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Experimental Love (Volchan+FreeSpirit)

Winter 2030

Crowzer’s Lab

Five years had passed since she died and since then Thomas Crowzer had never stopped finding a way to bring her back. He wanted to do the ancient method at first, he tried all possible ways to bring the original body back to life but every time he finishes, the body itself shuts down and stayed lifeless. He had met too many dead ends but he never doubted his own capabilities, he knew somewhere in this world there is a way to bring someone back to life, if not the original body then maybe a copy of it.

He studied this method of cloning for a year and tried producing copies of her, using human bodies that he modified himself and her DNA. For another year, he never had a success. He tried other modifications, altering the formulas and adding other new substances but the clone became all sorts of things but her.

Through the miraculous advancement of science, everyone could easily preserve things and make copies of it. For him, it's only her that matters.

Tic, Tic the sound of water dropping on the white tiles echoed all over the lab. His hands were trembling from exhaustion as he did the last step on the clone. It wasn’t his first time, he had done this a couple of times now but he felt himself hoping for a success this time. Through searching, he found a new substance that could help the body to fully function and this is the first time he attempted to use it on flesh.

After placing the body inside the chamber, he injected the altered formula in one of the tubes. The water turned green but nothing had changed with the body. He didn’t expect something to actually happen as soon as the body had absorbed the formula, he knew waiting is inevitable. It’s nothing to him, he is a patient man and he could do all sorts of things just to see her alive again.

Hours had passed the sound of the machines beeping and his own breath almost deafened him. He sat on the steel chair in front of the chamber, staring at the floating body inside that looks just like her. Thomas remembered her as an extra ordinary woman. Everything about her cannot be explained by mere words alone, her face, her smile, her voice, her fair and slender body. She was perfect and natural unlike the body in front of him, fake and imperfect but he doesn't see her any different. For him, the modified body in front of him is still his lovely wife.

The light outside had completely vanished, the cold night had arrived. The only thing that illuminates the room was the greenish lights coming from the chamber. He didn't move an inch for hours and he felt his body go numb and the exhaustion finally kicking in. He took off his glasses and wiped the lenses, for a moment he sat still with his eyes closed. Remembering the memories with her wife, those warm and happy memories. He felt a smile forming on his face when he heard a slight sound of movement inside the chamber. His pale blue eyes and mouth were wide open as he looked straight to her eyes as it looked back at him. "Welcome back Darling...."
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The darkness, the cold, the silence had been all she'd known for months; ever since she'd gained some form of awareness. She had no idea, but she'd been growing at an altered rate for years inside her watery chamber. A physical copy of the scientist's dead wife; she had pale skin, a slender body, and shoulder-length mocha colored hair that drifted gently around her face within the chamber. She'd technically been conscious for a few months, but hadn't had the strength to move her body or open her eyes. Being fed nutrients and oxygen through tubes, she'd had all she'd needed to thrive inside the long container.

She'd become more aware of sounds recently; her own breathing, the water moving around her, and a strange distant hum from somewhere unfamiliar. She could hear it again; that strange shuffling sound of someone, or something, moving nearby. Everything was muddled by the water, but she'd become accustomed to the distortion by now. She didn't know who, or what, she was. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know what those noises were, but she was curious. She wanted to wake up, and now that she'd gathered enough energy she was going to do just that.

Her left hand made a slight twitch as she willed herself to move for the first time. Like a fetus within its mother's womb she slowly started to uncurl her body from the fetal position and move her limbs for the first time. The sensation of the water shifting around her body was new to her, but in some way it felt nice. Her body shifted around a little more, small stretches and the flexing of fingers and toes, until slowly her eyes were able to open enough to get some small glimpse of her surroundings. Having never used her eyes before, and being held in water, her vision was fairly weak. However, she could make out something from outside the world she'd grown in. Her deep green eyes took in the somewhat familiar shape. She'd never seen before, but somehow there was something about it that sparked something inside her. She didn't know why, but she wanted to touch it. She clumsily reached out towards it, only to be stopped by the thick glass she was encased in. She didn't feel any fear from the situation, but there was obvious confusion and curiosity within her eyes.

Thomas watched her at awe. He knew somehow that this time it would work but finally seeing her move made his heart ache, is it because all his hard work had finally paid of or perhaps because he knew that the woman inside the chamber was just a mere copy of his dead wife. But seeing the face and body of the woman he loved and still loves, all of his thoughts vanished but the thought of holding her in his arms.

His sight went into a complete blur and tears fall down from his face. The feeling he had at the very moment could not be explained, he felt his heart pounding so hard that he finds it hard to breath. Then he saw her reached for him and instinctively he reached for her too even he knew that the thick glass was in between them. He stared at her, straight to her eyes with a warm smile as he wiped the tears on his face.

Fear, that's what he felt. He was scared to get her out of the chamber, scared that she might break down again and scared to see that she was nothing close to the original, that she is not his wife but in the back of his mind, the curiosity of a scientist was itching him, wanting to come out in the open and even as much as he wanted to ignore it, he knows he can't.

After pushing the red button, Thomas watched as the green water started to drain. He knew she would be frightened when she practically lived inside the chamber together with the water, without it she might feel her life was threatened. And he would do everything to make her feel other wise.
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The figure moved and soon there was a hand on the other side of the glass, though she couldn't feel it. She stared at it curiously, oblivious to the other's suffering. What, or who, was out there? Why couldn't she reach them?

The scene continued for a few minutes before the figure moved again and a drain opened up beneath her. She felt the water move violently for the first time, as well as the suction as it was pulled down the drain. She seemed confused and a bit startled at the sudden change, moving her arms and legs a little more drastically as if to fight the pull of gravity. The lower the water became the heavier she felt, until the very last of it was gone and she was left curled up at the bottom of the tank. She'd never felt full gravity before, so she was now even weaker than she'd been previously. She could hardly move her body now, and the light in the tank was brighter now that the water was gone. Her eyes stung and she closed them, breathing in heavily. What had happened? Her body didn't feel as numb now, and a whole bunch of unfamiliar sensations were bombarding her. Was she in danger? Why had things suddenly changed? Was it that thing's doing?

Her body gave a little quiver, wet and cold now that the air was hitting it. The nutrient tubes were still attached, including the oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. She'd never had to breathe on her own before. Much like an infant, she knew very little about how to control her own body. She tried to move again, but could only give a small flop. What was going to happen now? She felt an uncomfortable feeling inside she wasn't used to; she wanted to hide or run but she couldn't. All she could do was lie there with her wet hair clinging to her face.

As Thomas expected, she would freak out with the sudden change. He knew the following moments would be fatal, she's fragile and he needs to treat her like a delicate doll that could break anytime.

He ran to his cabinets, trying to find a blanket that could cover her wet and bare body. Everything is new to her and every single thing would confuse her, he just hopes that his being would suffice to make her at ease at least temporarily. With a royal blue blanket on his hand, he rushed back to her.

He changed the room temperature lower than the usual, the right celsius that is close to the water's temperature before opening the chamber. He stared at her, heart pounding and hands sweating. It was his wife on flesh, the same face, the same body, the same hair....everything is the same but he knows it's not her. Just a perfect copy of Hilde, his lovely wife but for now, all that he wanted was to forget that fact and spend the night with his wife.

"Hilde, darling?" He spoke with unfamiliar gentleness "I know you might be confused and scared but everything will be alright. I will carry you out of this place and you just have to trust me..." He said and waited for seconds before gently sliding his arms under her and carry her out of the chamber. He settled her down the wooden table and reached for the blanket before looking at her. "I will cover you...you don't have to be scared..." He said before slowly wrapping the blanket around her body. "My name is Thomas Crowzer and I am your husband.."
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There was a loud 'clank' before the container's door squeaked open and whatever creature had been outside suddenly revealed itself. The young woman managed to open her eyes again, weakly staring back at the being in the metal doorway. There was something about its eyes, something haunting and yet vaguely familiar, that wanted to pull her in.

A voice, the first one she'd ever heard clearly, penetrated her long-deafened ears and for a moment she seemed more alert. Her weariness took over again quickly, however, and her form shrank a bit under the burden. All she could do was stare as the being cautiously approached, disconnecting her from the breathing mask and other tubes to pick her up. For a moment she struggled to breathe, as she'd never had to before, before taking in a big, shaky gasp. It was such a startling moment for her that she'd barely registered being lifted or carried or even set down. All the new sensations were a bit overwhelming to her. There were smells, sounds, sights, and textures she'd never even imagined.

Upon being laid on the table, she stared dazedly at the person who'd taken her from the only world she'd ever known. She was shaking a little bit; both from the cold and from fear. There was so much going on at the moment, but she didn't understand anything. As the man wrapped her up in the soft material she made a small sound. She'd never felt something like that before......it felt nice.

Most of the fear she'd shown before melted away and was replaced instead with a sleepy curiosity. The warm softness of the blanket was making her tired, not to mention the soft tone the other was speaking with. His words seemed to go right over her head, however. She shifted a little bit in her blanket cocoon, but that was about it. Words like 'husband' and 'wife' didn't really mean much to her yet. Her mouth opened a little bit and she pushed out some sounds, but nothing intelligible. Even if she could currently speak, her voice and body were quite weak. They'd never been used until now, after all.

He felt a smile forming on his face, seeing her as lovely as she supposed to be. The small movements she made is enough for him to make himself at ease. It was a success He thought and he slowly reached for her. She touched her face as gentle as he can. Her cold skin felt damp on his hands but as soft as he remembered it to be. He knew it is wrong for him to think that this copy is his wife but with the perfection he can't control himself but to think otherwise.

"Don't worry...I know everything is new to you.." He said as he reached for her hand. It felt small on his hand that it made him think if it would crush with sudden tightness. "But I'm here to guide you....every step of the way...until you regain everything." He said and gently let go of her hand. He stared at her, "I will make sure that you will regain every knowledge that you have..."

He wasted so much time making and waiting for the perfect vessel for his wife's dna when every second is important to him because the person who killed his wife is getting farther and farther away from his grasp.
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Physical contact was unfamiliar to her, so when the man reached out and touched her face she gave a tiny jolt of surprise. Her weak eyes pinned themselves to the hand that had made contact, as if trying to understand the situation. Once the shock faded, she noticed the warmth from that hand. It was so different from how the water in the tank had felt. It was solid, rough, but gentle. There was something comforting about it that made her feel less uneasy.

The man spoke up again, bringing her attention back to him for a moment rather than his hand. Of course, when he reached out to grasp her hand gently in his her attention was stolen yet again. She couldn't move too much, but she could see his hand touching hers. As he gently held her smaller, soft hand her fingers curled a little and brushed against his. The sensation of touching someone else; of being touched....she didn't have the words yet to describe the feeling, but it was the best thing she'd felt since becoming aware.

That hand pulled away again, but she didn't want it to. She managed to reach out for it a little, her arm shaking a bit from the strain. She didn't respond to his words; she had no idea what he was saying. All she seemed to care about at the moment was contact, but that wasn't such a surprise; anyone would be desperate for human contact after such a long time in isolation.
Thomas was a bit preoccupied with his thoughts of the one responsible for his wife's death but her small hand that had reached for his made him come back to the reality. He looked down her trembling arms, tracing the visible greenish and purplish veins with his eyes down to her hand that barely had the strength to hold his's. He smiled at her thinking that maybe he could really make it, bring back his wife to this clone in front of him.

He touched her face once again before gently taking her hand away from his. "We have lots of time for that..." He said with a chuckle as he walked to his table. He put his things inside his bag together with the files about Code Hilde, if his clone experimentation is indeed the reason why Hilde was killed, this file isn't supposed to be somewhere that could be found since Code Hilde is different from other cloning experiments and formulations.

He slipped the bag behind the wheelchair before pushing it to Hilde's direction. "We have to get you out of here..." He said and gave her a warm smile. He knew well that even though clones can't decipher everything as soon as they regain consciousness but a smile is still a smile. A smile can earn you trust more than words can. He gently slipped his hand on her back and legs to carry her and slowly settled her on the wheelchair. He stared at her head from behind for a while, giving her time to have her reaction and adjust. He gave her too many firsts and unknowns within the first half an hour of her life and as much as he wanted to take things slow for her to be able to gasp everything, he knew he can't, they can't stay here for too long.

He started pushing the wheelchair. The lab was on the first floor so unnecessary freaking out from elevator was avoided and the journey to the parking lot was smooth as a silk. He opened the car and carried her to the passenger seat, he knew she would be terrified but he doesn't have the time to look or care. After tugging her seat belt, he run to the drivers seat and gave life to the car. They are just minutes away from his and Hilde's house but he knew for the being beside him, it would be hours for her. For comfort he held her hand before driving off.
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The young woman stared after him when he went to collect his things, feeling the weariness taking over her. Being 'birthed' was an exhausting and traumatic event, so naturally she'd be feeling worn out. She listened to the foreign creaks of the chair's wheels as Thomas rolled it to her and in moments she'd been scooped up again and placed into it. Her body was mostly useless at this point, and without the proper strength her head flopped to the side. Her damp hair clung to the sides of her face as she took in a few deeper breaths. She had no idea what this thing was, who the stranger was, or where they were going. All she had any concept of was her own vulnerability.

She made another quiet sound, half asleep at this point. She felt the chair move and watched with low-lidded eyes as things passed by around her. Nothing made any sense to her, and with her current level of energy she didn't have enough in her to process much. Even when they reached the parking lot outside she barely registered the cold evening air. She heard another unfamiliar sound as the door was opened, and then again she was lifted and moved to another place; this time somewhere more soft and warm. She felt something pulled across her and then a loud sound that caused her to jolt awake. Her eyes, now a little wider from the shock, darted across her vision. She was in something, but she didn't know what.

Looking to the side she saw the stranger beside her. If he was in here too did that mean it was safe? There was a little humming sound and she felt and saw them start to move. Seeing things she didn't recognize passing by was overwhelming to her. There was so much to take in, so much she didn't understand, but when she felt that hand reach out and take hers again, her mind settled and she relaxed. After all the excitement she really was feeling tired. She tried to keep her eyes open, but her mind kept slipping. Before long her eyes slipped shut and she fell into a deep sleep, the sensation of the man's hand fading away as things went dark.
The car drove as fast as Thomas wanted but he made sure that no sudden turns and brakes would be made. He doesn't want to wake the sleeping beauty beside him.

It's been months since he last stepped foot inside their house and he hated every moment he spends there because she's everywhere. Every corner in the house, he could see Hilde. Smiling at him, cooking for him, waiting for him, longing for him and now he doesn't have to suffer anymore. He's taking home his wife at least a vessel of her and hopes that the house would be able to trigger some emotions and knowledge to her.

Taking the last turn, he glanced at her. Just making sure that she's still there and breathing. The way she looked while sleeping on the passenger seat brings back memories to him. Hilde used to sleep at the same spot when she went to his lab and waited for him until he's done with work. She would arrive at the lab wearing the most colorful dress with the lunch box on her hand and in that instant the lab would lit up because of her smile.

He missed her so much that he thought he would go crazy without her but maybe he did lost a part of his sanity after all he had done.

The house seems like a haunted one with it's lights off and eerie feeling. He wondered how many stories had build up around the place since he stopped coming home. After carefully parking the car, only then he lifted his hand from hers and with a gentle touch on her face, he woke her up. "Hilde darling...we're home"
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It felt like no time at all before she was awakened again. She gave a small, tired groan under her breath. She didn't want to open her eyes, but made herself because the person had spoken again and she had no idea what it was he'd said. She stared at him with an exhausted look; one that said she barely had the energy to keep herself up. For someone who'd spent their entire life up to that point sleeping with almost no external stimulation, she was doing pretty well at holding herself together.

Her eyes shifted a bit to look at their surroundings, taking in the dark home they were parked in front of. Looking at it, something began to tickle the very back of her mind; like a small cog beginning to turn. She didn't know what it was or why they were there, but there was something about it that was, in some way, familiar.

She stared at it for a few moments before closing her eyes again with a tired sigh, her weary body giving a tired shudder. She really couldn't stay awake right now.
Of course she would be tired but with his excitement and adrenaline rush he almost forgot about the fact that she had been just alive for an hour. He watched her close her eyes in exhaustion feeling a bit ashamed of his selfishness.

Slow and as silent as he can, he stepped out of the car. He made sure the blanket was well wrapped around her body before carrying her to the front door. Unlike his wife, the being on his arms was light as a feather that he could carry her around all day without having a hint of exhaustion.

He freed one of his hand and put his thumb on the lock sensor. As he entered, the place lit up itself making him squint his eyes for a second to adjust his sight.

Technology had made people's lives easier and made them greedier.

The house looked as he left it months ago. The vanilla walls, the emerald carpet, the brown french door windows that leads to once Hilde's colorful garden, the L shaped brown sectional sofa, the flatscreen TV set beside the book shelves that can pass as a small library and the flower paintings of Hilde hanging on the wall. Everything were still in place except the unwanted dusts the is enough to give away an intruders foot prints.

Thomas carried her to the masters bedroom which magically had protected itself from invading dusts. He slowly slid her under the white covers of the bed and stared down at her. She fit perfectly as he remembered making him believe that right from the start she belonged to his life.

He let her rest as he do lots of work. He went back to the car to get his bag and hid it inside the safe box in his office. If they happen to find it, they have to cut his hand to open it. Finished to what is important, he rolled his sleeves and started cleaning the house.

One rule that Hilde made inside their house: No clones or androids steps inside this house. Since I can manage to do house work by myself. He suddenly felt sick knowing that he ignored Hilde's words for the second time.
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By the time Thomas had scooped her up again, the newborn Hilde was back in a deep sleep. Even as she was carried through the cool night air and the bright lights of the house flashed awake at the man's touch, she barely stirred. The blanket held her secure as Thomas made his way to the bedroom and put her to rest under the covers. When she was at rest, she made a small sound and managed to curl up a bit on top of the soft mattress. By now her mocha colored hair had mostly dried and was lighter now than it ever had been. It was strange to think that she'd have never known the sensation of dryness or even of a bed before. Even food and drink would be new to her!

The night passed by without any trouble. Hilde didn't even stir until nearly noon the next day. As the light of the sun reached and warmed her through the windows, she finally began to come to.

“Mhnn.......” She moaned quietly, her eyes finally opening again after her long sleep. The last thing she could really remember was being in the lab; everything else was a weird, sleepy blur. She blinked a little, taking in the new environment. She'd never seen or felt sunlight, heard the distant sounds of birds calling, or seen a place like this before. Even the soft material she was shrouded in was foreign to her.

Taking a little time to adjust to what she was experiencing, she found herself wanting to move. Her body was still weak compared to normal, but she was far less sleepy than she had been the night before. With a little groan she tried to push herself upright, but her arms were still pretty limp. She didn't seem the type to give up easily though; and with a little effort she managed to move to the edge of the bed. The problem, however, was that she had no idea how to use her body. She also didn't know how to catch herself if she fell...


There was a loud sound as she dropped onto the floor. She hadn't really hurt herself, thank goodness, but the force wasn't something she was used to. She seemed startled and confused for a moment, staring up at the ceiling above her, before rolling onto her stomach and doing the most natural thing someone like her could; crawling. It was messy, to say the least. It was more like the beginning stages of crawling with lots of shifting limbs but little movement from one place to another. Digging her hands and feet into the carpet, she finally manged to push off a little and move across the floor. It was slow going, but it was better than the living log she'd been the night before. Of course, a seemingly full grown woman awkwardly crawling across the floor would be a strange sight for anyone....especially considering she was now naked thanks to her blanket coming off in the fall.
Thomas had finished cleaning the house at midnight with a few short visits in the master's bedroom. He just wanted to make sure that she's fine and still there with him.

He loved his wife, truly loved her but being a scientist isn't something to be taken lightly. It took everything of him, strength, time and passion that all he could do for Hilde was say goodmorning when he's home to take something or argue with her. He took her for granted and when she was gone, only then he remembered that she was his life.

This time, he's not going to make the same mistake even though the Hilde now isn't the same wife he had.

He was woken up by the morning breeze coming from the open window. He had slept for hours sitting beside the bed, aware of everything around him, the wind, the crickets, and her slow deep breathing. He looked at his watch, 11:00. "Slept too much..." He muttered and gave a glance to Hilde with a smile before having a shower.

He stared at his reflection on the mirror. Seeing the beared forming on his face, he remembered how Hilde shave it for him. He sighed trying to clear away the thoughts and shaved it slowly himself.

He can do sandwiches and fry bacons and eggs. With full determination, he started cooking. Light smoke formed in the kitchen as the pan sizzled with bacons. He felt humming, for the first time since his wife died, he felt calm and relaxed.

Until he heard a thud from upstairs. He quickly left the frying and run upstairs. He was panting as he opened the door, eyes wide at the sight of unoccupied messy bed. Then he caught a movement on the floor and there he saw her crawling like a lost baby.

Ah...then he started laughing. "Hilde dear..." He called. Eyes teary as he approached her and gently lifted her back to her bed. "Hello darling..." He stared at her shinning eyes. There's full of wonder and questions in her eyes but there's this familiarity between them that neither he can explain.

Then the smoke detector started ringing..
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Hilde's head perked up when the door burst open and Thomas came running in looking out of breath. She stared at him, her head tilting a little bit in subtle curiousity. It was the person from before...but where were they now? This wasn't the place she recalled from last night, or from any time previous. What was going on?

The man scooped her up again, a big smile on his face as he laughed at her. Setting her in bed, he spoke again. He kept saying that one word 'Hilde' over and over again. Was it an important word? She looked back at him, trying to take in what was going on. Everything was so different and new to her; she had no idea what to make of it all. Opening her mouth again, she tried to copy his sounds.

“...Hi...l...” She managed to say. If it was an important word, she should know how to say it right? Maybe if she learned how to interact with this new person, she'd figure out where she was and what was going on.


She seemed to be starting to catch on, but before she could give it another go a very sudden and loud sound penetrated her sensitive ears. The blaring alarm caused her to give a startled jump, and she shook a little out of nervousness. She tried to curl up or cover her ears in some way to block the sound. Was something wrong? Were they in danger?
Thomas felt his gut twist as she made weird sounds. Did I get ahead of myself again? He thought thinking if she was now showing signs that would make him dispose another copy of his wife. He thought she was different from those that became failures since she showed different kinds of reactions that others never did before. “...Hi...l...”  He was frozen in place, excited for the next sound that would come.  “Hil...de....” He gasp when she was able to speak her name.

Thomas never had time to stop and think of having a family of his own because he don't think he'll be a good father since he never felt fatherly love or affection from anyone. But now, he felt the kind of happiness that he never felt before, the happiness of a parent after hearing his child's first word. Before he could speak a word the smoke detector started ringing. "Shit...Stay here, don't move" He said before running out of the room.

When he reached the kitchen, smoke had already invaded the first floor. He turned off the alarm then he dropped the pan with the black bacon in the sink before opening the windows. He stopped for a moment wondering if that alarm is enough to gain unwanted attention.  I don't think so...I might have just been overthinking things...He decided to return to Hilde before something happens again.
Hilde continued to try and block out the loud sounds as the man rushed off somewhere, leaving her behind. Of course, she didn't understand what he'd said to her. After a few minutes the noises stopped and she blinked, her ears ringing a little from the overwhelming sounds they'd just experienced. Looking about herself again, her eyes caught the sight of the blue sky outside the window. She'd never seen such bright color before, and continued to stare at it until she heard the man return.

When he came back she looked at him, staring. She didn't know enough right now to ask him anything, but curiosity could be seen in her eyes. The whole world was new to her, after all. It certainly was turning out to be a confusing one too. It was all so different from the pod of water she'd spent her entire life in before now. She made more sounds, but no words formed yet. What was going to happen now?
Thomas caught her looking out the window. Only then he noticed that the weather is nice to have a little walk outside. It would be a good experience for her too and he would be able to observe her reactions with the stimuli around her. He opened the cabinet and look for his wife's clothes, the yellow floral spaghetti strap dress caught his eyes. "Ah.." He took it and walked back to Hilde.


"It's weird to be doing this..." He muttered before showing the dress to her. "D..r..e...s...s" then he pointed his clothes. "W..e...a..r" He looked at her wondering if she can even get what he was doing. "C..l...o..t..h..e.s...something to wear.."
Hilde watched the man walk over and search through the closet. When he brought over the dress she stared at it; drawn in by the bright colors. They were so different from anything she'd seen before, so in her curiosity she reached out to touch them. Of course, when Thomas began slowly pronouncing words to her she stared at him. Dress? Clothes? Wear? Her eyes bounced between his clothes and the dress he was holding. Why did they look different? Was that normal?

“...D...Dress?” She managed to ask, her head tilting the slightest bit.

“Wear dress?”

It was as if she'd absorbed the information in nanoseconds. Then again, she'd been designed to adapt and learn at exceptional rates. If this kept on she'd be functioning pretty much normally within a few days!
“...D...Dress? Wear dress?” Thomas smiled as she had managed to pronounce a word perfectly. "Yes! You should wear it...and of course...it would be cold outside..." He thought about his wife, she doesn't like wearing coats or sweaters that's why she doesn't have any of those in her cabinet, usually she wears Thomas's. He opened another cabinet and took a black coat which his wife had worn a bunch of times. "C-o-a-t...you also should wear it..." He added as he dropped it beside her. "But first...you should take a bath..."
Hilde wasn't sure why, but it seemed she'd mad the man happy. He smiled and got all excited when she spoke. Did that mean she should speak more? Maybe if she kept saying words he'd smile more. She watched him say something and then retrieve another item of clothing, giving it another new word.

"Coat..." She repeated, staring at it as he put it next to her. He said something again and she looked up at him.

"...Bath?" She asked, tilting her head a little. She didn't see anymore clothing. What did a bath look like?
Thomas nodded, “Yes bath…Come on…” He muttered and gently scooped her up on his arms and went to the bathroom. “This might surprise you again…but I know you’ll easily adapt…” because I made you that way. His smile faded as the thought came to his mind. “Here you go…”

He slowly settled her in the tub and turned the warm water faucet on. “I’m sure you’re familiar with this feeling…this is water…” He said trying to scoop water on his hand to show it to her. He rummaged through the cabinets and dropped Hilde’s pampering things. Sponge, strawberry shampoo, and the floral shower gel.

He turned off the faucet and dipped the sponge on the water. “You just watch and remember what things are for so you can do it for yourself the next time…to be honest, this isn’t actually healthy for me” He chuckled. As much as he knew that the Hilde in front of him now is just a mere copy of the original but still, he made her a perfect copy of his wife and he’s a man after all. He poured the shower gel on the sponge and started to wipe it gently on her body.

As he massage her hair with the shampoo, bubbles form and float on the air. He remembered how Hilde loved to pop those bubbles like a little kid, he suddenly felt a tiny ache in his chest as he wondered when was the last time that he had seen her that way. Warm and happy…
Hilde made a sound when she was scooped up, staring up at Thomas as he carried her to the bathroom. When they arrived, and Thomas put her in the tub, she watched curiously as he turned a knob. Suddenly, warm water came pouring out of the faucet and began to fill up the tub. The sensation of water made her heart flutter; it was a comforting feeling after all the strange things she'd experienced in the last several hours. When Thomas held up a handful of the stuff and gave it a name, her eyes lit up a little.

“Water....Hilde water.” She said with an enthusiastic expression. She really liked water, but why wouldn't she? She'd grown up surrounded in it, after all.

She watched Thomas grab up some things, moving her limbs a little as the water rose to about her tummy. It wasn't the same as the tube she'd spent so much time in before, but it felt good none the less. When he returned and turned off the water, Hilde observed. He dipped something in the water before saying something and then putting something else on the thing he'd dipped into the water. As he started to wash her body she squirmed a little, feeling a bit ticklish since the feeling was new to her. Whatever he was using to wipe her with, it smelled nice.

Soon enough, Thomas began working something into her hair. The feeling was nice, and since he was so close Hilde could easily reach him. Curious, she reached out and touched his face. He felt warm and soft, just like her.

“Thomas.” She said, focused on him rather than the bubbles.

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