? Can I?
Of course, dear. Just try not to get into trouble.
OHhhhh, thank you Priyanka! I’ll try!
The dragon bounded over to Priyanka and gave the woman a big nuzzle with her blunt snout.
Alright, alright, go on.

With that, the young dragon charged off.
Immediately, she beelined to the largest dragon there, fascinated by his large size. How did other dragons get that tall? What kind of dragon was he?

“Wowowowow! You’re so big! What do they feed you to get that big? I’ve never seen another dragon as big as you, then again I haven’t seen other dragons in a REALLY long time, hi! I’m Pangolin!” The young dragon said to Gorgio all in one breath, sounding every bit like the hyperactive teenager she was. “What’s your name?”

Meanwhile, Priyanka stood away from the crowds of people, her arms crossed as she looked over the people and the dragon’s they would be flying with. Several of them disappointed her with. The behavior of several of their dragons was clearly unhealthy, and it irritated her to no end. The only ones that seemed to have a decent relationship were the German man and his... Long-Eared Daycrest? Yes, that was the name it was given. Interesting looking creature, for sure.
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[/div][/div][div class=charaname]Allison Barbs[/div][div class=text] [div class=tags] anderswo anderswo Thropian Thropian Ace Cream Ace Cream Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian explosiveKitten explosiveKitten [/div]

Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, 10:00, 1 May 2466

Information in bold is points relevant to your post. Hover over the text to scroll the text box down.

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As the other representatives entered the briefing area, Allie did her best to observe them out of the corner of her eye - trying not to appear overtly interested. Gorgio was doing the same; for while the pair didn't get along well, they nonetheless had similar personalities, and often times thought in similar ways. It might be that similarity, in fact, that prevented them from getting along, seeing that they were both prideful to a fault and somewhat aloof. The human representatives seemed pretty standard, and similar to what Allie had read in the bios she had received, but the American did note that the other women seemed awfully... frail. Shrugging a little to herself, Allie was about to turn her attention away when a commotion.

The Indian pair seemed to have arrived, and as they did so, the common tunneler was tearing up the lawn rolling around. Eyebrows raised, Allie cast a sideways glance at Gorgio. At least you're not like that. She remarked to the dragon, whose attention had also been captured by the disturbance. At least you're not like that, Gorgio returned, head rotating to indicate the Japanese procession that had put on a show of marching. The pair having reached one of their usually short-lived peace agreements, they relaxed a little.

After being addressed as 'madam' by Riku, Allison's eyebrows once again shot up. That was one she hadn't heard before. She didn't bother to return the bow, instead continuing her journey towards the radios. "I'd prefer to be addressed as Major, if you would," she responded to the Japanese man, before nodding to Garret as he returned her greeting. "The pleasure's mine, lieutenant," the woman replied as she turned away once she was given her radio. Allie fiddled with the device for a second until Yun's voice echoed through, at which point she activated it to reply. "Affirmative. Radio frequency for this mission will be 243 MHz."

Meanwhile, Gorgio was having an experience of his own after the tunneler had enthusiastically charged at him. Taken aback, the dragon stared and blinked at Pangolin for a couple seconds before forming any words. "Nice... to meet you too," he said, a mixture of irritation and surprise in his voice, "they call me Gorgio. And I was just born this way, I guess." After wanting to see other dragons again for so long, Gorgio wasn't sure why he was feeling so disturbed by being confronted by this tiny one. Wanting to extract himself from the situation but not knowing how, he grasped onto the one thing he had on his disposal - his rider. Taking a couple strides towards Allie, he gave Pangolin an apologetic snort. "She called me, I'll talk later," he lied as he returned to his human.

Glancing up in surprise, Allie's head scanned from Gorgio to Pangolin. Make a friend? She queried, lips drawing into a smirk as Gorgio snorted again with displeasure, opting not to respond. Not about to press the issue, Allie turned to the rest of the group. While the mission had not had a leader declared, and instead they were all to work as equals, she had the best knowledge of the immediate territory so she opted to take charge. "Once you have confirmed your radios work, gather your materials. Takeoff will be in 10 minutes. It is projected that our journey will take us no later than one hour, at which point we will arrive at the North Shore entrance." She commanded, projecting her voice to make sure she was heard.
[/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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"243, confirmed. Over." Riku answered the radio check. With all the last minute preps done, he returned to Ashfall to ensure her saddle was on properly. Stretch your wings. he mentally ordered, We will be flying soon.

Ashfall perked up as she spread her wings. Real flight? No planes this time? she asked, a bit skeptical. Riku stepped back as she stood to fully stretch out, and began flapping her wings. It has been too long.

Riku pulled on his own bag and riding gear. Don't get too excited, we are to stay with the others, so you will not be flying truly free. We are returning to Covensano, and the flight will take about an hour. This news doused some of the dragon's enthusiasm, but not all. She settled and allowed the rider to climb on and latch himself to the saddle.

"Yamada here, ready for take off. Over." Riku radioed out.

Yun nodded at the radio frequency confirmation and double checked hers to make sure all devices were ready for the mission. She then looked at the China's logistic team

"Prepare Yin." At the command, the logistic team jumped into action. They mounted a saddle onto Yin's back, along with several boxes filled with medical kit, the drones kit and a large metal cylinder that was anchored onto the part of the saddle near the dragon's neck. Yin understood what she must do so she lowered her body to make it easier for the team to do their job. It only took several minutes until the leader of the logistic team gave Yun a nod. Yun checked the saddle and showed her approval.

"Ready to take off." She announced her readiness. The dragon was walking in circle behind the woman trying to get used to her new saddle.

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