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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Experiment Three


Lover of not you
Character Sheet Name: (Please state your character's full name)

Age: (Characters can be aged from FIVE to FIFTY)

Face-Claim: (I will notify you if you seem to have the same face-claim as another member)








Role: (Governor, Patient or Staff): Extra Information:

Explain how you were captured by the government IF you are a PATIENT.

Explain why you work for the government IF you are a member of STAFF.

Explain why you agreed to carry this operation out IF you are a GOVERNOR.

Accepted members will be mentioned on July 20th.

Reserved face-claims: Rosie Huntington Whiteley {Chocoholique} and Nadine Mulkerrin and Ethan Dolan for
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"Love, No Such Thing."


Persephone Montegomery

Age: Sixteen

Face-Claim: Rosie Huntington Whiteley

Personality: Persephone is quite kind to those who require assistance and need help in a situation, but she is quite cunning and daring. Behind all of that innocence lies a devil of a girl.

Backstory: Persephone, The Goddess of War. The defintition of her name tells you everything you need to know. Growing up and watching her mother constantly being abused by her father for little mistakes, Persephone developed a new emotion, rage. She would lash out at anybody for the smallest of things and becomes quite fiesty and aggressive. The blonde remembers to stop herself, what she does not want to become is her father. As the years went on and Persephone enrolled into a high school, she met many people whom she befriended. They did not dare ask what happened behind the closed doors of her home as they were aware of how sensitive that topic was. Then something unexpected happened, her father left them. Apparently he had had enough of their nonesense and so emptied out their family savings, moving to another country. Persephone knows not where but she does not give a damn anyway. Her and her mother struggled to get back onto their feet, if it was not for the generosity of their acquaintances and friends then they would not know where they would be. Of course things changed, she got a different father, Robert married her mother in the middle of high school, a few years after her biological father's disappearance. Robert does pretend that she is not there sometimes and the habit had grown onto her own mother, forcing Persephone to spend days out with her friends and dread the idea of going home and being neglected. The wedding is coming up, her mother being so excited and rushed off her feet decided Persephone could choose her bridesmaid's dress. Maybe she did not want the wedding to go on, would that make her evil? Now coming to the verge of the end of high school, Aphrodite looks forward to the college years which lay ahead, away from home. She just hopes she gets there in time.

Likes: Persephone is a fan of music and has a passion for dance. She likes the fact that she is independant and does not have to lean on anybody for support and she loves food, like every other sane person should.

Dislikes: Persephone hates the fact that some girls give pathetic excuses when playing sports, 'Seriously, but my nail might break!' is the one she has heard the most and the one she cannot help but roll her eyes at. The blonde also dislikes the fact that people think she is weak once they glance at her, which is why she is open to strangers, to show that yes, she is a threat. A very dangerous one.

Strengths: Perseohone thinks outside of the box, thinking of and carrying out ideas nobody would ever think of. She is confident and speaks her mind and she is athletically built for any troubling situations. She shows leadership skills.

Weaknesses: Persephone is quite unnecessarily snappy at times which drives people away and she does not trust people at first, coming out quite cold.

Role: Patient

Family: Her once-loving mother is Lily Montegomery {age 35} Her monster of a father is Walter Montegomary {age 35} Her to be step-father is Robert Mersai {age 36}

Extra Information: You may call her Pen if you think you are in her good books.

How She Was Captured: As Persephone was running in the morning, she decided to step into a cafe for coffee. It was deserted but she thought nothing strange of it. She ordered her latte and the worker then handed her the coffee only to tell her, "Don't worry." Persephone raised one confused brow and asked what he met, only for him to look up and reveal his face, plastering on a smirk and replying with an icy tone, "You will be perfect soon." After that, her mind went blank after that sip of coffee.

"My Life Is Far From Great, But That's Okay, I Guess. Whatever..."
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Name: Sakuzyo Camellia

Age: 26

Face-Claim (I'm going to use
appearance instead of Face-Claim if you're okay with that, @Chocoholique?):

Personality(I don't waaaaannaaaa): Good at acting...

Backstory: He doesn't like sharing his backstory... Because he can't remember most of it. All he remembers is sitting in what he now knows as a recovery room, and being led to an empty house by a scientist that kept hissing at him to act natural. That was when he was 16. He went on from there, feeling embarrassed almost every day not knowing most every new term since a long way back, and people still tease him for talking with proper English, as if taking like a thug was better. He WAS just a lowly patient before, but now he oversees the recovery wing in the best hospital there is, the same one he came out of when he was 15. He's more comfortable being a buisness person then interacting with a human.

Likes: Seeing a patient go home happy with their family.

Dislikes: Sharing his backstory.

Strengths: He has a razor sharp focus and can tell when your lieing.

Weaknesses: He can't talk to people he hasn't already been acquainted to.

Family: None.

Role: Staff: Oversees the Trauma Recovery ward in the hospital.

- He just wanted Trauma Recovery patients to have a happy reintroduction to the world.

Accept me pls
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Name: Arthur White

Age: 7

Face-Claim: Young Asa Butterfield

Personality: Quiet, shy, and generally scared of everything. He's not one to speak out of turn. He's also clumsy, both verbally and physically.

Backstory: "I had a purple lollipop once!" Yeah, that's all he remembers.

Likes: Lollipops, stuffed bears, being the center of attention

Dislikes: cats, shoes

Strengths: He's a distraction that works every time. He's also very good at getting what he wants when he wants it.

Weaknesses: He's seven years old and has extreme ADHD

Family: Laura White (mom), Darryl White (dad)

Role: Patient

Information: Always sucks on a lolipop. It's basically a pacifier. He also gets injured a lot.

Explain how you were captured by the government: Parents turned him in
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Character Sheet Name: Flynn Zeke Kalberg

Age: 18



Personality: Flynn seems calm and collected on the outside. Smart, funny, and mature. On the inside, he's batshit crazy. A lying, cheating, insane snake.

Backstory: As a kid, Flynn was beaten by both his parents, and they didn't really treat him well. So, he went bonkers.






-Mean people


-Things getting my way

Strengths: Extremely unpredictable, agile, and persuasive.

Weaknesses: Can't take pain, but tugs on the ring in his lip piercing when distressed. Emotionally breaks down easily.

Family: None. He killed them all.

Role: Patient

Extra Information: Was sent to the government by the authorities after he was arrested for killing his family.

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