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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems...

Lloyd heard a mystery person say hello. It kind of sounded like they needed help, but he was still in the girls dorm. 'Why do I have to be such a good person?' Lloyd thought to himself as he walked towards the noise. "Hello?" Lloyd said after taking a few steps, following the voice.
Sapphira froze, biting her lip. That was a guy's voice. She pulled herself to her feet, shutting her eyes tightly. Once she had regained her balance sufficiently, Sapphira made her way to the door to Lake's room. She opened it, stepping outside. She closed it behind her, leaning back against it. Her head was still killing her.
Lloyd saw the girl, and knew that something was wrong. Hurrying over, he asks "Are you ok?" She didn't look alright, it looked like the door was holding her up.
"Yeah, I'm just a bit light headed..." Sapphira let her voice trail off, and she clamped her mouth shut. She had no idea who this was, or what he was doing here. All she knew was that a loud crashing noise had woken her up.
Cole opened his eyes, sat up in a hasty way, and started to breathe heavily like when a child gets up from a nightmare. He found himself in a dark room, where the only source of light was what came in through the windows. One if them was open. A light, refreshing breeze got into the room, and cooled Cole's soaked from sweat body. As he looked around, he got confident that he was in a hospital, or in a medical room. After a few deep breaths, he closed his eyes again, and tried to remember what happened to him. Just before he could remember a memory, a sharp pain got into his head. His pain could be heard from outside too, but he was not loud. He tried to rub his head so that the pain would disappear but it was not a quite effective method. Slowly getting out from the bed, he first walked to the window to have a look at the outside. After standing there for a few seconds, he turned around went up to the door, opened it and stepped out of the room.
Lake woke up when she heard the door of the medical room shut. Crawling out under the blankets, she got out of the uncomfortable armchair. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Cole's bed. Ah, he's out of bed. She though as she smiled and adjusted her cap before freezing. "Cole's out of bed? Holy fuck, Cole's out of bed!" She said in panic and swung the door opened, looking down the hall she saw cole walking. "Cole!" She shouted and ran after him.
Hearing his name called out loudly, Cole turned around and saw someone running towards him quickly. His sight had yet to be return to normal. He held his hands to his forehead so that maybe he could see the other person better, but it had no use. "Who's that?" Asked Cole with a voice of a man who haven't spoken for a week.
Lake ran up to him with a smile on her face and tackled Cole to the ground before grabbing him by the color of his hospital Pajama's and crashed her lips on his. She pulled back and hugged his neck before starting to cry. "I thought you'd never wake up." She cried into his neck, tightening her arms around him, almost in a crushing hug, fearing that he would disappear if she let go.
Cole got really surprised. Not when he saw that it was a girl, who called his name, but when he got kissed, and hugged. It was a bit painful with the girl on him, but all the pain went away when he eventually looked at the girl's face. As if it was some kind of magic trick shown for a kid, Cole had to concentrate hard not to drop his jaws. The girl's face seemed so similar, and yet he had no idea when, or where did he saw her before. Looking into her eyes, Cole felt something strange. His chest got even heavier, and he felt hot again.

He got confused by this phenomenon. "Excuse me young lady. I think you might be mistaking someone with me. My name is really Cole, but please could you tell me what happened with me? I can't remember." Asked the girl with a shaking voice. The fact that he couldn't remember a single thing, made him scared so much. He felt confusion, scare, pain, curiosity, warm, cold, loneliness, and unsure all in the same time.
Lake stopped.

"…Mistaken…Cant remember..."

Lake stopped breathing and quickly scrambled on her feet again before taking a step back. "A-ah, um, s-sorry." She said and felt her heart hit the floor. He can't remember me… Or any of us… Or me… Gathering all her emotions, anger, sadness, disappointment, regret, she held her tears in and crossed her arms, bitting her tongue before speaking. "You got electrocuted." She said. He probably doesn't remember anything of his powers either. "You've been in a coma for a couple of weeks… Sorry for kissing you." She mumbled and it her upper lip when she felt tears forming in her eyes. "Excuse me." Was all she said before turning on her heels and running out of the hall, to her room as she tried not to stumble of the emotions now running freely through her system.
"Wait!!!" Yelled Cole after the girl and he ran after her. Unfortunately, he lost her track after a corridor. "That girl knows me for sure..." he thought. "Why can't I remember of anything??? Why is my head aching so painfully when I try to remember? I want to know the truth." Cole just ran towards a direction, and hoped that he would find her again. He had no other hope but only that girl. She was his last chance.
Lake ran into her room, passedLloyd, jumped on her bed and kicked Sapphira, who was now awake, off of it. She crawled into the furthest corner off the bed, grabbed her pillow and just stared at the wall. "If you guys would please like to leave?" Lake asked a little sad, "I want to be alone for a little while if you guys don't mind."
"Uh, ya, sure. Goodbye then, I guess." Lloyd said, feeling incredibly awkward. This was lakes room, but another girl was in it. And that girl didn't seem well. And now Lake was crying for some reason. So, he did as she asked and left, there was nothing else really to do.
"Lake!" Sapphira whirled around, facing the girl. "What happened? Is everything alright?" She paused, her face flickering with worry. "Did something change with Cole?"
"Don't talk to me about Cole!" Lake snapped and threw the pillow at Sapphira. "Don't ever EVER mention him to me again! He's dead to me, okay?! He doesn't remember a single fucking thing besides his name! Now leave me alone!" She said as she cried and hid under the covers.

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I had heard the commotion emitting from Lake's room and got up. I made my way out of my room and quietly into the other in time to see Lake throw the pillow at Sapphira. I took a deep breath and sat next to Lake, rubbing her shoulder. "Just because he doesn't remember now doesn't mean he won't. Even if we have to help him," I said softly. "Shhh....everything's gonna be alright. If it's not alright, it's not the end."
"No, it's not! Go away!" Lake shouted and pushed Aurora out of bed as well before she covered her head again. "You don't know how bad it was!" she sobbed. "H-he didn't remember anything! Things were just starting to get better and then Oliver had to lose his fucking control!" She removed the covers from her head and sat up. "All I want to for everything to be alright just once! Is that really too much to ask?! Apparently, because you guys won't even leave me alone for one holy fucking second!"
Sapphira dodged the pillow, watching Aurora try to comfort the grieving girl. She bit her lip, clasping her hands behind her back and looking down at her feet. I'm so sorry, Lake, she spoke into the girl's mind. She could feel the waves of emotion as she reached out to her, recoiling a bit at the sheer power.
Lloyd turned around and saw the girl that he didn't think was in good shape just standing there. So, either his tired mind was addling his brain or he was feeling particularly bold, he walked back and gently grabbed her by the arm. "We should probably let her be by herself for now." he said as he gently tugged her arm to get her going.
I ran up the dorm stairs, a new door under my arm and a screwdriver in my one hand. I was smiling all the way to Lake's room until I got close enough to see the commotion. I poked my head in the doorway and said " Lake I got you a new do-...what happened? What's wrong. "
I looked up and sighed softly. "Cole doesn't remember anything but his name and she's upset," I said quietly. "She won't let anyone near her," I decided to add as I slowly backed away from her.
"GET OUT!" Lake screamed. "Get out of my room! Get out of my room! Leave me alone! Go look for yourself if you don't believe me! Just... Just leave me alone okay?" She mumbled, suddenly feeling to tired to shout. "Please..." She added softly. She just wanted to be alone even for just a second. She had just figured out that she liked Cole and now he didn't remember her. Pulling her legs up, she cried against her knees, hoping the others would just leave her alone for a bit.

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I silently walked out of Lake's room, gently pushing g past Oliver. I went to my room and sat down on the bed in complete and total silence.
Cole took the turns by instinct, but is seemed to mislead him. Not just he got lost, but he didn't know where did he come from. He was exhausted. Probably because of the coma, he tired out even from the slightest exercise. He sat down to the ground, with his back against the walls, and tried to get some breathe. He wanted to talk with the girl from before so much, but in that moment he saw not many chance to find her. He wanted answers to his questions, and his memories to return.
Sapphira glanced up at the guy who was grabbing her arm. She jerked it out of his hand somewhat gently, but enough to shake him. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice practically a whisper.

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