Exalted III: Poorly-Named Game

"To good business."

Red Wire returns your toast.

Rest of the meeting probably isn't necessary to play out. Wanna go meet with Kyros now?

If so, you can just declare yourself to be at his pagoda. Travelling there won't be challenging.

The crew makes arrangements to offload the cargo and figure out rotating shifts for ship's watch. Those willing to meet a demon-binder set out with captain and cutlass, unaware of what transpired at the docks the night before.

Eventually, Ukkoya arrives at the Pagoda with two men.

Et voila.
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Once again alerted to visitors at his doorstep, Kyros put down the scrying stone and went to see who it was.

She makes a note to arrange for horses or a cart next time they come this way. Or convince this demon-binder to leave his fancy tower to meet them at the docks.

They halt several paces before the door, wary of setting off whatever strange, dark sorceries secured this place. "D' we knock, Captain?" ventures Gaern. "Eh, probably knows we're abouts. Le's make 'rselves presentable-like." Ukkoya adjusts her cocked hat, securing it at a jaunty angle over her bandanna-bound hair. Gaern and Koarr sheathe their swords, each settling into a looser stance but keeping a hand on the pommel.
Descending from the path leading to the pagoda, Kyros took in the sigh of the sailors before him, frowning. "You must be reckless or desperate if you would approach my home." He said, crossing his arms behind his back. "I am Crystal Mind Kyros, lord of this Manse. Name yourselves and your purpose here."

Fingers tightening on their swords, the men straighten. Ukkoya bares a toothy grin and steps forward before her fellows start shrinking back from the sorcerer's formidable presence. "Aye, reckless it'll be, 'specially before a mind as sharp as yours, Master Kyros. Captain Ukkoya be my name. And of my crew, Gaern, Koarr. As for our purpose, we've come for your advice. In the words of Red Wire, none match Master Kyros in matters occult and esoteric." Grinning, she studies Kyros' expression. "Be you willing to hear our proposal?"
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Hm. So he had referrals now, did he? Kyros supposed it was only a matter of time before his talents became a commodity, and while he would have preferred more time to build his power base, he supposed he could tolerate things moving ahead of schedule for now.

"Very well." He said. "I can be persuaded to bargain"

The Captain's smile widens. "Very well then. We man a mercantile, and we like to get our cargo to port in one piece. Red Wire's offering us cargo of a kind beyond our usual when she returns from her next voyage. We'd like to offer you, Master Kyros, a share of profits beyond the usual, if you'd provide us with the knowledge and means to transport our cargo safely."

She extends a hand, the solid, callused hand of a sailor. "Might we have persuaded Crystal Mind Kyros to meet with us reckless sorts again in a few months time?"
Kyros considered the offer. He was already in an agreement with Red Wire for a demon of her choice for an expedition, so it wasn't like he needed to go personally. Summon on a few extra denizens of hell, write down clear and explicit instructions on how to navigate the seas, and he could wash his hands of the whole affair.

On the other hand, seclusion didn't help with his desire to establish stronghold. As much as he detested the process, exchanges of favors were important to cementing his reputation. While he supposed he could be more discerning in his customers, Red Wire was a figure of importance, and having her in his pocket would only help him in the long run.

"Yes. I suppose I have been persuaded." Said Kyros, shaking Ukkoya's hand.
About then, another group of people comes down the road to the pagoda. It's Pa-El, leading her crew and a surprising number of islanders. It's a well-armed group.


Have you lost any blood apes lately?"

You didn't actually tell the blood apes to keep your orders secret. I'm willing to allow you a take-back, though; it'd be lame if your covert mission failed because your minions freely told the enemy what they were up to.

Anyway, your demon inventory has become relevant. This situation might descend into violence. So which demons, exactly, would you like to have bound before the game's beginning? And on what terms?

Honest surprise shows on Ukkoya's face at the approaching leader's question. Also someone important, by her gear and number of followers.

The captain taps the underside of her hat in a brief, two-fingered salute before she steps off-side. She and her men quickly get out of the demon sorcerer's way but avoid physically positioning themselves behind either Pa-El or Kyros. Her first instinct was to placate, but this was Kyros' domain. And she was curious what sort of tasks he would send blood apes off to do.
Kyros frowned when Pa-El, armed to the teeth with both steel and mob, showed up at his door. Thankfully, he knew why she was here, and had a cover story prepared in advance. "A few seem to have gone missing, yes. They're usually more behaved than that. Why?" He asked.


He's playing ignorant, and I'll be using my Excellency to raise my guile if she Reads Intentions.
"Two of them attacked my ship. Injured one of my crew.

Have you lost control of your monsters, sorcerer?

Or is this something worse?"

Many of Pa-El's followers look nervous. They definitely don't really want to fight Kyros and his demons, but you get the impression they think they might have to. Some are eyeing Ukkoya suspiciously, apparently wondering if this mysterious stranger might be responsible for this situation.

Gorvarach looks happy as a clam, though. He's already drawn the fae blade that he bought from Red Wire, and is idly juggling it between his hands.

Thanks to Nobody's magic, it'll take a difficulty 12 Intelligence + Lore roll to remember the exact reason you sent those demons.
Kyros frowned, unable to recall exactly why he would have sent a pair of blood apes to attack Pal-El's ship, as it wasn't something he would have done without a very good reason. Frankly the fact that he couldn't remember unnerved him more than the armed Dragon-Blooded before him.

"I have no idea." He said flatly, deciding to be honest enough to answer her immediate question. "Most of them are well behaved, for demons, so perhaps a few rotten apples were called up. Demon summoning is occasionally an imprecise art." He said with a shrug. "It's possible you may have done something to attract them without realizing it." He offered. "What were you doing when they arrived?"
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If you can't control these things, you shouldn't be calling them up. I expect compensation for the attack on my ship."

She adjusts the visor on the helmet that covers her face to get a better look at Kyros, and for a moment her narrowed, suspicious, eyes are visible.

If you want to read intentions to notice that Pa-El is about as confused as you are, you've got to beat her Guile of

3, +1 for a 2m excellency.
I recommend including something in your stunt about how you're trying to read the intentions of someone without a visible face.

For her part, she'll use a 3m excellency and roll 11 dice (including a stunt bonus) to notice your mixture of feigned and real ignorance. She gets

Is that enough?
Kyros watched Pa-El's body language and listened carefully to her tone as she attempted to set terms on him. Little things like posture, how the weight was distributed, where her arms moved and what words were inflected were enough to give him a decent insight to her mind.

"I'll be sure to look in to it." He said simply. "Although if you find yourself attracting more of them in the future, be mindful of what you're doing, as you may be drawing them to yourself unwittingly."

My Guile is 3, so I'll spend 6m to bring it up to 6.

Here's my attempt to Read Intentions on her. Spending 3m to bring it up to 9 dice for 1 success. Lame.
"Look into it?

Bullshit. Your incompetence - or perhaps your malice - endangered the lives of my crew. And if these demons are as poorly-controlled as you imply, everyone on this island is in danger from them.

Most of the people here aren't Dragon-blooded, you know. Having blood apes loose could very easily get them killed.

What are you going to do to make this right?"
"I will do nothing." Said Kyros sharply. "I will do nothing until I know the 'why' of things." He said. "If my demons are misbehaving, than I shall execute those malcontents as an example to the rest. However it is more than likely that some other factor is involved, In which case when I uncover it, I will handle it as I see fit."

"Are we done here, Pal-El? I have work to do." Kyros said, a tone of finality entering his voice.

Charisma 3 + Presence 3 + 3m for 3 more dice (9 total) to convince her to end things here.

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Pa-El just stands there for a moment. Then she exhales very slowly, and reddish fog comes from her helmet. Somehow, you can see her contempt for you in the shape of the fog.

"No. No, we are not.

If there was a government here, what you've done would be a crime. There isn't, but it's still horribly wrong. Do the lives of the people on this island mean nothing to you?"

Pa-El walks forward a bit to look Kyros in the eye. Her eyes are, barely, visible through her visor at this distance. She looks pissed.

"Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you're going to threaten everyone else's lives I'm going to have to threaten yours."

Ukkoya gets the distinct impression that, if she doesn't do something to intervene, people are about to die.

You guys sure do like to make things harder for yourselves...on an island where only one person can meaningfully oppose you, you go out of your way to antagonize them.

Pa-El's natural Resolve is 4. She gets +2 for a minor negative Intimacy towards you and +1 for a stunt. So you get nowhere.

She'll roll Manipulation + Performance to give the crowd a minor negative Intimacy towards you. 6 dice base, +2 for a stunt, -3 for group influence, +1 for Appearance. 4 successes, which is more than enough.

Then she'll try to intimidate you into backing down. 7 dice base, +2 for a stunt, +3 for her excellency. She gets

4 successes.

"If you'll pardon me for announcing myself, Captain Ukkoya present," she booms by way of introduction. As if signaled, each of her men remove their hand from their sword and stand at attention with a fist behind their back.

She raises her own hands above her waist, away from her weapon, and steps into the ominously narrowing space between Pa-El and Kyros. "Haven't heard your name, Captain," she says, turning to Pa-El, "but it's clear that you look after those in your crew 's well as those who make their livelihood on this island. You've the look of a just leader, and I reason you could make your point. But not without casualties. I would not like my own crew or myself counted among them." She removes her hat, which brushes against the jungle flora encroaching on the path. A jungle of dark shadows and darker things besides, even in the day.

She glances over her shoulder to Seven Spires Pagoda. "Demon Master Kyros, you've decided to make your livelihood here, like others. You've also contributed to life here in ways others could not." She hazarded that mage of his skill and renown contributed to the economy and infrastructure at the level that would leave a power vacuum if Pa-El had her way. Or worse, a power struggle if Kyros turned his works against the rest of the island. She glances over to the people that had followed Pa-El. "For every one who lives here, would you consider recalling those in your service 'til the cause of all this is made clear?"
"Seems clear enough to me. Kyros' demons are a danger to everyone and he doesn't care. He intends to let them run wild, and to offer nothing to those they hurt or kill.

We can't tolerate that."

Pa-El's voice is hard, full of barely-restrained anger.

Ukkoya turns over Pa-El's words. It sounds like Kyros had let demons move freely about the island for a while. Had this been the first public incident of bloodshed by these demons? Pa-El's dislike of the mage is clear. Does something else drive her? Where does her sense of responsibility to these men come from?

Using Motive-Discerning Technique for double 9's. -3 motes.

Doing Read Intentions to get idea of one of Pa-El's intimacies. Does she have something that ties her to the crowd?


3 successes. Seems lower than her Resolve.
Surely she had not misread a fellow captain? "It's clear," she says slowly, hands spread, "you and your men have been wronged, Captain. I may not know the intricacies of sorcerers or dealings with demons, but with dealings spirits, pacts are made." She lowers her voice. "Sometimes, these pacts are broken by a third party." Pa-El seems an intelligent Captain, so Ukkoya pauses only briefly. "I would not like to see these demons freed. I ask you, Captain, to reconsider. Enough blood has been spilled. Let Master Kyros answer for his actions another way."

Using Harmonious Presence Mediation for 3 bonus dice to social influence for remainder of Scene. -5 motes. I'm now at 5/13 Personal so @JayTee may wanna chime in.

Empathy-based guess Pa-El that has some sort of leadership Intimacy, like Ukkoya does. Attempting to use it as reduction in difficulty in Persuading her.


6 successes.
Pa-El's armoured face is impossible to read. But in her voice, and her actions, it's clear that she cares about her crew. She's not just looking for an excuse to attack Kyros; she really is angry about her injured crewmember.

"I think everyone here would like to do that. But he seems completely unwilling."

As she speaks, she turns her attention to Ukkoya. Her gaze has a peculiar sort of weight to it, as one might expect from one of the Exalted. She's sailed these seas for decades, and she's found that almost everyone has some kind of agenda. And now she wants to know, what's yours?

Pa-El's Resolve is 4, but her Guile is only 3. So you determine that she has a Major Tie of loyalty to her crew. She values their lives very highly.

The Major Tie counters her Minor Tie to Kyros, leaving her at 4 Resolve. So she's convinced. She'll avoid violence, at least for today, unless something happens to change her mind. But it'd be out of character for her to say so outright.

Pa-El is going to try and read you back. She wants to know why you care. 11 dice after the stunt bonus and a 3m excellency for

4 successes.
Is that enough?

Feels a little awkward stunting mental actions for NPCs. Not sure how much of Pa-El's internal monologue I want to put on display.

Anyway, two minor notes. You can always give yourself 2 dice for a stunt bonus, as long as you put a few words into describing your actions. And the dice roller here will count successes for you if you select the Exalted Roll option. It doesn't do Double 9s though.
"Hm. An inaccurate assessment, but given these hot blooded circumstances, hardly inappropriate." Kyros said thoughtfully. "I am unwilling to act simply because I do not possess all the fact." He elaborated. "Demons are bound quite tightly to their master, and I have no recollection of ever bidding them to assault your vessel, nor do I see any benefit from doing so. This means that either something went wrong with the binding, extremely unlikely, but possible. Or more probably, some third party has interfered." He said.

"Which would you prefer, Pa-El? That I apologize and rebind a new set of demons, only for this to happen again when a possible unknown agent moves against us, or that I investigate this matter thoroughly and deal with it properly?" He asked.

Spending 4 Personal motes and 3 Peripheral mote on Harmonious Presence Meditation as well. Since it wasn't 5 peripheral, no anima flair. Currently empty on Personal motes.

Making a presence roll to convince her to let me look in to this before jumping to conclusion. Not sure if I'm allowed to use the Intimacy she has for her crew, but if you deem it plausible for Kyros to have sussed it out by now based on her actions, I'd like to use it.

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"I would prefer that you apologize, pay compensation to the man your demons hurt, and dismiss your demons until you can demonstrate to us that they are safe."

You don't necessarily need to know about an Intimacy to use it, as long as it's plausible for you to have hit it blindly. But I'm not sure how Pa-El's loyalty to her crew applies to this attempt at influence.

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