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One x One Evergreen98 & ShadowSnowStorm


Name: Seraphina Night
Age: 16

Specialty: Photography (Landscape)

Personality: Sera is an honest girl; she exercises her rght to an opinion and doesn't let others forget that. When she doesn't like someone, it becomes painfully obvious, and she spares nothing in letting them know that. While she's rather blunt when spoken to, Sera prefers not to talk at all. Human interaction is more work than she wants to put into it, and she would rather just avoid it.

Background: As the older of a set of twins, Sera never really got along with her family. While she was never outright rebellious, she never went out of her way to impress them. At a young age she decided that she wanted to take pictures of things, rather than do girly things like her mother. Having stumbled upon interesting cracks in rocks and cloud formations, she first started using her phone to take pictures. Before long, she'd saved enough of her allowance to buy herself a good camera with different lens sets. While her family wasn't even remotely poor, when she earned a scholarship, she jumped at the chance to get away from her childhood home.

Name: Sebastian Verlac
Age: 21
Species: Kishin

- Inhuman Speed & Strength
- Accelerated Regenerative Traits
- Minor Pyrokinetics

Personality: Sebastian isn't known for his patience. He's level-headed, methodical, impulsive. But he's not patient. He's also stubborn, and never gives up once he's set his mind to something. Of course, this does have it's limitations. Sebastian is prepared to kill, or be killed, but he's not going to go out of his way to die. He doesn't have a death wish. Pushing himself past his limits however, is a habit of his that's left it's scars.

Background: He was born many years ago, to a woman who would never had known what he would become. He tore through her womb, letting the woman bleed out as he was 'born'. He was a demons child, destined for bloody destruction. His entire like, Sebastian has been surrounded by death, in his and other demons constant power struggles. When he turned 17 he finally managed to earn his freedom, and hid away where no one would find him. He was annoyed at constantly being attacked, and found himself sealing some of his powers inside of himself. Now he attends school, and trains alone.
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Name: Shai Night
Age: 16

Painting and drawing

Shai is a shy and quiet girl that likes to keep to herself. She loves to spend all her spare time in her art and nothing else. She likes talking to her twin sister since she gets along with her well, but when it comes to new people she talks very quietly and would possibly think of an excuse to avoid them.

When Shai was young, she had a hard time expressing herself. She would often behind her twin sister or her parents during family meetings, parties etc. She would even hide in the playground away from the kids. She started to get into drawing when she went to an art museum with her parent. She was mesmerized by the art she saw and wanted to try drawing to express herself. As years went by her passion for art grew and well she wanted to be an artist and share her art with people. So she opened up a small online business where she creates art for people based on the criteria they give her. When she heard about the scholarship, she decided to give it a shot and was surprised when she heard she got it.
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Angel ( imagine him without the wing)
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