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Fantasy Evil VS Good | Lore



The Overlord
The Requiem Domain

Home to many different races and creatures, this world has been consumed with much fighting and bloodshed. A struggle between good and evil has always plagued the land with no clear winner in sight. Kingdoms have risen and fallen so much that it is difficult to determine who has a rightful claim to whatever throne. Of course there are "Kings" and "Queens" but they normally rule under small territories and are all allied together to take down evil in the world. Concepts of alignment are also more boiled down to whether or not you're good or evil because at the end of the day that is all anyone sees. Actions that lead to good results mean you are good and bad results mean you are bad and no one cares about the in between. There are more than 10+ different factions and organizations in this world on the side of good but try to handle it in different ways.

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